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Everything posted by Falio

  1. October

    Hi October, I just joined yesterday and I'm excited also. I currently don't have in-depth knowledge of either western or Chinese philosophy, but my goal is to combine them both. Like the human brain, cultivating both left and right side, in this case east and west, I believe has positive effects on one's development. Welcome and nice to meet you. Falio
  2. First time post

    Hello, I just signed up as a new user. A little bit about myself, I'm 42 yo male living in Japan. My interests include kundalini yoga, taoist sexual practices, and just about everything to do with staying healthy and improving myself spiritually as well as physically. Not just improving, I'm seeking a breakthrough in my life if that's still possible. I'm open to various opinions, so please help me out and point me in the right direction. One thing I noticed is when I tried to reply to other posts, all of them said "You cannot reply". Could someone explain why?
  3. First time post

    Sorry guys, I just found out that once I've posted my own new message, now I can reply to others. thanks.