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Everything posted by 4bsolute

  1. the simple truth

    No, not really. Your understanding is not yet complete. Neither is mine, but let me draw you a greater picture. One can call them "illusions" and they will temporarily appear to be "illusions" but that will not make them go away for oneself or for others. One self puts a layer of ignorance upon it. A blindfold. By forming this belief. This will not hold and create an imbalance. Lack of love and attack are realities. They are realities for the perceivers themselves. There is no illusion. To use the word "illusion" is ignorant. We tend to use the term "illusion" when we have gained fragments of greater insights, want to either boast with it - or - are in resistance to negative states and cast an "illusion" over them by calling them an "illusion." We subconsciouly want to negate this type of experience. We can not yet fully allow it to be. And we think calling it an "illusion" lets it lose it's power. Instead it gets reinforced. This experience is still there and it is valid. Even if your bodily structure transforms through your mind so great, that touching fire creates no imbalance (and you burn yourself) others still live in their reality where they have not yet realized themselves to such a degree that in this case fire will not burn them. It will. So who is right? The perceiver. And who is wrong? Generally the projector (my understanding might update here). Honesty to oneself is crucial. When we gain greater understanding and are no longer affected by what we have previously called "lack of love" or "attack" then these experiences still occur for other individuals. From their perspective it still feels this way. They are an integral part of this human experience. They are neither bad nor wrong. They have to be here in order for the Universe to be complete. Feeling negativity in our emotions is true. Thoughts and emotions can be transcended, yes, but they still occur for this 3rd Dimensional Eearth, for many other individuals who are learning in this way. What this allows us to understand is to truly let everything be as it is and move on. We gain a multidimensional awareness by allowing. Transcendence means Everything Is Still Here. It Does Not Disappear. We gain greatest understanding and realize ourselves as spirit. Eternal. This realization is everything. The Universe continues. This 3rd Dimension continues. A 3rd dimensional mind can/could understand it this way: If these experience would all miss, the Universe would collapse. Because it is an inseperable part of the whole. To solve all of this: You yourself would never ever call anything an illusion. Just perceive reality from your center again, where you currently are. And it all will make sense again. PS: I can not even call the main-hindrance "identification" any longer. Since so many concepts I came across, have lived and let go off let me understand that identification is needed. How we identify, how we rise and fall through it, is valid. It will sooner or later evolve. By calling parts of this experience bad, you cut yourself. Because You are the experience yourself...
  2. The informational approach is individual. The transformation itself beyond mental structures is equal to all "individuals". So to speak there is only one human experience in it's transformation. No need to worry that one might have missed a thing. No need to gather more information. It is all the same. So many different concepts, so many different languages. In essence their are all the same. So wherever you are right now, you can explore more information that is available on this planet, or you can just stick with where you are at. It does not make any difference. If we believe in a slowing effect, then yes, truly: More information slows down transformation, drasticly. Picture taken from this video including what you/me/he/she/it already knew. Nothing new.
  3. We put all of our senses in emptiness. So far I personally know of self-experience: looking at space between the objects feeling space around us hearing silence between sound Today I have made the complete experience of all three. This has been performed with this waking consciousness while not sitting in meditation. A slight altered way of perception happened each time. looking at the space between objectsThis is being done by focusing a few feet infront of you at a distance between objects. Not at objects themself but at the space between you and an object. That obect can and is surely best a blank wall. The eyes and all sensory perception related to sight will focus on nothingness. I personally have done this while sitting in a comfortable position. feeling space around usThis is being done by completely dissolving once physical identification with this body with the surrounding space. Sounds extraordinary but it is simply relaxing to the fullest while having no physical stimuli. Wind distracts, pain distracts. Eventually we manage to be so comfortable that we feel we become the space all around us. I personally have done this in the (video attached with a great instruction). I did this without knowing what I was doing and it felt so pleasant that even larger birds flew right 10cm past my body not seeing any difference. Lateron my mind tried to reconstruct What was actually happening there. Now it knows better. hearing silence between soundThis is being done by - I can't quite explain yet. And to me it was the most difficult in terms of actual comprehension. Because our environments are soo noisy. So where should there be silence? I pesonally have discovered it this morning and it was beyond pleasant. I woke up early and heard many birds outside singing their beautiful hymn to the Sun. No other sounds. I went back to bed and listened very comfortably and there it happened intuitively: I was knowing what I was doing but I can not reconstruct it (for now). I was listening and letting go of the sounds. It required concentration and I have never consciously concentrated on sound before. But it happened and appeared to be that the rhythm of each song fragment was setting like the Sun in my audible perception. It was extraordinary fluent. As if each bird song fragment from start to finish was being birthed and died again. A sense of deep peace overcame me. A pleasant feeling was being felt in my kidneys and I remembered that my ears are quoting TCM directly related to my hearing sense. That the kidneys are opening up "into" the ears. Mantak Chia also spoke about putting the ears to rest on the kidneys regarding "Sealing the Five Senses". Which seems to be nothing else than increase the space element in all of them and bringing them to a peaceful state. So far my self-experience. I am sure surrendering in meditation would be the most direct transformation. What other techniques are there to increase Nothingness in our Perception?
