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Everything posted by manitou

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 32 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You managed to do it just fine. I agree with you; we are the game.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 35 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You already said that the last time you posted on this thread.
  3. Lord Delores must've been one tough dude. You grew up on Elm, I grew up on Sycamore. We must have shady pasts.
  4. Heart & Soul

    How incredible. Listener, that was you, wasn't it? You are a master.
  5. I thought I saw you there! Did you see me? I was Lady Ann Ogilvie Buzzard-Sycamore
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 32 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Has a nice tower of Babel quality to it. But it seems like it's all coming back to the One. Even our computers instantly translate. Like a full circle.
  7. The Soul: individual essence

    sorry, I'm a bit of a dinosaur....
  8. Think I'll stick to the Dolly Parton diet. Eat whatever you want, just not very much of it.
  9. The Soul: individual essence

    Ulises - thank you for taking the time to type that out. That was wonderful. It's all good.
  10. I am Hitler

    What I'm getting from all this is that we have all of them inside us. Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Jesus, Charles Manson. We are all one. What one is capable of doing, another is capable of doing. The highest cultivation is non-judgment. And when we are non-judgmental of others, our own self-esteem rises and we become non-judgmental of ourselves. We become capable of truly loving all beings, all matter. And time doesn't really figure into the equation either, I don't think. It's all here and now, despite it 'appearing' that it was history.
  11. Another "Missing Link" Fossil Found to be a Fake

    I've heard it said that the human embryo passes through many different animal phases before it morphs into a human fetus. Is this true? Might that not be an indication that humans evolved through all the animal phases the embryo manifests?
  12. This reminds me of what this forum is all about. Seems like we're a huge hodge-podge of people who have landed within the Daoist realm, because of the non-structure.
  13. Funny - I'm taking a vacation from reading for a while. Odd how those things go in spurts. It's almost like once nature becomes the teacher, and you let it have sway, it's almost a distraction to read someone else's realizations. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping. I supposed it could also just be a very clever arrogance combined with ennui .
  14. My pleasure, Otis. I'm thrilled to know I have a practice, was never quite sure what everyone was talking about, lol.
  15. My favorite mental thought-bubble is to be sitting on a corral fence watching the rodeo go by.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 32 of the Tao Teh Ching

    As does a community planner.
  17. LOL. I couldn't have channeled this better myself.
  18. Hi, I do follow a shamanic path, and I just think they all lead the same place, if we're impeccable with our intent and our character. The new age shamanism (ala Castaneda and those that followed) isn't so much about feathers, stones, superstitions, and charms; it's about Seeing. I do use a staff in ceremony which does have feathers and charms on it. Sometimes I will make a circle of stones for ceremony. But the ceremony is done after I have Seen what the problem is, and the personality dynamics and outward conditions that have contributed to the problem. As for the tantric tradition? I see no argument there either. Once in a great while the tantra thing will happen to Joe and I (he's a shaman as well); what an incredible surprise when that happens. I can certainly understand why people will manipulate their sexual will for the purposes of going to that place, and how that would lead to the top of the hill as well. I just don't see any argument with any of this....we're all marching up the same hill on slightly different paths to get to the top. Please explain to your skeptical buddies that the ceremony is done for the purpose of bringing the kundalini energy up out of the earth. Certainly they will understand that. As to using power animals, and things like that? It goes to synchronicity. I carry a small statue of a heron in my medicine bag; have you ever seen a heron wading in a pool of water and going for a fish? His timing is impeccable, his vision is impeccable, his concentration is impeccable. I use a heron as a totem because of these qualities. Different animals have different qualities; if I want to do a remote 'healing ceremony' on my friend Mo who has cancer, sometimes I'll put my intent into becoming a crow and flying over to his town, landing on his window sill. Or I can be a snake in my mind, slithering down the street to go to someone else's house. It just depends on what you need. Also, ceremony is done not so much to call some supernatural spirit down from out of the clouds; rather, it sort of 'sets' the intent into the soul of the person you're working with. It designates a beginning and an end to the Intent of the ceremony, and the Intent of the ceremony is to get the body to listen. After all, we do have the Grand Physician living within us. The body needs to know and believe this. Ceremony helps with that mindset. The only path that is wrong, in my opinion, is the one that thinks it's the only right one.
  19. I've never heard much discussion at all from the local fundamentalists about the possibility of any type of life, other than an afterlife, and the rapture. (Which to my way of thinking is more likely a UFO event of some nature and tickles me to no end.) But for every fundie in this area, there's a bubba living down a canyon by a stream with tin foil on his windows and a bunch of antennas - I just haven't been real motivated to walk up to Bubba's door and explore his mindset yet. But it's probably more in line with what we're talking about, lol. The idea of separate realities, zillions of them, is certainly echoed within the Castaneda tradition as well. Even in quantum physics, the Schroedinger cat experiment showed that the decision the cat made couldn't be recorded without an observer, and therefore the results were indecisive as to whether the cat lived or died. It's my hunch that during pivotal times in our lives, perhaps our realities branch off; perhaps there is another reality with another Me in it, except this time I married someone different or zigged this way when I zagged that way in this stream of consciousness.
  20. If there are any triangulators or Seers on this board that subscribe to this concept, please give this some thought.. My husband Joe was shown to have an aggressive looking spot on his upper right lung. He was referred by the family doc to a specialist. The specialist said something like 'it's so obvious what it is, I don't think the surgeon will even biopsy it. I think he'll just remove the upper third of his right lung. In fact, sometimes biopsies are dangerous because cells will escape into other areas.' That specialist sent us to the surgeon. He decided to biopsy it, said he wouldn't do it any other way. We don't have the results yet. The biopsy doc said to be particularly mindful of how his lung felt, as it could 'spring a leak' from the small puncture wound and to just keep an eye on it. Okay. End of that story. New story: At the same time this is going on (please think triangulation from the inside to the outside, if you know what I mean), we sprung a leak in the basement. Turns out the leak was from another pressurized pipe shooting a tiny stream of water from about 3' away, and everyone missed it. Handyman #1 missed it, Handyman #2 missed it, I missed it, Joe missed it. But the underside wood on the flooring was soaked, and it truly did look like the water was somehow coming through the wood from up above. We were truly on the horns of an enema. Joe figured the only thing to do was to rip out the shower enclosure directly above it. Which he did. It's now sitting in all its white fiberglass glory in the back yard in about ten torn pieces. Needless to say, the underside of the shower enclosure was bone dry, and now the big expensive contractor that found that leak will be fixing the whole thing. (Alright guys, have your little chuckle... ) But here's the point. THE ENCLOSURE WAS REMOVED NEEDLESSLY. Does anyone else see a triangulation here? And if so, can you help me see the third element? I'm too close, I can't see it. But the similarities certainly align between the removal of the lung and the removal of the shower enclosure.
  21. I need nelp with a triangulation

    Everyone - Joe wants to tell everyone here, thank you for your thoughts and your readings. He is very grateful.
  22. I'm completely on board here. We continue seeing what we want to see
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 35 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Nice metaphor, fits exactly. I'm a word-picture kind of gal and when one really clicks, it just blows my skirt up.
  24. WP

    I think he may be at the end of his studies and Nature is now the teacher.
  25. the highest masters are not in asia

    I think I do already! Thanks for coming out of the woodwork...