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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Help me to understand this dream..

    Well, if this dream is precognitive, there are no ways to make sense of it until the context of the social situation is known. For an example, the upper manager may represent someone I will meet in the future because of some event.. Or his name sounds with Mom or Mont because he is like my mother??? I actually saw his face and could recognize and recall his facial expression. So, an old work place but with people I have never met in my real life. That's odd. Looks like my old work place represents the past while this upper manager represents the future.
  2. Namo Amitabha.....

    Hmm...another one of those "experience." Vision showing me the Dharma wisdom. It was this morning, around 7am. I had this vision. I saw myself as an abbot monk dressed in a long yellow and red robe. I put my left hand by my chest and bowed down and chanted namo amitabha. Why? No ideas. Bowing to who? Not sure. It could be my grandma's coffin since she passed away 2 weeks ago. There was something about the chant because as I was chanting it, I felt something deep. Then, my consciousness sense around me about the world, about my body.....everything stopped. Everything ceased and frozen in time. This sensation that I actually stopped the Samsara!!!! only lasted for 2 seconds. Then, everything was back to normal. Somehow, I saw myself as a regular monk now and dressed in a normal yellow robe. Did I just "remember" the Dharma wisdom of chanting namo amitabha? The wisdom embedded in chanting "namo amitabha" is to stop Samsara and to stop all karma generating forces? Because in one of my past lives I was an abbot monk, maybe even an arhat?
  3. Drugs and Alcohol

    Hehehe...I drink some beer once in a while. I don't take drugs. Others need drugs to induce their hmmmmm...experiences or the MCO.
  4. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    I have been following the Ukrainian crisis since the vision of the Sid Lord, Vader, running for the Ukrainian lately, I have been dreaming about Winter. Not just one night or 2 nights. An entire week dreaming themes relating to Winter (Santa Claus, downhill biking on a snowy slope, running in few feet deep snow with a heavy jacket on, or paddleboarding on an icy, frozen lake). Well, a new Cold War is coming...... Is going to happen so fast you won't know it is happening until it hits in the face.....
  5. Taoist living in a rat race world

    Well, the truth is that you may be practicing Taoism but you haven't realized the Tao yet. If you have, you can perform tasks and seeing a situation in a completely different light and even be able to provide solutions to a problem of which no one has thought of. Not even your co-worker, You will use your actions and deeds to speak for themselves. You don't engage in idle chatters and pointless ass kissing. You can even brag about your accomplishment and to be passive aggressive without appearing unprofessional and leaving your co-worker feeling stupid. You assume somehow a Taoist is slow for this world. Too detached to understand this world.
  6. I had a dream yesterday...

    Well, there are 3 ways to look at dreams. Dreams can be the reflection of your daily lives or relating to your daily activities. Dreams can be manifestations of your suppressed thoughts and feeling. In that case, they have nothing to do with your daily lives. Dreams can be precognitive and this is when getting a good interpretation is highly, highly difficult. That's one aspect of dream interpretation I always have issues with. For your buddha statue symbol, I would be very weary of it because it may represent a false sense of personal connections to the Buddha. Buddha taught us that we should not even grow attached to himself or his form. Can you associate any feelings with this Buddha/shovel symbol? If the shovel represents death, well, you may feel uneasy about the dream. If the shovel represents "to work harder," you may experience a sense of anxiety or the urgency to get on top of the situation. Obviously, are you perusing any cultivation practice or experiencing anything remotely "spiritual?"
  7. The cult of racism

    The only thing race mattes in the discussion of Taoism or the transmission of the Dharma is when the Tao or the Dharma wisdom is transmitted through your lineage because of your race or ethnicity. This, if you are Chinese, you "may" have the advantage. That's just "if" since billions of Chinese aren't sages or Dharma masters. LOL....
  8. I had a dream yesterday...