  4. Now that you have mentioned the heart and spaciousness of the mind, this thread is complete. Thank you for sharing.
  5. Highest most pure state of wei wu wei?

    It is beyond analysis, so thoughts wont bring you there. You wont really find answers anywhere in the form of information. The most potent and "external way" would be through individuals who have directly experienced it and then being able to transmit this energy. The only and last thought that there is, is that thought itself keeps oneself in the mental layer. Experiencing this state of existance is beyond the mental layer. That means, all what you think and therefor feel to be right now, will be down to zero. Your mind wont handle this, because it dies. Or it thinks it dies. Therefor it is a gradual process. Also known as trancendence. Transcending this mind into a state of possible "constant channeling" the All-mind. Your heart is this center. Inner Heart, Spiritual Heart. A couple of terms exist. This is the entry point of light with which you perceive your reality inside your being as energy and around you through your perception. Generally one does practices like Shikentaza to still both emotions and thoughts. And to re-enter nothingness. For your mind: By thoughts and emotions being still, you will not perceive this world anymore. Usually then one finds that it is not fulfilling to just do nothing. Because we are creators and we then go out into the world and "live" nothingness inside a created world. We dont just sit there and dissolve. We integrate it all. Maybe you can already imagine what joy this then is. I puzzle this together, currently, because my experience goes so far, that I can enter states of feeling no emotions (calm) and having no thoughts (rare). While the environment continues to exist and not in isolation. No thoughts mean you have no concepts, nothing. All is. Sounds beautiful, but there are also no feelings connected to it. Because their interpretation ends, which happens through thought. When you enter it conceptionally from the mind (which is ironic since this place is free from thought so every thought gets killed), I assume you feel "empty". And this empty is not pleasant. It has the notion of not wanting to be here, dying, no purpose. That is why there also comes a "feeling" up that is greater than emotions. This feeling / knowing, expresses itself as being connected to everything, being able to do anything, being accepted by everything. A state of pure potentiality, so to speak. I assume, I had a glimpse of it. Though it was very short, but it was so uplifting that I needed nothing else in that moment. Essentially that is life, I believe from my short recollection "this" life: That life is pure potentiality wanting to be expressed, wanting to be expressed by you. You already know this when it comes "back online". And when you attempted to "reconnect to your childhood" somewhere in your life, it gets obvious because you have been there. You know you can do everything, the question is How. Not really why. But How. And of course once you're in there and no other human with his or her concepts can stop you, you know yourself to be free again. Because who else has ever stopped you from anything? It was the belief system of this world, given by humanity. You can do this and you cant do that. And now, coming out of this primordeal state more frequently and with consciousness, you then clearly know that You Yourself can formulate what You can do. You are the creator of Your beliefs and that they hold exactly equal power than mass consciousness. You might just feel an energetic difference between many individuals expressing a certain belief (mostly unconscious following) and your single - it all comes down to how Truly You know that You are Your center. And when you have rediscovered Your center, through these practices and through understanding, then the explosion of mankind is near you, around you and it does no longer affect you. For you have tasted freedom again. And freedom is all there is. The Universe. God. You. But you and I (ultimatelly only I in many shapes and forms, like "you" ) came here to experience just that. And that is the human experience. Limitations. All others shook their spiritual head Why would one ever downgrade onself in such a manner, where all is truly one... and here we are doing it to come out of it even greater. It is such a joy to experience negativity, have it around you.. and be no longer affected. It is just like a breeze in the wind. When you can feel this, you are able to let the world be as it is. A prime example because many of you have issues since childhood and sooner or later flee from their parents instead of coming on common ground with them. They see themselves in a better future when they live "alone" by themselves. But all they would have experienced with their parents, is coming from their own subconsciousness. This subconscious mind continues to play itself out, where ever you are. It is here for presenting you "accidental" experiences, that are not "accidental" at all. It is all webbed together through the subconscious mind. Being free of the subconscious mind, is part of this experience you seek. It is not about changing it, because ultimatelly it cant be changed. Because change itself means that you are in resistance to it, which again, creates it further. That is why it is said Karma is eternal. Karma