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Everything posted by ChiForce

  2. Wait a minute...any reference to Buddhism in the documentary???
  3. Bad reporting...Hehehehe.... Typical mindless liberal academia trying to get a handle of an issue by using some simple narrative (atheist Chinese destroys their own environment and now to save it they turn to god). FYI, you don't get stoned to death just because you aren't a Buddhist. Atheist vs non atheist??? LOL. Like saying Christians do not start wars and invading other countries...heheheh Chinese people have always been the believers of Buddhism and Taoism. Look at the TV series and dramas they have been watching. Chinese people are also materialistic, even more so in places like HK and some big urban cities in China. The environmental issues are the results of a decade long double digital GDP growth!!!!! Now, China is heading to a new normal, slower economic growth due to the slow down in the world economy as well as trying to address the quality of life issues in China. Better environments? More environmental protection policies and using advance technology to address the issues. Of course, creating a more environmental friendly manufacturer industry. All of this will come at a price.
  4. Dharma Images

    Really...right here... The clear light, luminous void. Is generally more meaningful when you can see it with your third eye.
  5. Heheheheh..yeah, student loan debts. Let's not talk about it. Yeah, I am trying to or preparing my mind to uncling my desire that I should have gotten something meaningful during my college years. See, I have dreams about me back in my college or colleges again. Thank goodness I don't have those dreams lately. Feeling directionless and feeling at the wrong place and going nowhere. My theory is that my mind is still trying to cling on to the desire that I should have gotten something meaningful from my college educations. My mind is or was or has been seeking something in them in which it was never there...... It was real and yet not real at the same time...much with my life experiences as well.
  6. The major ones, yeah. When it pulses and you feel the warm chi running through your body. The chi goes where the mind goes. Of course, you need to be somewhat advanc in your cultivation to move your chi in your body with your mind and to become fully aware of it. Of course, when all the energy points are active, your whole body tingles.
  7. Do Taoist Yoga Nidra/Dream Yoga Practices Exist?

    Dream yoga isn't just about lucid dreaming. The goal of dream yoga or sleep yoga is to achieve the Clear Light Mind. To to this, you need to have a fully awakened consciousness during sleep and dreams. Just because you can lucid dreaming, it does not mean you would have realized the Clear Light mind in your dreams!!!! Heheheheh..... What is a Clear Light Mind? When the mind has transcends the duality of our existence and the mind is fundamentally seeing its own nature, like a mirror. The Clear Light Mind is a literal experience, not a metaphor. Either in your dreams or within your dreams or you woke up from the dreams, your third eye is preceiving a Clear Light, a Clear luminious transparent bluish/whitish light. Here is a good reading on the subject.... The Dream of Clarity is is when you will receive visitation and spiritual guidance from sambhogakaya beings.....
  8. Why would you want to raise Kundalini?

    I thought the Self is the nature of the mind, not an ego self????
  9. Why would you want to raise Kundalini?

    What is the Kundalini energy anyway? The way I experienced it, is more like the hot chi or yang chi. Is fire. Is purifying fire. Is mere sensational energy with a bit of bodily healing. What is it doing to the mind? If the self desires this experience, what does the self get in return on the wisdom level? An egoistic ego wants to experience the Kundalini energy but does the mind become egoistic and selfish? Does your wisdom become egoistic and selfish? If so, how can you comprehend the teaching of the Dharma if the mind is selfish and egoistic. Can you be wise and egoistic and selfish at the same time? Kundalini energy is still a phenomenal experience. I don't believe your wisdom would enhance if the ego is attached to these phenomenal experiences. Yes, I have experienced the energy at no will of my own. I didn't know what was happening to me other than one night I woke up from a vision. Sensed the yang chi or hot chi burning all over my body. Followed by the emergence of a very powerful nimitta light, in the third eye. The nimitta light was so intense that I could see it even with my eyes open. The experience was very short lived, few seconds but very, very intense or frighteningly intense. This went on for several weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't gain any wisdom and how could I since I didn't know what was happening to me. Then, I have visions about my past life.
  10. Why would you want to raise Kundalini?

    Shiva? What about Kali? If anything, she is anything but the ego, the self. Hehehehehe
  11. How do you gauge your energy mastery?

    You are asking for signs... Is complicated. For me, it is the quality of my dreams if I can experience the Clear Light mind in my dreams. And how strong this clear light is (a mild smoky type of light or burning hot like the sun). When I go to bed, usually, at times, my internal chi vibration is so strong that the sound of silence (chakra vibrations) becomes very, very overwhelming. I would look for quality signs than quantitative signs though.
  12. Inner heart or above the head...

    The light is IN the center channel....
  13. Inner heart or above the head...

    Neither would matter to you if your Chi isn't moving at all. Is always the Center Channel....
  14. Strange feeling/experience.

    Hmmm....interesting. Good luck....
  15. Strange feeling/experience.

    This isn't a debate. This is what will happen once you are liberated, living in the complete emptiness of the mind, the true nature of the mind!!!! That's why the Kundalini bliss is an illusion. Is only temporary. If you can't grasp it, you won't go forward.
  16. Strange feeling/experience.

