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About ShivaShakti

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  1. Ausar a Fraud?

    patience is virtue
  2. Ausar a Fraud?

    you are genuinely very thoughtful, thank you so much.
  3. Ausar a Fraud?

    As far as i know Sifu Dan La Rochelle has one. ---- Anyway ausar made a new youtube vid apparently against my thread, and two of his minions sent me PM. one of them asking me to pull down my thread. I think this thread has big impact already as one site blog that highly promoted CKY already deleted his blog posts. This dedicated thread on thedaobums is productive and is already number on google search as exposing Ausar's fraud. This is making a difference for GMDW
  4. Ausar a Fraud?

    Yes it is Golden Flying Phoenix. I have tried much powerful med than CKY and GFP though. so you get the idea. My video (so called CKY) that came from Ausar, is much clearer than that upload of mine, as I want to limit image quality for anyone reading this thread can download it fast.
  5. Ausar a Fraud?

    GMDW is doing the moving mudras himself, so it is an authentic BFP. Only ausar renaming it and telling lies about immortality and light body can be attained by someone who practice this so called cky video. This practice, so called CKY is surely is strong though if i compared to some BFP videos that i have. The power of it is almost comparable to GFP intensity. However this is my personal experience only and your experiences may vary.
  6. Ausar a Fraud?

    CKY_tdb_3.mp4 Please click the link for you to download. The vid has no middle part for not to show the mudra movements. There are no breath percentage, but it uses OM mantra About this video, so called CKY: GMDW said It is for iron palm conditioning for chi development Clearly GMDW said it is not for immortality. No Celestial Kriya Yoga name been mentioned. GMDW did not say any light-body attainment.
  7. Ausar a Fraud?

    Really? I was not being attacked. Well that was surprising answer from a moderator like you. I guess i was too blind to see it? and what about "out of topic" thing. do you not consider too? or it's just my imagination again? But I mean say this thread is a dedicated thread for about Ausar scamming, while others are mixed into other threads and it would be confusing for readers. And I want to stress again I have a critical info to share about the so called CKY video. I am positive, if given a chance if someone is using search engines like google, to search info about Ausar fraud, this thread will surely be number one in the list. In effect this will benefit TDB website too and support its continuous growth, but i guess you don't see that way. So tell me, is this dedicated thread is not needed?
  8. Ausar a Fraud?

