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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Rebirth

    Nah.....too vague and too general. You can use the belief and faith excuse to describe anything.
  2. Rebirth

    Not exactly...I don't want to be off topics. Rebirth in the Buddhist cosmology is beyond more than just the merit system. Is often required for the accomplished Bodhi or individuals on the way to become a Buddha to finish his or her path. To reborn one last time. We are too fixated on this life time and trying to accomplish whatever you think you need to obtain spiritual enlightenment. The truth is that you can't. In fact, that's not even the Tao because you are fixated only the present. Not what went before you and after you. Obviously, the mind is a like an onion. You can't get to your past life or lives without peeling away your current life and your current day karma and suffering. How many people have managed to do that???
  3. Rebirth

    And I don't believe there is a merit system in Taoism that would dictate the nature of your rebirth in who and where though.
  4. Rebirth

    Are you saying that is rebirth possible and how it influences the MIND TRANSMISSION??? From my own experiences and intuitive insights, rebirth is necessary for mind transmission. Same for the Taoist system. I mean....I completed my MCO when I woke up from a dream. What I was dreaming?? The Han dynasty and seeing two "brothers" dressed in Han traditional clothing. I woke up and had my first kundalinie energy rising or completed my MCO. The rest was history....... In the Tao, there was no rebirth. The Tao was and is always there in the past, in the present, and in the future.
  5. Hahahahaha....I don't know what to say. Sometimes, a doctor prescribes medications for you to try to treat one issue but causing multiple ones. You later regretted following his advises and taking that medication. Currently, my mother is on 5 heart medications (coreg and some others to expand her blood vessels and to slow down her heart beats). And to reduce her blood pressure. She was on them for about a year. Today, she had her follow up after 1 year. She has irregular heat beats. The health of her heart is improving, better than last year. Now, the doctor prescribes an extra medication to treat her irregular heat beats. The medication is called amiodarone. This medication is so potent that can cause liver damage and blindness and mental confusion. Generally, make your life miserable so that your heart could beat normally. Irregular heart beats aren't something fatal. Some strange skin condition causing your skin to turn gray. It is supposed to treat the irregular heart beats. I am like really? Am I going to allow my mother to take this drug? Now, here is my point, I have been dreading this day because I had a dream/vision. In this dream, I was in the doctor office and we were discussing my mother's heart condition. In the vision, I remember that I was supposed to receive one additional medication. I insisted that my mother needed this new medication. Now, the doctor said that I didn't need it and showed me a heart inside a glass jar. There was some blood inside but the level was low. I was convinced that my mother didn't need this additional medication based on what I saw. I wasn't sure what I saw or what it meant. In the dream, I was reminded that my mother would need another endogram done maybe later in the year when she sorted out her insurance. Before ending the dream, I remembered that I was getting or receiving 5 medications. My mother wanted to see another female doctor instead. Same medications she was on for the year. Nothing new. Reading the FAQ on amiodarone, I realize that maybe this is the medication I should not allow my mother to take. Maybe this doctor in my dream was telling me my mother does not need to take this medication??? I have been receiving visions about the health of my mother ever since she was diagnosed with a congestive heart failure. Thank goodness...all the visions were favorable. Not like she was about to die or anything. And including the extra amiodarone medication I wasn't supposed to allow her to take because at the end of the dream, I remember only seeing 5 medications, not 6. If I count the extra amiodarone medication, she would be taking 6 medications. The doctor is Chinese but practicing western medicines. And he isn't attentive. Sometimes, he is somewhat incoherent and would repeat himself. I am grateful he is treating my mother but I have to consistently evaluate the medications he is prescribing for my mother and to cross reference with my dream visions. LOL. End of my rant..... Interesting info...
  6. Do I trust my visions or the heart specialist?

    Thanks.. I think she is fine. I haven't been told the otherwise by my spirit guides. Interesting though....I was already informed of her condition long before she was diagnosed with the congestive heart failure. In short, my spirit guide, an old European woman and not sure of her nationality. It has something to do with her finding the correct room and she ended up knocking on the room number 4. in Chinese (Cantonese), number 4 sounds like death or to die. However, in this vision, she was told that WE got the wrong room. It was a clear indication that she wasn't going to die. This vision tied me to my own fate as well. It has something to to do with number 7. I saw this number like the size of a airport terminal gate number. So, the number 7 is a huge symbol literally. I was supposedly making a choice between America, China/Hong Kong. I can not figure what it really means. Yeah...I saw this same old lady for the past decades too (15 or 20 years....:) That has to be some karmic affinity I have with or for her.... This vision is unbelievable... Me and my Mom was walking inside a building on a certain floor. It was so bright like windows were everywhere. It has this soothing white glow everywhere. It was me and my Mom and this old lady. She just walked in and to us from one of the doors. I didn't greet her but I was well aware of her present with us. Yet, I didn't deliberately make contact with her.
  7. Do I trust my visions or the heart specialist?

