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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. What is the Ego?

    Son, remember what I said, this is the web. Whatever happens here, it has no bearing to the real world. I do have a life outside of Tao Bum, fyi.
  2. What is the Ego?

    Wow...the ego is digging into a bigger hole now. So, a psychotherapist is same as witch doctors and tarot card readers.
  3. What is the Ego?

    Dude, the difference between you and me and is that I am on a path and experienced various cultivation results and meditation accomplishments. You? You are still psychobabling. At least, I don't go around telling people I am an unlicensed therapist.
  4. What is the Ego?

    Mine is PhD in bullshitology, just like Karl's....hehehehe.
  5. What is the Ego?

    Wow.....I am beyond words....... Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... unlicensed therapist....unlicensed doctor. Hehehehehehehe.......
  6. What is the Ego? license and no degree required to become a therapist...???? Even for being a social worker you need a degree and a license.
  7. What is the Ego?

    Karl, it is all clear. This is your game plan, right. You want us to take you seriously because you aren't really an expert in many of the cultivation subjects. So, you faked about your knowledge on many of the meditation subjects by claiming you spent so and so years studying with a particular cultivation school. Now, we are switching somewhat to the ego psychology (I personally psychoanalyzed myself and literally cured my own neurosis by reading up on Carl Jung's Analytical psychology). So, you have to concoct some story about you being a therapist so that you can become an authority in dealing with the ego complex. So that we would take your psychobables seriously. Hehehehehehehehehe...... This is the web son. Whatever happens here, it has little bearing to the world outside around you. No wondering why you spammed so much here....
  8. What is the Ego?

    Now, you are a therapist. Oh, really? Where did you get your license? Who is allowing you to practice? Where did you get your psychiatric degree? Maybe that's your problem. You THOUGHT and fantasized you are anything and everything. Your "credentials" impress no one here, I assure you.
  9. Fear is the root of All suffering

    More psychobables.....this fear is personal and in relation to the ego and specific to that ego of an individual. That's why not everyone fears the same thing. Holiday destination??? Being disappointed in your holiday destination does not cause the ego to go into a panic mode and fearing its existentialism.... Frankly, you have a bigger issue if being disappointed by your holiday destination would wreck havoc in your ego/persona complex.
  10. What is the Ego?

    Your ego is worth as much as it relates to others. It has no intrinsic value. Its existence is dualistic and interdependent/dependent. Frankly, I would give you a penny for your ego...hehehehe... You can have my ego for FREE because it is already dead long ago. Hehehehehe
  11. What is the Ego?

    Hahahaah...psychobabble is called logic. No need for your logic. There is a whole scientific field in psychology and psychotherapy dealing with the ego complex and the state of neurosis. No need for your logic. Thanks anyway.....
  12. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Not my perception now. It was how things were for me 20 years ago. I had a mid life crisis around 17. A year later, I had my kundalini energy rising experience. Go figure.... My ego was a quick death and years in the making. Since I was young, single, and still in college, the ego death was convenient and didn't generate much negative karma. What if you are already married and made few enemies in your life? Is going to be fun.
  13. Fear is the root of All suffering

    No, not that easy. That's why the ego complex is called a complex. A matrix of inner emotional and psychological conditioning giving rise to this ego and pretty much more or less, under the influence of this complex, your life is in an auto pilot mode. People don't realize it until they hit a wall in their lives!!!!!
  14. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Is not that you choose to fear but it was this internal fear you have an ego. What is this internal fear? Your past and your life history give rise to this ego and its defense mechanism. What if this fear is being played out in your dreams? Good luck trying not to fear. A fearful dream about your past can linger on throughout your entire daily existence. It makes you feel like you are living in the past again.
  15. Fear is the root of All suffering

    The ego isn't real. It is dualistic by nature. Therefore, its essence and existence are interdependent to the body and the world around it. The ego can not just be and must be defined by its interaction with the social surrounding. The ego is as much as a persona for the individual. It helps the individual to deal with the world around him or her. Would the ego commit a suicide if a person decided to live in a forest for months without any contacts with any civilization? I say the animal instincts would take over this individual. For a cultivator, this would give birth to a Taoist immortal instead. The ego's fear is internal. The ego is like a pressure cap on a pressure cooker. As long as there is an equilibrium, the ego has nothing to fear. If the ego can no longer deal with the person's past traumas, things would get ugly for the ego. The greatest fear for the ego is internal. Ego can change its surrounding to deal with world life issues. Its past? You can't escape the past and it will always be there regardless where you are.
  16. What is the Ego?

