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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    But it is....especially when your mind have reached to the second level of jhana. Clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, remote healing, and etc....just to name few trades one may possess as an enlightened being.
  2. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Is that a Koan??? By virtue of being enlightened, you posses 5 transcendental wisdoms (prajnaparamita). The first one is speech and verse mastery. The second one is literary mastery. Don't remember the other 3. Also, because your mind has been submersed into the samadhi, you have already developed certain superpowers or paranormal powers. What are trades or skills that an enlightened being couldn't master, in a short time???? Once you can create forms out of nothingness, out of the void, the entire world, the entire Samsara, IS actually an illusion. An illusion you can actually banish in a single thought with a diamond sharp dharma wisdom.
  3. is the thing....I was at my old job and she was my boss. I am not sure if I want my old job back. Or she may be implying that "in the future" I may be able to get my old self back. Funny though, this woman was involved in my other dreams (5 years ago) too relating to a business decision I was making in my old job. In this dream, I was at the bathroom and she just barged right in and floating around like a spirit literally and telling me I needed to hire more staff. At the moment, nothing is really happening in my life other than my family, the entire extended family with over several generations, are coming together and to make the funeral and burial arrangements. I hate family gathering here. A lot of times, it is like a big pissing contest. Here, I am expecting to see relatives I have not seen in decades.
  4. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    What you don't understand is that in a genuine path, you don't have a choice. Your life circumstances (you are thrown in it more or less) dictate that you must seek and follow the path. Or else, you will die and to disappear into the abyss of the Samsara. I know, in the new age spirit, people think that you can choose to follow the path like a 9 to 5 job or something. Hahahaha......
  5. Giving up

    You mean, how to become an outcast when you have been told that you need to improve your social and economic status of your life and yourself. Meditate on your center channels and to realize compassion for injustice and for people who are less fortunate than you. And stop judging people who you admire. Treat them like a normal person and to see them for what they are. You should be able to live a peaceful life without causing karma. You must realize that there are people in power who you may admire but they may lack certain moral quality or ethical standard. These people maybe very self centered. Or they only see people as means to their ends to gain more power, prestige, or money. If you want to follow the path, keep a distance from these people.
  6. Here it goes...hehehe.. this is what you wrote: "Enlightenment is to be completely free of craving and delusion, from the Buddhist perspective. Craving and delusion, the father and mother of samsara, adopts suffering as the nanny to the false sense of self. Therefore, enlightenment is our default state, one which never-endingly renews itself in the complete absence of the 'I' trace. If anyone thinks that there is actually a person to attain enlightenment, then that is not the Buddhist view of what enlightenment is." Enlightenment is a default state. Meaning and in the normal language, everybody is already enlightened. Then, you went on about no person should be obtaining enlightenment. If so, that's not the Buddhadharma Nice concept and theory but they mean nothing to a person who never experienced the kundalini energy or to have all of their chakras open. Again, just because you have been told that everybody is already enlightened (that's pretty much what you are saying in a direct way), it does not mean you are already enlightened. The mind needs to be cultivated. Phenomena must be experienced and to understand the impermanent nature of it.
  7. I see you have somewhat corrected your previous would be nice if you can say it with fewer words.....
  8. Sigh......just a circular argument of why everyone is already enlightened. Therefore, no need to work towards to obtain enlightenment. Hehehehe...... Of course, anyone who has experienced the kundalini energy rising and reaching to various states of Samdhi would tell you that you need to work towards obtaining enlightenment. To learn to penetrate the first skandha of forms. To understand the impermanent nature of phenomena by merging yourself with it, to get entangled with it. The Dharma wisdom does not come to you just because you have been told that everyone is already enlightened.
  9. No.....because enlightenment has to do with the mind and consciousness and gaining the Dharma wisdom. Acupuncture can only rebalance your internal energy and to get your internal organs to function properly.
  10. MH17...

    No, it does not. Is like saying if human wasn't born on earth billions of years ago ever, there would be no suffering. Again, nihilism. It does nothing to further the discussion other than having some sorts of mental masturbation about what the world shouldn't or should be more than thousands of years ago. All nonsense. All sophistry. All illusions of wisdom but in fact fatalism.
  11. MH17...