    Yeah, that's pretty straight forward..heheheh..
  9. The cult of racism

    Correction...not all blacks are dominating in sports, only black Americans. Asian? Correction...Chinese dominate in diving, swimming, and gymnastic (just ask yourself who won the most Olympic medals in these disciplines.) Again, many of you are confused and can not see the subtleties of this Dharma form. Besides, using sports as your example is also incorrect because these athletes do not represent the entire demographic populations. Is obvious since out of millions only a handful of them have the right genes to compete in their chosen sports. Another incorrect view when comes to race. One person of the same race or ethnicity of who can excel in one particular field, it does not mean the entire race or the entire ethnicity can do the same. Law of association does not work here....
  10. The cult of racism

    Really? Am I the only one who can understand and to see through this "form?" Racism, here in this context, is about the color of your skin, period. Your identity and social status as defined by the color of the skin, period. You know, back in couple of hundreds of years ago, the Europeans were fighting amongst themselves for nationalistic, tribal, and religious reasons. They were not at war with one another because you have a darker tan than some Northern Europeans. Heheheh.... There is such a thing call ethnic identity versus identity based on the color of your skin. What is your ethnic identity if you are Hispanic but have a whiter skin than someone from Sweden??? Race, at least in America, is defined by the color of your skin, period. In other parts of the world like China or Japan or in some EU countries, your racial identity is more about your language and the place of your birth. Remember, forms are impermanent. Some forms are more impermanent than others.
  11. The cult of racism

    Is more like worshiping form and giving form permanence when form is by nature impermanence. You know what happens when sentient beings worship form? Suffering. Perpetuating a cycle of suffering. Not Tao. Not dharma.
  12. Recently, I had a death in my family, not someone close emotionally. We are Chinese and so the family requested a bardo ritual (a short one) to be performed after the deceased has passed away for 3 days. I know the general principle and the idea behind the bardo ritual. My question is long the deceased consciousness stays with her body? What does it mean that the deceased has to go through various bardo bodies in order to find the right, suitable means to become reincarnated? Assuming the consciousness manages to find its ways to the next rebirth (due to past life karma and merit and etc), what would happen to the old body, or the original body? It seems like people spend so much money on funeral services but to only realize the deceased consciousness would only stay with the original body for 49 days or being reincarnated depending which comes first. Once the deceased consciousness has been reincarnated, that's nothing left for the body. Somehow, the living, going to pay their respect before the grave site year after year. In reality, the deceased consciousness is no longer with us at all. I know there are spirits that lingered in this world too and maybe by their own grave sites.
  13. how to love unconditionally

    Is called empathy. or compassion. Don't like the term unconditional love...too Christian and not Chinese enough. To understand who and what they are without feeling pity for them. You must lose your ego for this to happen.
  14. Spiritual career

    Yeah but he ain't going to impress your perspective students with paper degrees. They want to see "miracles." At least, you should have the ability to heal people in one way or the others.
  15. Spiritual career

    Doubt it...successful practitioners that I know of came from certain well respected lineage. I know only two, Mantak Chia and Chunyi Lin. There is Nan Haui Chin but he is more of a academic scholar but I am sure he is an accomplished cultivator. He has ties to the Chinese Army and with a family lineage of being the Confucius Scholars. He has his own school though. Now, you can fake your ways too with books, websites, and CDs. Not sure how far you can go with it.
  16. Spiritual career

    Spiritual career? They don't go together.... You can be a spiritual teacher when you are young ONLY if your path is called for. Because that would be a very, very difficult undertaking to genuinely follow the path when you are supposed like a normal 18 year-old. I was the so-called enlightened when I was 18, not by choice. Is just how my life unfolded. I tried to live in the Samsara but eventually it is all meaningless to me just the idea of it alone (getting a nice paying job, getting married and to have kids, spending tons of disposable incomes on hobbies, and etc). Believe me, it was hard back then, it was hard afterward, it was hard even now. I possessed enough Dharma wisdom to see through my life for what it is. I have no anguish or any sense of regrets. Don't wait until you are retired because by that time you may have already accumulated tons of negative karmas. Normally, even for the spiritually gifted cultivator, it takes at least 10 years to to cultivate the mind and the body to have the ability to complete the MCO. You think you could achieve any level of cultivation level within few years after you retired? After you have spent more than few decades in generating negative karmas?
  17. Your Favorite Visualizations ?

    I avoid all New Age craps. I used my white skeleton (then to my center channels)....when the right time comes, the nimitta will appear. If the nimitta is strong, I will switch my focus onto the light. If not, my mind goes between the weaker nimitta (third eye), the center channels, and my dan tien.
  18. My new Buddha statue