    No offense but her heart condition is improving. Not getting worse. So, I will leave her condition as it is and to continue to take coreg for her heart condition and she would have to undergo an endogram to determine her ejection refraction %. Until then, I am assuming her condition is getting better. I am sorry but I found your comment too.......strange. I told you my spirit guides have given me the insights for me to make the necessary decision to improve my Mom's heart condition and it works. Then, you went on "advocating" her condition is not getting better but she must seek Chinese medicine to find her cure. All of these designed to create a sense of urgency....fear. What happens to Tao's action and inaction...allowing the heart to heal itself..which she is currently going through right now. Taking CQ10 helps her heart to heal..SLOWLY. My spirit guides didn't indicate that she must seek Chinese doctors.
  8. Do I trust my visions or the heart specialist?, the forum has changed since I last visited. I thought I want to share this here. My Mom went for her follow up about 3 months ago. Her irregular heart beats are gone. I mean GONE..her heart is beating normally despite that she didn't take the PVC medication because of my worry of the extreme side effects. The doctor was confused when he noticed that her heart is beating normally despite that she didn't take the prescribed PVC medication... Amiodarone. Her next follow up would be some time in Sept and she may need to have your heart medication dosage reduced since her condition is getting better. Is interesting since is obvious there are higher beings looking out for me and my parents. Hehehehehe..... I feel thankful of course.
  9. Career and Cultivation

    I think we are dealing with a dualistic reality or dualism. Hehehehehhe.....which it should not exist in the first place. Unfortunately, dualism or dualistic thinking is all part of our unrealized consciousness. Yes, you have already realized the impermanent nature of your ego self. Unfortunately, like most people cultivating, we are still trying to struggle in dealing with the external world we are living. What we can and want to do is often restricted by money and wealth...and knowledge and personal and professional networks. Very often, being burdened by our past karma. How do we realize the impermanent nature of our external world, and, thereby, we can overcome and be everywhere where we want to be? I don't have the slightness ideas. For me, I feel like I am waiting for something to happen. Have been feeling this way for several years after I left my old job. I have tried to be more active in my decision making process. However, I don't have the slightness ideas what I should do or should be doing. In my visions, it seems that I need to go back to school and to earn a master degree about "macro management" (I have a college degree already but is useless). I don't have the money for a MA education.
  10. Hahahahahaha....correct. For the OP, not progress. Is why some would require a life time to gain only a small amount of realization while others can reach a fuller realization in half the life time. Too complicated. Is karma, past life, present life, and future life. Second, karmic merit gets carried to the next subsequent lives. That plays a key role. There are reasons for a particular mind to reach to a fuller realization. Is not fame. Is not the measure of progress. Is not about goal either.
  11. How to prepare for imminent death?

    Same as when you are meditating.....
  12. The Russians are coming!!!!
  13. Cats need to be reincarnated in order to assume another mind because, animals by nature, can assume different minds from other beings. I am just saying this but no proofs.
  14. Seeing beings in Meditation

    You are not alone....hehehehehe... With me....yeah, I see many celestial beings. At one time, I saw this Taoist (wearing some peasant Han clothing) who looked like me...with light shining from his eyes. The next night, I saw this figure again. Instead, I saw him performing some rituals before an altar and I saw his heart radiating in white light. According to various Taoist texts as I later found out, the light you see in your meditation is the reflection of the luminosity of the heart. Most of the times, I see flashes of faces..mostly pleasant. I have not been frightened by these expressions...fortunately.
  15. Physical aspect of cultivation

    Is more like karma cleansing. BTW, I was a bike racer for 4 years. I mean, I used to train about 12 hours per week and doing these long ass 6 hours bike ride per week too and following a training plan designed to allow me to compete locally. Too bad, my natural VO2Max is low and never really did well in the races. Sucked even more on longer races with major climbing. Back then, I was trying to workout my life issues and bike racing and training allow me to have a cleaner body from the perspective of karma. I spent a lot of money on training gadgets and nutritional diets to improve my fitness. A way to sublimate my negative emotions. The downside is that my life was very simple back then. You go to work..sometimes I even bike to work as parts of my training. You go home, eat and sleep. And you train and ride during the weekends. That's about it. At some points, I did not feel like living this life anymore....maybe I didn't feel the need to work out my negative emotions because they don't affect me as much anymore. BTW, trying to be good at endurance sports can be very, very exhausting and tiring for the body. You can over do it. And your mind becomes underdeveloped because you don't have the energy to workout the spiritual and mental aspects of your cultivation.
  16. Where is the real middle way?

