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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Keanu Reeves, Immortal

    What happened to Neo here?
  2. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    I agree...however, what else can you really do when these visions appear? You really can't do anything but to go on with your life, whatever it is.
  3. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    I think these visions are the result of your actively activating chakras. I think you would see more animal spirits if your root chakra is more active. Nowadays, my heart through my crown chakras are active (the internal vibrational sounds I am hearing is of higher pitch). I don't see animal beings anymore.
  4. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    Interesting, I saw a pair of animal eyes when I started to meditate actively 4 years ago. Nowadays, I see female figures mostly. I think I am heavy on the yin side now. Happy and laughing faces. During one night, I saw a male figure with a face which looked like me.... His eyes were glossy and reflecting something like a fire or a star. He was friendly. Another night, I saw the same figure standing behind an altar. He was dressed in the traditional Han clothing of a peasant. The color was beige. He put his left hand on the altar and his body was radiating in white light. Like he was transparent and the light would just emit from within. And I was watching this at a distance.
  5. Qigong Ignorance.

    I practice the cultivation of the chi energy, the chi force. Not exactly chi kung...that is, I don't necessary follow an elaborated format to cultivate my chi....because I never need to follow any format to have completed the microcosmic orbit. The microcosmic orbit is the most fundamental aspect of the Taoist internal alchemy. Your chi must be able to complete all its energy paths along your body. I experienced it when I was 18, some 15 years ago, with only to have dream about 2 Taoist immortals...hehehehe... Mystical..... Since my body is generally healthy, I don't go through a great length to strength my body for the sake of the chi energy. However, I cultivate my chi through cultivate the mind to see and to become the Tao. Then, the chi energy would come and go naturally in my body. How long I have been practicing it? If you include my past lives, it could have been a long, long time ago. But, I experienced the kundalini energy and the microcosmic orbit when I was 18, 15 years ago. Is it a daily practice? I do 2 meditations a day, about 1 hour per session. One in the morning, after waking up and the other before bed. And I meditate in my sleep too. Personal benefits? This is tough. It is only personal because I experience the chi personally. However, the effect is beyond personal because I seem to have developed the ability for precognitions for world events and maybe events in my own life, in my dreams. And of course, I don't look my age, maybe looking 10 to 15 years younger. And I believe my chi can neutralize toxins like being stung by a giant wasp. Yeah, it happened to me and let's just say that I have mosquito bites looking worst than being stung by a giant wasp. And another incidence in which my life was in danger (about to be run over by a SUV while I was biking, with less than 4 seconds reaction time). Somehow, I did some Matrix move and I didn't even touch the SUV at all.
  6. Half lotus but my favorite is the sleeping position or lying down or meditating in my sleep.
  7. Pain and Zen

    Is it really pain??? I never stop meditating because of leg numbness. I stop because my mind wasn't going anywhere after an hour of meditation. Trust me on this...if you can ride 6 hours on the bike, with over 5k ft of climbing, with few energy bars and maybe a muffin and chocolate milk in the mid way rest stop, sitting and meditating in either half lotus or full lotus posture isn't that bad.
  8. HELP!

    Well, you had me worried and speaking from experiences...sigh, another chapter of my life, after the kundalini rising, college officials wanted me to go through "treatments." Or else, I wasn't allowed to go back to school. Suspiciously, I was suspended for 3 weeks unofficially. I left this school and transferred to another. If I ain't studying in their school, I don't need to follow their rules, period. Shit, just had a de ju Anyway, unless you are living under a dictatorship, no one has controls over your mind and your body. People tried to convince you that you had problems and you need treatments.... Don't go downhill afterward. I assume you are living in a democracy, no one can legally force you to go through treatments. So, you can act all crazy all you want but knowing the legal limits what you can do. Once you reach beyond the legal limits, well, the authority can do horrible things to you. Oh, I have the last laugh because all things I mentioned in my college came true ( the decline of America, China becoming a world power, and etc). 2 years after I left, we had the "Matrix" frenzy. It was like my whole life has been validated by the movie.
  9. Pain and Zen

