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Everything posted by manitou

  1. I'm so extremely lost

    I would say the mind is a collection of experienced integrated sensory perceptions of existent non-reality. Who can describe what reality is? Even if we are standing together looking at the same tree, the tree will look slightly different to you than to me, because we cannot superimpose our eyes over each other. If we step into the same position to look at the tree a minute apart, the tree is still different because time has made it so, however imperceptible. The 'one' mind, is our mutual view of shared reality in our current dimension. Perhaps this is a buddha-land, as described in the sutras. Perhaps there are countless other shared realities in different realms, different stratas, different dimensions. Yes, I do think there is a universal truth that must be experienced, it cannot be spoken. It is that which is contained within the Logos, the 'We Are'-ness of all of this. The Dao. The template. The oak in the acorn. The image of the lotus in the seed. The law of attraction. Personally, I think the Logos and Love are the same, the glue that holds it together. Perhaps it is the dark matter. I don't know, what is reality, Karl? You tell me. Is it the bellows of the Dao, are we merely the other side of a black hole breathing into a big bang, back and forth ad infinitum? I surely can't put words to it. But if one has experienced the Oneness of the collective, then one gnows. Once one has been there (please don't ask me where 'there' is, I can't tell you - I can only tell you the circumstances under which I saw it) it is felt, it is gnown. It is The Collective, and it is real. It is golden. It radiates. It is warm. It leaves no questions in your heart. It's just not a brain thing.
  2. I'm so extremely lost

    I'm glad someone picked up on that. The comment was sticking out a bit, like a sore thumb. I hope The Cat is giving it consideration - it could well explain the feeling of disconnect. Substances have a way of being tricksters. Some of my greatest insights have been under the influence of something or other - but in the long run it turns out to be antagonistic to my ultimate goal of finding Truth. Which was right inside me all along.
  3. I'm so extremely lost

    I think our Minds are all one but conditioned differently, depending on where we were born, who our parents were, the falsehoods we were given from birth. Reversion is the action of the Dao. It all returns to One, then to the Void. We're somewhere caught in the middle of the process. IMO.
  4. I'm so extremely lost

    In my experience, your first thoughts are usually darn good ones. Or, more often than not, funny ones.
  5. I'm so extremely lost

    Okay. The senses give us the false sense of separation, one from another. The practice of 'feeling gravity' (along with being aware of what I'm hearing or smelling, as I said, my eyes are closed when I do it) reminds me that I possess a physical body with senses that keep me feeling separate from you. It separates physicality from 'my' reality of Oneness with all. It helps me remember that my separateness is only an illusion that I get caught up in - that the reality is really the One Life. Maybe I'm not saying it very well. I think we're talking apples and oranges.
  6. I'm so extremely lost

    LOL. Gimme a break, Karl. I was speaking in a purely physical sense.
  7. I'm so extremely lost

    LOL, a fool you are not, Mark Foote. You never fail to amaze me with your posts. I am a bit blown away by your mention of gravity. A couple years ago I started the practice of closing my eyes and realizing that were it not for gravity, I would not even know I was here. I would not feel my feet on the ground, or my butt in this chair - it is only the tactile senses that are granted to this entity that dwells within me (the same entity that dwells within you) that gives me the illusion of separation and presence in this world. Separate we are not. If you are a fool, I am as well. Love to you - Manitou
  8. I'm so extremely lost

    I feel that there is something really pertinent here, and yet I can't put my finger on it. You're saying to drop all preconceptions and conditioning? (Die the great death). How does this pertain to the OP when you speak of regaining all senses? Are you saying to address what is directly in front of us? Does the relocation of awareness, whether moving or still, have something to do with Shroom's disorientation? Probably 10 years ago I would have totally understood your post. I'm getting old, I'm afraid -
  9. Kundalini help, please?

    Assumedly not in a public restroom..... What an incredible amount of information I'm getting here! This is wonderful -
  10. Kundalini help, please?