    I wish I can lock this thread because you have hijacked it and talking about your religious belief. As far as I know, you haven't contributed anything political or international foreign policy in nature in this thread. This thread is about your religious belief, whatever you want to call it or rationalize it.
  12. MH17...

    The spider symbol is also a recurrent theme of my. It isn't a harmful symbol to me. In fact, it is a protective figure. In one dream, the spider is the size of a car and it was attacking my old boss. Hahahaha......I was just standing there and watching it. In another dream, the spider was the size of a person and hanging upside down, inside a Buddhist temple. They were protecting all the monks there from the Chinese imperial army. Obviously, this was referring to some ages ago when Buddhist monks were persecuted.
  13. MH17...

    I am afraid it is too late. 2 more planes crashed since I posted this thread. And EU is getting tough on Russia now. A very precious time for the world.
  14. MH17... glad you approve.....I thought my nightly encounter with various spiritual deity isn't enough. Hahahaha...... You don't even know what is the Dharma wisdom talking about it like you do.
  15. MH17..., I don't look up Al Gore. Sure, he could throw money to any infrastructure since he was the vice president of the US during the Clinton administration. Don't quote the great Buddha if you don't understand what he was talking about. What you implying is called nihilism. That's not the Dharma wisdom. You assume all phenomena are illusions. Therefore, you don't care for them at all. You reject all worldly phenomena without to have experienced them. To understand the true nature of the phenomena, one must experience and entangle oneself and to merge with such phenomena. Thereby, you can understand the impermanent nature of it. That is the Dharma wisdom. This wisdom will manifest itself as a nimitta light in your meditation. Subsequently, once the nimitta light is manifested, you are already in a state of Samadhi. Please, you are not even the least cultivated or enlightened. I advise you to seat back and to learn a few things. FYI, I have already completed the MCO. I have already penetrated the first Skanda of forms. I have already experienced the Kundalini energy rising...when I was 18. All these didn't happen just because I locked myself in a closet. They happened because I was part of the Samsara!!!!! I am in my late 30s now. I think I know a thing or two about the Dharma wisdom and "spirituality."
  16. MH17...

    If Al Gore has studied Hegel, he won't be asking this silly question of why historical events are what they are... I am a big fan of Hegel and here is a very condensed writing on his philosophy of why history itself has a purpose. I won't so far to say if you study or look for historical patterns, you would discover the purpose of history. One thing for sure, world historical events are always about struggles, for a nation to struggle to become liberated mentally and physically collectively. FYI, Hegel's philosophy came out around the Franco-Prussian war and the formation of a new German Reich, the first Reich. So, this particular historical moment is very spiritual to the German back then. His works later influenced Karl Marx and Engel and shaping what we know as socialism itself.
  17. MH17...

    Sigh, you should pay attentions to the human world and its samsara. World historical events are the manifestation of Samsara itself. In the Hegel dialectic reasoning in the human history, the world spirit is constantly at work to bring Freedom to individuals and nations. Often, civilizations have to struggle to realize this Freedom, this Freedom of each nation and its people. Individual illusions become magnified on the grand scale when the entire world, with its various nations and civilizations, are being deluded by the fundamental aspect of the human natures. When human suffering isn't about you anymore but the entire civilization, the entire nation of people. Opening up your mind. The world isn't about just know. First, this is Tao Bum. I would restrict my discourse in Taoism and Buddhism. If you want to preach about Christian values or Jewish values, you can start your own thread or in another message board. Please, don't quote Al Gore...he thinks he invented the Internet..hahahaha... You are joking, right?
  18. MH17...

    I already know this...America needs ISIS in order to topple the Assad regime. That's why the Obama administration sees little reasons to intervene at the moment. Don't forget about the $5m he is promising to support the moderate Syrian rebels. Most of them defected to the ISIS though despite that Obama claims that he could vet out who are the Al Queda and who are the moderate Syrian rebels. And he was talking about supporting the Syrian rebels in the midst of the ISIS taking over Iraq. Is odd. On the surface, they have nothing to do with one or the other.
  19. MH17...