    Ausar (who is 24 years old and only found out about Bak Fu Pai two years ago) is telling people that he has learned celestial kriya yoga from GMDW and charging people $1008 to learn it. He is also selling other meditations that are made up or renamed for even more. There is no such thing called Celestial Kryia Yoga from BFP. What Ausar is teaching is his own modified version of a level 2 Iron Palm meditation called White Lotus. that Jim Lacy used to sell to students. Ausar is telling people all kinds of made up stories and made up stuff. He told me that he is the highest person in Bak Fu Pai and he taught many of the current Sifu's. He admitted that all the material he has comes from which is now run by Elijah Wilson (who has appeared on this forum before as thunder mind and all kinds over many years of con artistry). More can be seen on him here... So Ausar told me that Elijah managed to get in with Michael Lacy (Jim Lacy's son) and convince him to start a new business. Long story short Elijah and now managed to get all the material and access to the site and is charging triple the amount Jim Lacy used to charge. He like Ausar is now also making new claims about meditations but nothing compared to the extent of Ausars lies. Jim Lacy's late wife is not a happy bunny after what has happened to Jim's legacy as can be seen on her blog - The point of the background there is Ausar privately told me that he taught Elijah and is his teacher. Apparently that is why Elijah give him material as GMDW told Elijah he must listen to Ausar as Ausar is his master and actually gave Elijah his light body and inner thunder. Ausar says that Elijah is ok with the martial side but has not mastered it or the spiritual side like he (Ausar) has. Ausar of course forbid me to tell the guy at Iron Palm about our conversation or that he had sold me meditations like 'Golden Child Prays' and reminded me that he could spiritually bind me or block my practice from working at any time. Yes you heard that right. Ausar sells enlightenment but if you piss him off he threatens to spiritually bind you or block your practices from working so that you get ill if you practice. This is a threat to people to stop them from sharing so he can of course maximize profits. Elijah says the same stuff. Now Ausar has also said other BFP practices like Terry Dunn's Flying Phoenix Qigong are evil and must not be practiced. He goes further to say that with the help of heaven he as stopped FP practices from working. Basically he says that anyone wanting to learn has to go through him as according to him only he and Elijah have any real attainment in BFP. Meanwhile what people don't know is that GMDW has not authorized him to teach and has actually expelled him from anything to do with BFP. Yet Ausar still using GMDW's image to promote his material. It's disgusting. Ausar is on a mission. He calls it enrichment. He is sending his people out to try and recruit others with the promise of light body. But pay for the basic system and it won't be long before he says you have an entity and need to purchase another system of a higher level. He is an out and out crook. GMDW is ill and he is taking advantage of him and spiritual seekers. This information is not only important for the people that might want to empty their wallets for renamed meditations that Jim used to less for less than $100 but also for the people that have been conned and really believe Ausar can take away your light body. He cannot and has no power at all. He is a 24 kid backed by Elijah the well known con artist who steals systems and poses as a master. If you have done one if the meditations he sells and it feels powerful it's because it is stolen from Bak Fu Pai. It's probably not even called what he told you it is or even does what he told you it does. These meditations are not supposed to be altered or grouped in mix and match fashions. Some people could have bad reactions and actually get ill. By all accounts some people have. I think the RASA email there is important too as before the BFP stuff Ausar used to sell himself as a RASA guru charging people huge amounts for never ending sessions when he has never been trained or authorized. He has since removed most mention of it from his site, Now Ausar has also said other BFP practices like Terry Dunn's Flying Phoenix Qigong are evil and must not be practiced. He goes further to say that with the help of heaven he as stopped FP practices from working. Basically he says that anyone wanting to learn has to go through him as according to him only he and Elijah have any real attainment in BFP. Meanwhile what people don't know is that GMDW has not authorized him to teach and has actually expelled him from anything to do with BFP. Yet Ausar still using GMDW's image to promote his material. It's disgusting. Ausar is on a mission. He calls it enrichment. He is sending his people out to try and recruit others with the promise of light body. But pay for the basic system and it won't be long before he says you have an entity and need to purchase another system of a higher level. He is an out and out crook. GMDW is ill and he is taking advantage of him and spiritual seekers. This information is not only important for the people that might want to empty their wallets for renamed meditations that Jim used to less for less than $100 but also for the people that have been conned and really believe Ausar can take away your light body. He cannot and has no power at all. He is a 24 kid backed by Elijah the well known con artist who steals systems and poses as a master. If you have done one if the meditations he sells and it feels powerful it's because it is stolen from Bak Fu Pai. It's probably not even called what he told you it is or even does what he told you it does. These meditations are not supposed to be altered or grouped in mix and match fashions. Some people could have bad reactions and actually get ill. By all accounts some people have. I think the RASA email there is important too as before the BFP stuff Ausar used to sell himself as a RASA guru charging people huge amounts for never ending sessions when he has never been trained or authorized. He has since removed most mention of it from his site,
  9. Ausar a Fraud?

    No, not entirely. I have solid evidence on what GMDW say on the video, the so called CKY video. this is not a guesswork, this is facts. if you don't want to watch it as you somehow telling your satisfied, then its ok really. But others, especially to those true BFP practitioners like me, are eager to see. if youre talking about personal vendetta, say that to that someone who carelessly attacked me .. and "highly advise" him not to do it again. As you read my entire thread you will know I am not doing this thread just for me. I hope it is clear for you.
  10. Ausar a Fraud?

    No worries. Yes, I totally agree with you Those pages of ausar, as I predicted will be gone in no time, as I will reveal the details of the so called White Lotus, Celestial Kriya Yoga he is selling. So before ausar took those pages down on his own site, I have to make sure future visitors/members of TDB forum knows about ausar, and how infamous he is. He sure will be remembered and be in history. LOL That is my strategy, I will break him step by step. which reminds me to break a certain someone too. haha.
  11. Ausar a Fraud?

