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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Carl jung and eastern thought

    He does not know....heheheh....
  2. Carl jung and eastern thought

    Great man and a great thinker in the west, at least. He was the first psychotherapist to move away from the sexual nature of mental disorders of the modern man. I would have considered him my early mentor if he was alive. My early psychological issues with my early childhood was literally cured from reading his work. He is a agnostic Christian, fyi. He later developed interests in Chinese philosophy because his friend Richard Whilem was a sinologist. He literally westernized Chinese Taoism and Chinese philosophy to some extend. I won't consider him an expert in Eastern thoughts and religions. However, he paved the way for the west to develop interests in myths and slowly moving away from dogmatic Christianity and "rationalism." Frankly, if your dreams are still sexual in nature, he isn't for you, fyi. You should stick with Freud. His role as the head of the psychoanalysis association during the Nazi era was dubious.
  3. Hehehehe...we have to realize that by the time you see white snow and raining flower, you are almost an may already have been fasting and meditating in some cave for months.
  4. Is not a vision. Is the basic nature of you and your heart. It will always be there during your your dreams...and while you are awake....just close your eyes and look into your heart and it is there. However, if you look at the mysterious gate long enough and to allow your mind to come in, this light would transform into visions or into another imaginary.
  5. Is not the same as white snow or the manifestation of the immortal fetus in its infancy. The light has to turn golden first, supposedly. I won't know since I haven't reached that stage yet, obviously. However, I frequently see the white pearl or the nimitta light during my meditation and in my dreams.
  6. Yeah but there are no shortcuts unless you were gifted before you were born. Even then, it means that you can progress further or to experience a higher stage cultivation without investing the time needed to develop your foundation. Still, it means that you can experience these stages much faster. It does not mean you would SKIP some steps.
  7. It depends because how does one perceive this pearl light if it is not through your third eye??? This light has to be perceived, not felt somehow....
  8. You must remember that this pearl is a reflection of your heart. It is an internal reflection. The light does not exist outside of you. Eyes close or open won't matter because you are seeing it as an internal reflection of your heart. It only arises when the internal negative heart chi is mixed with the positive chi of your LDT. They are intense, like looking at the sun. Generally, the appearance of the nimitta light is accompanied by a warm chi sensation running through your body. Sometimes, mild to intense bodily vibrations....
  9. Is the Mysterious Gate or the white pearl which is being perceived by the third eye but emitting from your heart. In the language of the Buddhist teaching, is the nimitta light. It is not a sign before the birth of the immortal fetus!!!! That's just the light or a sign that your MCO has completed its path and your third eye is seeing the voidless void. You can not have an immortal birth without seeing this white pearl or the mysterious gate!!!!
  10. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Is beyond lucid if you have a clear light dream. In your dream state, you have reached the non-duality state which is manifested by a clear, luminous white light and it is called rigpa. You are basically meditating in your sleep without consciously knowing that you are meditating.
  11. Attainment beyond Sleep

    If I understand correctly, at this stage when you don't need sleep, you are very closed to being an immortal and about to give birth to the immortal fetus. I don't think that's anything most of us have to WORRY about. Hehehehehehe.... I value sleep because highly realized beings would only appear to you in your sleep, in your dreams. Without sleep, how do expect to progress in your cultivation. Surely, not all of the cultivation secrets can be passed on to you through texts and books. Certainly, not through your "living" masters.
  12. I am no strangers to unintended meditative experiences. This one was new. Last night, before I went to bed, I was meditating on my LDT, the usual MCO stuff. Unlike in the morning, I wasn't able to form the white light or the mysterious gate. Instead, I gathered a lot of wind energy and yang energy and I felt bliss. It was nice and warm but, after one hour, I called it quit since I wasn't seeing the immortal light. Also, I felt there was a build up of jing energy at the root of my penis. And I was slowly getting the "urge." I realized that wasn't good and I went to bed and tried to calm my mind and my heart so that I won't get anymore urges. It kind of work. While I was slowly falling into sleep and still wild awake, I felt this numbing and vibrational force going through my entire body. The feeling wasn't localized. It was just there and it was strong. I felt the oscillations and tried to slow it down using my third eye and controlling my breathing. About 30s into it and I got a bit annoyed because I felt a pressure building up on my chest. Two, my AC was on and so I didn't want to lose control and thereby drawing in more cold air inside me. My room at this point was a bit on the cold side. I had a blanket over me. Somehow, my third eye began to draw a rotational circle in my LDT and the oscillation and vibration were getting the point that I almost felt my bed was shaking. The pressure on the chest was getting intense, but not hot or didn't hurt. There was no pain. So, I let go completely a minute later. Then, it all stopped. Interestingly, so as my urges and the pressure at the root of my penis. It was a relief because I could finally go to bed without worrying about losing my jing... Obviously, somehow, my jing was transmuted in the process. It didn't travel through my spine. I think it went into reverse and through my center channels. For the rest of the night, I occasionally woke up partially and seeing the immortal light with my third eye. The light wasn't strong but very soothing kind of intensity.
  13. The process is supposedly as instinctive as a woman giving birth to a child...hehehehe.... When it happens, you are supposed to know when to push it through your crown chakra. This immortal fetus is supposed to be dwelling in your middle tan dien until it is mature. Let's look at it from a practical standpoint... Do you meditate in a cave for 10 months and to continuously meditate until you can give birth to this immortal fetus? Before you can come out and to rejoin with the civilization? Or you can go on living your life while this fetus is getting matured, but you won't be in a meditative state? Something tells me that the birth of an immortal fetus won't happen if your meditation is interrupted or you are still surrounded by civilizations.
  14. I thought this passage is interesting from the Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality if you are already seeing the Mysterious Gate or Spiritual white/yellow light from the mixture of both negative heart chi and the positive chi in your dan tien. "....a bright moonlight which rises from the lower to the middle and then the upper dan tien before the practicer sees falling snow and dancing flowers in the front of him." page 150 footnote. Does this mean the MOC pathway is going in partial reverse? From the lower dan tien and flowing back up through the center channels and bursting out from the third eye and the crown chakra???
  15. I became a miracle worker

