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About manitou

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  1. I'd be careful on this. There are many who have ascended because they have fought off their inner demons. The instructor is within.
  2. I'm not sure they're separate. It's all mind.
  3. IMHO

    Not sure I see IMHO as a politeness. Sounds more like bragging to me.
  4. Stranger things

    That's a heart attack waiting for a place to happen! That is really dramatic, amazing impersonation of a spider.
  5. Bums I am missing

    Love and Light to you too, gentlewind. As you are in a state of heightened awareness, I know that you are seeing dynamics that others cannot. I wish you the very best as you go through this challenge. We'll see you on the other side...we are all kin here, and of one soul-spirit. Barbara Ortega
  6. IMHO

    Interesting, that's very polite. Polite is nice, but polite isn't necessarily real. Polite is needed when the inside of us doesn't match the politeness on the outside. It's an effort. I think Kindness is something better to cultivate. It covers all the bases
  7. IMHO

    Oh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Lighten up.
  8. IMHO

    Thank you, darling. That is hysterical. I noticed that you didn't say humble.
  9. IMHO

    Yeah. "Honestly..." (Why would anyone assume otherwise?, unless you know yourself to be a liar at times "With all due respect"....(you're a moron, and I don't agree with a thing you said) "Not to step on any toes..." (but I'm about to shove my opinion in here and shut this thing down)
  10. IMHO

    It strikes me as strange when someone uses IMHO in posts, or anywhere for that matter! If you've got to tell people you're humble, you're not.
  11. A program is practically a living being

    Hi, An interesting topic! I have found myself wondering why the collective god inside all of us (in the form of extremely intelligent DNA) is having us create a machine that is capable of more advanced thinking than we're capable of. As to the rights of a robot, I haven't given that thought. I think that might be going too far, as claiming that a frozen fetus is a person is. That would be Infringe City to us humanoids. That slope is covered with mucous. But where does It want to go? Why is it having us do this? Your picture may say it all. Maybe Evolution is to inhabit a different world. We've kind of screwed this one up.
  12. Christianity

    I grew up on Christianity. I took up with Eastern thought. I've read everything there is to read. I've come to one self-realized conclusion. That we, humans, ARE god. The intelligence that manifests our past, present, and future is contained in our DNA. That the same DNA, although different variations, is contained in all animal and plant life. And maybe rocks have consciousness. Water does. When a fetus is forming, all the cells that form are identical to one another. It's not until the cells line up next to each other that the determination is made whether the group of cells will be a fingernail, a blood cell, a hair cell, any kind. It's the intelligence of the DNA telling the cells of the fetus to go out on the little finger exactly 22,543 times before you gently turn around and come back. Personally, I FIND THAT ASTOUNDING!!! The incredible intelligence transmitted by the DNA of the mother and father to propogate the line. But, being in genealogy, I fully recognize that the further and further you go back on Ancestry, the more and more you run into the same people, or 'cousins', as we call each other. The trajectory of the 'lines' merging together toward the beginning shows me that, as it says in the DDJ, 'the function of the Dao is reversion'.
  13. Higher level of conciousness

    Constant fight between dark and light doesn't sound all that comfortable. But I get what you're saying, in a yin yang sense. Once the development of good character has been attained, there is a constant core inside that is your grounding. Stay to your core, they say. In this day and time, it seems particularly urgent. The way, the answers, are all inside us already. And the answers all err on the side of love and acceptance.
  14. Higher level of conciousness

    NN, I don't confer with entities, and you're probably not talking about me anyway. But I can share this wisdom with you; That the space from the tip of the monk's finger to the moon is all inner work. Perhaps you're overly familiar with this, and if so, I apologize. The inner work is to neutralize all the trigger points within you from childhood, from as far back as you can remember. Many childhood memories we harbor have rolled downhill for years and have contorted the lens of our vision. They have resulted in attitudes and actions that remain with us today. But these very attitudes are the things that prevent us from clarity. There is a quiet and silent space in you that has all the answers, but it can only be viewed from a place of clarity, that place that is unburdened by previous attitude and experience. The best place to start, is to figure out what part 'we' have played in whatever's going on in your life today, anything unpleasant. The trick is to find our own blame, to take responsibility for our actions, to stop blaming others for shortcomings in our lives. There is something so very powerful about the power of silence. Wu - wei said in a different way, maybe. There comes a point where the constant attainment of spiritual knowledge and reading does come to an end. That's well and good, but it won't get any of us what we want. We want answers. We want the truth. I, for one, have come to realize that it's all the very same thing under different names. And the way to discern the truth is to listen to the voice inside. The voice that can be heard once the inner distractions are removed. Entity? Maybe.
  15. Stranger things

    Fabulous picture!