    Certainly not man. i am against ausar. pls read my posts from the start. im sure you wont be confused. I knew ausar was a conman, way back before anyone else have ever posted against him here on TDB. This is not a talk shit, but because ausar already screwed not less than 5 persons and they're all complaining Cheers!
  12. Ausar a Fraud? The 10,000 Lotuses Combined System – The Original Mystical Practice of Padmasambava, the “Lotus-Born” Guru Guru Padmasambava – The “Lotus Born” Second Buddha who brought the Light Body teachings to Tibet in the 8th century. The 10,000 or Unlimited Lotuses Combined System “Maahn Lin Fa” This historic release marks the first time this practice will be seen in this world since the time of Padmasambava. In Tibetan, Guru Padmasambhava is generally referred to as Guru Rinpoche, which means “precious master.” Guru Rinpoche is a totally enlightened being, a fully awakened one, a buddha. He did not become enlightened gradually, or start practicing the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni and eventually achieve enlightenment. Guru Rinpoche incarnated as a fully enlightened being. Through his form, primordial wisdom manifests in the world to benefit all sentient beings. Buddha Shakyamuni Foretells the Coming of Padmasambhava Buddha Shakyamuni actually predicted Guru Padmasambhava’s appearance. Nineteen different sutras and tantras contain clear predictions of his arrival and activities. In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni announced his own mahaparinirvana to the students who were with him at the time. Many of them, particularly Ananda, the Buddha’s cousin and personal attendant, were quite upset upon hearing this, so the Buddha turned to Ananda and told him not to worry. “Eight years after my mahaparinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.” Buddha Shakyamuni said that Padmasambhava would be even more enlightened than himself. Of course, Buddha Shakyamuni was fully enlightened and there is no higher realization, but by the Buddha’s manner of expression, we can begin to understand the importance of Guru Padmasambhava. Some accounts hold that Guru Rinpoche is a direct reincarnation of Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddha Shakyamuni also said Padmasambhava would be an emanation of Buddha Amitabha and Avalokiteshvara, and referred to him as the “embodiment of all the buddhas of the three times.” Many prophecies indicate that Guru Rinpoche would be a fully enlightened buddha, appearing in this world to help sentient beings. ( To read more about the biography of Padmasambava please read here – It was Padmasambava who originally brought the Light Body teachings to Tibet in the 8th century. According to legend, Padmasambava was told to have been born at eight-years old on a lotus in the middle of lake in Oddiyana, India. Padmasambava was said to have brought thousands to the Light Body state in his lifetime. Through his efforts, Padmasambava added a harmonious fusion of the Light Body teachings and Buddhist philosophical teachings to the native Tibetain “Bon” shamanistic religion that was already present at the time. Padmasambava brought thousands of disciples to the Light Body state of Enlightenment and completly changed the political, cultural and spiritual future of Tibet until the present day. 10,000 Lotuses System: The 10,000 Lotuses System one of the few main practices of Guru Padmasambava that was only transmitted orally and secretly via authentic Vajrayana Heart-to-Heart transmission. It is a direct transmission of the mystical Dharma that bridges the White Lotus of Hinduism, to the Gold, Blue, and Red Lotuses of Buddhism and to secret and mystical Lotuses that are only found in the celestial realms of Daoism and the realms of Immortality. The State of the 10,000 Lotuses system: When one achieves the Light Body through the 10,000 lotuses system it will be unlike the traditional Light Body state. Together with the Golden Aura of immortality, you will notice unlimited different kinds of lotuses start to emanate from you. Every few seconds your state will change from white lotus, to red lotus, to blue lotus, to fire lotus, and so on. This is not a normal Light Body state but instead a legendary and mystical state that cannot be reached by traditional Light Body teachings. You will be be able to enter the state and manifest the Light and Power of any Lotus at will. Ultimately you will experience yourself as a universe of ultimate Divine Lotuses. The 10,000 Lotuses Rotates from Lotus to Lotus greatly accelerating the Light Body progress, and bringing a state of