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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Angels...anyone versed in their language?

    You know, it just hits me that maybe he said what is needed to be said in order to break off my Samadhi wake up...since he didn't really want to tell me anything of which he isn't supposed to. Why did I see them in my vision anyway.....???
  2. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    Here, I am speaking from my experiences. Are you on drugs? A drug induced kundalini energy rising experience is problematic because you need the mental wisdom and your own nature to handle the experience. The experience is both physical and spiritual. If you lack the spiritual ability and to understand your experience, this is going to be a bad ride for you. I am not going to say much until you can tell me if you used drugs or not.
  3. Purify your Intention

    Yeah, with this intention, you become a preacher using one point of view to cure all and to free all. Look, I have been guided by spirit beings as well as a self manifested Buddha... They all use different point of views to get their points across and depending on my stage of my cultivation. Most people are not looking for preachers. They are looking for guides that could penetrate the cause of their suffering. Do you trust a doctor that only uses one way or one medicine to treat all of their patients regardless if they have cancers or depressions?
  4. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    This also brings up another point...the bardo meditation and experience. From what I understand, the deceased individual can still be on the path, not sure about attaining the full liberation, by being guided by the Dharma teaching until his rebirth. This is assuming this individual didn't attain any degree of cultivation progress but only being given the last chance at the moment of his death. It is safe to say that this individual didn't inherit any past life merit that would have helped him in his cultivation while he was still alive. Obviously, what are the chances that this individual would not need to be reborn because, during his bardo experience, he attains full liberation??? BTW, normally, the bardo meditation experience is generally experienced during your meditation while you are still alive.
  5. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    Well, is not hard to understand that the second perspective is wrong. Why? Is simple. If you think you are already enlightened in the tradition of the Mahayana school, how many sentient beings you have saved and helped. Historically and empirically speaking, how many lay individuals became enlightened in a single life time without any merit from their past lives. I say few to Zero. So, anyone think they are enlightened without ever paying their dues (to have experienced various Samadhi and Jhana states) are mostly enlightened in their own fancy Zen logic. Such as since everything is not real, even my own enlightenment isn't real. Therefore, I am enlightened because I don't experience enlightenment...since it is not real. Hehehehe.... Obviously, such an individuals can not affect changes in this world and to others because he possesses no wisdom. The first perspective is probable and can be verified empirically and historically. You can verify your past life merit by knowing your past life karma!!!! Knowing your past life karma can influence your karmic affinity in the present, it can give you an idea what you need to work on in your cultivation. You know you have not become enlightened because you are still carrying on the heavy burden of your past life karma.
  6. Purify your Intention

    4 noble truths and 8 fold paths... Intention to what and to who and for what and for who.....You can have a good intention but being exercised to the wrong person and ending up causing harms.
  7. What exactly is "grasping"?

    You know you need a key when you have visions of a wall in front of you literally...hahaha... I see plenty of walls and yet I also see plenty of keys. Most of you couldn't even find this gate, let alone to unlock it. You don't even know if there is a gate at all...
  8. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Hahahah....I hate to use my own experience to validate the Zen teaching but is the truth, thousands year-old truths. I have been following the pratyekabuddha yana. For those not knowing what it is, it is an outside path. A pathless path without aids or teachers. The cultivator, because of his or her past life merit, he or she could advance further in the cultivating process just by simply contemplating the principle of dependent origination....that personal affliction and suffering are not real in itself but the conditioning onto other things. This isn't just some mind experiments but to actually resolving one's own personal issues and suffering. After a year or so, I experienced my first Samadhi, the first jhana, in my first kundalini energy rising experience. I believe I am onto my second jhana, I think. I experienced my first Samadhi without ever even reading a single verse in any of the Buddhist scriptures. Yet, I have arrived where I need to arrive. I have no problems knowing the Dharma or to even explain it from my own experiences. For some strange reasons, we have posters claiming that to experience Samadhi isn't a necessary condition to advance in your meditation and cultivation because of some new age ideas. Hahaah... I am like WTF??? Is not easy to enter into Samadhi, let alone to have a stable one. It does not mean you have to validate your own enlightenment progress by removing the Dharma wisdom, insights of the Dharma from your own "personal experience," from the Zen teaching. Go look up the Dharma Gate, the gateless gate. It is called a gate because you need a key to unlock. Once you have opened this gate, you are on the path and the process will be revealed to you.
  9. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Seriously, enough of this New Age BS....Enlightenment without Samadhi and like a Tao without the void. Like Zen without Dharma. You don't necessary in a single life time to have experienced all the Dhyanas and Samadhi states. However, in your next rebirth, you would have accumulated enough merit to advance further in your cultivation without much help.
  10. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Actually, if you are not there yet, there are stages to go through. Once you are there, you can even dismiss the state of enlightenment as illusion as well. However, if you haven't even experienced the first level of Samadhi and beginning to talk about the nature of Dharma, that all things are impermanent and even enlightenment itself, you really haven't achieved anything. You really haven't cultivated anything. I am not sure what would that make you....
  11. Before I offer my own ways to my Dharma Gate with my own personal experiences, I say you should allow your personal affliction to guide you. Things and events in the world that really cause suffering and confusion and darkness in your own life....your karmic affinity. After all, you don't seek out a path unless you aren't on a path. You don't seek out to ease suffering unless you are suffering yourself.
  12. What exactly is "grasping"?