can never be uncreated. Karma = subconscious. But it can be lowered, drasticly. By being in a state of purity you speak of. Free from almost all desires. Because free from desires would then also mean that you as your soul no longer holds interest to be human Imagine your own mother is standing near you and yells at you, while you write your text here. And you do not care, you simple let it be as it is... you are content you know that you are allowed to do anything. Now you can picture yourself what I just did. I was not even able to write a clear line with her words trying to "push" into my mind. I was answering her, my headphone curbing her loud and negative output and I noticed that it was just fanning the fire, regardless of what I said. Even and what I always do in such situations, being positive. It just brings it forward. So I stopped and just went back to center. I came back into me and focused gently on what I wanted to write. And sooner or later it became fluently, while she continued to speak. And then, because her words caught no further attention, there was no feedback. So basicly she talked to herself. Which of course makes her (usually) even more angry. Which is natural. Nobody to vent, you are yelling at yourself. And then it disappeared and my emotions are so silenced that I barely feel them any further. Silenced... call it purified. Freedom. You are allowed to be. In any circumstance. You are allowed to still these emotions, you are allowed to still these thoughts. And go beyond. You might see no one around you performing this task, because it is really, really rare (from my experience). But people will notice you and they will ask questions. And at one point you will share your experience and the wonders of living this way. You are consciousness, crystallized through focusing into this human form. You can re-learn how to expand this consciousness. This consciousness has no root, no anchor point. Consciousness is everywhere, so you can be everywhere. And in this human form, I believe (and I hope so). Possibly I am just creating this experience yes I actually know I do, right at this moment. I can come "back". Being in all locations and then being and living in / as this body again. Combining it all. Life agrees and allows. Because I am no different to Life. I feel reconnected to a far greater extend. And who has re-established this connection? Who is writing with all of you in this forum? I am. I do, consciously. And I am, you. I am not speaking from a personal me. I am speaking from an "able" me. I am able (to). Come to a state of feeling yourself (more and more) as purely "I am". Am. State. And this ability to be is natural. And equal. So you can be whatever you want to be, coming out of this "I am". What has limited you and stopped you previously, was your surrounding. And this idenfitication with your surrounding is necessary to experience yourself "in between" the forms. But of course we let go off extremes. And extreme has become that "I go out there to fill a hole in me" and that "I eat this form, so I feel complete". It is about feeling more and more complete by yourself. Autonomous. Full power. Freedom. We will all get there. We are all doing this, regardless of what other I's currently think and what short-term desires they have "they" is also an illusion. It is, all. Not even using the term "one" any longer, because that implies duality and seperation. I wish I could keep these pair of earbuds/earphones on the entire day, because Sound affects us so much. I feel it affects me more than seeing. Practice looking between the objects, to "increase" the space element in your consciousness. And practice hearing silence between sound. I am currently figuring out how to do the latter. These are such beautiful tools to "dim" the noise in this world and live peacefully. An important tool for a possibly louder future the more we focusing, the more we become "that". Do more of what you want to do. It is personal and it lets you truly be who you are. Grab a headphone, listed to meditative music, if you have no opportunity to "blind out" externals - and create something. Feel how you get "fuller" inside. In my experience, this leads to deeper meditations. A paradox. I am me all the time and in meditation I suddenly become everything. While on the contrary when focusing outside of oneself, I am apparently everything all the time and want to control because I feel I cant control and then I am experiencing stillness either forced or through exhaustion and I can not bear it, because I want to control there also. Writing this was fun! Hope reading is also Thank you for the opportunity. αΩ
  6. Hello everyone, when we focus our sight at the space between objects we increase space in our perception. When doing this, our eyes first are able to fixate on a certain "location" in that space, but sooner or later the vision falls apart. Falls apart for me in a sense, that one eye looks here and the other there or I look through both eyes and see the room twice, so to speak. It feels unusual and my mind questions and feels irritated. I can continue with this I suppose. Have you experienced similar? And second: How how to hear silence? How do we focus on silence with our hearing sense. For example when there is music being played or people are consistantly talking, how to hear "through" this and perceive the silence? Kind regards.