Perfection, Bliss and Healing on countless levels: Lotus means Heart and ‘Light Body’. To realize the Lotus of the Heart means to realize the primordial Self. In the state of 10,000 Unlimited Lotuses, your Light Body (after it is achieved) will be power-leveled to unimaginable heights. As the states of the different Lotuses continue to switch and rotate within you, all known and unknown aspects of your body mind and spirit are purified and continually pushed towards deeper and higher states of enlightenment and immortality. The state of Unlimited Lotuses cannot be achieved by any other means other than with the 10,000 Lotuses system. The 10,000 Lotuses allows access to multiple dimensions of the Universe: Each Lotus is situated in a different heavenly realm and represents a different aspect of the primordial self in the heart and the primordial act of creation. As all the Lotuses are cultivated at once with the 10,000 Lotus practice all the hidden centers of the brain, correlating to all the different heavenly realms of the universe, will be awakened at once. The 10,000 lotuses causes a state of Omniscience and spiritual authority not only on earth but throughout all the Realms of the Cosmos. In time, you will be able to enter any realm at will. The 10,000 Lotuses will empower all the other Lotus “Light Body” systems: The 10,000 Lotuses system will allow you to sky-rocket your progress in the other CKY Lotus systems you are practicing, whether it is the White Lotus, Red Lotus of Gold Lotus. During the practice of 10,000 Lotuses you will feel at specific times the same energetic flow that manifests when training the White lotus, Gold Lotus or Red Lotus. You could say that the 10,000 Lotuses trains the White lotus, Gold lotus and Red lotus at once while progressing to deeper unheard of, and more mystical Lotus realms. Only for my current students, will I speak more specifically about what the nature of these more mystical lotuses. There is no system more powerful for the Heart other than the 10,000 lotuses. The Relationship between 10,000 Lotuses and Kriya Yoga: The 10,000 Lotuses combined system is among the highly advanced, legendary and mystical Kriya Yoga systems that very few masters know about. Kriya Yoga starts with the mastery of OM, the White Lotus. However, Om comprises only of a select aspect of Primordial Reality. The 10,000 Lotuses cultivates all the known and unknown aspects of Primordial Reality. I will share more details about this only to current students of the 10,000 Lotus system. The 10,000 Lotuses will allow you to realize the truth and significance of the Lotus: It is only through this cultivation that the true significance of the Lotus will be unveiled to you. The realization of the Lotus, will cause the Lotus to bloom in all aspects of your life: in your health, wealth, career, and relationships. The Lotus is the symbol of a new beginning, a new life, a prosperous purity and perfection that cannot be sullied by material matter or karma. The general Public has never before had the opportunity to Learn, Progress in and Realize the attainment and fruits of the 10,000 Lotus Combined System. Only if you were a direct student of Padmasamabava over a thousand years ago would you ever have the chance to learn it. Experience the 10,000 Lotuses Combined System Now: Price: 3000 USD (Before 5000 USD) You will receive: The 10,000 Lotuses Combined System of Padmasambava Buddha to turn the body into unlimited divine Lotuses. An extra preparatory seated golden meditation to assist will all the blockages preventing you from realizing the light body. This seated meditation will also allow you to to radiate gold light and constantly healed on all physical, mental and spiritual levels as long as you are connected close to the ground. An extra Red Lotus meditation designed to heal terminal illness and rejuvenate the body, effects include retarding the aging process and turning white hair to be black again. A wiring and initiation of the 10,000 Lotuses into your system so you always have the 10,000 lotuses flowing through you Initiating you with the ability to heal with the 10,000 Lotuses. Due to the rarity of this system, it can be only transmitted through direct initiation alone. The 10,000 Lotuses combined system will be available to those only those who have practiced one of our other lotuses systems. Receive the 10,000 Lotus system plus our foundational CKY White Lotus system: Price: 3500 USD (Before 5500 USD) This package deal will be for those sincere students who do not want to wait to learn the 10,000 Lotuses but want to directly “jump” into the ultimate journey toward the Light Body. Please use the contact page for all further queries about the 10,000 Lotus system and to discuss your eligibility to learn the system.