    See, once you have successfully practiced Samatha and totally quiet your thoughts into one point concentration (you can use colors or some simple object to passively concentrate), you have arrived to a Samadhi--inner light illumination, warming of the body, and not feeling discomfort from your meditation posture, and pronounced chakra vibrations. All of these phenomena are combined into a single conscious thought!!!! The more you become affixed to these phenomena, the sooner you will lose your samadhi. To have a stable, strong Samadhi, it means that you must be able to not become attached to your samadhi experience!!! Sorry, I am just simplifying such a difficult concept dealing with the phenomena of the mind. You can read up Master Nan's To Realize Enlightenment, the first 60 pages. In there, he dealt with various jhanas you can experience in various levels of Samadhi.
  13. What exactly is "grasping"? do realize that I have read Bill's 25 meditation methods and read several of Master Nan's works. These two cultivators couldn't be more Zen and Taoist. In fact, they dislike the today's trend Chan Buddhism because many students are of lesser quality. They practice principles and regurgitating meditation saying without doing the actual work themselves. Without merit!!! Master Nan calls this cause and effect reversal. Here, Master Nan is emphasizing the importance of walking the path and to discover the real meaning behind the sutras. He isn't talking about you should regurgitating the sutras and not sure why you have to cite some passages for me. For Master Nan, he even went so far to say that you aren't meditating if you can't see the inner illuminating light!!!! I say it aren't meditating and cultivating if, in your meditation, you can not enter into a samadhi, period. No ifs or buts. Don't go New Age on me though about there are no paths or etc... It won't work here. FYI, you don't enter into a Samadhi if you have an ego and while you are still clinging onto the all 5 or any one of the 5 skandhas!!!!! To have entered into a samadhi it is already given that your ego is long DEAD!!!!!
  14. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    My first kundalini energy rising experience was very memorable and tremendous. You have been in darkness for SOOOOO long and, some how, when the chi begins to circulate in your body and to have completed the MCO, the sensation is tremendous and very life reaffirming. For a while I asked myself why, after a decade of my first kundalini energy rising experience, I could no longer re-experience this tremendous physical bliss. I didn't get my answer until I begin to study the subject of samadhi and how even your physical bliss sensations would slowly fade off...because your mind becomes more refined now. Even your sense of bliss is an illusion, depending on your 6 senses. Nowadays, I still get the inner body illumination and some chi warming throughout my body and they will last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. My samadhi experience is now more conceptual and less of physical. Not sure what stages of Samadhi I am in now. And only in dreams, or dream yoga, I can enter into a full Samadhi and with a bit of astro-projection....
  15. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Call it what you will or even New Age it.... You can go look up some old ancient texts on the Taoist internal alchemy. You will quickly realize that there are certain physical and psychological phenomena associated with the mind and body when they are closer to the Tao. These experiences haven't changed throughout thousands of years. These states are pretty much the same as you would experience when you are in a samadhi. What happens in a Samadhi? There are various levels of Samadhi too and as your mind becomes more refined, you feel less of physical bliss during meditation. Microcosmic is much a mental and bodily state required to advance in your cultivation. It means that your chi channels, the center channels, have been opened. Chi can freely move within your body as your mind dictated. Next, is the internal light. This light is the manifestation of an emptied mind. Warming of the body....and tinkling sensation (slight numbness) throughout your body. And super powers?? You have some sorts of paranormal super powers associated with the mind, even the body, when you have reached to various levels of samadhi. FYI, Buddhism and Taoism have been merged thousands of years ago and it has been called Zen for ages. So, anyone else's attempt to create some sorts of divisions in between these concepts, thousands of years later, is just an illusion. Futile at best. Historically, Taoist masters don't even transmit these knowledge just to anyone.
  16. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    But Taoism is not just an attitude. The state of being with the Tao.....Samadhi... I am Chinese American and I know the Tao because I frequently experience Samadhi and the MCO. How many people in the west that you know who have experienced Samadhi and the MCO?
  17. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Regardless which schools, the end goal in meditation is to reach samadhi and to gain the transcendental wisdom. In fact, there are even levels of samadhi and dhyanas you must go through in order to reach closer to enlightenment. If you can't reach samadhi in your meditation, even the first level, you have a lot of work ahead of you in your meditation.
  18. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Is called the dead tree Zen. One shouldn't attach to that state. This is the state of stupor. I am sure most of us at one point find ourselves in this meditative state. Like your are sleeping while meditating. Or you kind of dose off while meditating. In meditation, you are supposed to arrive to a samadhi state with an alert and emptied mind.
  19. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    But in actuality, there is no self enlightenment because, once you have reached enlightenment, you are no more different than those who have reached it via various different school of thoughts or your own path. I think that's why the self enlightenment path, or the Partyekabuddha yana, is so interesting and yet very difficult to grasp and to understand.
  20. Relying On No-one But Yourself You may want to look up Pratyekabuddha yana. Self enlightenment? Sounds easy? No is not. There are thousands of ways your path can go wrong..... Self enlightenment is already indicating that it is an outside path, and not following a particular path. Yet, somehow, you can arrive at what you need to be, in your enlightenment path. How? Don't be arrogant. You can't do everything on your own. If not helps from others, you would definitely need help and guidance from various immortal beings.
  21. Immortals

