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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. What can you do without a teacher?

    Have fun with this...heheheh... Here...look under Samyaksambuddha and Pratyekabuddha...
  2. What can you do without a teacher?

    Your computer programing analogy is flawed because computer programming language isn't innate. We aren't born with the knowledge. For the Tao, it has always been there. Hehehe...... That's why many the so-called self-taught individuals, including myself, can achieve a great deal without physically having teachers. I have encountered countless of beings or immortals in dreams and visions since the day I have my MCO completed some 20 years ago. Sounds hard because it is hard but the merit would be much greater. I am not saying that individual cultivators who are attending classes and getting instructions from the real teachers are of lesser merit. Sometimes, because of your life and your karmic affinity, you just can't find a suitable teachers. Having teachers or no teachers, it is all the same as long as you are on the path and the path to realize the Tao has been shown to you. Before I was awakened the first time to the MCO or kundalini energy rising, I thought I was not worthy. I was an outcast. I was the kid no one wanted to be with. I was the student no teachers would want to touch. The world didn't care for me. I am no longer troubled by these worldly karma because my path has been secured. My path has been realized.
  3. A lot of times, I feel that some of the dream wisdom I have been receiving is way over my head. I have been reading up on the Tibetan Dream Yoga and it explained a lot about how my path was entirely transmitted through dreams alone. Anyway, I had this dream few months ago and is way over my head... So, in this dream, I found that my mother and sister redecorated my room. They moved things around. I was upset, very upset. I was very agitated and demanded my room to be restored as before. So, I began to move stuff around and to discover that my bed was missing. My room has no bed. Yeah, the beginning was kind of mundane. The second part is way over my head. In the dream, I finally found my bed but instead I saw a Buddhist abbot monk standing there and praying. He has curly hair and his hair by the middle of the crown area is point up. He looked Indo European. He wasn't Chinese and Indian or Hindu. He was standing by my bed and praying. Then,underneath the bed, a casket was rolled out. Half of the casket was open and I didn't see a corpse. Instead, I saw a clock without handles. A clock without handles inside a casket.... In the dream, I was trying to understand what was going on. Then, the monk turned towards me and smiled. He gave me a music box. When I opened it, I heard some mantra music and the sound was very acute. It resonated inside me. I was dumbfounded and looking at the monk. He then turned around and disappeared. Now, I went outside to another room. I saw my mother and told her that a monk gave me a gift. A real gift I told her and I also realized that they would never believe me if I told them about the monk I saw. However, I had the mantra music box as a proof. His gift actualized in my dream world. I felt that he actually gave me something real in the dream. Now, I went back to my room and saw my sister messing with my altar. Apparently, now, I saw an altar next to this casket. I saw white candles and some Chinese characters written on it. Apparently, it was my casket and it was my funeral I was in but.....there was no corpse inside the casket. Again, I was very upset about my sister because she was ruining something. Now, in my real life, I and my sister never got along. We were never close and we fought a lot as kids. Well, that's another story. Now, I have been having a lot of these dreams of clarity. In these dreams, now, I can really hear characters speaking to me. In the past, I would assume I know their intentions and very rarely they would convey their messages to me using words. Usually some symbols and they assume I must know what I must do in these dreams.

    Yeah, but the likelihood to become liberated at the moment of your death is pretty slim if you haven't achieved any degree of mind cultivation level. Your bardo experiences would be driven by your karmic forces in this life, mostly. It is beneficial to cultivate the mind to see the Clear Light and to recognize the Clear Light either in dreams or in your meditation. When your death does come, you will be liberated. Sleep and dreams are very close to the death bardo experiences. The difference is that you do eventually wake up and repeating the entire cycle again on your next sleep.
  5. What can you do without a teacher?

    Is a lot easier if you have some real emotional and psychological issues because your entire path would be guided by those issues and the resolutions of those issues. There are Taoist immortals. They will appear to you when the time comes. After all, many immortals appear to the realized cultivators in their sambhogakaya forms (dream visitations) to transmit their teachings. If you see nothing is wrong with yourself and the world you are living in.....well, your path is going to be not so extraordinary. You may become one of those new age practitioners who dabble with some Eastern philosophy and religion and once in a while you may impress few like-minded practitioners. Hehehe.......

    Well, not needed since I experienced events not knowing why or how...until I did some research into the subjects. Only recently I read up on the Tibetan Dream Yoga and to really understand the concept of a Clear Light Mind. Yeah, for the OP, emptiness is the Clear Light Mind. Take the concept literally.....emptiness IS luminosity. You can google "Clear Light Mind."

