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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    True. Still better to have a partner than a computer though.
  2. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    I am currently in the process of changing my taste in women. I started noticing a pattern!
  3. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 2

    The first part seems to talk about the subjectivity of people, and how something named "beautiful" comes out of something less so. The ups and downs of life are all part of the same polar scale. D.C Lau's notes say that "Before and after follow each other" is a "strange" thing to say, and suggests that it probably refers to a ring. So, its abstract meaning would be like the cycle of life, seasons and so forth. So the sage is still, imitating Dao "It" And "It" is humble. "It" has provided all we need, and there is no need for thanks. "It" just does. "It" just doesn't do.
  4. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    I'm going to start stealing your words outside of this forum haha. The comparison to sports and politics is very true. Especially politics...I find people who are always on about their agenda are not really better than any other addict.
  5. Great Taoist Books

    Hey, I don't know if you're still here but have you read the Daodejing yet? There's your starting point!
  6. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    If the OP gets this far, then he is certainly making progress.
  7. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 1

    Gawd, quoting on a phone is so annoying haha. I'm going to restart this study, for my own good. I don't know if anyone will join in, but I will post my thoughts anyway So it is common knowledge that it is saying that Dao is indescribable in words. The moment that it becomes something, it is already not Dao. But the beginning of all things comes from this. The world as we know it is what we understand, and can only understand. Rid yourself of desires aka meditative practice. Only then do we become connected with it. Then, back to the "real world" - live it! Enjoy what had been laid out for us. Both are one, together working as yin and yang. It's important to understand the importance of both and how they compliment each other.
  8. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    I think he's gone. But anyway, in case he reads. Keep the computer off. Hang in areas where it is just too much effort to go in and turn the thing on. Remind yourself that your phone is hack central, and you really want to only use it for stuff that, well, you're not worried about anyone seeing. Do something. Remind yourself that you are better than this. Do anything, just not that. If you need to "go", do it without the porn. Get it out of your system then continue to go do something. If you fuck up, don't feel bad. But tell yourself that was a one-off and that it's now time to get busy. And take I4L's advice in just going out and talking to ladies. Make friends, have a laugh. You will respect them more over time, and they will enjoy your company. And I'm not talking even with the intention of getting anything from it. Quite frankly, I enjoy general convos with most women generally because they have something that we just don't have. Of course, just the ones that seem like they have some form of attention span. That goes for guys too...certain people attract certain people. If you need a push in a direction that will take your mind off the sexual stuff, find a lady that is 60+ that can stand on one leg for longer than you can, makes good stew and knows how to cultivate plants and can tell you all about a time when life was a bit tougher than this. My point is, it starts with you telling your brain "Just stop it".
  9. Falun Dafa/Gong anyone practice?

    I was wondering how this thread managed to make it to page 4. What on earth more could be said about F.G? Oh yeah, nothing 😂
  10. Yes, I know as much as facing south when doing qigong amd avoiding having clutter ib front of you.
  11. Amoral Dao

    Because that's how it translates in Tao Te Ching.
  12. Amoral Dao

    I am going to retrospectively "like" your post for the first half, but I question this. Such things can be, like environmental factors and influences. But didn't a little 3 or 4 year-old you, once get drawn to something because you liked it? I mean, I found Power Rangers alone and that way I knew I was into martial arts. I know that sounds funny, but it's true. It was my inspiration and none of that put on me. Sorry if I've missed your point, though. I know we are talking about morality, but if we are talking about enjoyment, that covers a whole new spectrum. There's a science to this, and even a Christian though. Although, I thought the age might be younger. Something about being past a certain age, our personality is all but made up for life.
  13. What is Taoism

    Asking for a friend?
  14. What is Taoism

    Cool. Ok, back to ghosts...
  15. What is Taoism

    I don't think anyone is disputing the importance of deep abdominal breathing. But we are putting things into context. Calling something a "waste of time" without knowing the purpose or strategy for teaching is a pretty dismissive.
  16. What is Taoism

    Well, that isn't an answer. Why would someone teach something that is a waste of time? Who says this? So does this mean you practice taiji with deep breathing too?
  17. What is Taoism

    Based on what?
  18. Amoral Dao

    Leading to... @virtue What say ye?
  19. What is Taoism

    None of my teachers are in or from the west. And they are quite clearly different styles from two very different and very reputable schools.
  20. What is Taoism

    Ugh. Should I start being nice to my sister from now then, or is it worth the gamble to just not and maybe buy some paper fu in roughly 50 years?
  21. What is Taoism

    The one I was taught doesn't. Just natural breathing. Which is still breathing. But if you learn Return Spring, there is a distinct breathing pattern to follow.
  22. What is Taoism

    So do you not call ba duan jin qigong?
  23. Amoral Dao

    Are we saying de = virtue? I'm trying to describe this form without applying it to the concept of a subjective good or bad. It's often very hard for people to understand.
  24. What is Taoism

    +1 I do both, depending on which one I am doing.
  25. Amoral Dao

    I have a hazy memory for the details, but I want to say that yes, emperors generally didn't care for any of the philosophies as they were busy going about thier business. Powerhouse work, no time to procrastinate. You may need to correct me or elaborate. But despite this, nowadays, Confucianism is an important philosophy among the people in China, as well as Daoism (and Buddhism, just mentioning...not really relevant here) I believe this is what he means...it is what I was getting at anyway. What is interesting is how Daoism sits in the rest of the world. Here in the west, we wouldn't say it's balanced with Confusianism because that isn't the case here. Those following this path often aren't born into the ideology, but moreso see it one day when finding their way out of "the norm".