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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Why I am against 'powers'

    It was detailed in the book, The Magus of Java; apparently his chi absorbed the energy of the crash and saved him.
  2. Thought-provoking statements

    hahah, thank you for the hilarious post!! I can definitely relate to a lot of it hehe
  3. Why I am against 'powers'

    The ones who seek to not believe are as desperate and sure in their vision as those who seek to believe - I wonder who will fare better off? For those who believe that everything they know is all there is - I am truly sorry for such self-imposed limitations. The Dao unveils to only those deserving, the nature and whys of 10,000 reasons I cannot speculate on. Meditation has brought me many things I did not consciously ask for, but things that I now know have been there all along; I cannot fathom that many who throw away the possibilities of human phenomena meditate regularly.. I know I am not special in that when I meditate, certain realizations come to me and only me, for the source is open to ALL, but ALL do not open themselves to the source, therein lies the problem. Why, one asks, if these possibilities do exist, are they not pursued by many entire populations? Haha, because meditating in silence with no sure promise of anything, for how long no one can tell you in order to uncover truths that may not exist is a far more appealing path to the mass populace than the self-obsession of image, material possession/idolatry, attention, nightclubs, beer/smoking/drugs...chemical release/feel-good living..?. and one asks why many do not seek such possible powers, as if that in itself must be the reason they do not exist? Because things of a spiritual nature are not generally handed to you on a plate, unlike the gluttonous food and beer and cocaine that society is so infatuated with today. Admittedly, without experience, why should one believe? I used to be blinded by my doubts and lack of first-hand experience of the unknown, but I always retained a shimmer of hope, perhaps that is why all has come to me for which I have asked for; I cannot blame those who recoil in the face of what they do not understand for a lack of being. . . consciousness is a powerful thing, as long as someone does not want to believe something exists, it will simply not. Change the lens, not the landscape, and see what follows. . . When deep in meditation, silence is the forebringer of all truth, for the Dao speaks no language, but its inaudible whisperings can be heard by all. The concept of faith is often a religious association, but it is derived from the sense that one must believe that even though nothing is apparently happening in meditation, that nothing is fronted unto ones surface mind, that the Dao is nurturing the quiet listener with its eternal sustenance, and man stands up reawakened. . . One who refuses to accept the infinite paradoxes of life will never grasp the most fundamental of truths . . .
  4. Verdesi

    Oh man, this guy . . . it's been a while since a new Verdesi thread, for some reason though, I think most of the Bums have been exhausted to the point near-complete apathy concerning this ever the controversial figure; popcorn probably not necessary now but oh I remember those days. Feel free to do a search on his name for some serious amusement though. Don't even get me started on Deanty.
  5. Why I am against 'powers'

    Thank you for your honest post Jane, I'm sure many have had similar initial goals and experiences but might be unwilling to admit to them. The pursuit of powers may be seen as a false route, but I know that for more than one person, the steps taken on this false route were also the first steps taken on what would eventually become the true path of the Way. Many wander to the left, but then the light veers them right.
  6. Your comments directed toward Drew Hempel are beyond arrogant and ignorant, let alone uncalled for; well, your whole post in general actually. I don't understand people's needs to create something out of nothing. This thread of yours is akin to the fear-inducing antics of the evening news; "Will being friends with a muslim endanger your life?" Attention seeking is not conducive to a healthy way of being.
  7. Incorrect training fueled out of anger, greed, self-centeredness or the wrong motivations in general will undoubtedly have such undesirable effects - beware the dark side; many fall under the illusion that the powerful energy cultivated and exerted through anger or hate is a tool, in the world of internal cultivation and out, but such methods are only a tool of self-destruction.
  8. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    Hypnosis or NLP on someone's resume shouldn't serve as a deterrent to learn from someone - these systems are used to help people; nlp/self-hypnosis is very powerful, but a shortcut through real self-discovery, living like a robot.
  9. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    awesomely Taoist star wars quotes anyone??? "do or do not, there is no try" -Yoda
  10. Ghosts/Hungry Ghosts

    I probably would never have believed in anything like ghost/energy vampire type entities if I didn't have first hand experience with these dark beings while I was heavily addicted to heroin and several other substances; these beings/things do not have to have any control or influence on you, if you are being preyed on, you DO have the ability to ward them off, though you first must face the demons within yourself.
  11. Anti Aging Guy

