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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. fear of dark and ghosts

    For the OP, here is the deal. This house used to be a residence of an old king's lover. So, there are secrets that shouldn't be revealed due to the nature of the relationship. Something embarrassing maybe. The woman in red is probably the lover herself. It could be a treasure but a treasure that may reveal some embarrassing element of the king's relationship with the lover. More than likely an embarrassing moment for the lover more than for the king. If you are planning to live in this house and in this room, you better tell your family about this dream you have and why they should just drop their treasure hunting....
  2. fear of dark and ghosts

    It has nothing to do with mind game or some fancy conceptualizations. This house is haunted, period. No amount of psychologicalization would work here, period. His cultivation level isn't advanced enough to live in this house and in his room with an open heart. If his heart is open and shinning with a bright luminous light, he wouldn't be dreaming about an angry woman in red. Hehehehehe.... Instead, he would have encountered her with a sense of understanding and compassion. He would have been told the story about this treasure. Try to spend a day walking around in an old cemetery and getting close and personal with the tomb stones and mausoleums. See if your mind and your heart can remain clam afterward. See if you get strange dreams too..heheheh...
  3. fear of dark and ghosts

    That would make sense if he isn't living in a possible haunted house....with a woman spirit dressed in red warning him not to dig up the "treasure" inside the house.
  4. Spider Kung Fu

    Hahahaha..horrible fight scene. Badly choreographed....
  5. fear of dark and ghosts

    Well, it looks like the negative energy is coming from your house, and your room too. Are you or your family the original owner of the house? If not, what is the history of it. Why you think there are some treasures hidden in this house? Maybe is not treasure..... Maybe some dark past about this house.... Maybe the lady is telling you not to pursue it. Is not going to work because the more someone is telling you not to find out what happened, you would go finding out what happened. Can you change to a different room? Maybe?
  6. Strength of concentration in MCO

    Since you asked..... Strength here is the intensity, the stability, and the duration of the Pearl Light, Mysterious Gate, or the Golden elixir. Is the white light your third eye would perceive when the MCO is completed...when you manage to transform your jing, to chi, and chi to shen. And they are being mixed in the cavity or cauldron in your middle dan tien. When you first started, just focus on your lower dan tien and to focus there as if placing a piece of your mind in your dan tien and to observe the world from there. Don't force it. Keep your mind calm and free from thoughts. Keep your breathing pattern regular ( inhale, expand your abdomen, and exhale, contract it.) Keep practicing it until you can breathe normally and regularly like this without any conscious effort. Is like learning how to breathe again. It may take weeks or months before you would notice any sensation in your dan tien.
  7. about the immortal fetus getting more matured and ready to burst out from the original cavity of the spirit. That's a later stage in the cultivation process. is beyond the completion of the micro and macro cosmic orbits. Seeing here...may mean visions during your mediation. I just can not believe your physical eyes would see raining flowers out from the sky...hehehehe.....
  8. Like, really? I have been reading up on the Taoist Yoga Is interesting while referring to my own experiences. Basically, once the MCO is in motion, the light of the spirit cavity would manifest itself as a white light. At this point, you should stop the postnatal breathing according to the text. Yeah, there are a lot of analogies about the MCO to cooking and heating herbal medicines. The most I could accomplish is to generate the MCO (with the appearance of a white light, sometimes it is bluish) but only managed to slow down my breathes a lot and they become shallow. Is it really possible you CAN stop your breathing, stop the fire? And switching to prenatal breathing, breathing only internally? You are not supposed to "overcook." Hehehehe.....
  9. Hahahahaha...proofs? Evidences? Hahahaha....surely you jested. They only exist in one's meditation achievement. Not from what passages you can quote from and type up. I am about to meditate and looking forward to see this mysterious gate in front of my third eye. heheheh....
  10. are delusional. I am done here. I would have made more quotes but I don't feel like typing up passages to prove you are more than wrong, more like blasphemy, since I can't copy and paste. I am on page 115 right now and the text never mentioned anything about the mysterious gate, the circle of light, to be found and to exist outside. Is not even funny since the master mentioned So sososososos many times about the original cavity and how it is behind the eyes and in front of the third eye. And how you must drive the spirit from the original spirit cavity and down to the dan tien. Thereby, negative heart energy can be mixed with the positive energy of mortal cavity, root of the penis. That's why I am saying that the text is repetitive. You obviously have problems and seeing things in the text that aren't there. Really, 15 years....well... Hey genius, look up at the glossary on page 191, at the bottom where it defines the Original Cavity of the Spirit. That's right..the spot between and behind the eyes and in front of the third eye (pineal gland if you want to get technical about it). Sigh...another reason why you are more than wrong is that in order to perceive this mysterious gate, you need an eye to see it. That's why it has to be in front of the third eye. It can not be no top or inside the third eye.
  11. Suffering