  7. And how relaxing it feels to just know you are allowed to not care at all? I feel so lax... that I cant evasdagfsd call this an "I" talk anymore. BUT HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT BEING SOMEONE. HOW CAN YOU HAVE SO MANY FACES. my ex chopped at me. And I felt so bad. But now? It feels so relaxing to not care what you or everyone thinks of me. I feel like when I take a walk now an entire flock of birds just lands on me and calls me tree... Edit: of course I still care for spelling.
  8. When we breathe in an even pace with the perceived same length of an inhale and an exhale, what happens with the mind? I would assume we come back to our center. Since inbreath can be seen as future and outbreath as past. Or vice versa. No personal research done with it yet. All of this changes our thoughts. Since thinking is directly connected to our breathing. No breathing means literally no thinking. That is why in my personal research I came across information in which it is written that no thinking only can happen in the abscence of breath. And in my self-experience in a state not-breathing, I had not thought. I quickly had thought again wanting to analyze the situation, which made me breathe in again. What is the alchemical background of it? What is getting altered inside of us? I have noticed when breathing in this pace, that my outbreath is mostly much longer than my inbreath. So it was a very unsusual feel to shorten the outbreath and start breathing in again.
  9. Yes it was stirred up by you, my friend, and I was simply asking "why" I would put my mind into it and "form" my breath into that way - instead of letting the natural intelligence take over
  10. I hereby continue the mini-series to find the Self in day-to-day life. In happenings we tend to overlook, because they are so obvious that they are barely noticed by anyone. I encourage you to take all of this as a real experience and actually experience it for your self and find your own words for it. Not only thoughts and text. Experience it. How is it possible that when I am in the middle of cooking, I slowly notice how my body gradually expresses a feeling of saturation during the cooking process and when I am done cooking, it actually feels full, like if I have already eaten? But the meal stands clearly finished infront of me and I have not yet taken any bite... The idea of what we want to cook, is a future. In this future we have already eaten what we are cooking right Now. Our future Selves merge with our current Selves. And this can be felt to such an extend that we feel sated, without even having actually eaten physical food. I am yet about to discover what will happen when I do not even eat this food... Surely to be continued...
  11. I hereby start a mini-series to find the Self in day-to-day life. In happenings we tend to overlook, because they are so obvious that they are barely noticed by anyone. I encourage you to take all of this as a real experience and actually experience it for your self and find your own words for it. Not only thoughts and text. Experience it. Did you ever notice that when you seemingly travel a certain distance to a place or a location ... ... You, as your center of perception, did never move? You are still where you are, but the scenery infront and around you, was seemingly moving and has changed. Like a camera capturing a movie and you see this movie and can "imagine" the camera around and behind the movie screen - you watching the movie first person, were never moving. Stirred up by the idea of distance. Tracing this idea back to a space of no-distance. Surely to be continued...
  12. Stirred up by Dream_Bliss. When I think about something, I use my mind. My mind consists of both past and future. In my human state I can only assume a future, consciously. I am not capable of clearly perceive a future, yet. And I can take out what I already know, out of my past, my subconscious mind. So in the end, I fantasize. Some individuals call this "creating". But how effective is it? The assumed future has no real substance to it, since we all know how wonderful and colorful a day-dream can feel like and the real application feels Totally different. And when I think, I usually utilize my past. So I think always in the past. Nothing new is ever thought. Thought is simply a reflection of what already happened, so it is eternally the past. Can you see this? This moment right here and right now can not be thought about, because it is so fresh. It can only be experienced directly. Do you see the human dilemma, especially today in our modern world? People "think" they live, but they do not. They think. Living means being right here in this moment and experiencing. Making a direct experience with life. That does not require a setup, a preparation. Can never, how could it be? How can you think about what will happen in the very next moment? You can only assume it from what you already know. Do you see where this leads? It is an endless loop. Endless repetition. Do you see the "humanity" in all of this? How all of our trends are ruminated over and over again? How nothing profoundly new is ever invited? How could it be? It can only happen Without the use of thought, through a clear knowing. Please reflect upon it and see what is actually and only going wrong in this life. This penetrates all layers of our day to day life.
