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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Hopefully next time! I've been working in Leeds since Friday. Booooooo
  2. WuDang Taoist Coming to UK :)

    Here you are: That one, I only started two weeks ago so was very hard at first but it really does give me more vitality! If you give it a go, I would like to discuss a couple of things with you. This is an exercise for self healing too, that I began using over a year ago. These days, when I feel myself getting run down, I just use this technique. I haven't been ill (like, take a day off work ill) since December 2011. Just sayin'... Enjoy!
  3. will precedes choice

    No problemo. Quite liberating to watch and brings things down to earth in a strange sort of way. Really messes with one's morals for sure! presume the book you read was the older one. Think he only has two?
  4. "Atheism in the name of God "

    So yes, in other words, I do not agree with the title in this thread. But I do see what is meant
  5. "Atheism in the name of God "

    Haha, ok, so you get this a lot. Don't get me wrong, I too agree with your views on Alan Watts ... I call him a "Taoist Superbeast" because he is just so hyped...and I think a lot of that comes down to the way he lectures - quite forward and almost snobbish. So then he obtains a large following due to the confidence, but yes, some of the stuff is quite pseudo and generic a lot of the time. Atheism and God may not have anything in common, but just from my observations, the label is yet conforming to an idea. Some sects of Buddhism don't have a God - but that doesn't make them Atheist. The Atheist idea is still a belief system in itself...the following of people that believe there is no God or karma etc.
  6. Calling Out All Taoists

    Yes, there are threads in the "general discussion" that you should explore more. Also, all of us here are at different stages, from highly experienced to noob. I for one come here to learn more on what I do not understand, then go away and practice, then return with further questions/topics for discussion. The texts merely support the practice. I do not practice qi gong, just meditation/cultivation exercises. However, I have taken an interest in these arts as of late, naturally as part of my progression. So you never know, I could be a practitioner very soon!
  7. The Future of Taoism in the West

    I've never been called a wise sage before. That felt nice! Sure, I'm a semi-recluse haha. I used to think that was a problem but nah, I think that's just me. But I will still offer help to anyone that is seeking it...and they will usually come to me if so. It comes from three years of hard practice and learning - people immediately see that I can help them now...just from knowing me. It's totally passive, yet effective. But that's just things for me at the minute. Maybe in the future I will feel compelled to branch out but at present, continuing on my path of self-mastery and sharing what I learn when necessary seems to suffice. Who knows what the future holds?
  8. "Atheism in the name of God "

    Yes, for me, atheism IS a religion in itself. Atheists will be angered by this statement because the whole movement is there in order to defy religious, but the fact that it is in itself a belief system with some form of common ground between parties, shows more similarities with religion that anything! The truly wise are the ones that avoid labels...as the personal journey cannot fit into any category. It is a unique experience due to the individual! If somebody tells me that there is a God (and they had proof), who am I to disagree? And who am I to agree?
  9. Hot Tea

    Yes, it is said that the water should be caught just on the cusp of boiling point to reap the full flavour and anti-oxidant qualities
  10. will precedes choice

    As promised: Sam Harris' 20 min vid reading an excerpt from his book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf9eGUWGtyo A far longer lecture: Worth a watch, both of them. Some very good points!
  11. Drugless Anesthesia ?

    Hehe cool. Just checkin
  12. Careful with point 2 that you made. Being "better" than others feed ego and will lead you down the path of alienation. Find practical uses for your self-mastery like helping those around you. They will immediately look up to you as a "wise one" anyway if you can offer such simple and effective support. My reasons for practice: 1. My eyes have just been open to the matrix that the "real world" is for about 11 years. So my practice helps me cope and transcend the illusion 2. Self-help. I have a history of anxiety, depression and anger. I wanted to change, to stop hurting myself and people around me. I still fuck up, but these days less often and I can fix it easier when it does 3. Sheer interest. Philosophy and meditation just feel right for me. I feel that I am evolving by the second
  13. Drugless Anesthesia ?

    Not experienced but from studying everything from psychic phenomena to hypnosis/mind control, I would say that with enough training and mind power from the practitioner, it could well be done. Without a full experiment though, I cannot say any more. Mind over matter, and all that jazz.... PS why on earth do you want to know? Not condoning any D.I.Y surgeries! Lol
  14. Hot Tea

    Now this is a thread that I can get on board with! My ritual is green tea (lemon flavour) bag in the morning with a drop of honey. Then, I have a selection of fruit teas, laapsang, chai, caromile and loose leaf oolong and jasmine green teas. So whenever I fncy a 2nd or third cup, I will pick up whichever I fancy at the time too. I like to have guests too so presenting such a variety makes everybody happy. Oh, I have normal tea and coffee granuals as well for those that want to stick to what they know.
  15. The meditation freak out

    Thanks OldChi! Yes the general intention was to be a part of a collective and accept them for who they are. I still managed to train most mornings so I guess the main issue was that I let the guard down when partying and temporarily ended up on the destructive path. So perhaps I can still party and not fear alienating myself...but moreso, control myself! Will power and all that....
  16. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    Yes. There is the first hand experience The books will only help make sense of it all. Music introduced me to spirituality and now I convey this in my own music.
  17. Getting sick and cultivation

    Amazing synchronicity.You sound so familiar hehe
  18. The meditation freak out

    @Seeker of Tao ... Thank you. I will work on this @Flolfolil Ah, I see what you mean
  19. WuDang Taoist Coming to UK :)

    I've just started some basic meditations from Youtube by the Wudang people. Thanks for sharing, I will take a good look!
  20. The meditation freak out

    Sorry, meaning if I decide to quit, it can aid my recovery?
  21. The meditation freak out

    I hear that...I tend to become all charitable and forget about myself! Lands me in trouble... But used on myself, for myself could well be way different. I always give myself a hard time, but not others!
  22. will precedes choice

    Will do...been on phone past few days so it's a bit hard but when I'm behind a desktop I will show you
  23. Getting sick and cultivation

    Wow, I opened a similar thread the other day! "The Meditation Freak Out" Although mine was self-inflicted, I still had major issues with concentration and anxiety. I feel a bit better today...just be patient.! Nothing has been undone...it just seems that way at the moment
  24. why is there evil and suffering?

    Always two sides to a coin, yo!
  25. will precedes choice

    So you're suggesting that everything in the world HAS to happen, regardless? Like "filling the gap in the market" if you will? I've been watching Sam Harris on Youtube talking about free will. Very interesting stuff!