    I kinda pity anyone who buys into this; my dad is 70 and looks as young as this '52' year old; albeit he's blessed with good genetics. He's been a smoker and food indulger for most of his life.
  12. I take it many who actually have such experiences would highly value them and perhaps keep them to themselves, it seems to me to be sort of disrespectful to the master to spoil an experience and his inclination to show you something very sacred and rare. And yes, seeking such is ego building and not conducive to a spiritual path, no matter how many well constructed excuses one uses.
  13. Qi application

    Heat is the answer, just not your answer [remainder deleted]
  14. Qi application

  15. Qi application

    ha-ha, see where your stubbornness got you? You managed to disrespect one of the most knowledgeable/helpful/accomplished practitioners on this forum with more real world experience in the matter than years you have probably lived. It is amusing your OP contains a specific question "how can you do it?" And you were attempted to be helped over and over, but as was said, someone who believes something strong enough will not be swayed no matter what. Oh, and in a way, good for you - you have not advanced to any stage in which one is prone to the possible intermingling with spirits, evil or good - perhaps you should continue doing what you're doing to keep at a low vibrational frequency so you can stay in your "comfortable/everything-you-know-is-right REALITY". sure, you're right there is no "Evil Tao" or "TRUE evil", but you expel the possibilities of that which you have not experienced, and that is why you fail.
  16. Qi application

    Yes you are correct! I clearly do not belong here, in this thread; I do not waste my time in the pursuit of ego inflating activities, especially ones that are fruitless in more ways than one! I wish you all the best in your endeavors to become a Jedi Knight! Besides, you already have such great mind power! You have the ability, against the face of overwhelming evidence, to continue to believe something that is simply not! Your ego is your undoing, remember that and one day you will be free!
  17. Qi application

    Ahh, the ego is strong in this one. . . :lol: Your "theory" is otherwise called physics, huh? lol.... I do not need to provide a proof for something various other people have stated, for something I really do not care about you believing or not (by all means, please do believe millions of "psi-dabbler/youtube-er/dbz teenagers" have the ability to push yang qi out of their lao gong point (LOL) as displayed all over the internet in terms of your "qi application proof"), for something that should be very obvious to someone with a "firm grasp" of physics such as yourself mr. arm chair scientist ha-ha-ha-ha... YOU inquired upon the nature of something, you were given an answer more than once, you provided an illogical counter-argument to the given explanation, your attempt to refute the real reason of something is not anyone else's responsibility to provide you with "proof". it is clear you have little actual practice under your belt, I urge you to invest your efforts in such rather than trying to learn something you're many years far off of. And yes, I will indeed consider keeping my thoughts for my "drinking pals" ha-ha, but I know indeed we will have a wonderful time laughing over the yet-to-even-meditate chi-wizard who can spin a nearly weightless piece of paper on a needle top! OR wait, for some reason you cannot even perform this simple feat of thermo-physics? Oh, you have much practice needed indeed!
  18. Qi application

    ahahaha this old trick...i am not denying the possible application of qi in anyway, but this trick in particular is done from the hand's heat emission, do your research arm chair scientists. Athanor, I'm sorry but your theory as to why heat isn't a factor is fundamentally flawed and laughable to say the least. I'd suggest you stop worrying about a physical proof/demonstration to show your friends your "power" and focus on more worthwhile goals that do not inflate and perpetuate the ego.
  19. Mixing practices

    Can't say much from first hand experience, but at least with the case of the Mo Pai practice if you mix that with any chi orbit/circulating/pretty much any other practice you will purportedly die or worse.
  20. Master Eric Yudelove

    ahahaha, take the most irrelevant, singular aspect of my post to comment on and nothing else? That is only one piece of the pie, and perhaps if you looked deeper you would see it's place in the puzzle. I'll gladly edit out that statement; oh wait, no I won't, because unlike the Dragon Master I don't have an obsession of ego-status-and-reputation and am not compelled to edit prior messages to save face and play the victim. I understand the a good number of this board is filled with highly right-brained, logically/sequentially inept people who only pick and point instead of look at the whole picture with a respect to logical analysis, but it's comforting knowing that there are other people who can see the big picture of this guy and take into account what needs to be taken into account, not just the matter of having something written pass through a printing press a few times.
  21. Master Eric Yudelove