  13. Well yes, we can say that living in the future is living consciously. And living in our subconscious is somewhat living in the past. With all the we dont want to be. But maybe I come back to that, I can not precisely say that it is that way due to only sharing fragments of my own life experience that puzzles itself together to a more complete picture, right as we speak. And yes, truly, I am sure everyone sooner or later on it's "spiritual path" (path of awakened consciousness) will agree on how important it is, to live in the present moment. To understand what is actually happening. It only can be done from here. Surely it is not "wrong" but to learn how to use a tool, one must be able to perceive it from every angle. And how would we want to do that while we see ourselves to be "in" the tool itself? People identify with thinking, so they think they are the tool, which keeps them from properly using it. Well that would put it again in a "to be wrong" classification, yes, and to be even more precise lets call it a different conscious level of using it. First you must be it, then gain distance / space to ultimately use it in mastery. This is how I feel it to be currently in my life. The nature in human form currently Has just the tendency, largely speaking, that it does barely allow any change. So all the change that comes, looks all the same, over and over again. Do I personally want that? No. That is why I started to understand what keeps me from changing. And interestingly enough it was not me in the first place, it was more about what people think of me when I change. Because I tended to change so fast, people became mad, because they had trouble relating. Cant stress enough my own self-realization what a Good Attribute this is to have. This understanding is all subject to change.
  14. I have not come to date in contact with a more clear explanation that is free from any ideas we have built up here. A very "sterile" way of putting it. Personally, I can make much use of this. I hope, you can too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toYNjB7v9kM All the best.
  15. Something Wonderful To Think About

    When I think about it, I use my mind. My mind consists of both past and future. In my human state I can only assume a future, consciously. And I can take out what I already know, out of my past, my subconscious mind. So in the end, I fantasize. Some individuals call this "creating". But how effective is it? The assumed future has no real substance to it, since we all know how wonderful and colorful a day-dream can feel like and the real application feels Totally different. And when I think, I usually utilize my past. So I think always in the past. Nothing new is ever thought. Thought is simply a reflection of what already happened, so it is eternally the past. Can you see this? This moment right here and right now can not be thought about, because it is so fresh. It can only be experienced directly. Do you see the human dilemma, especially today in our modern world? People "think" they live, but they do not. They think. Living means being right here in this moment and experiencing. Making a direct experience with life. That does not require a setup, a preparation. Can never, how could it be? How can you think about what will happen in the very next moment? You can only assume it from what you already know. Do you see where this leads? It is an endless loop. Endless repetition. Do you see the "humanity" in all of this? How all of our trends are ruminated over and over again? How nothing profoundly new is ever invited? How could it be? It can only happen Without the use of thought, through a clear knowing. Please, please reflect upon it and see what so many of you do all the time and call it normal.
  16. To realize that we are not moving around in one fixed landscape, that we are in one sphere. Leonardo Sphere. And I do not put this information together because I have read about it (which I did not) or find the name cool. I simply find it fitting to what I uncover myself and sooner or later understand what he or she tried to bring across and now fully understand myself, such as Da Vinci attemped. Yes, @Nicolai1: Basicly through such an approach to Life, we are "hacking" it. Not in a violent fashion but in a fashion of understanding the whole and becoming masters of our total existance. And this life, as a perceived human, is part of this whole. We are exploiting it. We are taking full advantage of our creative being, without any restrictions other than having to keep balance always in mind. And I also believe that our "Aura" is creating our human vibration, not the human is creating the Aura. The human vibration appearing in a form, is the product, the result of something prior to it. Prior not in a timeline, rather equal. Because everything here is indivisible connected with each other. Just like my friend Lincoln has mentioned in his own experiences, moving to such a deep level on which we can alter the DNA of our human form, how vast and how quick changes appear on "the surface" what we call this reality here. While changing things here, takes very very long "on the inside". Imagine the countless possibilities...