    Pain the legs? Depending on how long is the meditation? When the chi is active and begins to circulate, you don't feel the pain in the legs. I can meditate for an hour in a half lotus position. I can't do a full lotus though (not flexible enough). To get the chi to circulate into the legs, yeah, you need to have your chi channels open, including the heart chakras and the center channels. Yeah, when the center channels are open, you feel compassion and connections to others. After a while, you begin to see and to think towards the world with a deep sense of compassion and connection, maybe even in a telepathic sense. Oh, I am a cyclist and frequently can ride 90 miles in 6 hours per week. What gets me through these rides is not me having compassionate thoughts of others. Hehehehe.... Is pure will. The will to endure and suffer. And my body's ability to recover quickly after a short burst of hard effort.
  10. I mean, to pass away from this world in a state of Samadhi. Hehehe... Anyway, as usual, I woke up around 5 am this morning. And then I went back to sleep while doing sleep meditation using the white skeleton method. I then focused on my dan tien and moving my chi throughout the MCO. Then, I found myself sleeping on my left side with my arms twisted in some sorts of yoga positions. Here, I was aware that a sense of energy was moving to my back of my head, the crown chakra, my third eye, and my heart chakra. The energy was like an ocean tide and slowly making its way. It felt somewhat sensual too, like the women's hands slowly reaching around you. The sensation was like my various energy channels were being controlled by this energy, by something or by someone. Now, I sensed the energy was moving and shifting its dimension. It was about to move and to carry me away to somewhere. And I found myself ontop of a building and being shaded by some cover. Next thing I knew, my consciousness was in the air and flying. My mind was flying around on the street, backward. In a way that I could see faces of all the pedestrians I passed by. Not sure what it meant to flying backward, instead of forward looking where I was going. I was looking where or who I passed along in order to recognize faces and people. I then heard mantra music playing. The ambient light was sunny and bright. I was doing this flyover for a while, to the point that I asked myself why I wasn't flying up to the sky, Now, my consciousness decided to return to where I started. Here, my mind was at rest. I felt that I was not breathing. I didn't feel that I had a body. I didn't feel that I was in my own time or dimension. In front of me, I was engulfed by this smoky white light, almost as if I lived inside this white light and my own sense of consciousness is a small dot of white dust. There was this sense of fulfillment, and a mind ceased to cling anymore. I was in this state for a while, to the point that I began to realize I may have been dead. That my time has come and I would never wake up again from my Samadhi. However, I was in this Samadhi long enough to worry about what would happen to my body. How would my parents react seeing me dying in my sleep. Now, this energy behaved like an ocean tide again and slowly receding. Eventually, the energy or the sensation was gone and my consciousness came back to my body, in my own time and dimension. Here, I was in another state of Samadhi in which I am familiar with. Is the samadhi state I could recognize because that's my usual meditation state. Here, I saw the nimitta white light and hearing the usual chakra vibrational sounds. Then, it was followed by the yang energy of fire slowly burning throughout my body. I woke up because the heat was getting a bit uncomfortable.
  11., that's funny.....
  12. I think the proper way to describe is chi kung psychosis or energy blockage because one particular energy channels is too overactive. That's not really the result of meditating too much or too long. Is much to do not understanding the nature of the energy work or the mind is not prepared for the energy load.
  13. pre-kundalini (interesting story)

    What did you do to cause the Kundalini energy to rise in the first place? The energy does not rise just because you want to. It can rise as a result of prolonged, mental stress and introspection and reflection of the self and who you are in general, or with drugs. Before my kundalini energy rising, I was heavily into analyzing myself within the context of Carl Jung Analytical Psychology. Before that, I was heavily into Nietzsche. It was a very stressful and dark time for me. My world was closing in on me and all I could do was to hanging onto what is really me. Once my mind was unlocked by the insights from Carl Jung's psychology (lots of writing and reading), I was liberated. It was like I became a new person. All of a sudden, everything makes sense. I have reached a new level of clarity. I was no longer in the dark about my life experiences. I was literally reborn. I decided to leave my old life behind and to start anew, going to a new college and majoring in something really new. I was majoring in law but was still a freshman attending your mandatory basic courses. Then, one night in my sleep, I dream of 2 Taoist immortals. Woke up and I had my first Kundalini energy rising experience, and to have completed the microcosmic orbit.
  14. You have to be specific in what ways one can't meditate long enough? The mental aspect or the physical? For me, 1 hour is my upper limit. After that, my mind goes into a stupor and to begin to dose off. I would begin to lose my concentration. Once in a while my legs would be overwhelmed with numbness and I have to stop. I meditate in a half lotus position. I meditate in order to induce a Samadhi. I am usually very successful at that in the morning. At night, not so much. If nothing happens in 1 hour, I would call it a night. Then, I also do sleep meditation and here is thing getting strange. I would experience samadhi in my sleep and the nimitta light would transform into various dream images. I would usually end up waking up around 3am to 4am in need to go to the bathroom or waking up feeling very, very warm with an overwhelming chakras vibrational sounds ringing internally.
  15. enlightenment

