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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Meditations of the Heart

    Beatutiful I especially like the lines; "Stillness in motion" and oxymoron you can only understand by feeling it "Up or down...Just have got no meaning" yes...both are just perspectives "Time is a ghostly river" Lovely metaphor and imagery Great flow to the writing. Most importantly, nicely inspiring. Every meditator should read this!
  2. two amazing signs

    I've come to terms with a lot of my previous disappontments on this matter and thankfully, I'm finally comfortable with my latest decision. My tendency is to hold grudges so what I am doing now with her, may look out of character or even a mind-game to her and other family members. It's just going to take some getting use to, like any change in behaviour. But this should be enough for them to know that they are in my heart and thoughts, but I leave it at that. There's boundaries. Thank you for your well-wishes and kindness. I wish you the best this holiday season and I'll perhaps drop you a message one day. It's good to know there's someone there that can relate...and vice versa. You can always drop me a line too (and I'm always random as and when I log in here so no worries about ahy delayed responses) But for now, I'm off to enjoy Christmas No reason wyy that shouldn't be the case!
  3. permission

    Sounds like everything to do with Daoism to me Have you read the Zhuangzi?
  4. two amazing signs

    Absolutely. I had to do a similar thing for my own sanity with a family member, however complete rejection and ignoring didn't solve the problem. That left things lingering - a reminder of animosity and "why" we're not talking. This year I sent a Christmas card at least. That was a step up. I'm still "here" even though I'm not here.
  5. Which version of TTC should I get?

    Yes in fact, someone in this forum posted this site a few years ago for me when my inital copy went missing. I was travelling around on trains a lot back then so it was good to pull up on my phone
  6. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    No, but what I read in this post appears to be my understanding of things so far
  7. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    I was going to ask, what constitures as Daoist literature other than Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Leih Tzu. I will have a look at this as well
  8. I couldn't agree more. And about not being to perform duties as well - it's all in the head. My worst episode was back in March when I went to bed around 11pm for a 5am wake up. I was away from home on a friend's futon and anxiety kicked in. I think I finally dropped off at around 3:30am. I got up, grabbed my gear and went out into the cold. I was on site for 7am, powered through the day and when I got home at 8:30pm, I was astounded by how capable I was on less than 2 hours sleep. The next night I was a lot more relaxed and got close to the 6 hours I had planned the previous night. So the key is to not worry and defitely make use of your time. I might have to keep a book or comic by my bedside actually in future. That's a good one
  9. Do you have a day schedule too, Kar3n? Like a routine? I can only imagine that helps...
  10. What worked for me was finding work that forced me out of bed between 5am and 6am. I would start at 7am and work through until 7pm. By the time you get home, with such limited time on your hands, you don't mess about. Get in, eat, and do whatever needs to be done before you have to go to bed and repeat. Of course, I would't say it's a good life. A bit extreme...but no harm in getting something into your life that gets you out of bed. Even if it's a morning class or something.
  11. This is cool though. It's hibernation season after all (If you live in a country with a colder climate in December that is)
  12. Another insomnia thread Contrary to Aetherous (and lots of people's advice including the chinese medicine clinic) what works for me is watching TV in bed. Something that I actually enjoy too. Reasons being that I am in my most calm state then because I'm enjoying what I'm watching, and the reverse psychology of "I gotta stay awake for this" has the adverse effect! Switching off to technology etc just made me fidgety and irritable. I tried too hard with herbs and breathing exercises but the method that worked was so simple. I don't get up in the middle of the night anymore either. No longer needing the toilet at 3am etc...my job role change seems to have taken all these subconscious anxieties away.
  13. Martial Arts as Meditation

    Similarly, I did wing chun and left due to there being too much focus on other schools and how they "teach rubbish", plus I got hit in the head a lot. The forms are the one thing I take away from it. Calm, meditative movements which trains the focus and breathing. Like tai chi.
  14. Kindness