  17. What became of Qigong Master Yan Xin?

    It's all the same practice. Yan Xin combines general knowledge of Qigong with our Heart. We have a very easy time to understand all of this by focusing on our Spiritual Heart and let it radiate out. We do not need to go from Sakral to Solar Plexus and then into the Heart. The Heart already is the Center. It is not standing on some pillar, that has to be build up from the bottom. That is very linear thinking. The Heart already exists as Primordeal Intelligence. What is needed is a willingness of surrendering into it to let it unfold. This desire is enough. We can say the essential training is to remain in that one desire, through out the day. Every day as much as possible. It is a focusing exercise to re-discover our own Primordeal Light within. That is it.
  18. Not feeling cravings to have sex often, can be done. With ease when having a spiritual goal in mind. It flows effortlessly. Now adding the idea of wanting to have sex, but experiencing only healing orgasm with a partner and not using sex for reproduction. Spraying your load vs using this as a tool for spiritual growth for both, changes how things work in the body. Naturally. Naturally, the body mechanics are getting reprogrammed or altered. So far the theory, but now for the application: Tightening all the suggested muscles/muscles groups seems to be somewhat impossible, especially the gland of the penis, since the orgasm itself is such a strong energy. It feels like it wants to "climb" or flow out of the penis, instead of up the spine / body. This being said that when not having sex and cultivating in this way, after around 1month the sensitivity is so great, that only pulling back of the foreskin and holding it there so it creates tension with where the tissue is connected to the gland penis is enough to cause ejaculation. Same as with watching stimulating pictures, ejaculation happens literally by itself (without physical stimulation) when not controlled by ones own mind. By oneself this is managable and I believe to be possible. But how to, exactly? The stimulation is even greater with a partner, so thus more difficult if not mastered by oneself, with oneself, first.
  19. Such a wall of text, I didnt even read it in the first place. But well great that I did now. Of course this does not work because the pressure I have built up was way too much muscle cramping. I knew that it required much more intelligent use of relaxation. What I have experienced by breathing up the aroused energy, is an actual aroused feeling in my head. Which was not difficult to perform, but simply took time. I believe half an hour to 45min. You forget time when doing this anyway because it is so pleasant. And we all know that forcing such things wont work and you end up frustrated. Greatly appreciated for posting this text! I intuitively knew that you first needed a certain energetic connection (in the form of aroused energy as refered here to "boiling" or "slow boil") in order to connect greater quantities between bottom and top. See it like "lubricating the pipe". Surely to be continued. PS: Also I have noticed due to my false sitting posture ( I am sure many have inbalances due to our "modern day lifestyle".. ) the back muscles of my right side are not yet funcitioning properly as they should. But it's on the way of becoming better and better. Also isolation of certain muscles around the perineum were basicly not existing on the slouched side. PPS: And on the otherhand I know that all of these mechanics that took the guy around 10 years to achieve are natural evolution when our energy have the chance to rise up to the crown all by itself. The desire is simply wanting to know one's true self and transcending this human confusion and living from a higher place of mastery. This is all it takes. The rest what needs to be done will be presented as "challenges" in order for change to take place. Allowance.
  20. I am currently just confused about how you would handle the immense (!) pressure that pushes the ejaculate out of the penis. It seems to me that muscles alone can not perform such a tightening. The energy is so great.
