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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Hi C T. I'm sorry but I struggle understanding this school of thought.
  2. Hi Brian. Absolutely, and I think that teen is still inside me because the nature of me moving away was yo get the hell away. With my mother's guidance, I would have been living locally, working in the civil service, and living someone else's life. Now that I've gone, and have found my way and career (going from mass debt to having my best year of business financially, ever) she is still critical. This is where the argumemts always begin. I've done this, this and this for personal development and her opinion is "well, it hasn't worked out great, has it?" Perhaps the key to losing the teen within is to stop caring about her opinion. It won't stop her asking though.
  3. On a good day, I have wu wei. On a bad day, I scream like a 2 year old. My cultivation/results have always been tempramental. Even when meditating daily. Idk.
  4. Now that I've been on this fprum a couple of years, I have developed that old human "clique" mentality. I will forever be a suck up haha. I will go and like that post after I post this one.
  5. Hehe, the image of the stereotypical Taoist smiling and nodding politely. Might come across as fake but hey, this advice is better than anything I have thought of yet!
  6. Yeah, I do see it as quite twisted myself. My sister used to also say she was good with emotional blackmail. I'm just evaluating whether such observations are correct. Either way, it was my pulse that was high, not hers. And she did say, "it's not normal for a son to spend so much time away and then when he comes back, to start shouting so much three days in". This, I agree with. But am I being subtly provoked, or is she merely just bringing out a part of me that I really need to address asap for the good of our relationship?
  7. I understand, but the problem is, I lose ambition to do anything constructive or independently when I don't have self...
  8. I hope so. That brings comfort My only other choice that I have is to lose my passion. That would kill the anger, but also make me emotionless. That is the only alternative I have found so far, and it's not ideal.
  9. This is what I've been telling myself, for this is what I understand it to be. But she said I was angry. She was clearly calm...so of course, she has something that I don't in that regard. Thanks for your full post, it made me feel better.
  10. Teaching

    I teach the guitar for a bit of extra cash. What is your discipline? I find I learn and tweak along the way. Anyone can have the basic components of teaching, ticking the boxes. Teaching effectively is your art. Your students will tell you how they learn in their attitudes. Yield, work with them. Don't instruct (unless working with core basics/foundations), be the guide in helping them figure it out.
  11. Freemasons, Success, Spirituality

    My kung fu academy is a secret society. You don't learn anything until you pay for lessons
  12. Freemasons, Success, Spirituality

    Is it inappropriate that I found this line funny, taking it out of context? Or were you literally running from priests?
  13. Freemasons, Success, Spirituality

    Be careful...there is a difference between thinking for yourself (aka being judgemental) and then fully understanding. It's a mistake I often make.
  14. Freemasons, Success, Spirituality

    I know a couple here in the UK, and to me, it just seems to be a boys club...like a fraternity. I would say that joining can be beneficial as the guys will help you out, and vice versa, in a charitable kind of way. As far as spirituality goes, they do have rituals and initiations etc. So do NFL teams, right? They have to believe in some form of higher power because they need to make oaths, a bit like a legal agreement. That's as much as I know. But maybe that's all I'm allowed to know from the outside Hehe, give it a try. Why not?
  15. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Ok...food for (my) thought.
  16. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Cool! But we are still talking about us being the authors of our own karma. The cultivation leads us to a place where we can eventually choose the best decision, rather than being attached to an emotion (revenge is the first thing that pops into my head). I did a job for a small business a while ago and still haven't been paid. I threatened him formally with court and he phoned me and threatened to "tear my head off". I sent another order and he continued to ignore the courts. When I went down the bailif route, I realised that this was hurting me much more than him...I was still doing all the work! Plus, I found that in the laws here, we need a home address for bailifs (which of course I didn't have) I was so angry and felt so helpless and foolish. I felt the need to brick his window or make multiple orders of his products to fake addresses or something. Thankfully I didn't, and I meditated so much. I realise that only I could keep myself in the viscious cycle of revenge and what if I did do him harm? Then he would seek revenge on me. What about my home, my girlfriend and family? He knew where I live...my home address is on the top of my invoices! So, I let sleeping dogs lie. And I stopped grabbing business from anyone that came my way. Learned lessons...I haven't had a non payment in 13 months
  17. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Nope. I've learned this trick from you haha.
  18. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Ok, I will wait as I think I know what you're saying, but I don't want to speak too soon.
  19. I am just wondering if anybody works with specific lighting conditions, aromas/incense etc when meditating. Here in England, in December, it's all very dark and grey outside during the day. Not dark enough to warrant candles though, but with the curtains open, it's all a bit "miserable".
  20. And the burning of incense at temples? Statues of immortals? Ok, I understand though...yes the waterfalls and closeness to nature...in fact, this is why I like my steam baths and essential oils perhaps! That's what I mean though...I set up an environment that is close to nature. Nature affects our moods though...some of us like sun, some of us don't and so on. So if I meditate around storms, and I don't feel better for it, is there a problem with my setting? I think so. Storms are violent. The darker the sky, the closer we are the storms. Then we have storms in our daily lives. Bad times we accept will pass...but we don't voluntatily have bad times, do we? So surely I should choose my time and setting for meditation?
  21. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Cool Do you have an example or hypothetical situation where you can demonstrate the non-humam version?
  22. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    Haha, yeah. I can't seem to get it right either. The maths behind it all is too complicated for me. Why would we want to clear karma anyway? Life is good, isn't it?