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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Daoists in popular literature and film

    Bald Brandon haha. I also enjoyed Rapid Fire and of course, The Crow. Nothing Daoist about them, but decent films nonetheless.
  2. Daoists in popular literature and film

    I feel that Uncle Iroh and King Bumi in Avatar The Last Airbender embody the idea of Daoist sages.
  3. Finding a master or school

    Exactly this. I'm thankful for the past 12 years as progress is much faster now, and can still work full time, socialise from time to time. If I ever get to family stage, I think I'm gonna be alright. I know someone in China with wife and kids, yet his internal power is extraordnary.
  4. Meditating to music is a beginning phase for mindfulness. Good focus training, but eventually one would move away from that if wanting to do energy work. There is certainly nothing wrong with meditating to music for the rest of your life though. It'll be calming and better than no meditation at all.
  5. The perfect weapon

    @Starjumper Good on Poland!
  6. Finding a master or school

    You can get so far. Depends how far you really want to know. But if you do, please just follow basics and switch off to woo woo
  7. Finding a master or school

    I've heard good things about Five Immortals Temple. I also recommend Dragongate, but you may find more Daoism/guidence at Five Immortals for what you are after. Kung Fu schools tend to focus more on just that and asking more questions is hard with limited Mandarin. Worth taking leave from work and spending a couple of months out there. Post-Corona, that is.
  8. The perfect weapon

  9. The perfect weapon

    Were you also a sports commentator before? I lost a 2.5 week work tour today. I always thought working in events was cool, but I think I'll be needing a new industry soon.
  10. Thanks for the pointer, because I'm in real need of revising my history actually.
  11. No, not at all. But I love how leaving a bit of imagery leads to other interpretation hahahaha
  12. My band at school had a song called "Vas Deferens". Well, it was more like rhythmic noises. It was spooky. Kinda how I expect it to sound, in there.
  13. A poem

    I love Li Po. The drunken Daoist reminding me of the Way of letting go: https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/11/14/li-po-701-762-ce-drinking-alone-by-moonlight/
  14. Poor Sean is going to see all notifications, hit "mark all as read" and log out again lol
  15. The perfect weapon

    Ah I see. Now I feel guilty having an ordinary bathroom and 18 rolls in my house.
  16. Healthy rich sexual life?

    @faceless Aside from Ralis' more rugged responses, I am in agreement. Hear it from a 32 year old who's 2 days away from completing a year of abstinence (but not celibacy, though I have gone through long spells) I mean 3 years for you already? Bang away, my friend. Responsibly, I might add. You're doing the right thing having the courage to speak to women and respecting if they are not the type for you. Build healthy relationships and naturally, you will catch each others' eyes in "that sort of way". Just don't put a time scale on it. Keep going and it'll all sort itself when the time is right.
  17. The perfect weapon

    Nah, just 'av a wash instead, India style.
  18. The perfect weapon

    I listened to 10 minutes of people talking about hand sanitiser yesterday in a shop. Same things over and over again and worrying about not getting any or spending a fortune online. The store assistant eventually said, "how about soap and water?" Comedy gold
  19. Starting Nei Gong for kundalini

    @Jay78 I'll ask around to see if there's anyone reputable remotely close. Gimme a week or so.
  20. Starting Nei Gong for kundalini

    @Jay78 If you like, let me know whereabouts you are in the UK. I can ask around for ya
  21. The perfect weapon

    Through hearsay/media, I've heard 8-12 months...
  22. The perfect weapon

    Oh. I was thinking more about handling money and the virus passing on that way. Send all money back to banks, then shut them and their atms? Ok, I'm being facetious. But this would be nice.
  23. Master....what master ?

    But you have the answer, so I'm not sure what your beef is. Why not seek one of these, then?
  24. The perfect weapon

    Seen this in the flesh and I could feel it by watching. Beautiful stuff.
  25. The perfect weapon

    I mean, I'm not one for a lot of the terminology in this article, but yes, I always get very sick after bouts of anxiety, fear etc. Some say laughter is the best medicine, and this can be very hard when stuck in one's own mind. I say, find people that cheer us up and hang with them. Laugh, play, smile....and taiji!