  21. Throat Chakra and Social Anxiety

    Yes, this all has to come in alignment or parts of us will remain blocked. We need to create change in all parts of our life to fully express ourselves. A lie is a lie. An energetic shift downwards into separation and not upwards into union. To trigger and alter DNA the initial amount is unimportant, that it was triggered in a way, is enough. Life can not be fooled, it is ultra precise. The term precise becomes obsolete. Yes, all this more being in your Self to a point where outside can be noisy and inside you are calm, will gradually bring you there. Keep going. And keep in your Heart (not in your mind) that Thoughts and Emotions are your tools. You are not them. You are the creator who utilizes them. The creator is not controlled by his tools. Or are you? Every individual has to realize this again his life, sooner or later. This will the replace the subconscious mind. As said from a place of Pure God/Tao Consciousness, through your Center out into creation. Thoughts trigger emotions. The interpretation of emotions trigger thoughts again, which again trigger emotions and we have what we call a "full human life, colorful and wild in both emotions and thoughts". But we want to be in control and then through realization of this misunderstanding (there is no control, but first we have to be fully in the paradox of "having control") being able to surrender into mastery of all that is. This will all come by itself. And yes you then can observe your body, emotions and mind being nervous and it is okay. Change from this point of observation is quite easy, when you no longer identify yourself with all the lower changing energies. PS: Not being able to shut up, while talking, drains your energy. Which again affects your throat chakra. You might feel thirsty or tired. But you would feel this and who wants to keep doing the same mistakes over and over again, when the own intelligence already lets oneself know that enough is enough and the next time we do it even more precise.
  22. You find answers by bringing your conscious mind into your subtle bodies. There you will experience your soul and much more. Unfortunatelly there are no real answers here. Just fantasy. Every day you can take yourself time to rediscover it in meditation. Every night when you lie down you can let your consciousness stay awake while your body falls asleep.
  23. Throat Chakra and Social Anxiety

    How often do you lie? How much do you feel you are influenced by the opinions of others? And how often do you seek actual real experiences that would ressolve in overcoming anxiety? No situation will be overcome and resolved by using your thoughts and creating a healthy mind/ego only. For example by using affirmations. Thoughts are only a small part of the total picture of your Self. Anxiety will only be overcome when you go into it the experience from a place of understanding. This place is your Center, your Heart. From there you perceive consciously what is happening, all the activities in your body, emotions and mind. And then you know what to do by bringing more and more stillness into these parts of your Self that are out of balance. To observe what is happening inside you and to fully understand what is going on, you obviously want to do this from a place that is not involved in either emotional turmoil or thinking. That is your Heart, pure conscious awareness. It is what we ultimately all do. "Social anxiety" - seeing possibly threats and the unknown everywhere, comes from having your mind not in a space of greater unity. You hold it through certain acts in a place of separation. I invite you to reflect upon your life. Source: My own life experience with my blockages from my past and how I could most effectively solve them. I stuttered in my youth, lied everywhere to project myself as something more suitable for any given situation, had social anxiety and still experience fragments of it today but barely anything anymore and I have fear of reading out loud or giving public speeches. This shrank to nothing by being more in my Self and not "out there". Which is the illusion. Your chakras give you experience and not something "out there" causes your chakras to x. PS: What kind of meditation do you perform? Since meditation should solve this naturally... Sun-Gazing helps very well in removing negativity and reprogramming your mind into an ultra healthy state.
  24. We surrender our personal Self into the universal Self, in meditation. The purification of the personal mind happens naturally by letting it flow down from waking conscious (behind our eyes) into our subconscious (throat) into the Heart and from there deeper into the Spiritual Heart. This is the center of this experience that you seek. No information will bring us there. Analyzing and all other thought processes will bring us back into our personal Self. Meditate on our Spiritual Heart and feel the energy. This is your sense of oneness. But this is not it, yet. The actual experience requires one to surrender completely. Videos like: can help. It is all based on the same core teachings of true self inquiry. I wish you uppermost success in your transformation.
  25. The entire subconscious mind is composed of thoughts. Call a person names, judge a person in any shape or form. You throw mental "spears" that stick in their mental body. Someone walks past this person, has never had any personal contact with this person and suddenly feels the urge to call the person exactly these names you have called it prior to this event. This is very easily to observe with children, because their conscious life is not really there up to a certain age. They blab out what crosses their (subconscious) mind fitting to the current situation they are in. You can even do this to yourself, talk yourself down or push your ego infront of a mirror. You will experience how other people give you the exact same reflection you have given yourself. Alongside other events in the recent months, I was baffled how a close friend of mine mimiced the exact same patterns to tease me in a quite rude fashion I remember from my school years and how my emotions reacted accordingly "pissed off". The exact same situation that I recall earlier this life In essence, whatever you do not like, whatever it is you encounter, you just still hold the opposite part in your being. Get it out of yourself, never any longer affected by this part of the subconscious "auto pilot program" or "demo version" of this life. So many examples. I invite you to experiment with it.