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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Forget about it. Kundalini yoga or rising the kundalini energy is an esoteric practice. No medical studies can reproduce the experience. You can either experience it with drugs but the repercussion is immense and defeating the whole purpose of the divine experience. You can experience it by chance, which is often very typical for those who actually experience it. Is the chance of a life situation that induces the energy to rise. That's what it should be. As a result, the rising of the kundalini energy will give you insights and wisdom about your life and the rest of the, transcendent wisdom of the Dharma. You are better off to experience the energy when you are younger because your body is healthier. You are less likely to experience blockage when you don't indulge in toxins like junk foods, drugs, and other body damaging craps you eat.
  2. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    That's correct. In a minor case, you will decide to change your life style and maybe hurting few people close to you along the way. In the extreme case, you have a Matrix experience. You have discovered everything you have been taught and told....they aren't real. They are fake. They are illusions. And you want to do something about challenge this fake world with your own inner reality. This is when your inner world reality clashes with the world you are living in. This inner world reality is real to you because of your karmic affinity to your past lives. This inner world could be another country in a different time frame, the past usually. You begin to develop the uncanny ability to understand this country or countries other than the one you are living in. I believe this mental and spiritual state is called "form is emptiness, emptiness is form." That, you have realized form is empty, in this case, your current world and your immediate surrounding. Knowing that they aren't real, they are inherently empty, it gives rise to new form. This new form is your inner world...your inner truth.
  3. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    Hmm....if I were you, I would be weary about your experience because your awakening is induced by drugs. What insights have you gained from the experience, on the practical, real world level. No me? Know everything? In what social context? For me, I ended up resenting America because everything I was taught was bad for me. I had a Matrix experience, if you watched the movies. There was something fake about my American identity and the people and social environment trying to enforce the same view on me. Knew everything? Sure, it was more like no doubts, not knowing everything. Knowing everything implying that you have developed telepathy and precognitive abilities. I also saw visions of my past lives. I was done with my current life karma and moved onto my past life karma as a result. I thought I had it bad earlier? Could you imagine people knowing something about your spiritual awakening and begin to hate you because of your past life karma? You felt like you were your past life self and people treating you differently in a negative way.
  4. how does one reach enlightenment?

    I would prefer to meditate and to enter into a samadhi than reading some quotes though.... Samadhi leading to enlightenment...that's where it counts.
  5. how does one reach enlightenment?

    Why are you quoting from the I Ching? No one is seeking divination from the I Ching and the I Ching outcome is very subject dependent. BTW, to restore the mind to its original nature, the Tao, you meditate and to practice Samatha. And hopefully, you will enter into a samadhi, the mental state in which one can truly experience the void and the original nature of the mind...the source of all thoughts.
  6. how does one reach enlightenment?

    That's fundamentally true. Unfortunately, we aren't fetus anymore. So, our minds have been differentiated, divided, and compartmentalized. To restore the mind to its original nature, the void or the Tao, you need to work on it. You need to uncling. Unlearn. Just because your mind is fundamentally enlightened, it does not mean you can just sit around and do nothing.
  7. I think people should try endurance sports like cycling. I cycle and used to race bike too, for 4 years. Spending 4 to 6 hours on the bike will burn all of your karmas away and whatever toxins you have in your body system. You also learn how to control your food intake close to fasting. It could train your body to use your energy, chi, more efficiently. Mentally? It will strengthen your mind when your legs are close to cramping up and you still have 30 miles to go before heading home. What pain and suffering? All illusions. Hehehehe......
  8. how does one reach enlightenment?