    This is what I have to say about the Kundalini energy experience. They belong to the realm of senses and Samsara. Sorry. If anything, the blissfulness one experiences with the energy belongs to the first jhana, or the first stage of Samadhi. Your mind becomes ecstatic about your sense of wholeness and that yang chi feeling burning through your body. By the fourth jhana, even the flow of chi in your body would stop. Your mind would no longer pay attention to it. So, don't get fixated on the kundalini energy because the blissful experience is supposedly to be temporary. For LifeForce, move on. Don't get fixated on these female deities. I saw Kali too (black skin with a wicked red tongue and multiple arms) and I and her were apparently having sex---like she was on top of Shiva. Hehehehe.... I wasn't fixated on her but I spent few weeks trying to understand her on the spiritual and conceptual levels. I believe I saw Tara too (female deity with multiple arms with a pair of scissors) but I associated her on the spiritual and wisdom levels. Apparently, she used a scissor to cut open a blanket which was over my head and to predict tragedies about to fall on humanity in 2014. I was crying in the dream because she was forcing me to see the world. 2014 was a tragic year for the world. Of course, did the Kundalini energy rise up naturally or were you using drugs at that time. This is important because a naturally occurring kundalini energy experience would indicate merit in your wisdom and mental thoughts. If induced by drugs, once the experience is gone and it will, your mind has nothing to fall back on.
  17. Being probed..maybe..

    I think someone or something is doing some energy work on me this morning, During the experience, the time frame was in the middle of the night, 2am to 3am. The actual time frame, my time frame, was 5am to 6am. What happened? Basically, I woke up at 4am and went back to sleep. I had a mundane dream about my distance uncle. Nothing extraordinary. Then, within the dream, I woke up and to realize that something was probing or massaging the back of my skull and down to the bottom of my neck. Like someone was using a set of fingers oscillating the energy points in those regions. It didn't hurt. The oscillation was accompanied by two distinct and acute vibrational sounds, a lower one and a very high pitch tone. The high pitch tone sounded like some techno, space age, mantra music. The lower tone sounds like some regular beat. This lasted for about a minute or 2, maybe. I didn't know what was going on and I assumed I was being probed by aliens. Hehehehhe. I didn't move since I didn't want to alarm anyone, including myself. I felt the entire experience was taking place in the middle of the night but when the experience stopped, it was 6am in the morning. I turned around and to check the room to see if anything has changed. Nothing of course. I am pretty sure someone or something is doing some energy work on me. Not sure about the benefits of it, enhancing the oscillation in the back of the skull and the lower neck region energy points. It felt like there was a worm wiggling in between the back of my skull and the lower neck region.
  18. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    The truth is that it does not matter what you pick because all that matters is the path you are actually walking on, and practicing on. All the "ism" is just conceptualization but the path to enlightenment is beyond conceptualization. Pick one and to go from there based on your affinity. Once you are on the path, to have found your Dharma gate, everything else would look the same because you are basically cultivating the same energy.
  19. Strange feeling/experience.

    Oh dear, sounds like what happened to me when I was 19, in College. 4 years ago? Did anything happen to you after the experience? I don't know. If you are feeling detached, you should have been feeling detached months after your experience. Not 4 years later. Anything else happened to you within the 4 years? For me, I saw my past life. Or a past life which has its immediate karmic influence in my present. I repeatedly had dreams about my historical self and maybe even saw my own historical timing traveling and seeing your past life self face to face...hahahah......
  20. Taoist Mystical practices

    Chi Kung healing. Chi projection. The ability to see through the body and to diagnose illnesses. Precognition. Telepathy. Remote viewing and remote healing. Of course, you think somehow anyone can achieve all these just because you want are dreaming. You better stick to the fundamentals.
  21. Principles in Taoist Alchemy

    Very is basically talking about the microcosmic orbit and the emergence of the nimitta light. It manages to blend in Taoism and Chan Buddhism together....on the cultivation and meditation levels.
  22. Spiritual maturity

    Habitual energy from deep rooted Karmic forces of one's past life and the current life. That's it. The aging part is interesting. Think about it....if aging tends to result in one's mind and spirituality more wiser, won't they become liberated at the moment of their deaths, in their death bardo experiences??? The answer is NO. In fact, the older you get, the more of your karmic habitual energy begins to surface until your next rebirth, generally.
  23. What can you do without a teacher? it too quick. I just want to add that from someone who has been "self taught" or self realized. Once the chi begins to move and completing the MCO, it would know where it needs to go naturally. After that, I guess, you can continue to pursue in how to move your chi internally by reading up on techniques or seeking guidance from other teachers. For me, the alchemy part of the self cultivation does not interest me much. I am more drawn to the spiritual mental aspects of my path. Here, I begin to seek various Buddhist teaching in helping me to advance further.
  24. What can you do without a teacher?

    Because there are different ways one is awakened to the Buddha mind or to the Tao???? And the liberation of the mind and to realize the Tao can take several life times too.