    The middle way, the Tao, is not a way. As long as you are working for your ego, the existential "I," your entire life decisions are dictated by this delusional "I." The "I" would continue to progress until it hits a wall. Is like driving on a highway with ice on the road. Once you are losing control of your cars and the tires aren't griping, no matter how hard you try to press the brakes and to steer the car, it won't stop. You need to understand the nature and the reality of your ego, the "I." Only then, you can make the correct, and moral decisions about yourself and others (it would happen naturally)...because you can now see all the facades and pathways or leads of your entire decisions and how it will affect yourself and others. Your decisions would transcend time and space because you will see the past, the present, and the future.
  17. Well, I just have a fish dream this morning. What was the big deal? It means that would be something big, attention grabbing event unfolding soon. Currently, my mind is on the Nov election and the war in Syria. Well, I think it has something to do with the latest FBI decision to reopen the Hillary email scandal because it may force her to step down if the latest emails are damaging enough. Here is why. In this dream, I saw a school of discus fish. Fortunately, they are normal size fish. I used to keep them a while back. I was very captivated by the color (mostly blue) and the round shape of the fish. It was just captivating and extremely lucid with vibrant color. When I did was I cut the fish tank in half, even with water with it, while I was herding which fish I want to keep with the other half. Physically, it isn't possible because water is not solid. However, water was behaving like solid in this dream. I cut the tank, along with the water and my chosen fish, in half and I grabbed this half with two arms and to put it in another fish tank. Apparently, I was doing a water change. Now, with the latest FBI decision, the FBI director discovered new emails from the Anthony Wiener investigation (his wife worked for Hillary in the past). And he managed to tie this new emails onto the existing Clinton's case. There..... Finding damaging emails from one case and to tie them to another existing one. Originally, I thought this dream was referring to the Syrian war and Russia. But....can't relate. So what happens next??? Well, I was doing a water change. It may mean the latest FBI decision could change the outcome of the Nov election.... Let's wait and see....
  18. I am going to write my dream journal here..just for the record keeping. It happened this morning. I had this dream. It began with me finding myself sleeping on a double bunked bed. I woke up and to realize that there was a stranger sleeping with me. It turned out to be a naked man. I am not gay but not short of having dreams involving gay individuals. Nothing sexual. Once I woke up, while in the dream, I felt that I was sleeping in a public facility like a shelter. I realized that this was the place for all kinds of people and strangers to stay overnight and to sleep in. It was a bit disturbing because I went to bed in my own bed and in my home and waking up, in the dream, in a public facility with all sorts of strangers. The location reminded me of my apartment as a kid. In the dream, I felt that I have no belongings...except my camera bag. It was like I lost all of my possessions except my camera bag. This may mean that the only material things I am still clinging onto are my camera equipment. Anyway, in the dream, I jumped to the floor and immediately was greeted by a Caucasian lady. Out of nowhere, she told me that she saw darkness in me. I then asked what did she mean by that....if my darkness came from my own mind or being generated by the surrounding. I found her assessment was a bit odd to say that I was dwelling in darkness and yet I could ask discriminating questions about the nature of this darkness. I told her I have the ability to read people's emotions and to assimilate their perspectives as my own. Now, she was starring at me very intensely. Here, I realized she was trying to read my mind. I looked at her with a smirk and began to evoke my dark energy generated from my entire life experiences. It was my attempt to scare her with my life. At this point, her expression was nothing by frights. Like someone shouldn't be piercing into the soul of another because the truths could be too overwhelming for the individuals. Now, I began to ask her what did she see in my mind. She didn't answer but attempt to runaway. Here, her figure began to fade..fading out like about to disappear. Now, I saw a black lady here and she was telling me that the nature of this facility was a public place. And my mind was originally deceived in thinking that it was my home. After she finished talking, I noticed that my camera bag was stolen. I went inside to another room, reminded me of my parent's bedroom. I saw two individuals going through my bag. I tried to stop them but my 2 cameras were stolen or missing. And these individuals didn't have the cameras on them. However, I noticed that I still had my wallet and money inside too. I walked back out and saw this lady again and asked her if this was what she meant about seeing darkness in me...that having my cameras stolen. Now, she was getting agitated and telling me to stop asking her all these questions because it was making her to do too much work. LOL LOL....She then proceeded to read my mind now with very huge efforts...and her words became incoherent...something about a King....about abuse of power...and something else. She was completely overwhelmed and she was trying to prevent herself from telling me what she saw. She saw something in my future but could barely contain her emotions. I woke up feeling refreshed and feeling a deep sense of understanding. Sometimes, these morning dreams are like that for me. They become so lucid you feel cleansed. Was someone probing my mind? For one thing, Spirit Guides or Sambhogakaya beings do not feel exhausted or agitated when asked about what they see in your own mind. They generally don't have problems revealing certain truths to you. Second, rather than pointing out what is wrong with you, they generally guide you with instructions in order for you to overcome certain issues you have. This white lady was like trying to create fears in me. Instead, she saw her own mirror...her own fears. And this place I was in.....first my mind was drifted to it because it reminded me of my old apartment as a kid. Then, a black lady telling me it wasn't real, this place was actually a public facility designed for people to sleep in. And they searched my camera bag but they didn't find any cameras in it. I get the feeling that someone was looking for something in my mind. It turned out my mind is pretty simple. I couldn't help but to wonder if the NSA or the CIA is using some psychics to read my mind and to unearth some secrets. Hate to disappoint them but my life has no secrets. No, I don't work for the Russian govt or the Chinese govt despite that I frequently made many correct assessments about the war in Syria, in Ukraine, and recently about president Duterte turning his back on become an ally with China.
  19. No, it can not because there are countless of ME in others, in other sentient beings. There are external phenomena in which the mind hasn't been able to discern see the Dharma inherent in all things, not just your little ego self.
  20. Where do I start?

