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Everything posted by teknix

  1. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Rofl, wut?
  2. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    The people who make such claims should be held 100% accountable.
  3. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    It does seem that a common ploy amongst these scam artist is to point their finger at you, attempt to be-little you, claim it is you fault, feign insulted, berate you for insolence, etc, etc. I think the thing is that their profession and careers and even word are at stake, so they automaticall become defensive. In the rational world I don't believe without a legitimate reason to believe something. If there is not any change then the null hypothesis is accepted, quite simple. In general terms it is up to the claimant, or the person making the claim, to provide the predicted change. I could claim I can levitate, but without evidence or ever really ever have done so, it is a flat out lie and immoral, and I would have no reason to tell people such a thing. Not even for money or power over them.
  4. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    It was hypothetical.
  5. Rats, back to the drawing board.
  6. Was I right, was you feeling annoyed?
  7. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    And this guy thinks he's an IQ judge, How would you judge if almost everyone is higher than you?
  8. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Over a thousand have tried and none have produced any expected changes. It's enough said.
  9. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Do you see enough change occuring in the predicition to reject the null hypothesis in regards to supernatural powers anytime soon?
  10. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Then you know nothing is predicted within certainty and your argument is baseless. "The final conclusion once the test has been carried out is always given in terms of the null hypothesis. We either "Reject H0 in favour of H1" or "Do not reject H0". We never conclude "Reject H1", or even "Accept H1"."
  11. Trance and the Path

    Perhaps, or mayhap you are under-thinking it?
  12. Full lotus

    Stagnant deoxygenated blood isn't healthy for your cells. Nerve cells require a continuous flow of nutrients, especially Ca2+ and Na+ ions in order to properly function. As you may recall, nerve signal transduction depends on the nerve cell being able to route a wave of depolarization across the length of the axon. Without the vital nutrients and oxygen that fresh blood supplies, the electrical gradient can't be produced, resulting in no signal being sent to the brain. Your body interprets this lack of signal as numbness. You can try this out on your own by pressing against the large artery on the inside of your upper arm. After a few minutes you'll notice a drop in the sensation of your entire limb, which is due to your nerve cells not having fresh nutrients. As for veins, blocking a vein will only lower the amount of blood that is being re-oxygenated, but there are hundreds of veins in your body that can compensate for a single vein being blocked, so it is very unlikely that blocking a single vein will have any effect. The only way that vein blockage could cause problem is if it is completely blocked off, resulting in a buildup of oxygen-poor blood not being able to leave a site, at which point numbness will be the least of your worries, and gas gangrene and swelling will become more pressing issues. Blood is considered connective tissue because it is what is used to feed the cells, no blood flow, no cell food.
  13. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    I just got a post from this member that I didn't help at all:
  14. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Everything is determined from the Null hypothesis, or the one without change, pls don't pretend to know. The null hypothesis is either accepted or rejected against the predicted change. Here is a great place to start if you want to learn something: http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/steps/glossary/hypothesis_testing.html
  15. Trance and the Path

    The argument from authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) can take several forms. As a statistical syllogism, the argument has the following basic structure:[1] Most of what authority A has to say on subject matter S is correct. A says P about subject matter S. Therefore, P is correct. Appeal to Authority much? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority
  16. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Woa, defensive much? So what is a troll besides someone who doesn't buy into the whole supernatural power thing? I'm prob not worth your time because I'm obviously not buying into any BULLSHIT!
  17. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Well, if you are desperate enough to pay money and think your gonna develope supernatural powers, you're probably going to end up with a lot of bark and no bite.
  18. Good luck with that, by your tone I would guess annoyed.
  19. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Jeez, you should be charged advertisement dollars, not that it shows obvious bias through vested interest, or anything . . .
  20. How does it differ from "Just Be' or 'Be here, now"?
  21. So make an educated guess about me from what I have typed? The practice is known as Psychology.
  22. I think you guys just gain insight through the perspective being typed. It's just empathy. IE; put yourself in their shoes, Universal Maxims.
  23. Can't sign out of my account

    Internet Options -> General Tab -> Check "Delete browsing hsitory on exit" -> Click "Delete" -> Uncheck "Preserve favorites website data". -> click "Delete" -> restart internet explorer.
  24. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Yeah dude, go show the world what you're made of!