    Because other proven teaching is usually accompanied by a meditative sign, nimitta, to demonstrate that the cultivator is making progress..meaning he or she has somewhat killed the ego and much of the early life suffering has been dissolved because of its interdependent/dependent nature of suffering.
  17. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Yeah, another thread about the poor sob Ego...hehehehehehe.....
  18. What is the Ego?

    Because other proven teaching is usually accompanied by a meditative sign, nimitta, to demonstrate that the cultivator is making progress. What is your nimitta? Hot air and a bloated ego, perhaps? Hahaahaha...... Without realizing and perceiving the nimitta, is all nothing but he said she said.
  19. What is the Ego?

    Hehehhehehe..... +1000......
  20. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Easy....hehehehehhe.....straight powerful force crawling through my spine. Literally feeling it. And to reach to my crown. Seeing the nimitta light in my third eye with my eyes opened!!!!!! That's it. I see them (the nimitta) usually with my eyes closed NOW. 20 years ago, I could see it with my eyes opened. Burning fire sensation all over. Almost a frightening experience. Because the force is so powerful (relative to my numbers of energy channels developed), I wasn't able to maintain concentration. Therefore, the experience would only last for about 3 sec. However, I could reach my kundalini realization after my first experience and to reproduce the result for the next 3 weeks. Yes, I had kundalini energy rising experience for 3 weeks straight whenever I meditated, back then. FYI, the experience was spontaneous and I had no prior knowledge in the kundalini yoga or with any other religious, yoga affiliations. That's why the kundalini realization is considered belonging to the realm of the first jhana. Now, the MCO, on the other than, is a more refined form of the kundalini energy realization because it is "sustainable." I can sustain my bliss for hours as long as I am in my MCO. How do you know if you have a MCO? The appearance of the mysterious light or the pearl light in your third eye, followed by the flow of chi throughout your channels. And experiencing no pain either sitting and meditating in a half lotus or a full lotus position. Like I said, I don't dabble with over analyzing the sutras because it is not needed for me. I can achieve my realization in my meditation, not through the intellectualizing the sutras. FYI, intellectualizing the sutras does not produce Samadhi, nor it can alter the nature of the energy pathway of your chakra channels.
  21. Wu Wei

    Let me take a shot at it...hehehehehe..... On a more simpler level, is about man acting with the Tao. Thereby, events around him would unfold naturally without him consciously making things to happen. On a higher, esoteric level, I see wu we as having the ability to see and to know the Tao and the law governing nature and events (ie as in precognitive messages and visions). One can decide either to act or not to act in order to allow the event to unfold as it should. Here, you would begin to deal with what is called the temporal paradox in the sci fi lingo...heheehehe.. Meaning that because you know how certain events would unfold naturally, should you act or not act on it. Would your deliberated action cause the event to unfold or not to unfold. A lot of times, people make things worst by doing too much in a situation. Another aspect of wu wei is when you can act instinctively because you have put aside your discriminative mind and to allow your tao mind to function as it is. For example would be in a life threatening situation when you have little time to react to the situation (war zones, car accidents, and etc).
  22. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Regardless....neither the kundalini energy experience or the MCO is the ultimate realization of a fully liberated, realized mind. However, having the ability to enter in a deeper level of absorption and Samadhi is a great achievement and realization, regardless if one is well versed in various sutras studies.
  23. Jax on Dharmawheel

    FYI, I am writing this from experiences. Like I said, I don't dabble much with over analyzing the sutras.....for me. There is no need to if you can produce results in your meditation practices....
  24. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Mixing up?? Not at stages you have to go through. One school of thought is better in dealing with the energy because it encompasses other stages of experiences. Kundalini energy rising is ONE way to the head.
  25. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Also, the wind and chi energy must fill up your center channels or in your heart chakra in order for you to realize your Samadhi. There are no other ways....not that I know of.