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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. What can you do without a teacher?

    The thing is that a lot of times, newbies would ask a simple question and getting overwhelmed with profound answers. Something he or she isn't ready to understand at all.
  2. Seriously, great write up. Yes, many look at non-duality as a mental construct...a mind game..a thought concept...until you experience a samadhi. Then, the mind becomes no mind. Thoughts become no thoughts.
  3. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    I think the difference here is that in Chan Buddhism, because it is actually Taoism in the context of the Buddhist teaching, which may be better in explaining the moral complexity of various concepts such as Karma and rebirth. When I experienced my Kundalini energy rising some 20 years ago, I had a vision dream. It was nothing Buddhist or Hindu. I saw myself as a Han dynasty scholar and warrior dressed in the traditional Han clothing. I did a MCO in the dream literally using my own body. I woke up with a kundalini energy rising experience. I am ethnic Han Chinese. I studied neither Taoism or Buddhism prior to my Kundalini energy rising experience. During the past years, I have been having countless of dream visions about various sambhogakaya beings...from a Quan Yin like figure, to an Ayran/Hindu looking abbot monk, to a Han Chinese Taoist immortal with a glowing white chest. BTW, those who are really well versed with Taoism and the history of various Taoist schools, what does it mean, in a dream vision, when you see a Master emitting white light from his chest/heart. I saw this immortal twice back to back dream visions. He kind of looks like me but not quite. He was wearing the traditional Han clothing. In the first dream vision, I was looking at his face and saw his eyes emitting white light. He was looking at me very attentively. Next night, I saw his chest emitting white light standing in front of an altar. I get the sense that he was showing me certain Taoist techniques.
  4. Yes, a flow ever changing state of non-duality and duality, a state of flux.....and the answer is both yes and no...because to experience a non-duality state (samadhi or rigpa), the mind must engage in the practice of samatha, one way or the others..either in your meditation or in your sleep. There has to be some moments for the mind to calm down and to settle down for the non-duality to emerge. Depending on the strenght of your concentration, the non-duality may last from seconds to hours. After that, the non-duality state would give rise to the duality state, of which most people would experience in their daily lives. The cycles would continue on. Even the concept of wu wai wu isn't a permanent state. I experienced the wu wai wu when my life was in danger literally (some SUV driver tried to run me over with his truck while I was cycling in the city). I still didn't understand how I managed to avoid from getting hit by the truck. I remembered I did some Maxtrix 180 degree move on the bike and ending up not crashing to the truck.
  5. I doubt it and my chi is flowing through my body without much effort, and I have been wearing glasses for over 20 years. I think Chi only works with the celluar levels. It can not repair physical deformity.
  6. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    For the OP, based on my what I can understand and experience, Samatha is just an expedient means to achieve Samadhi and rigpa. You need Samadhi and rigpa in your death bardo experience in order to be reborn in the heavenly realm. Otherwise, your emotional attachment would lead you to the path to reborn in a lower realm.
  7. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    Correct....or to put it strongly.....the Buddhacitta mind and Buddhavista do not start and end in your life time....
  8. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    If you have become a Buddha, and fully enlightened and liberated realized being. Otherwise, generally, it takes several life times to achieve nibbina. Hence, there are rebirths and karma.
  9. a posed question?

    Let me put it in a more conscise way. Don't quote Einstein because he is neither englightened in the Buddhist and Taoist sense. He is smart but not enlightened. We are in the Dao Bum and so we are assumed that when we talk about enlightenment, we aren't talking about some smart scientifists coming up with a new theory in science. An enlightened mind would see the world like a mirror. Both duality and non-duality exist, like a mirror-like wisdom. The mind sees all...all arising and receding, both duality and non-duality. All causes and all effects.
  10. a posed question?

    Karma is neithr bad or good. Go listen to lecture number 5. Oh, just because you have resistance to all the Buddhist teachings, it does not mean you are enlightened. Let's put it this aren't the first or the last.
  11. a posed question?

    I don't want to get into too much but Karma is real. Why? With enough good karma and merit accumlated in your past life, you can achieve enlightenment within this life time even without burying yourself into the Buddhist scriptures. You would just become enlightened naturally...see pratyekabuddha and samyaksambuddha. These are "self enlightened Buddhas" comparing to theravada buddha or arhatship. Of course, you know nothing about your karma if you haven't resolved any of your karma in your current life time. I don't need to lie to you and just look at your dreams and the type of dreams you get. They are your karma there!!!!
  12. a posed question?