    Enlightenment induced by it really enlightenment?
  9. I also want to point out that karma does not play a role in your life directly, certainly, not some mundane activities like living your life from day to day, year to year. Only when you are stretching your consciousness limit as in pursing a spiritual path, karma begins to kick in. Master Nan said it often that to succeed in your cultivation, you must have merit. Merit derided from your understanding, the practicing of the Dharma. Karmic merit from your past life. This karmic merit will make your path a lot easier to follow and seeing the result you need.
  10. No, no, has nothing to do with faith, conviction, or beliefs. Certainly no new age kind of thing... You know what karma is when you went to sleep one night and woke up late at night with a sudden kundalini energy rising opening all of your chakras and followed by a nimitta appearance...with brief seconds of jhana....after dreaming some Taoist immortals. Your whole life was changed at that point. You have no prior knowledge of Buddhist teaching, Taoist teaching, and let alone all the new age crap. I don't like to beating up a dead horse with my path. Here is what I wrote a week earlier.... Karma is no joke. Your ego is nothing. Your so-called will is delusional. The last thing your ego wants to see is the goddess Kali Ma...the darkness of the dark. The void of all the void. The Tao.... The forever yin.....
  11. how does one reach enlightenment?

    Through meditation, you acquire transcendent wisdom of the Dharma and leading to samadhi and reaching to various levels of jhanas. Through the actual functioning world, you exercise and practice the teaching of the Dharma. You can also meditate in your sleep and in your dreams, if you are lucky enough and have accumulated good merit in your past lives.
  12. Your will is only as free as you can recognize your karma and to resolve it and to earn merit. A lot of times, people aren't aware their lives are dictated by their karmic pasts or karmic influence from other people (abusive relationship, born in the wrong family, or being a blacksheep in your entire family, or being discriminated and outcasted by the world). From a psychological perspective, it is called a complex (unexplainable attachment or clinging onto some objects or ideas because you thought they are supposed to be good for you). When I was growing up, I was a blacksheep. Why? Don't know or didn't know. Fortunately, in my various past lives, I have accumulated enough good merit to become awakened at a very young age. My awakening was revolutionary and as a condemnation of the world we are living... Call me a Dharma warrior.
  13. Sometimes, other people's karma (like from your extended family) are being passed on to you. Then, your suffering are coming from your own karmas and other people's karmas...and your past life karmas. All of a sudden, your entire world is crashing down on you. The darkest of the dark, the stickiest karmas!!!
  14. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    Seriously, what is there to defend... If the path is working for you, it will work for you in the real world!!!! You will see the result in the real world and in your meditation. You don't need to come to the message board to defend your point of view.
  15. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    My point is that you have to work with the real world with real world events!!! This isn't a classroom. This isn't a game. This isn't a science experiment. You can philosophize all you want. Ultimately, an enlightened individual can know the future "immediately" and even when he is about to die!!!!
  16. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    There are no distinctions.....your immediate knowledge is the knowledge of the future. Done.... What is the future and what is now anyway? If you don't grasp on at any particular moment, everything is in a state of change, in a state of flux, much like the Tao. Seriously, I have been receiving visions about the Ukrainian crisis. I have been informed that the crisis will enter into another stage...given with things are now, it is going to happen. Talking to my man Putin in his other ego and identity. I even received another vision indicating that the key to avert a civil war in Ukraine would be rested on who will get elected as the next president. heheheheh I think I have precognition ability but only to major world events and maybe about other people. Visions about myself are often too confusing to make any sense. When tragic events happened like the sinking of the South Korean ship or the missing Malaysian plane, I always wonder if I have some precognitive dreams about them. I had one few days before the Japan Tsunami hit Fukushima. I could still remember the menacing, "frighteningly beautiful" giant waves in my dream. Anyway, paranormal super powers are the side effect of the mind to have entered into a second or higher states of jhana. Is no different than people knowing about their past lives.
  17. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    Stop taking drugs for the next few months to see if you can still experience the kundalini energy. And to see what other issues you may experience. You have to make sure you aren't experiencing withdrawals. You want to make sure your mind and body aren't depending on drugs to induce a samadhi. In the worst case, your mind and body are fixated onto these experiences without gaining additional wisdom about yourself and the world. You just want to experience the ride but not knowing why. Don't worry about the other jhanas.
