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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. I think you are wasting your time. Karl is a new member and I think he should sit back and read some more, instead of trying to discredit various cultivation methods as fancy beliefs and etc. Very simple minded. I think all the discussions should be stopped if someone is claiming to know what is the non-duality state without knowing what is a samadhi.
  2. Heheheh...well, I have my kundalini energy rising experience some 20 years. No, I didn't die. Hehehehehe... In fact, as a result of the experience, I experienced my first Jhana. I think death here means that the consciousness is no longer clinging onto one's body. So, it travels elsewhere but your body won't wake up because there is no mind associated with the body. Death at one's will is possible in a samadhi??? If you have the chance, go read up on the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" and Tibetan dream yoga. Seriously, if you can not realize samadhi, is hard to kill yourself at will in your meditation....because you need to completely and genuinely detach your mind from your body in order to realize samadhi. That's not easy......
  3. I have to read up on it more. I have been getting guidance with various female beings and the dreams have certain spiritual quality in them.
  4. Anybody dream of Dakini?

    I think these beings are tricksters in a way only because they wanted me to penetrate the illusions. Here is another example....heheheheh... In this dream, I was taking a shower, while there was a group of young ladies sitting on the bathroom floor. While I was supposedly naked and taking a shower. They didn't mind my presence or I didn't mind theirs. I was doing my thing. Then, I realized that I still have my clothes on. I tried to take them off but the more I tried, there was always one more layer of cloth on me. I then looked at the bathroom floor, I saw about a dozen of pieces of clothing. I then realized that this wasn't real. I stopped trying to remove my cloth now and just taking my shower as it was. Strangely, the bottom half of me was completely naked. Then, I laid down in my bathtub and noticed that I was still half naked and I saw myself being submerged with clear water. So this dream has certain cleansing element in it. At least, the bottom half of me was being cleansed while the upper part is still under some illusions. Or some thin layer of a fake identity.
  5. The first jhana

    Early on in my path, I didn't follow any specific path because the kundalini energy rising experience was so spontaneous. However, this spontaneity didn't last for more than 30 days. Unfortunately, my mind was preoccupied with the daily issues of, well, life. I actually spent more than a decade of not caring about my experience and just trying to live a normal life while trying to resolve my past life karma. About 5 years ago, I went back to this experience and to try to understand the purpose of my life. I then have to study and to read up on various means to meditate. I was a newbie totally. The more I read and the more I can infer what I read with my own personal experiences, I gained a lot of insights and the understanding of the entire Taoist and Buddhist cosmology. However, I didn't get attracted to the Hindu Yoga because I dislike all the deity connotation associated with Hindu Yoga. I am Chinese and so I would prefer something more practical and straight forward. Hehehehe... At first, I simply focused on chakras meditation. Just meditating on my 7 chakras, from bottom up. I could tell things were happening because I was getting strange bodily sensations at the lower chakras at night. During my meditation, I would see faces of animals. Every time I saw these faces, I freaked out a bit. On the hearing side, I would hear a very low frequency vibration throughout the entire day. The sound of the vibration sounds like a car engine running while you are inside the car driving. Eventually, I worked my way up to my crown chakras in few months. Yes, getting different bodily sensations as well, with my chest, heart, and my head. The chakras frequency was getting higher now and multiple. Dreams were becoming more lucid. Right now, I used the skeleton meditation briefly as means to calm my mind. I then focus either on my LDT or the heart chakras. At the beginning I focused on my breath. Since I couldn't even hear myself breathing now because the sound of the chakras vibration is so strong, I don't count breaths anymore. I just sit in a half lotus position. Close my eyes and letting myself sinking in and to become overwhelmed by the sound of silence, the sound of my own chakras vibrating. If I do this at night before bed, nimitta light would not arise during the meditation. Sometimes it does but the intensity is very weak. Now, during sleep and in dreams and early morning, however, the nimitta light would shine extremely brightly...usually within 20 minutes in my morning meditation. In dreams, the nimitta light tends to manifest as "light and dream imagery" as well. I can't explain it. What I means is that I would be dreaming something and in the dream I would see the nimitta light. Then, I would become aware of this light and I would find myself awakened from my sleep...while this nimitta light is still shinning brightly. Sometimes, I would go back to sleep while concentrating on this light and this light would manifest as another dreams. So, in a way, the nimitta light serves as a bridge between my waking reality and the my dreaming reality. Now, once I woke up in the morning, almost 99% of the time I can meditate and the nimitta light would appear within 20 minutes. What Jhana level I am at? Can't say since I was never told by a qualified person of what Jhana level I am at. I know it is not the first because my Samadhi and Jhana experience years ago is so much different than now. I am still getting all the signs but the sensations aren't that overwhelming. And I am not losing myself in these bliss sensations.
  6. The first jhana