    Hello all, I've been away from here for a while. Logging in today, I am clueless about any older members that are still here, and any new people. If I come across as audatious, that is my disclaimer. It's nice to be back here, regardless I tend to go away from time to time. Helps me to re-evaluate life, my Way etc etc. My recent departure was mainly due to lack of time. I decided to follow a new path and challenge of actually taking a job offer in management in my field. A year of doing 50+ hour work weeks and I nearly exploded. I don't think I am built for all that. Anyway, after an outcry, the company granted my wish and reduced my duties, travelling and I now have space to "feel" again. I don't know what it is, but something about taking on this challenge was extremely important to my "Taoism" as I was able to experience for the first time since graduation, the life of a competitive and agressive work culture in London. The "norm" as it's known as. I'm 29 now and for 28 of those years, I stayed away from such a lifestyle. But I proposed and with marriage on the cards comes all sorts of "pressures" from outside. I always knew the pressures were nonsense anyway, but when you commit to such a thing, I guess you can't escape such things as there is a girl relying on you! Anyway, I have found my middle ground and have enjoyed a month of reduced workload. My body has been undergoing this great transformation. From anxiety and insomnia, 4-5 hours sleep a night to now struggling to get less than 10 hours a night...wow, it is amazing how every little thing you change for yourself in life can make such a big change to your overall experience of life. I am not the man I was a month ago...it's so strange. And with that, with many stresses, shouting at people, sacking people, road rage, emotional meltdowns, physical pain from too much activity, I can now say, and hear it from me - there is nothing better than a slower, more empty life. Appreciate the empty spaces in life and use them to cultivate kindness. In the world, despite there being so many wonderful things, there is so much chaos and hurt. Hear it from me...people don't want to be lectured, nor do they want to fight...but they may not know another way. Let's not try and change the world, that's futile, but we can always be the best that we can be. Bring kindness, it comes from a place inside that will lead to one's own longevity, whilst making others feel good. What a nice life for everyone! I will (try) to not boast, be arrogant, nor aggresive...I know I have been from time to time on this forum. Excessive "yang" has always been a big part of my personality but I know I can kick into overdrive too easily. I am still human, but I will never give up on the Way and my own personal need to simmer down...a tad. I don't know exactly why I wrote this to you all - I suppose this is the best place for me to write such a journal entry that may benefit one or two people at the same time. I don't write it out of a need for response nor debate. What I am saying is that, I am past debate and argument, and what I want to do now in this forum when I do log in, is merely share kindness and happiness. Life is too short to do anything else. I'm only 29 but very aware of my own mortality now...the days are going by quicker. Blessings to all, Tao Bums!
  15. Which version of TTC should I get?

    Hello! Just dropping in to say that I went for the D.C Lau version of TTC. How interesting...it is quite different. It's actually changed my perspective quite a lot! Funny isn't it? It is good that it comes with such a detailed and informative introduction - very useful for a western reader to put things into context
  16. Kindness

