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About themiddleway

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  1. Reconstructing prehistoric rainfall

    It’s complicated, Chris Rentsch has proven that CO2 inhibits out going radiation. In his words : My research seeks to avoid the uncertainties inherent to climate models by instead analyzing spectroscopic satellite data to empirically measure the forcing effects of rising CO₂. Where was the core, fundamental study experimentally verifying that higher CO2 produces the expected reduction in outgoing infrared radiation?
  2. By studying an ice record spanning 1,013 years, our results reveal a clear story of wetter wet periods and drier dry periods than is evident in Australia’s much shorter instrumental weather record.
  3. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Ben's channel unchartedX dose an excellent job at debunking the debunkers and presenting alternatives to how the megalithic sites around the world could have been constructed. Who is more qualified to talk about this subject archaeologist or engineers ?
  4. Heatwave in Antarctica

    More here:
  5. Heatwave in Antarctica

    Hard to know what is weather v climate and what is natural variability v genuine AGW signal , also current La Nina cycle of el nino oscillation.
  6. A.I. Winter

    Great article deflating the hype behind A.I. "While people who have no idea what they are talking about are spreading panic about Boston Dynamics robots taking over the world, in reality AI systems can't tell a difference between a soccer ball and a bald head of the referee.There are plenty examples of such mistakes and they all clearly point to the obvious: contemporary AI system have very rudimentary understanding of reality and cannot be trusted to make similar judgements as we do.'
  7. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Science has to be evaluated in light of this. This is well worth watching if you have time, science needs reform ASAP:
  8. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    2006 paper led by Don Henderson credited with small pox eradication
  9. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Did all of Asia, Pacific rim, sub Africa perfectly comply with NPI's ? There must of been some pre-immunity involved and also hyper testing is inflating the case numbers.
  10. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Prior respiratory season severity has been proposed as an important factor, the point of the above list is that arguing that lockdowns are the prime factor effecting mortality is too simplistic. This request for expedited federal investigation into scientific fraud in COVID‑19 public health policies is interesting Lockdowns are a Xi Jinping policy, and the significance of that fact cannot be overstated. The idea of locking down an entire state or country and forcibly shutting down its businesses and public places was never entertained, never discussed, and never implemented in any pandemic literature until it was done by General Secretary Xi in January 2020.
  11. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Thats a post hoc fallacy, there is no evidence that lock downs work, top four in deaths per million are Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Peru... I suspect in the case of China, Taiwan indeed much of East Asia, Oceania, Pacific Rim there was pre-immunity, I will add more this later . What other factors would affect mortality rates other than lockdowns ? A list below : Population Size Age Demographics Overall Health Level Overall Medical Care Quality & Availability (to all, not just those who can pay) Quality of Elderly Care Overall Economy Level of “Industrialization” Birth Rate Quality, Level and Availability of Education Proportion migrant population Population Density Cultural / Socioeconomic Interaction Patterns Behavioral Patterns Family Structure Previous Flu Season Season/Latitude Excellent analysis here:
  12. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Some of you may have seen this animation do the rounds from the FT, and explanation below why its misleading, 'if you torture the data long enough...'
  13. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Seen as the whole world is going down for the mass jab this is a evidenced based article on the vaccines that have been approved; though i can't help but wonder how Wuhan achieved equilibrium with the virus without a vaccination, as that is now deemed impossible by Western Health Officials... oh and take away point : ''None of these studies tell us whether the vaccines are safe and effective for children. It would be unethical to start vaccinating children without first having made sure that it’s safe, especially considering that the risk to children from covid is infinitesimal. The same applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with immune disorders, and people with severe allergies. If you belong to one of these groups, you should probably think extra long and hard before getting vaccinated, because these groups were not represented in the studies, and it is therefore not clear that the benefits outweigh the harms''