    I am not sure if I should comment on it but here it goes.....yeah, I "felt" that 20 years ago when I first experienced my first Kundalini energy rising experience. It lasted for more than 15 days. Back then, I would even deliberately try to recreate the experience in order to clear my stuffy nose!!!! Back then, I didn't know anything yoga. All I needed to do is to meditate and happened. I used to have a bad case of stuffy nose while sleeping. It was like breathing through a straw. LOL Yeah, as I remember, it was like my ears turned inside and listening to my own breaths. I could even hear my own heart beating too. Funny, in my Samadhi and Jhana experiences, I don't get that anymore (hearing my own heart beating and hearing my own breaths). Instead, I just hear my upper chakras vibrating even more intensely. The Nimitta light is still there but I don't get that excited with it anymore. So be prepared that the experience would wane down a bit....
  7. What can you do without a teacher?

    Really? What if I tell you that having a teacher does not mean this teacher has to be physical, a nirmanakaya being??? Hehehehehe.. As master Nan once said, even a blind cat can catch a dead mouse once in a while.
  8. Anybody dream of Dakini?

    It was a cold room. Not a cold table. Why would I consider them as dakini? First, there are numerous of them, not just one particular figure being. Two, at one point, I stared at her for 5 seconds and trying to make out her facial features. Wow, she looked like Tara or Quan Yin. She was smiling and filled with love energy. Apparently, she was trying to heal my heart. That was what she said in the dream. The lady in red I wrote about earlier? At first, I associated her as Kali in the first dream. The first dream started with me entering into her temple because I told her guard that I have pledged my allegiance to her because I literally dream of Kali few years back. In the first dream, she was very temperamental. In the second dream, she was nicer. These female beings would always appear when my mind is going through some major or minor emotional changes. I assume their behaviors are very active. They are considered as active energy spirits. In my real life, I don't know that many female friends and so they can't be some random representations of my inner physic reality. A lot of times, I just sense that there are some female spirits or entities in my dream environment. I don't even look at who they are. They haven't done any harms to me in my dreams, except my sister. LOL.
  9. Ok....I read a bit beyond me but I think I get you what you are know what non-duality is, is same as not knowing what non-duality is...because the ego awareness is involved. True....based on my own Samadhi and Jhana experiences. Usually when the nimitta light gets too intense and I focus too much on it, the light field would diminish and the sense of bliss would be gone. I would call it the lose of concentration or clinging onto various imagery during your samadhi.
  10. Son, is called intuition by means of inference with your phenomenal experiences. Some of you have been trying to grasp the non-duality state as a concept, worst, a model supposedly even existed in the realm of the death bardo experience. You do know that in your death bardo experience, it is the high time for the person to experience the non-duality state because the body is dying and the mind can easily uncling it and to recognize the rigpa. Right??? There are 2 incidences you can experience the non-duality state. One in your samadhi during your meditation or dreams. Two, when you are about to die.
  11. Actually, Innersoundqigong has some good stuff there but most of it are beyond conceptualization. Unless you have advanced a great deal in your realization, none of what he wrote would make any sense. Third eye meeting the heart and thereby opening the center channels? Most of you do even have your third eye opened. Let alone trying to open your heart chakras...hence connecting to the center centrals. LOL. I have ample of realization experiences but I still have to read it carefully to understand it by inferring to my experiences. Is called wisdom, son.
  12. My realization of the non-duality state came from my Samadhi experience. End of the story, period. No preconceptions. No predispositions. No clinging or whatsoever. In my death bardo experience, that's what I would be seeing and experiencing. When you cling onto your conception of a non-duality state in your death bardo experience, non of it could help you to become liberated. You are conceptually holding onto a non-duality state. What do you have to fall back on your understanding of the non-duality state other than.......some egalitarian ideas that all non-duality is different. Or there is no right or wrong understanding of it. Hehehehehe...... Like I said, when you are dead, all models are gone. What is left is your habitual life energy.
  13. The difference between conceptually grasping the meaning of non-duality...versus to grasp it through wisdom from the phenomenal experience.......are two different things. In a more plain language, you know the difference between knowing the path and to walk it? Many claim they know the path. Few who can walk it.
  14. Yes but you are already advanced enough to see this light field in your samadhi, you are already closer to the non-duality state of the mind. Remember, we are talking a non-duality state as experienced in a Samadhi and Jhana. We aren't just talking about how to explain and rationalize what a non-duality state is. What models the mind try to cling onto, it would not carry over to its samadhi realization. Let alone in one's death bardo experience.
  15. About the micro & macrocosmic orbit...