    Interesting...nothing. I don't take drugs. Just your plain old meditation using the skeleton meditation method mostly. Other times, just focusing the chi in my center channel. As a side note, my microcosmic orbit would complete by itself usually around 4am to 7am, naturally. I meditate about 2 to 3 times a day, and about 45min to 1 hour duration each. Sitting in a half lotus position.
  22. Immortals

    BTW, how do you know if you are being tricked by a trickster spirit??? Last week, I had a vision/dream. This woman was supposed to be someone I knew long time ago. However, she didn't look like her. She was very, very adamant about a specific date in May I have to remember. It has something to do with the color green and being Irish. That date is not connected to anything Irish according to what I have googled. I have no cultural attachments or connections to the Irish culture. I am like, sure, I will keep my eyes on this particular date because it is supposed to be a date I couldn't forget or a date I would always remember..... This was actually my first ever dream or vision having been told to become aware of a particular date and time frame.
  23. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    You have to realize that Putin is using the Russian army to achieve his political aim...which is to make the current interim govt to become impossible to govern and hoping it would split the interim govt from within. You have the right wing group who couldn't stand Russia. The other group wants peace and to make concessions with Russia. As for Nato, they are blind. They have no agenda with Russia other than to revive the Cold War strategy. Anyway, they are irrelevant because Putin is either creating or/and using new factual and political conditions of the crisis to push for his political agenda. We aren't talking about Russia invading Ukraine. And for some reasons, I have received another vision about the crisis. I am suspecting that within 30 to 60 days, the Ukraine crisis will enter into another stage. That's all I would say since certain "organizations" ie NSA, should not know these information. This is what we have right now. Putin is threatening to turn off the gas supply to Ukraine because they can't pay the bill. This would effectively stop the supply to EU. Right now, three eastern regions of Ukraine are experiencing some sorts protests and with armed men occupying police HQ. The current self-appointed PM of the interim govt is trying to negotiate with these protesters. They want their own regional referendums on to stay with Ukraine or to become part of Russia. I would think granting these regions the autonomous status would be more compromising. Again, nothing definite about the negotiations so far. Even if compromises are possible, there are no guarantees the next Ukraine president and his administration would honor the agreement. And the Joe Biden will be arriving in Ukraine later the month....I feel so much better now..hahahah...
  24. Immortals

    No, I don't dare to speak about their nature. The monk working in the school registration office? He was witnessed by others as well. Not sure if he was there because of me or maybe not. However, those white, light blue cloudy looking eyes....without pupils. Like someone who has been blind but how could a blind person working in the registration office and managed to walk and eat and see without any assistance. A monk dressed in some modern clothing in order to fit in with the time, with a completely shaved head??? BTW, he looks Asian or Tibetan.
  25. Immortals

    Well, throughout my whole life some 30 years+, I have encountered 3 beings which have been responsible for my own cultivation advancement. First, 2 Han warriors greeted me in my dream, in a dark forest and I woke up. I then began to experience my first kundalini energy rising. For the next 3 weeks, the Kundalini energy was rebuilding my mind and body whenever I meditated for 20 minutes before sleep. People spend their whole life to try to experience this energy...I had avalanches of kundalini energy rising experiences without even trying... To be fair, I did penetrate the first skandha of form (took me few years) before the dream. Next, I encountered a blue eyed monk dressed in some modern clothing. A Buddha has 32 marks on his body to show the accomplishments or rewards resulting from his enlightenment. I saw this monk working in the registration office of my old college. He has a pair of blue eyes but look artificial or somewhat self induced. I don't know how you can make your own eyes to look like light cloudy blue.... He said that I should learn knowledge for myself. That's all he said. We had a Zen moment there. This happened few months after my first kundalini energy rising experience. Finally, when I left this college on a very bad circumstance, in my sleep or vision or semi dreamy state, I saw a blond hair, blue eye, young man standing next to my bed. He was radiating in golden light. When I saw him, it was like I expected him. I wasn't alarm. He extended his right hand to me and I grabbed it with my left hand. I could feel the rough texture of his hand. He looks like my age back then, in his 20 something. After our physical contact, I was transported to another scene in the dream and there he was transmitting some transcendental wisdom to me via putting me in some situation and causing me to act in certain way. I woke up and freaked out afterward because I thought he was in my room. I have also encountered some lesser spirits but I don't want to get into them. These 3 beings really changed the way I see myself and the world.