  18. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    Yeah, is just the first stage or first state jhana. Nothing to get too thrilled about it. You know there are 4 jhanas. Where is the OP now??? Oh, by nature, the serpent goddess is destructive, fyi. You can't be reborn and to create something new without destroying something. So, it isn't all the new age, feel good kind of experience. The experience is never ordinary because your jing or your serpent energy is slowly burning up itself and to all of your chakras. Look up many of the Taoist diagram depictions or illustrations of Buddhas meditating. You would see flames and fire surrounding them. And that's why. The sensation is like being burnt up, literally. And followed by the appearance of a nimitta. Is the most divine event you could possibility experience. Because it is a state of jhana, that too, must be considered an illusion.
  19. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    Is also called the Bardo meditation....guiding the deceased how to recognize the light during the intermediate state between death and rebirth....
  20. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    Are you saying this to yourself or to the OP? The OP said that he experienced the nimitta and various jhana states as the Buddha has....I too, and as well as many enlightened immortals have experienced. Therefore, that's the path Buddha and many others (the OP and myself) have been following. The Buddha isn't an exception. The problem is that exceptions are made to those who don't follow the same path!!!!
  21. I say wow, last night, around 3am, I had a samadhi induced vision. I saw 2 angels outside of my window. Basically, I was having troubles sleeping for the past few nights because I have a slight toothache. Last night, I briefly woke up around 2am something and went back to sleep again. The vision started with me observing an African American family. 2 male adults and 1 woman. Father and daughter. I found myself witnessing a silent prejudice against this woman. My attention was fixed onto a roll of binders, inside a drawer, for good few seconds. Then, my attention was switched to the household itself. One of the men talked about getting her daughter a new Nintendo One.....yeah, a video game system and Nintendo only made one unit. Odd?? He intended to get her one. Now, my attention was switched to this woman. I became aware that she has been given a gift and it was in the parking lot. Now, I found myself in my sleeping position and waking up and opening my window curtain to see outside. I was still in my vision. There, I saw 2 angels with a somewhat whitish aura. They were moving to my left and my eyes were following their movements in the hope that I would attract their attentions. We made eye contact and these 2 were discussing things amongst themselves. Something about they shouldn't be talking to me and to make their presence known. They made some reference to someone I knew, about her life after we were separated. I asked the angel on the right of who he was. He pointed his finger to the sky and said that they were the servants of the high above. The other angel, while he was telling his companion not to talk to me, he turned around and began to speak to me instead. Odd. He said he realized I have suffered horribly in the past because how things were. He felt the need to reveal to me about events I always wanted to know but couldn't find out in my real life. Here, I was expecting getting the full load down about my entire life and events happened. He said either there would be a great change or events changed greatly after I left. He said something that I have been expected all along but I have been getting confusing messages and visions about the situation. That was only 1 fact he mentioned but unfortunately, I woke up. Maybe what he told me was somewhat shocking that I lost my samadhi concentration. When I woke up, I felt good. I felt I was in a samadhi and feeling the chi vibrating all over my body and sensing pulses even in my heels. What didn't make sense was that he was telling the other angel that he shouldn't speak to me and yet he ended up telling me certain revelation I shouldn't know. He said something I don't want to hear because I was still lingering to a different thought. When I heard what he revealed to me, I felt a sense of shock and disappointment.
  22. Angels...anyone versed in their language?

    I am going to meditate and to contemplate the message. It has to be important. Maybe he is trying to help me.
  23. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    Just wait until you can enter in a samadhi in your sleep, dream. And seeing the nimitta growing like a fireball in your third eye, in your dream. At times, you may see this nimitta before or after your vision too.
  24. How the Buddha Became Enlightened. a mental state induced in a Samadhi, Jhana. No secrets there.... Why people don't talk about it? Well, Master Nan talked about it ALL THE TIME. Some believes that you don't need to experience Samadhi to attain any degree of enlightenment because THEY THEMSELVES CAN'T!!!!! Ridiculous!!!