    A really interesting article. Thanks! I've always thought it interesting in a wonderful way that our bodies are approx 75% water, as is the ratio of water on the earth. Sort of a micro / macro thing.
  11. Kundalini help, please?

    I've never tried anything, lol. The whole process has been a spontaneous one from the very beginning, I was never looking for it, so I've tended to just let it take its natural course. I do periodically do the microcosmic orbit and I have been doing dream yoga where there is concentration on the side channels. I appreciate your words. Maybe this dream yoga practice will help to get the flow going more evenly.
  12. Hello to everyone

    No. the rest of them wear pointed black witches hats.
  13. Kundalini help, please?

    There may be something to this in my case. It's winter here in Ohio - and I haven't been walking much, or interacting with people much either. Maybe it's as simple as lack of grounding because of these two things, as mentioned in the article. Thank you for taking the time to post that! And thank you everyone else for sharing your experiences. And Taoist Texts, I'm not sure who 'us people' are, but I do understand your saying this is not 'kundalini'. I've had the actual jagged energy arise within me from the ground during healing ceremonies and I assume that's what you're talking about. I understand your differentiation here. But everyone else seems to know what I'm talking about. Thank you for sharing your understanding.
  14. Kundalini help, please?

    It seems to me that the Dunning-Kruger effect would apply to someone like Donald Trump.
  15. I'm so extremely lost

    I just had another thought. Reconsider the shrooms.
  16. I'm so extremely lost

    Perhaps a little more artfully put....
  17. Hello to everyone

    It's the same one as that one the cat wears in the Dr. Seuss books.
  18. I'm so extremely lost

    This is beautiful. Enlightenment is stuff to drop. The fact that it's all jumbled right now is a good thing. If it weren't jumbled, you'd be stuck with the conditioning you were given in your early life. Everybody who wants to grow in spirit and understanding needs to have this jumbling up process. I think you're right where you're supposed to be, and this site is right where you're supposed to be. You will be attracted to the things that are right for you. Don't let anybody intimidate you into their path, and don't fall subject to the 'shoulds'. Let your inner guide let you be attracted to that which you need - this will surely happen, if you are true to yourself. Your honesty is beautiful. Your humility is perfect. That's how I know you will be directed to your own answers. Much of your ego has been shattered, just by your admission of being lost. You are loved here.
  19. Hey everyone

    Some Buddhists here, but certainly a bolt for each nut of every persuasion. You'll find lots to interest you, I'm sure. Best wishes, and I look forward to your participation. Manitou
  20. Hello from orlando

    Hi Bart - glad you found your way to us! I'm happy to say my husband and I just bought a mobile home in Ocala to get out of these nasty Ohio winters, so we will be practically neighbors! This is a great, fun site - do enjoy yourself, and I look forward to your participation on the threads. Manitou
  21. Hello from Texas

    Hi Snapperhead - so glad to have you here. You've come across a great site - lots of really good folks here. Enjoy your time here. Manitou
  22. Humble greetings...

    I don't know how many true Daoists you'll run into here - but I think most of us have found a place where there is commonality in all philosophy; many of us have transcended traditional paths and are focused on being better people. What better place to start than with exactly what you have described; to focus on truthfulness in our daily life and speech? I guess I should come clean. I didn't really join the Light Bulb Conspiracy group..... There is so much basic wisdom contained in the Dao De Ching, that it seem to be a beautiful template for living a good, true life. that is the one commonality we all do share here - and you'll find the DDC mentioned or referred to often. It is helpful to search out different translations of this tome, because the wisdom and enlightenment contained in each translation is conditional on the wisdom or enlightenment of the individual translators. There are true religious Daoists on this forum as well, but many of us have seen the wisdom of the principles without subscribing to the actual religious practice. You'll find many Buddhists, Yogi, Hindu, Egyptologists, Metaphysicians, Shamans - name it, we're here. Atheists, Nihilists, transcended Christians, you name it. But the DDJ is what binds us together, and the desire for Truth in our lives. A real nice community.
  23. Humble greetings...

    I have just joined the Light Bulb Conspiracy group - convinced that all others have planned obsolescence built into them.