    This is lovely, thank you.
  17. Mair 2:4

    If I were to say Jimi Hendrix, would I be close to understanding this paragraph...?
  18. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    And if you didn't, some other good soul probably might have. Or a litter picker. Who knows? Let's just hope "The Butterfly Effect" isn't so crazy as we see in the film or The Simpsons otherwise you might have just brought back the dinosaurs.
  19. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    I forget which chapter it is in ZZ but there is a moral that you cannot prech to someone that doesn't want to listen. If you are an activist, you'll find that the people you attract are simply the ones that shared your views anyway. This is why we still haven't seen all the rich drop their jobs and join the left-wing, unemployed youth protests against austerity. And I don't expect that to ever change. Someone close to me is suffering from delusions and paranoia. Have you ever tried convincing someone like that? Impossible! Nature will be fine because enough people care. And if they don't, then governments seem to force people in to doing their bit anyway. But some, evident in this thread, will go the extra mile and make up some shortfalls A question though, for those against cars and machinery... Today I woke up extremely tired from a week of decorating. My calves are so sore that I can barely walk...but I wanted to get out of the house to take glass bottles to the recycling bank - so I hopped in my car, took them down and swung by the DIY store for some Clean Spirit (more environmentally friendly than White Spirit) So is my car so bad for the environment when I went and ran two errands which were intended to help nature?
  20. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Yes but Dealuin and sillybear are on the same page still so we could be on our way to a consensus And right about LZ and Zhuangzi, the general base which I like to refer to. This way we can avoid distorting our opinions with the complexity of building on top of ideas. Whenever something arises, something comes along to counter it. This is a rule for all things, and I suppose, the law of yin and yang. The books don't tell you what you should do, but both LZ and Zhuangzu agree on the fact that we use resources...just in a conservative and sensible manner. If one is a genuine Taoist, they would do the same. They would also say, "you are what you are". And if you are one to go and protect nature, so be it! And good for you
  21. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Very balanced and a good read. Thank you. Can't argue with NASA (Except conspiracy theorists who claim there was no moon landing. And apparently the earth is flat now) See, how are humans ever going to agree? And I too like my Diet Coke hehe. But in summary of the question of this thread, and you may not agree as you seem to have maybe a hint of "Captain Planet" about you but it is not a Taoist duty to protect nature...a Taoist wouldn't consciously harm nature anyway. I would say lead by example... ...and I understand that the Tao will have its Way, and we will pull together some how, some way, should we need to take extra measures to save man and animal kind from extinction. The dinosaurs probably thought that too but hey ho.
  22. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Very true. And the fact that people who claim to know so much (conspiracy theorists OR people that just read a lot of news) are always battling more to gave their voice heard more than anything. For example, two extremes: Climate change being a massive problem and we face extinction in the next 50 years Vs It's all a big conspiracy and not actually happening. If I had to pick a side, I still couldn't because quite frankly, I don't know anything for sure. If I read a lot of media that convinced me that climate change was a big problem that would wipe us out in 50 years, and kept feeding myself this, wanting to believe it, then I would. Then I'd become an activist in a way...or at least preach my arse off all over the internet. Meanwhile, I don't know for sure. But it doesn't really put me out to turn lights off when I'm not in the room, only use my car for necessary journeys and use the recycling bin etc. Then I walk down my local high street late a night to see all the shops lit up. Whether this is as damaging as we could imagine, that's a maybe. But when I did a bit of work with an environmental campaign group (government funded - I have a right mix of work clients!) they would campaign to "regular people" because it's more effective. More people listen and apply where corporations kind of get a free pass to waste a bit more because it's a lot more manageable for them. The rest of us can make up the shortfall, which I don't really have a problem with as like I say, it's not too much effort. If high street shops can be lit up at night, if I just need to do my bit and the world will still be fine, then no problemo. The governments aren't panicking just yet. And I'd like to think that they have enough expert advisors on hand that are telling them where the threshold actually is.
  23. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    It happens. I usually restrict myself to the text studies now but couldn't help but chime in on this thread. It's like a bad sugar addiction - I've said all I've needed to say in past threads then I find myself coming back and repeating myself for the sake of new threads and readers haha. With that comes less passion, and I suppose my clarity therefore slips. Glad we cleared that one up. But good point in the majority/minority thing. But I guess there's another angle: how much do I really know about the environment being sat behind a computer screen?
  24. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Oh absolutely - I think I posted an elaboration a bit lower down. It wasn't to be taken as a "well fuck it, if we all die the planet survives so there" *blows raspberry* That's pretty negati e too. However, it is the other extreme countering, and balancing out, some of the talk of industrial machinery being all out evil. But I don't think getting rid of cars, nuclear power or whatever is the be all end all. Humanity is taking measures to protect nature too. Maybe not enough, but from governments to nature trusts to solar panel companies...it's not all bad.
  25. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    That's a generalisation. There's plenty of skinny people about who drive day in, day out and don't have cancer. I'm not saying they won't cause/contribute towards cancer, and if all you do is sit in your car eating McDonalds then sure, I see your point. But we can enjoy these things if we are sensible with them. Unfortunaely, the big thing in the world is to own a car so it can get you to your 9-5. That's not the best use of time and resources!