    That was another story about a boy monk peeing at the foot of a Buddha statute because he was told he should be peeing at the Buddha. The boy said that it didn't matter where he pees because the Buddha is everywhere. For the other story, it is about unclinging, not even clinging onto a Buddha statue itself. The significance of the other story is that it was about a monk. For lay persons like ourselves, it may not mean much since we may not grow attached to a Buddha statue to begin with.
  16. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    Anyone still following the event? Here was what I dream few weeks earlier. I was pretty sure I was talking to Putin but he was represented as my coworker. Putin is a man of many egos. However, the situational context was about the Ukraine crisis. Basically, in this dream, I was telling him he has to do battles with someone in 50 days. In 50 days, approximately today is the 50th day. In the dream, I literally told him in 50 days he has to do battles with someone. Now, for the past months, he has been doing battles with the interim govt and the West over the Ukraine crisis. No one specific. Of course, on the 25th, a new Ukrainian president has been elected and that's the person he has to do battles with. Why they have to do battles? Why can't the new president bring peace? Why he and Putin have to do battles on the 50th day? That's because the new president has been increasing the intensity of the military operations ever since he was elected, 4 days ago. Although he promised to bring peace but the decision wasn't his to make, but by his own self appointed parliament. Mind you, when I had this vision, this knowledge was already known by me and Putin, assuming I was actually talking to him in my dream. This was happening in the dream while he and I was in China. Again, he was preparing to visit China around late May in order to sign the gas deal and to strengthen the bilateral ties between the 2 countries. I gave him 4 swords to prepare for battles. The 4 swords could be the representative of this event today: Ukraine could have been the 4th state... I saw a group of Chinese officials dressed in the Qing dynasty clothing and they made some reference to the unilateral sanctions against Russia. There were other contexts too but I won't reveal them because of their sensitive matters. You can't do battles without making your I heard that people in the East and South of Ukraine are seeing Chechen fighters fighting along side the separatists. That's interesting, I think. My theory is that we won't see peace in Ukraine unless the new president ousts and replaces all of the current parliament members. Most of the current parliament members belong to the Fatherland party and they aren't loyal to the new president. Also, after the coup, the power of the Ukrainian president has been greatly diminished and shifted to the parliament instead. Sadly, I see no peace in the future....
  17. Anyone seeing it coming? No, I didn't. My condolence to those who were killed. I don't believe that killing defenseless ethnic Chinese would shift the political balance in favoring Vietnam and causing China to move the oil rig. Also, majority of the victims are actually Taiwanese nationals. Here, the country is now facing massive unemployment because the employees burnt down their own factories and killing their bosses. Other Asian companies and factories are affected too. So, the current political and social climates won't be good for business and foreign investments. In addition to that, the Vietnam govt has to pay for the compensations from the riots. Yet, Chinese govt has no intentions to move the oil rig until August, as scheduled.
  18. The New Age scam... Debate and reasoning? In Zen? Dear no. If the purpose of these the so-called debates is to produce Samatha, then, there is no logic. Depends on one's own mind to see the nature of the one's own mind. Grasp it or not, it only depends on that person alone. What happens to accumulating merit by doing good deeds and to follow the teaching of the Dharma???
  19. long term kundalini side effects

    Forgot to ask that why are you preoccupied with your physical conditions? I ask because I am more affected mentally by the experience than physically. Also, if the experience has been going according to plan, that should open up your chi channels and to allow you to complete the microcosmic orbit. This means that the energy would also rejuvenate your body.
  20. long term kundalini side effects