    Well, we are talking about loneliness here but real suffering can come from your childhood experiences or something traumatic happened to you long ago. That is the most difficult form of suffer to cut off. Even if you manage to live a normal life, you are haunted by these experiences in your dreams.
  12. Suffering

    The only thing that makes me suffer is when I am doing over 100 miles on a bike on a hot day. Over 7 hours riding on a bike. That's suffering. Suffering is nothing more than your emotional attachment to a particular situation in life because you tried to fulfill some expectations but you can't do it for some reasons. You have to cut your suffering at the root cause. Stop worshiping these expectations. In fact, embrace you current situation instead. For an example....being alone is bad because no one wants to be with you....the way the society has been teaching you. Well, embrace your loneliness because that's the only path to your liberation. In due time, you would find a middle path. Loneliness is no longer lonely enough.
  13. No.....the immortal light it is talking about can only be perceived by the original cavity of the spirit, which is behind the eyes and in front of the third eye. I don't know where you get the idea that the light is OUTSIDE. Keep searching it because you won't find it. I know what I am reading here. It does not matter how long you have studied this book because I could complete MCO more than 20 years ago (called it the Kundalini energy rising) without ever even studying in any Toaist texts. You should know that the Tao does not care how long you have studied the Taoist text. Hehehehe...there you go.... Hell, I even have a vision of a Taoist immortal showing me that his upper dan tien was lit up with white light, inside. It wasn't outside. There was nothing outside his body. Do I believe this highly realized being in my vision or you?? I think I know my answer. Now, I understood why he was showing me his upper dan tien and why it was lit up. Also, before that, his eyes were lit up as well...because his eyes reflecting the illumination of his heart. Is all clear..... Please, the relative void is complete darkness, that does not radiate. If it radiates, it is the absolute void. The light manifestation is always inside, perceived by the original cavity of the spirit, behind the eyes and in front of the third eye. The text never mention about this manifestation should exist outside the body. You got it all wrong...
  14. Well, I am referring to the "Taoist-Yoga-Alchemy-and-Immortality." Is very repetitive BTW. It seems like it is saying the same thing but differently most of the time.
  15. light is always inside because it is perceived by your third eye (or your original spirit cavity), when your eyes rolled back and looking back on itself, on the heart. That's where the light comes from, the mysterious gate, your heart. So, the light is always inside. Does it matter your third eye can see the light while your eyes are open or close? We know the light does not exist outside of you. More passage about this mysterious 69 It is wrong to seek it in the body and it is equally wrong to search for it outside. For when it manifests it becomes a cavity and when it does not it is undiscoverable. In another words, this white light, or the emergence of the golden light, is always your internal manifestation. They don't exist outside of you. If they don't appear, you would not find it inside your heart and your body, however. Certainly not outside of you.
  16. Here is the 60 This is the lower tan tien cavity (under the navel) full of the alchemica agent which reveals to the eyes the beauty of the positive breath. Whenever the practiser walks, stays, sits or reclines, he will see a white light in front of him, and, as time passes, this white light changes into a golden one. This is the first manifestation of the golden light, and when it appears for a second time, the practiser should stop the fire. The least careless on his part at this stage will cause risk and peril leading to utter failure..this is the most difficult phase. Yes, in a deep samadhi, your breathing stops but you aren't even aware of it. However, in this passage, he is saying that you have to stop breathing as your intent as if you have to forget about how to breath at all. In this a conscious act? That the idea of "needing" to breath is no longer there?
  17. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Hehehe...yeah, shen is as much as energy (higher and more refined energy) as your chi and your jing. The crown chakra is a cauldron, or an energy meridian point.
  18. Greece........