    They show themselves when needed....for me, they are mostly sambhogakaya beings. Higher, realized beings only exist in visions. That's how they dispense their teaching and wisdom. You get visitations from them. They teach you things. I have seen a lot of them. Buddhist monks...I saw few of them. Lower beings? Beings that you would find horrifying? On few occassions, I saw them as vampires. And they took the form of my old boss and upper managers. hahahahahah.... The general understanding is that you are what you can attract...just saying...
  13. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    Which Hinduism? I am done with this conversation. You are pushing for your own generalized understanding of what Hinduism is without knowing which specific school of thoughts. I am telling you about my EXPERIENCE in the Kundalini energy rising (probably the most esoteric form of spiritual experience in Hinduism) and using sound understanding of the nature of the Dharma and Skandhas. And you are still chasing that illusion of eternal bliss with some fancy reasoning.
  14. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way? can not have an endless bliss if this bliss is the result of your 6 senses. Your bliss would only still exist in the samsara!!!!!! Endless bliss in the realm of Samsara == equal enlightenment? Absurd!!!!! If you are accomplished enough to finish your first Jhana and moving on to the second Jhana, your bliss would fade. Not understand the nature of the will go after this bliss when it is no longer there. The better you can recognize the impermanent nature of this bliss, the better you can move on. You sound like I don't know what bliss is. I have my Kundalini energy rising when I was 18. BTW, no drugs were used, EVER. A full blown one with the kundalini energy reaching to the crown chakra. Third eye was open. The whole body was on fire. I had this blissful experience for about 15 days. I am in my late 30s. That was blissful but very short lived.
  15. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    Yes because I am speaking from experience....unless some of you are talking about enlightenment without experiencing it... Oh, "bliss?" That is so new age. What is bliss? Is it still in the realm of the 6 senses? If so, it is impermanent.
  16. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    They differ in their methods, not the nature of the mind reality, which is non-duality, the source of consciousness...which is characterized by the white illuminous light.....Dzogchen's Clear Light Mind, Taoist's "golden light,"....... Yes, is silly to define the nature of the mind differently than what it is in reality...... I don't indulge in definitions because when your mind is in a state of samadhi or Jhana, you don't define anything. The nature of mind, rigpa, would appear. Is that simple.
  17. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    I thought enlightenment is enlightenment. I didn't know there are different kinds of enlightenments, silly me.
  18. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    No....go research a bit on jhanas and there are 4 levels. You have to be at the 4th level to become closer to a full blown liberation. At the 4th level, even bliss itself isn't real.
  19. You have no ideas. There are 7 chakras, depending on which school of thoughts you followed, and there are couple of dozen minor chakras, have to be aligned and the energy pathway must be fully connnected in order for you to experience any break through in your cultivation process. Your third eye would be open which would allow you to see and sense beyond your 6 senses. That's what the kundalini energy rising is about. If you don't know what it is, you don't know what you are talking about. I am going to stop commenting on your thread because I am not sure you would understand anything I am writing....
  20. That's not enlightenment. He just enjoying what he is doing....heheheheh..... Like seriously......
  21. But for your mind to become quiet and calm, you have to be in a meditative state. This can happen either in your sleep or in meditation. Not when you are taking a bath or playing your favorite video games. Besides, have you experienced any forms of samadhi yet? Any spiritual signs, nimitta, that you are accomplishing what you think you are trying to achieve? If not, how do you know if you know what you yourself are talking about? For the records, I have my kundalini energy rising experience when I was 18. I am in my late 30s. I am way passed that blissful feeling you get from it. I am experiencing the Clear Light Mind, rigpa, every morning. Sometimes, I would see the rigpa in my dream, in my sleep.
  22. Enligthenment isn't a definition. Is the full reality of the mind itself. It has always been the same thousands of years ago and up to now. What is the nature of the mind? A non-duality void characterized by white light. The Clear Light Mind depiction is a good start.
  23. Is not the meditation leading to enlightenment or rigpa. Is realizing samadhi, one leve after another. This can happen in meditation or in your sleep and dream. However, having the ability to become mindful of (concentrating on one point) is required to calm your quiet the mind. How do you reach samadhi without being in a meditative state??? Don't talk about enlightenment or the rigpa or the nature of non-duality if you haven't realized even the first stage of samadhi. There are supposedly either 4 or 9 each samadhi, you are to acquire transcendental wisdom of the dharma and the nature of your mind.