    Who is this Buddha? There are thousands of Buddhas.
  19. Is interesting. Don't need to express your condolences because it is not needed. I never have any attachment to her. It is even less, or non-existence, after I have found my Dharma gate at the age of 18. She was the one who initiated the cycle of Karma to my family. After my kundalini energy rising and to have penetrated the first skandha of forms, I felt like I have no family members, period. I still feel like I have no family members. I respect my parents because they didn't give me hard times when my life wasn't going well. I never want to see them suffer. Ironically, I have been persistently dreaming about this European old lady and she has a pair of blue eyes. In a way, I felt like she was my grandma that I never really have. Yet, I felt like I and her shared something deeper. This figure only showing herself after my "enlightenment" though, some 15+ years ago. The other day I dream of her and asking me "how would you like your old self back?" She said this because she was my "boss." Is interesting that 2 days ago I dream that my father was taking money away from me because he needed the money to fix my grandma's teeth. I was furious when I realized he was using my money this way. A teeth dream would often represent death in the family, especially dealing with dreaming about losing one's teeth. Because I have no attachment to her, I didn't dream of losing my teeth. Instead, I dream of her losing her own teeth (this may imply that her sons and daughters would not miss her much). And I was told that she just passed away today at the age of late 80s and she has terminal cancer. Great, I have to attend her funeral. This is the person who brought so much suffering, jealousy, and contempt to her family members. No, she never believed in the Dharma because she was still hording all of her material possessions. I doubt that she would leave anything for her Dharma warrior grandson (me). She was as mean as ever even to her home nurse. Sigh...... Wondering if I would see her spirit in my dreams......something I doubt since we have a completely different consciousness vibrational state.
  20. Just came back from the funeral service. Sorry about the rant since I can't blog this on my FB page. I have family members on it. Man, I love chatting with my lost, lost cousins and relatives of who I haven't seen in decades. I was mindful of myself and keeping my conversations with them to the minimum. It wasn't easy since all of them are married and doing quite well with their lives. What are we supposed to talk about? We didn't get along some 20 years ago and we won't be getting along now. I kept an open heart. Knowing what I know about the bardo experience, it is not even certain if my grandma's consciousness has been near her body or maybe she has already being reincarnated. Some are crying and grieving but if only they realized that they were grieving for themselves. The just..nothing. Her consciousness isn't near her body at all. They did employ 2 monks to preform the bardo rituals. Again, I am not sure if that was even useful if my grandma's consciousness isn't with the her body anymore. Here is something interesting to think about. If the deceased consciousness has found the suitable means to be reincarnated (as a human or an animal), would the consciousness itself still attach to the former body. No, she didn't or wasn't able to become liberated in her bardo experience. I actually have a dream about her 2 days after her death. It was about her being thrown back to the cycle of existence and the suffering of the Samsara. I didn't see her in the dream but was able to acknowledge the level of merit of her entire life time. It was a poignant conclusion.
  21. While googling jhana and super powers, I found this article about nimitta.....I thought it is an interesting and simple read about the subject.
  22. MH17...

    I have been under some "influence" as a result of this incidence. I think I am over it now. BTW, expecting something big will come out from the Kremlin because last night I dream I was in Russia or something to do in a Russian university. Something was happening in this university and everybody was expecting to see a show or something. Then, I think I dream of seeing the Russian Czar? As a Dharma warrior, I have done my part to shed some light and penetrating thoughts into this incidence. Few bad players in the world stage exploiting this incidence to further advance their political agenda to wage war on Russia. And FB, Youtube, and Twitter evidences are credible enough to settle international, geopolitical conflicts. Hahahah.... The world did not care about the Ukrainian conflict until some Europeans are caught in it. All of a sudden, people around the world begins to realize there is actually a war going on in Ukraine. The only precognitive dream I have about this incidence was seeing a passenger plane attempting to land. There was something about 6000 ft. I saw this plane's nose pitched up. I didn't see it land instead this plane changed to a car and landed as a car. I thought the symbolism here is just metaphors. Sight, there are so much sadness in Ukraine. I can't take it anymore....
  23. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    I was in one of their discussions a while back. The author was arguing why blacks and "color people" do not believe and practice Buddhism. They believe that, as the privileged white folks, they have to spread the teaching of the great Buddhadarma to the less privelaged blacks and color people. Knowing me, I gave an one liner about the author worshiping form and being deluded by form by drawing the connection between race and Buddhism.
  24. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Hmm...that's odd....
  25. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Many sources I read didn't mention much because by that time, you are on the way to your final liberation. Even then, your superpowers become impermanent. This isn't saying that you don't develop superpowers. One shouldn't dismiss the ideas of possessing superpowers just because in your final liberation, all phenomena are impermanent and so as your superpowers. Most people don't have superpowers not because they are liberated. It is because they haven't even experienced the first level of jhana....Hahahahah.....