    I am only interested in your psychic power induced insights into the current crisis. If you have some, let's share them. Well, I have 2 dream visions of the event. Whenever I dream about "fish tanks," they mean that something big is happening in the geopolitical stage. It happens every single time. On the first dream, I saw a very large fish tank. It was like a public aquarium. On the front, it looks like it was divided into 3 sections, 3 separated tanks. However, in reality, they were all connected with 1 body of sea water. Within each section, you only see one specie of fish in there. Normally, fish swim around all together. They don't deliberately segregating themselves. This is obviously a metaphor for the current Greece crisis. Greece may be the first country to default on the IMF loans but it won't be the last. There may be 2 more countries after Greece. Did Greece exit? In this vision, not exactly. Maybe partially exited??? There were no senses of chaos in this vision. Everything was calm. Next dream....this morning actually. I have 5 fish tanks at home and they were all connected with a single water pump. That all the water from all the tanks were being circulated by a single pump. Now, the water pump was having problems getting water to reach to one of the tanks. As a result, I have water being spilled all over the floor. To fix this problem, I had to disconnect the main valve and the water pipe. By doing so, I ended up spilling more water on the floor. The water here represented liquidity, the Euros. Greece is currently having problems with enough liquidity in their banking sector. Does it mean that the outcome of the Greece crisis would create some sorts of fundamental issues with the Euros? By cutting off Greece the liquidity they need, it would further undermine the fundamentals of the Euros? I am not a financial expert and can not translate these metaphors into some technical, financial terms.....
  19. Greece........

    Just an update. I think I may have another vision about Greece but the context of this vision is just too wild. Anyway, I am really upset about Tsipras's decision to accept the bad deal. He will not be in power for long. Anyway, it appears my second vision is indicating that the Greece will not get the liquidity injection they need regardless if there is a deal or not. Unfortunately, Tsipras is hoping that the Greek banks would be reopened soon. Wrong. It will be closed until the Eurogroup manages to gather enough stop-gap loans for Greece to prop up their banking sector and paying off its pass due loans. Tsipras is screwed. Also, I believe that the Eurogroup would not immediately release all the bailout funds until the Greek govt manages to make significant progress in their IMF reforms. So, these bailout funds will be released bit by bit. How long Greece would have to wait before the banks can be reopened? What if the country has to issue IOUs or to temporarily issuing the Drachma? If so, they would be doing the same thing as if no deal was made!!!!! I think my first vision was a sign that the Greece crisis SHOULD have unfolded THAT way. Unfortunately, Tsipras wasn't following the wu wei wu....sigh.... In few months, after Tsipras resigned or voted out, Greece would be back where they started 6 months ago. Maybe worst......
  20. What can you do without a teacher?

    Hehehehe...I thought the point to seek guidance from other-world beings is to acquire wisdom and knowledge of oneself and others. Frankly, I don't see a point of a giant palm print if I ain't getting wiser and enlightened from the "communion."
  21. What can you do without a teacher?

    Good for you BUT there are 3 vehicles to become a Buddha...the Theravada path (lesser vehicle) , the Pratyekabuddha path or Samyaksambuddha path (the middle vehicle), and the Mahayana path (great vehicle). You can also seek refuge in the Sangha, the Buddha, and the Dharma. And the Trikaya too. Going into retreats and to learn from other monks is just one way. However, to work with one's life situation and in its own historical context and to grasp the teaching of the Dhrama in one's sole effort is a greater vehicle. You have discovered the dharmakaya in your own struggles living in this world. Your enlightenment is a testament of the Buddha mind. Your merit would be even more greater if you vow to save other sentient beings!!! Retreats are nice and all but what happens once you aren't in your retreats?
  22. What can you do without a teacher?

    About receiving teaching from celestial beings and highly realized sambhogakaya NEED to break through the attachment to FORMS. To properly deal with your own current karmic trace....because they will obstruct your dream visions. Instead, night after night, you don't get visitations from these beings but your mind is totally occupied by your own karma. Breaking through the skandha of form is also a per-requisite for discovering your own Dharma gate. So, you have a troubled mind and issues. And you tried out astral projection and other magics to become initiated into a path? More than likely you would attract harmful spirit beings. I didn't receive visitations from the higher realized beings until I have my kundalini energy rising experience. Before was all hardwork and immense sacrifices...reading up on philosophy and psychotherapy to properly sort out my life issues. You have no ideas....
  23. From the Taoist perspective, maybe. From the Buddhist cosmology standpoint, you are only still relatively in a non-dual state because your birth is the result of your rebirth. Rebirth from some karma in the past.
  24. Yeah, is called dependent origination or dependent arising. The naive mind or the inverted mind grasps the 6 consciousness from the 5 skandhas and this, he claims, is his non-duality....the real mind. Hahahahahahahahaha......the poor fellow is actually living in hell and didn't even know it.
  25. Personality after death

    Well, your personality is called your habitual life energy. If they are responsible for your karma, they will get carried over to your next rebirth because they will determine the outcome of your bardo death experiences (ie. whether your particular personality would cling onto a particular visions or life issues at the time of your bardo death experiences)...If you have realized your own liberation during your bardo death experiences, you won't be reborn for another hundreds of years or in another eons. This personality can be good or bad, fyi.