    The path is potentially open but not active until you meditate on them. Before, you don't even know if they are there. If you meditate and complete the MCO enough, it would circulate itself even in your sleep.
  16. Hahahahahaha....that is what emptiness is. That is what void is!!!! Just white light. Practitioners do not realize Samadhi just because they are clinging onto a model. Hehehehehehehe.... Sure, you can argue all you want and to play with models. When you are about to die and lying on your bed, no models can help you to become liberated. That's why a non-duality state has no models. When your brain is dead, all models go with it. Is a good idea to research on some of the terms we have been using to discuss the non-duality state. Is for your own good.
  17. Zazen and open eyes

    Well, I normally meditate with my eyes closed because I meditate at night before sleep and too I meditate in my sleep. With half eyes open or close, do you need to blink? Should you even blink?
  18. No, there are no models. Is like you went to sleep one night and woke up and surrounded by a large field of white luminous light, as far as your consciousness can see. Similar to when you are about to die and what happened to you in your bardo experience. You have forgotten that you have a body. You have forgotten why you were even born on this earth. Your immediate reality is the conscious awareness that you are now living in this large field of white luminous light. There are no ups, sideways, or downs. There is no heaven or earth. Everywhere you turn, is just this white luminous white field of light. I was in this state for few seconds, in one morning while I was in my dream, meditative state. I broke off this concentration because I realized that I have to take care of my parents. It was then, my consciousness moved away from this non-duality and then I became aware that I have a body and still sleeping in my bed. Then, I became aware that I needed to breathe. After that, my chi began to circulate in my body and I experienced all the wind and yang energy running through my channels and feeling very hot. So, my chi actually stopped for few seconds. I have been on my path for over 20 years and this was the only time I actually experienced a genuine rigpa. A non-duality is the objective state of the mind reality. It has been this way eons ago and it would be this way eons later. There are no models.
  19. Form and Chi Movement

    Since Master Chia's name was mentioned, I would recommend this book by him, "Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao." He teaches you how to complete the microcosmic orbit (is the pathway in which chi moves internally inside your body). How long? Don't expect quick results. It may take years or more. It depends on how pure your mind is and your intention. And how pure and healthy your body is (if you do drugs and abuse your body, it may take longer). You are already ahead of the path if your mind and your intention have always been good and pure, and you don't do drugs and abuse your body.
  20. Numbness in the legs

    When your chi circulates through your legs, the numbness would not be there. The most I could sit in a half lotus position is about 1 hour. Not because my legs are getting numbed. Is because my mind could no longer remaining settled and calm. in some case, my mind would dose off. Is not how long you can meditate indicating your spiritual practice achievement. Is what your mind can accomplish in one hour. Can your mind enter into jhanas.
  21. Origins of Daoism

    I thought the Tao has no beginning and has no ending. Is in a perpetual state of emptiness.
  22. Anybody dream of Dakini?

    Well, I always get visitation from the same old lady. Then, during this year, the past months, I have been getting more frequent dreams about these female beings. They all look similar but not the same person. In these dreams, they are not sexual at all. They are sensual only because these beings have certain graceful elements in them. My last dream, I was dreaming about this black hair woman in red. She appeared in my first dream late at night. Then, she appeared again in my next dream early in the morning. Here, she was standing in front of me and she touched my heart with her right hand. Like she was feeling my heart. She said that my heart was ill. I told her that I knew because of what happened to me emotionally in the past. Then, she gave me 2 balls, one white and one red. Then, I put them in my pocket. Then, we sat down on a bench and she was telling me that I wasn't the only person who has a "sick" heart. I asked her who was this person was and etc. Things got strange after that. Is almost like they are fulfilling a role of genuine friendship...something that I don't have in my real life. The interaction is very spiritual and they always appear like a spirit and heavy with yin energy. In one dream, when I saw this woman, I sensed a chill. In the dream, I even asked her why she wanted to sit in a cold and chilly table...apparently we met up in a McDonald restaurant. Don't ask me why.....
  23. Yes...if there are no cars, why you even need a traffic light and going through all the troubles trying to pretend a red light is also a green light...hehehehe....
  24. Is a bit more complicated. A state of duality arises because you cling onto the world. You have attachment to the world in one way or the others. Non-duality DOES not arise because you stop your attachment. The stopping is still an act of the ego. A deliberated action. Non-duality can only arise when the mind is settled at ease with no intentions to cling or to uncling an object. It is a extremely difficult state of being to realize. I am talking about a non-duality as in a Samadhi and rigpa. Not some fancy, new age "state of mind." I am talking about a REAL state of non-duality.