    I am in my late 30s and I have mine around 18. My experiences were physically ok. No blockage or anything but mentally? took a while to realign myself. Is like you know your world you are living in isn't real. Due to the constraints imposed on you by the nature of Samsara, you are forced to play along. I did that. Got a job and earning a living. I left my long time job few years ago. Is like I have wasted my time doing that, playing along in the world of Samsara. Now, I am determined to break free psychically and mentally but is hard. I am not rich and don't have a lot of money and can't be in places where I think I would be happier. I find my refuge in my nightly meditation. My mind is passionately drawn to world, international events. To the point that I dream of them. Physically, I am healthy and engaged in endurance sports. No illnesses. I am not preoccupied by my sex drive.
  21. The problem with your understanding is that you think karma is all bad. No....there are good karmas. They are both equally important. Is the good karmas mainly responsible for someone to have reached a higher cultivation level. Not because he or she spends more time meditating or to have read more Sutras. For the love of humanity, do you have visions and dreams about your past life or lives? If not, well, you probably don't have much controls of your current karma at the moment.
  22. Vietman.....anti-China riots...

    Within these few days, I have read what is needed to know about the entire Vietnamese hatred towards the Chinese. Well, to put things into the perspective, ethnic Chinese in Vietnam is like Jews. Too successful. Too much money. Too powerful. Refuse to integrate. And ethnic Chinese tends to look too different than the natives. And then there is the genocide of various ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia too. The boat people during the 70s and 80s were mainly ethnic Chinese being driven out by the Vietnamese govt. In the light of the recent event, it is very interesting because I believe maybe the CIA is involved. Here is something I blogged on my FB page...heheh.. "The CIA must be really busy now. After Ukraine and now Vietnam. I have to see how the anti-Chinese riots play out in Vietnam when these terrorist mobs destroyed 30% to 40% of the country's economic output by destroying foreign owned businesses....which are mostly owned by Taiwanese nationals and maybe 10% owned by Chinese nationals from China. And 50 factories owned by South Koreans. These terrorist mobs are aftering ethnic Han Chinese regardless of their nationalities even though it was China's political move to move the oil rig to 150 miles off the coast of Vietnam. Somehow, these terrorist mobs decided to go after the defenseless ethnic Chinese to force political changes in China. Terrorism!!!! The situation has the potential to split the Chinese Han ethnic line into various nationality divides (it may re-ignite the division between the mainland China and Taiwan). Maybe the CIA is getting sloppy and didn't do their homework but generally stroking anti-Chinese sentiments around the world would tend to create unity amongst the ethnic Han Chinese. Gee... this is almost the Chinese version of the Ukrainian crisis. Unfortunately, there is no Nato or the EU to bail out Vietnam when all the Taiwanese investments disappear and literally collapsing the Vietnamese economy." I have been reading up on Taiwanese news and currently there is this underlining debate that the One China policy maybe contributed the destruction of the many Taiwanese businesses. Some Taiwanese law makers are blaming the protestors for not able to tell the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese from China. Like really? They are both ethnic Chinese. I think I am up to the speed with the whole anti-China riot in Vietnam because I have a dream last night. After what I blogged on my FB page, I had this dream. In fact, every time I blogged on some politically sensitive issues dealing with America and the world, like the Ukrainian crisis, I believe I am getting psychic attacks from somewhere. Usually, in my dream, I was being chased after. Last night in my dream, I was driving my car and trying to find a place to park. I found a public parking garage. My car alarm can open the garage door. I went inside. I didn't close the door and the garage was filled with young people. It was like I was in an university. It got too crowded and I decided to close the garage door. Here, I and my friends were skateboarding inside. Then, we were under attacked like somebody wanted to flush us out of the garage. I knew who was attacking me. He was shooting some sorts of flares and I called him the "Flash 5" or "5 Flash." Or was it 5 flush??? Poker? Obviously, the public garage represents my blog. It is a public garage because the blog is on my FB page.
  23. Vietman.....anti-China riots...

    That's because you are from UK and an UK citizen. Considering that Vietnam has been a French colony for centuries and they are more receptive to other Europeans. Yeah, the country has a dark history of ethnic cleansing towards the ethnic Chinese Vietnamese. I think I remember dreaming about Vietnam but not sure what they were. Apparently, the protests will continue until Sunday.
  24. Vietman.....anti-China riots...

    Is 20 reported dead. They are aftering ethnic Chinese. Not various Chinese nationals. Is Vietnam. Don't they have a history of ethnic cleansing???
  25. Psychic vampires and concealing gender.

    Why it matters? Is the internet. Are you supposed to develop a relationship with some unknown person over a message board???? I care less the posters are males or females.....