Peter Zelchenko

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About Peter Zelchenko

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  1. Question: Sweeping Leaves Lodge

    Update on the OP question: I thought I checked this a few years ago, but the Saoye Shanfang 扫叶山房 or Sweeping Leaves Lodge 1909 edition of the Zhuangzi -- compiled and annotated by Wang Xianqian 王先谦 (1842-1917) and used by Lin Yutang -- appears still to be a popular reference, and is available in facsimile, and you can probably find originals at auction and quite likely in many libraries. It can also be found by its published title (which Lin did not provide), Zhuangzi Jijie 庄子集解 ("Zhuangzi Collection, Anontated"). Coincidentally, I'm writing from Changsha, where Prof. Wang is supposed to have made this work. In fact, it looks as if there are two OCR's from two scans on, internally labeled ctp:wb5 and ctp:wb929065 (if the following links break, you can just search ctext for 庄子集解). There is also a good scan on Internet Archive, from which one of the ctext OCR's was done. All of this had almost certainly already been cataloged by the time you all were looking into this in 2018, so I think the missing link was the Chinese name of the title, 庄子集解. If you search, also try Traditional 莊子集解. I don't have time right now to clarify how the files are divided in these two repositories and how to make a concordance with Lin: there are 5 IA files (but there should be 8 volumes in the set), and as to the ctext files they are divided into Inner, Outer, and Miscellaneous and subdivided by section name, per the standard organization: Internet Archive, the eight volumes (there appear to be others, search on 庄子集解): 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: the ctext texts: the ctext facsimile scans (technically, you could download and print it . . . ): the ctext edition index:
  2. Da Liu

    Frank, I'd like to know more about your instructor. I'm writing an article that looks into Da Liu's students and his style. You mention Herb Cohen. Feel free to e-mail me at pete (at) zelchenko . com .
  3. Writing about Da Liu's students

    I guess you are supposed to introduce yourself on this. I am a writer working on an article that touches on Da Liu and his students, and comparative discussions of the different styles.