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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Thanks C T. Will save for later!
  2. Orbit to help insomnia?

    Right there with you. The worries about the next day etc etc. Also the "not wanting to sleep"...and my answer is to not bother and then eventually I pass out. It's better than lying in bed with an over-active mind at least, but not ideal. But contrary to popular belief, the TV helps. It helps me take my mind away, and therefore I can eventually drop off.
  3. Orbit to help insomnia?

    This is a big one for me. Not being able to then "trying" becauase there's some sort of pressure (brought upon myself) to do so.
  4. Orbit to help insomnia?

    I will try this! Feet wiggling might annoy my partner but at least I can pull my books out as a plan b
  5. Cooling Down

    Sometimes the cold drinks work for me. By that I mean water or coconut water. But sure, white and green tea are also good as well as tulsi, peppermint and if you can find a green tea with goji berries in - wow!
  6. Cooling Down

    My time with TCM and acupunture worked to a degree but realised it was the "same thought" that was trying to cure me (i.e me) and therefore was slowing down the progress. I think your shaking will help because it allows your body to loosen up and there is little opportunity to think/worry and therefore create too much heat. My heat comes from stress and tension. I get insomnia and migraines if I'm not careful but I have slowly learnt to "ease off" the accelerator. Train to do things slowly, perhaps Tai Chi lessons (this has been a blessing) Daily activities like household tasks, do slowly and mindfully (I use the term loosely - I actually feel that the mind is the biggest obstacle and that the head should be as empty as possible, always - us "yang people" get our heads filled up very easily and must not take the word "mindful" too literally) Diet wise, reduce red meats, any fatty fried foods, coffee etc. And generally do things that are relaxing and make you laugh from the belly Laughter is the best medicine. Keep us posted. I could always do with some more techniques too, so anything you find that helps would be nice to hear about.
  7. Hello! I seem to always be logged in on my phone. I cleared history/cashe/cookies a couple of times but after a successful logout the issue returns. Do you had any other issues like this or is it just my phone misbehaving in its old age?
  8. I would have said what you said in the first instance then asked the girl if she wanted to leave. It's not the best place to be hanging out by the sounds of it.
  9. Empty mind. Full belly ;)

  10. Tao and Souls

    Trapped, no. I prefer the word "landed" You're in this body for no other reason than you landed in it, to experience this life for whatever reason. Sex is a trivial aspect of it all, and from what I'm reading in your other posts, I would guess that you're somewhat speaking about personal questions that will help you discover more about yourself. But all I can say at this point is that either way, your focus needn't on the Taoist belief and what you can make of it in relation to yourself. Continue to meditate and empty the head of all these questions...
  11. Tao and Souls

    I don't know...Taoism in its current religious/spiritual form would still say we have souls hopping into the bodies...
  12. Mair 5:6

    And the bad student says "booooooriiiiing"
  13. Mair 5:6

    It always is. Practice makes perfect...repetition is practice. So yes, in this context, same rule only that it's being passed from one person to another, as opposed to solo practice
  14. Mair 6:1

    I'm late to class as usual but if I may, I find what is done here very useful. As TT said, if we have our own other understandings and translations, then we can chime in where necessary. I see no problem with the current format and benefit greatly from what you all have to say about these sections But going further forward, once these inner chapters are done, I may open up some threads on the outer chapters. I haven't the time to write them out nor keep to any particular structure but I'm reading them for a second time at the moment and some things are just jumping out at me to speak about. I find some of these chapters easier to comprehend...I suppose it's down to a shift of time period and writing style in which they were written. I did a similar thing a couple of years ago and I remember a few useful conversations about The Big Concealment and Robber Chih. In fact, I may revisit those threads soon as my understanding is far better now. Well, if Burton Watson's translation is any good, that is
  15. Mair 5:6

    I love how Chuang Tzu repeats himself "The Way gives him an appearance and heaven gives him form". As in... "This isn't sinking in, is it? I'll try again" Hahahaha
  16. Porn?

    This is good. And the one who has only ever had the one partner and love side...perhaps porn could be a good thing for them every once in a while.
  17. Very good way of putting it
  18. Yes I agree. But what if you never had enemies to hammer? Let's not forget about the "ruthless sage". I agree, empathy and kindness can be a killer and as I've learnt over the years since being on this forum, there's kind then there's being a doormat. It's taken, what, 6 or 7 years but I think I've got the idea now haha. These days, "just doing" seems to cause no complaint or conflict. It's hard to get in people's way if you're not seen. But I remember one of the Wudang masters on a vid on Youtube saying that if someone hits you, why absorb their suffering by hitting back? I work to maintain this philosophy now. And with that, I've started to train Kung Fu again. Just like that - learning the art with no intention of ever using it. For me, that is the Way...
  19. PS If we don't perceive things as harmful, then we're all good. We can lead by example here. Others will probably see us as insensitive though, but I guess that's their problem?
  20. The idea that causing suffering is wrong is a universally accepted concept overall. You can't go to far wrong by not killing/harming. We can't manage it completely though... if the harm is indirect then it's ok apparently We can "feel bad" but forget about it pretty easily. The phone that I type this on has been made in extremely bad working conditions, so media over here has led me to believe. Therefore, should I refuse to by such things? I've tried being more "moral" and it just drives me mad. And it's so exhausting and harmful to one's self. The detail is that the Taoist understands it differently. Return to the source and by nature, you won't do harm anyway.
  21. Mair 5:5

    Ahhh...blending with man but having simplicity, little (or no) care - isn't involved in the earth-realm affairs. That was my morning...I took the whole day off to cultivate alone. Reality strikes when I'm back to work though!
  22. Mair 5:4

    I punched out a response to this and when I sent it, I got an error saying the site was offline. Otherwise, my phone doesn't seem to like signing out of TTB anymore. I am forever at one with the forum The basics of what I said though is yes, I have also had that sort of idea before as well. On my first reading, I actually thought that ZZ was using Confuse Us (sorry...continuing with the pet names given to the man, I couldn't resist) as a tool for making his point. Perhaps for satirical purposes and to wind Confucianists up. I could imagine the annoyance among Confectionists (sorry) if Zhuangzi was calling Confucius a converted Taoist. Jokes aside though, a very good point. Edit: Though my point still stands RE some of the outer chapters. Some parts jumped out at me as quite contradictory to the inner chapters in some places. I'd find an example but I'd have to backtrack.
  23. Mair 5:4

    The more I read these works, the more I understand that, especially in the outer chapters, there is some compromise between Taoism and Confucianism. As for this chapter, I will continue to sit back and watch everyone's opinions unfold. I'm not sure if we'll ever know for sure as each translation reads slightly differently...
  24. Non Neidan methods in Daoist meditation

    Sure...but isn't it interchangeable? A healthy interior is absolutely essential but wouldn't physical exercise accompany it? Of course there's Tai Chi which is also strengthening. Or are you talking further back than then? Edit: Though I do see every point in what you're saying in regards to training for "vanity"...the outside world etc etc
  25. Mair 4:9

    No, not me, just the post! =P