    I think you are trying to grasp with semantics here but I am pretty sure about the emptiness associating with the Clear Light Mind because you can't have a Clear Light Mind without knowing what emptiness is. You can't have emptiness and not having a Clear Light Mind. One of my Clear Light Mind experiences in the morning.

    Is not a statement. Is one of my experiences. Ever woke up to a samadhi and followed by the Clear Light appearance, early in the morning? Only during sleep your mind consciousness is gone and your dream world or your mind is solely guided by karmic forces. When these karmic forces have been resolved for whatever reasons, your mind would naturally be emptied and in its pure essence. Clear Light will emerge and you may experience a huge influx of Chi flowing throughout your entire body.

    ^^^that just the conceptual understanding of emptiness and it helps you in loosening up your karma. What does it mean in a samadhi or in a meditative state? The Clear Mind and the Clear Light or the Clear Light Mind. The non-duality aspect of the mind. Apparently, nature of the mind is the Clear Light.

    Actually meditation on emptiness has no mind. Is like sleep. You go to sleep and woke up in a samadhi followed by the Clear Light. A single point meditation requires a certain minimal concentration like your breath, your skeleton, your various chakras locations, and just a white light.

    You are getting ahead of yourself. You need samadhi and jhana to reach enlightenment. There are 2 ways to achieve meditate on emptiness or to meditate on a single point concentration. The emptiness part is difficult if your mind is still troubled by your karma (past and present). More than likely, you would find yourself in a state of stupor in your "emptiness meditation" and to dose sleeping. The single point meditation is more easier because it forces your mind to reduce the mind's distractions and to concentrate on something.
  12. FYI, the path or knowing your path and to receive affirmation or transmission of your path.....takes about a decade long!!!!! Think about what you could be experiencing growing up in the time spend of a decade and all the life feelings and emotions you must go through (school, works, relationships, childhood issues, pressures and conflicts from the society, and etc)...AND to transcend the duality aspect of these illusions. Sounds hard because it is hard......
  13. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Hahahaha...wu-wei? Where was his wu-wei when Crimea was planning their referendum? I had my wu-wei. I have already foreseen the epic battle of divisions in the Ukrainian crisis in the form of the Luke vs Vader analogy and allegory. Read here... Don't get confused with inaction and ignorance with wu-wei. Knowing the wu-wei is like a doctor seeing how the illness is progressing and you attempt to prevent the illness from deteriorating. Obama makes things worse because he couldn't see how events are unfolding. How's the sanctions on Russia is going right now???? He literally brought back the Cold War!!!
  14. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    What??? Hehehehe..... I have visions about him but most of the time he didn't know I was there. I was just watching him. If he is enlightened, at least, I would have been talking to him, instead of watching him...making mistakes.
  15. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Hahah...are you Muslim??? My dear friend, I have a precognitive dream about the new existential threat the Israelis are currently facing. You can say I am almost Jewish and how else I could have some Karmic affinity to the Jews. Hahaha......A Jew and not a Jew? A mere semantic. LOL..... Just remember that this is Tao Bum. Some of us have "special insights" about the world beyond your traditional worldview.
  16. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    And many of these middle east leaders and Kings have been courting France to recognize the Palestinian Statehood. There is a wider networks of players here who need the French supports. And this terrorist act is counter productive in their diplomatic war against Israel. That's why they have to be there.
  17. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Let's see...4 Jews were killed and the Israeli PM went to pay respects for the victims and to remind the world that terrorism in Israel committed by the Palestinians is no different than terrorism committed by radical Muslims in France. President Abbas, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, was also there during the march. The middle east conflict is being played out in France..... The rise of anti Jews sentiments in France have much to do with what is happening in the middle east...radical Muslims finding reasons to hate and to kill Jews. Also, the present of the Israeli PM during the March struck a nerve with many major Muslim Turkey. The Turkey PM got upset over this too. The same Turkey who supports the IS secretly and the same country which stood idled when Kobane was overtaken by the IS. For a while, Turkey refused to allow Kurds to return to Kobane and to fight the IS. He accused Israel for being a terrorist state over the war in Gaza.
  18. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Reading up on world events and politics lately??? Ukraine. NSA. Russian sanctions. B52 flyover at the Diayuo Islands and pissed off the Chinese so much that they sent fighter jets to intercept all US planes flying over there. And his administration could no longer push the issues further with more B52 flyovers unless America wants war with China. Pivot to Asia....hasn't accomplished much but Putin managed to partner with the Chinese gvot for major gas pipeline projects for the Far East and West of China and Russia. Putin achieved this in the time spend of 6 months and Obama couldn't even do much with China during the 6 years of his presidency. Peace talks with Israel and the Palestinian Authority...major flop. The Israeli govt called his policy diplomatic terrorism....there is some truths to it because the Palestinian Authority is engaging in diplomatic war against Israel. Oh....Syria and the famous Red Line. And the whole silliness about arming the moderate Syrian rebels (who are these mysterious Jedi fighters)...of who somehow fighting FOR the IS and AGAINST the Assad regime. He is planning to arm a bunch of rebels with questionable loyalty and could potentially fighting FOR the IS.
  19. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    No because he is a Muslim and because he said this?? That's funny...Obama is enlightened...hahahaha This is the man who thinks Russia produces nothing. Yet, the country is selling 60 heavy space rocket engines to an US private space travel company worth over $1b. This is the man who literally started or make the Ukrainian crisis worst with the Russian sanctions.
  20. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Let's get to the point without writing paragraphs.... I am speaking about the last week tragedy as someone who follows world events very diligently and occasionally receive precognitive dreams about them. Last week tragedy in France is more than just about free speech. It is more or less a pretext for the radical Islam to launch another terrorist act on France. Why? The attackers have ties and links to the Al Qaeda in Yemen. Two, the event is also anti Jew in nature since one of the partners held hostages inside a Kosher market and killed 4 Jews there. France has been experiencing a huge increase in anti Jew violence committed by radical Muslims for the past 2 years. The event was anti France first. And anti Jew second. Anti free speech? That's actually far down the list. Islamic world has its own problem. Why their people would condone killing over some cartoons? Why their people are so easily offended? Right now, a lot of the Muslim nations are burning down French embassies. These Muslim govts may even cut ties to France over the cartoons. These govts may allow these protests to continue but they have to aware that Muslim radicals can exploit this incidence to gain and to crave out more political power within their govt. They are turning their own Muslim citizens to become more radical. This isn't good for their govt itself.
  21. Analysis of Loving-kindness practice