  24. Do you get those "I am so blessed posts" on your FB page?? Hahahahaha...people talking about how blessed they are because all the nice things are happening to them...yes, to them ONLY??? Here is my "I am so blessed post." Hahahahahaha....a bit different. About 5 months ago, I had 2 dream visions, back to back. In my first dream vision, I saw a nurse directing me or trying to get my attentions while I was driving and my father was with me. On the next night, I saw another nurse. This time, she was in my parent's living room. She wanted me to baby sit her 2 kids and to call her for help. And she was apparently my next door neighborhood. She was a black nurse. In reality, no, I have no neighbors like that. What happened was that few days after my first vision, my father was diagnosed with a mild stage of prostate cancer. He got his biopsy report. When I heard the news, it hit me and suddenly I realized what I must do. I didn't panic but I knew it has to happen. The dream vision was not horrifying but with a very neutral sentiment. For the first 3 weeks, I accompanied my father for his radiology appointments. I enjoyed the experience because I felt I was being a good son. Knowing that I was being guided and watched by angels, I just reacted as events unfolded. After 9 weeks of treatment, he is ok now. So far so good except that he experienced a bit of mild side effects from the treatment. He has insurance and his medical expenses were fully covered. Then, about 2 months ago, my mother was diagnosed with a sudden congestive heart failure. Pretty much a beginning of a heart attack. She was away at my sister's house babysitting her grand daughter. The first thing I asked myself was that should I have known about it???? I always praised myself for knowing the future dealing with geopolitical events around the world. Sometimes, I get signs about my own future although it may not be accurate. I looked into my second nurse dream but it was difficult to connect since she made no reference to my mother. She was in my parent's living room and my mother has been being nursed back to a stable condition in the living room (the first 7 days she had to sleep on the couch because she was still having too much fluid in her lungs). Anyway, my sister drove her back to the city and saw her local cardiologists. She was prescribed with several heart and blood pressure medications. I was very nervous the first few days because her condition didn't get stabilized until a week later. And her health insurance wasn't in order for some reasons. I got several visions about her conditions but none of them were threatening. Few of them seems to indicate a very favorable outcome. I saw some numbers dealing with either 88 or 86. Apparently, the house number of the local cardiologist is 833. The cost of the doctor' visits was still affordable and the medications aren't expensive. I just put my trust in my karma and my mother's, as well knowing that I am being watched over by my spirit guides and higher beings. I don't think they would want me to suffer emotionally because something happens to my parents. It has been 2 months since her first diagnose and she is doing fine. She is checking her blood pressure daily. In fact, her blood pressure is too low now and I have to tell her to cut down her medication dosages a bit. I did a lot of online researches on blood pressure medications and their side effects. I think I came up with a miracle find. I am having her to take co-enzyme 10 (coq10). It is supposed to strengthen her heart muscle. I guess I am blessed because the people I care about aren't suffering because I failed to do my parts. It would be a bitch if you think you are blessed but people you should care the most are suffering and dying..... I guess I am blessed because the local cardiologists didn't charge us an arm and a leg for the treatment cost. BTW, my sister lived too far away and always busy with her life. I was the one who have been with my parents and helping them to deal with their conditions and doctor's appointments...
  25. I have my worthless college degree, a 4 year one. With my first college I went to while I was on my path (the path leading to the Kundalini energy awakening--you know it is going to be earth shattering and mind blowing revolution), I attended there for 2 years and left. I felt so ashamed of my experiences there (demeaning experiences while receiving tons of negative Karmas from the professors), I did not even want people to know I went there. In fact, when I transfered to my third college, I didn't even want to transfer my college credits I had there. Heheheh....Third college? What happened to the second college? That was when I had my full blown Kundalini energy awakening experience. I felt so out of place and my past life Karma dominated my experience in that place and further re-enforced by people surrounding me, co-incidentatlly. I guess that's what it means by past karma is ripened in one's life timeframe. Events in one's life is slowly beginning to unfold and the fruit of one's past life karma is beginning to ripen. The experience there in my second college...took me years to come to term with it and to fully understand my past life karma. All of this was happening while I was in my third college. It took me 6 years maybe total to get my college degree and to finish it. Then what? I didn't even pickup my dilopmat that was how much I cared about it. Is a shame but is the reality. I was majoring in Liberal Arts in a technical college. Don't ask why. Maybe because of my kundalini energy awakening, I didn't really think my education was important. It was like my life has another path. After I was done with college, I had a management position in retail, for 7 years. Met some good people, helped many others, and made lots of people happy in my job. When I left there, all seem to disappear and it was like a dream. Now, I have been into photography and pretty good at it in both film and digital. However, it isn't sustaining. On my cultivation side, I had my huge progress early on as indicated in my Kundalini energy awakening in my late teen. I had to wait for another 15 years before I could realize my own potential further. To advance enough to receive visitations and spiritual guidance from other Sambhogakaya immortals. Here you go, my worthless college degree.