    Hey, if you say so....
  16. fear of dark and ghosts don't read much and you don't understand much and you obviously don't not even meditate (let alone to experience any of the meditative states)...yet, you know the truth and I don't. Hhehehhehe.... Hmm...yeah, I am done here unless the OP is still alive.......
  17. fear of dark and ghosts

    Common sense??? Your fear is not my fear. My fear, if I have any, is not yours. I experienced "death" in my samadhi but yet I am still alive. Go read up on the Tibetan Book of the Dead and to learn about the death bardo experiences. A samadhi is nothing more than a min cycle of death you can experience while you are still alive, while your body is still functioning. You really need to do more reading, and stop playing this mind game....
  18. fear of dark and ghosts

    There goes again, your mind game. hehehehe..... Neither fear or death is real. Fear is relative. Death is only to your body, not your "mind." Even a murderous criminal who died would have its mind wondering in the hell realm because of his karma and his current life habitual energy.
  19. Effects of reverse breathing

    Really??? Hehehehe.... Jing generated and conserved or held back from lustful thoughts are considered useless jing...according to some Taoist texts. These jing can not be transmuted into Chi. Semen retention isn't really necessary to transmute your jing into chi. Trust me on this... However, you should not leak it too frequently either. However, if the jing energy is generated not by lust or getting horny and you manage to conserve it, you would have a break through in your meditation. Or you can easily transmute your jing into the chi and chi to shen and the "spirit of vitality," "white light," would be stronger, bigger, and more stable. I think the subject of semen retention is very much misunderstood by a lot of people.
  20. fear of dark and ghosts

    I think you are the one who has to make up some mind game and rationalization to psychologicalize...hmm....death and fear. They are part of us, and is our eventuality. I also practice the skeleton meditation. To meditate on death is just natural. Early Buddhist monks meditated on death because seeing and feeling death can purge one's ego...and to destroy it.
  21. fear of dark and ghosts

    Why the cemetery and why dealing with death? Meditation. To understand death and the deceased. Many choose to meditate in a cemetery. Me? I was doing cemetery photography. Trying to capture stories about various grave sites. To give voice to the deceased. It was fun since the historic cemetery is soooo so beautiful. Is very quiet and unlike anywhere else in the city. What happens if you go visit a cemetery without a very purified good intention?? Good luck to you..... Here is one of my favorite shots. Husband and wife being buried together and the 2 redwood trees symbolized them..This was shot in 35mm film, black and white. A bit history here....
  22. fear of dark and ghosts

    Looking for spirits? want to get acquainted with the history of the people buried there. That's no different than reading a history book or a family tree. Instead, this is more hands-on.
  23. Does AYP give bad kundalini advice?

    I think I know his answer already......hehehehehe....
  24. fear of dark and ghosts

    Try it again. This time, try a larger old city cemetery with graves dated back to 18th century or even 17th century. Instead of minding your own business, try to read the names of the tomb stones and the date the deceased died. Imagining their lives. Some burials are grouped in a family with several generations. Walking up to some of the old, old mausoleums. Feel the air surrounding them and to breathe in the moist, damp air. If possible, to meditate next to them. Do that for 5 hours or so. Not long ago I used to hike around my local historic cemetery. Is so big that you can not finish the hike in 1 day. So, I went back again the next 4 days. On my 4th day, I got nauseated and feeling dizzy in the middle of the day. And I felt unusually cool as well...excessive yin energy...for the next 2 weeks. A cemetery has certain smell. I came up on a very sad grave site. A grave site of a 10 month-old infant girl. She was from South Africa and died in South Africa. Apparently, she was buried in the US. I google her name and apparently she died from some medical condition. She died in her sleep. I had one interesting dream but fortunately I have no spirits attaching me. There are reports that spirits getting attached to the individuals visiting the cemetery. Just because you close your mind to the spirit world, it does not mean they don't exist.....your mind game would only carry you so far. Certainly, it won't help you in your cultivation process, not at all..... No, you don't get smarter or wiser because you aren't connected to the spirit world, but only to your mind and your ego. They are normally very limiting....
  25. fear of dark and ghosts

    But you were a child...not a thing to care about in the world with a small ego.