    And please, sticking to facts relating to international foreign policy. If you have certain particular insights into the issues, feel free to comment. Generalization and condemning a nation of people for certain questionable quality is off topic even in the off topic section. And it has nothing to do with my thread.
  20. MH17... know the world does not always revolving around gays, right? Sure, he is not really pro gays. However, there are greater concerns in the world. There are greater issues. Surprised??? Geopolitical world power balance. You can't have America dictating the world what to do and what not to do while creating wars and global conflicts. Russia is supplying weapons to Iraq because the US has been reluctant to supply the Maliki regime with more advance heavy weapons to fight against the ISIS. Not to mention that if ISIS has taken over Iraq, Syria is next. Putin can not let that happen. China and Russia have recently created a mimi IMF for the BRIC countries in the hope that it could free them from the western financial dominance. And Putin is reopening one of the country biggest spying base in Cuba??? This is where Putin comes in. I am bias towards Putin because, after all, I have dreams and visions relating to him. Spirituality? How does this come into play here dealing with geopolitical world power struggles? Oh yeah, talking about a nation of people lacking the so-called spirituality because you are spiritual precisely that you have condemned a whole nation of people of the same prejudice. Yeah, you are spiritual and enlightened, for sure....hahahahh...the irony.
  21. MH17...

    I believe you are mis-informed. Ever since the Snowden saga, Putin has been wining the information war. Hate to tell you this. The Syrian crisis has demonstrated that Putin deserved the Nobel Peace Prize more than the president Obama. Now, Russia is accusing the US administration of lacking credible evidence to accuse Russia for downing the plane--FB and Youtube evidence are not worth their weight. 2 days ago, the Obama administration has issued a statement about not knowing enough intel to draw the direct link to the downing of the jet to the Russian govt. The world in general is more skeptical of the western medias because the Snowden revelations. Don't compare Russia with Thailand. Russia, along with China, balances the world from being too one sided, favoring the US hegemony. Thailand can not and will not accomplish any of this if ever.
  22. MH17...

    Look at the other side, Russia can easily accuse the UK and the US for manipulating the data analysis because the data have been analyzed with bias. And, of course, the black box data only show the plane flight behaviors, not if it was being hit by a missile. Also, the pilot may not have the time to determine or to understand what hit them. All the pilot communication recording could be only showing their sense of confusion. Now, Kiev has confiscated the control tower communication between the MH17 and the tower controller. We don't know what has been communicated to the pilots by the Ukrainian ATC. It would be interesting to hear what they have been instructed to do by the Ukrainian ATC.
  23. MH17...

    Well, this was a vision because I remembered waking up from it around 3am and didn't feel like I slept at all. The mechanical spider could represent war machines. The cloud camouflage could represent something or a situation is slowly being unfolded. The ultimate form it took was a mechanical spider. Apparently, there was some references about me (let's keep it at that). Let's just say that I wasn't harmed at all but I was witnessing some sorts of destruction around me. This mechanical spider was consuming or devouring something at the far left corner of the street. The location??? Not anywhere I can relate to. All women were dressed in blue too....with their male companions. These are all strangers but they appeared to be my neighbors.
  24. MH17...

    Oh dear, unless this dream was about me (it could be), then, the world is in troubles. Everybody in this vision was telling me a storm is approaching. This storm turned out to be a mechanical, Godzilla size spider being camouflaged by layers of storm clouds. Is menacing.... This spider has the ability to kill all living beings as soon as they come in contact with it.
  25. This guy sounds enlightened to me.

    I am pretty sure he experienced something however to properly digest the wisdom of this experience would take years if not a decade. I am always intrigued that westerners or Christians experiencing the Kundalini energy would talk about the universe and knowing the universe. With me, I dream about my immediate past life. After I resolved my current life karma, I went on to deal with my past life karma, which is 100x fold more sticky and painful. I didn't see God. I never associated with my kundalini energy rising as love. Is probably left over from his Christian upbringing. I think his experience is genuine but as we all know, you don't just enter into a samadhi once. It should occur to you every time you are meditating. I think he has found his Dharma gate, not enlightened yet. However, his path has been shown to him.