  13. Ausar a Fraud? Learn Celestial Kriya Yoga Now Practice Celestial Kriya Yoga and Awaken to the Divine Within. Celestial Kriya Yoga is taught in its entirety with no levels or stages left out. You will be practicing the same ancient meditation that monks practiced over a thousand years ago in far away hidden temples that were never opened to the public. Celestial Kriya Yoga is dated to 690 AD during the Tang Dynasty. After a thousand years, Celestial Kriya Yoga is finally being released publicly. Benefits of Celestial Kriya Yoga: Completely heal your body and mind of all diseases and impurities Supercharge your energy level by daily infusing yourself with Divine White Light of OM, the Celestial Light of Brahman. Awaken instantaneously to the Divine Energy that is your very Soul. Practice a meditation that is authentic and old scientifically designed to bring you unlimited realizations of enlightenment and cosmic oneness. Bypass long arduous unnecessary hours to control your mind. Awaken to Divine Bliss and your true Nature as Sat-Chit-Ananda, Existence-Consiousness-Bliss. Stimulate and energize all 7 chakras and 3 dantians. Completely awaken your Third Eye and latent faculties and powers of the brain. Experience deep Samadhi states of Turiyatitta. Become a Light for yourself and others. Ultimately Awaken the Light Body in the form of OM. Daily Practice of Celestial Kriya Yoga will guarantee one’s Enlightenment and awaken the latent divinity within you. How can I learn the Celestial Kriya Yoga Method? The Celestial Kriya Yoga method is taught via Skype session by Ausar. Upon learning the Celestial Kriya Yoga method and receiving a completion ticket certifying that you are allowed to practice the Celestial Kriya yoga Method you will receive a video of the Master of this system demonstrating this meditation. This information is strictly confidential and you are not allowed to share this video with anyone. You are then free to practice this meditation that will carry you throughout your whole life. Experience Celestial Kriya Yoga Now! Price to learn the Celestial Kriya Yoga via skype is $1008. This is a one time fee and you will receive all the 18 levels to the Celestial Kriya Yoga Method in its entirety as taught since the Tang Dynasty. Unlike other systems and schools there is no need to pay more for further initiations or workshops. Celestial Kriya Yoga is an ancient mystical artifact of an almost ‘lost world’. Practicing Celestial Kriya Yoga connects you to this lost mystical world that is now only known mostly through fairy tales or mythologies. Limited time offer for this Spring: Students who receive initation into Celestial Kriya Yoga will also receive two lying down advanced healing meditations. These two meditations: Establishes the foundation for the deeper alchemical process of Celestial Kriya Yoga. Fill the lower dantian with divine energy. Transform the “jing” (essence) into “qi” (energy). Fill the microcosmic orbit with energy (energy travels up the back of the body to the brain and down the front of the body to the lower dantian) Fills the macrocosmic orbit with energy (the energy circulation includes the legs and feet) Heals the eyesight. Heals all blockages and sickness in the body. Very easy to practice (can be done just before falling asleep or just when waking up.) After around two months of practicing these lying down meditations one should experience heat and vibration in the belly. A “physical” condensed ball of divine energy will form in the lower belly and one will experience their microcosmic orbit spinning rapidly. In many schools of Buddhism and Taoism, this represents the completion of “establishing the foundation”, “restoring ones essence” and “returning to youthfulness.” When this happens one does not have to practice the lying down meditations anymore and can simply focus on Celestial Kriya Yoga. Now one can full embark on the awakening of the Light Body in CKY. Just practicing Celestial Kriya Yoga without the foundational meditations will still awaken the Light Body as the divine will make sure that it happens for you. However practicing both Celestial Kriya Yoga and the lying down meditations will greatly speed up the foundational alchemical process within the lower dantian.
  14. Ausar a Fraud?

    Just securing these website pages of ausar before he take them down. As he already took down his RASA transmission page, of course he was charging for huge amount of $$$