    Huh...I thought you are supposed to help other sentient beings to become liberated. You really can't love and show compassion without sorting out the nature of your own emotional afflictions and suffering. Is a psychological fact. This sorting out would require wisdom. Otherwise, your compassion and kindness are nothing more than emotional attachments serving some subjective purpose.
  22. Just how Great was Bodhidharma? (Systems)

    Yup, right about the state of Samadhi. Also, in a state of Samadhi, you gain the Clear Light Mind. Yes, you would literally dwell in this clear light and to see this Clear Light. A trance state is basically a dumb mind and a stupid mind being attached to whatever thoughts and emotions it is carrying along.
  23. Just how Great was Bodhidharma? (Systems)

    What's with the these levels talk? You do know that at the 4th stage of Samadhi and Jhana, you are pretty much liberated... Along the way, you have already possessed various super powers relating to the mind itself. Your Dharma wisdom becomes so sharp and illuminating that it can illuminate centuries of darkness with a single thought. Trance??? Are we talking about the use of drugs now??? When you are in a state of Samadhi, you have the full awareness of the world without having your mind becoming attached to your thoughts. A trance state means that you are spacing out....
  24. Like all of my dreams, they are very lucid and vivid. At the moment, I am trying to sort out my career issue. Looking for something long term and meaningful. Basically, in this dream, I was back at my old work place. I was with this company for a long time. But my work location isn't there anymore. It has been moved. Yet, I am dreaming about this same place. In this dream, I realized I don't work for this company anymore. Yet, I find myself going into this old place and getting ready to work. I even have keys to open the front door. While I was getting ready to work in this place and knowing that I don't work for the company anymore. Is a strange feeling. Is like you know what is happening and know how to do certain tasks but you know you shouldn't be there. In this dream, it was a quiet day and not much to do throughout the whole day (another interesting aspect here is that I was experiencing a whole full day of work in maybe 15 minutes to 30 minutes of dreaming). There was a staff with me and I was told that the upper manager is visiting. I got a phone call about he is visiting me. On the phone, I mistook him for someone else, a woman and my first upper manager. On the phone, he asked if either he or me needed a break. I said to him I needed a break since I was at work since the early morning. He finally showed up and his name is Mom or something sounding like Mom or Mont. I don't recognize him. I tried to explain to him why I was here, in the old work place....that I was trying to get a job with the company. At first, he didn't take me seriously until I told him about my work experiences. Is someone trying to give me a "break" in my future career path and I have to prove myself through my work experiences? Is my mind telling me I should go back to work for my old company?? Hahahaha... But the work location isn't there anymore. Or the dream itself is a metaphor for something representing something in my future? Why my mind is using my old work place to tell me something about my future? Obviously, in the dream, I was aware that I don't work for the company but somehow my mind is drawn back to it for a reason.