    Oh wow, the level of nuthuggery on this nut is beyond me; his teachings are mere recycling, and clearly did no good for himself - it bothers me others will be exposed to a potential "dragon master-strip-club-terrorist syndrome". Oh, and for all delusionals who were questioning the validity of a news article, let alone it being from a valid source (albeit when non-political) such as Fox news, have you ever heard of a POLICE REPORT? Public domain? Apparently not, or one is just too blinded by the tempting ways of the DRAGON MASTER. Jesus people, you only think of practicality but disregard the nature of the source? Then again, having an over the top egomania, a stockholm syndrome'd wife, delusions of power/grandeur is undoubtedly appealing to many these days, based on the number of those in itself. edit: oh wow, didn't even read the dragon master's last post where a message he sent to one person (being clearly composed for an audience haha) detailed his hilariously self-unaware hypocrisy and accusations of "self-righteousness". You "found nothing to learn here?" Really? That's a shame, clearly you were looking for nothing to learn, but only an outlet to inflate your already oversized ego, and you didn't accomplish that, so now you're off? Ah, nothing to learn here..? I assure you TTB is an infinitely greater source of valuable information that has helped the lives of many, but the great big bad huffing dragon master is far above such trivial things that don't have his name on the copyright. Haha, great. Not typical at all of the McGuru type such as yourself. Don't you understand people take into account your so many years of life experience, practice and teachings and subsequently relate them to your character? Also, clearly you were a lawyer, I applaud you that, your postings no doubt aptly emulate the manipulative musings of a lawyer who says things on an argument/rhetorical level to save face.
  22. A Sad Story

    Ah.... the term "spiritual seeking", such a questionable phrase! We must stop seeking, and start being. . . our true nature. Why seek for something that we already are? Stop seeking. A spiritual journey is someone's own; there are as many journey's as their are people, and then some (let us not forget the higher realms ). . . attempting a generalized guide of parameters in a spiritual journey is only a hindering hypocrisy. Peace and Love
  23. Master Eric Yudelove

    "I connected with Eric Yudelove through emails and asked him lots of questions. At first it had seemed like I found a good teacher. Then a few months in things got really weird. He started talking about being " A walking dead man" and sending a dragon named Yoshio to fuck you when you sleep. he then started to get into alot of talk about sorcery and magic." interesting. Telling a prospective student that his dragon master will send a dragon named yoshio to stalk ones sleep? threats of terrorism? claims of a mercenary to somehow justify outrageous antics? Clearly a master. A master of what I will not state.
  24. Master Eric Yudelove

    It is clear that a certain supposed Taoist teachings are of no actual taoist nature at all, but rather ego inflating cult-figure-praise and pseudo-insight. It is quite quite disturbing seeing the excess of worship from wife to husband, this is not healthy nor normal, I am somewhat concerned for the mental/emotional/spiritual health of an individual possibly brainwashed by an ego-energy vampire; how many times the word 'master' has appeared, I do not want to fathom, let alone the dubious "THE DRAGON MASTER" (quite disturbing to see one half refer to the other half as this title, numerous times) however overall I did get a wonderful laugh from it. This post is of no ill nature, I am merely conveying a message to those who seek the path of liberation from the ego, to those who seek proper instruction that false idols such as the.... (I can't bear to say such a ridiculous title again) are potential obstructions along the Path and may lead farther away from the Tao than where one is already at; why walk backwards in progress rather than forward?
  25. Master Eric Yudelove

    "awarded master status (for a reason)"? Who exactly delegates/rewards one with the title of master status? I once heard a true master will never acknowledge/ refer to himself/ or even know he is a master; a lovely paradox paralleling the ambiguity of taoism. What exactly is this self-proclaimed master a master of? OH, yes one is still a self-proclaimed master if he embraces the title even if 6 billion others "award" one with this "nobility". Would a "master" engage in an internet feud? Would a master make all sorts of assertions and projections to reinforce his blatant insecurities? OH, the hilarity of the self-proclaimed master. There is much to learn from such a character, as there is to learn from everyone and everything, just make sure you're looking through the lens with the tag entitled "what NOT to do to be a TRUE taoist master". Very simply put, one's fire ego is one's undoing.