    I am seeing potential problems here...heheheh... Well, your teacher has already declined to teach you real chi kung. Instead of respecting his wishes or trying to understand why, you are seeking all over to learn chi kung one way or the others. Are you trying to impress your instructor that he would teach you chi kung eventually? Because he decided to take you in because you have some previous knowledge of PiChaun? Looks like a classic kung fu movie plot right here. A master refused to teach one of his students certain martial art styles because of various real reasons. Student getting upset over it and desperately seeking all over to learn what he thinks he should have learned or he should have been taught. Ultimately, the student begins to resent his teacher because he believes that his teacher is keeping him down. I am wondering how this relationship would end.... Like Skywalker Anakin vs Oba-wan...heheheheh.... And you posted a question here and getting replies from other enablers....hehehehe...because some posters know no better. BTW, if you don't practice chi kung, chi can be I sense chi and I can complete the MCO. Yet, I don't practice kung fu or in any particular chi kung styles. I have no issues in learning it but I find it that's not necessary because my chi tends to flow very naturally. To believe that you must engage in any particular chi kung style practices to harness your chi...can be misleading.
  21. Meditation On Pleasure?

    With my limited experiences of samadhi and jhanas, when you are have arrived in that state, you become both the subject and object. There is neither joy or sorry, happiness or pain. You only aware of your mind itself, in its natural state in its bright luminosity. Your mind does not rest on anything. Does not meditate on anything. You just feel at home. Feeling where you are supposed to be. You have forgotten about pleasure and pain...any sense identities originated from your 6 senses. You have no body. You are just your mind and your awareness alone. That's it. In your meditation, your goal is to reach this state of being by letting go and allowing thoughts to dissolve...until you have arrived in your Samadhi or in a state of rigpa. You don't hold on or rest on anything because that's clinging.
  22. Avoidance or Cultivation?

    I don't know but have you found out how to heal your disability? Is it physical? Are you taking certain medications which may be producing some side effects? I am not sure if you have a spiritual problem.
  23. Huh??? I play. You mean, superpowers??? Precognition. I don't just judge people, that's easy because I seem to be able to read people in my dreams. I can sense evil people and their evil intentions in my dreams. I can spot enemies in my dreams. I judge an entire nation. Is one of my superpowers to see catastrophic events being unfolded in a nation. So far, my precognitive power has been accurate dealing with the Ukrainian crisis and Russia...dealing with Israel and the Third Intifada (the Knife Revolution)...and even the refugee crisis in Germany/Europe. Whenever shits about to unfold, I would see fish tanks in my dream. The larger they are, the greater the issues. Few days before the Euro crisis was announced, I saw several apartment size fish tanks with fish the size of a my dreams. It took me some introspection to realize the connection between fish tanks and world events.
  24. That's rich coming from someone who is actively seeking a path but not really on a path. Your ideas of a path are those from youtube and blog pages. LOL Citing as source for information. Oh dear. That's rich.
  25. Avoidance or Cultivation?

    All I can tell you is that your best advice would come from your mind alone, period. If you are cultivating, your mind should tell you what to do (via dreams or visions or visitation). Be mindful that a particular blockage in life is often needed to experience a cultivation breakthrough. I know that full well. Certain karmic action must be experienced to its full course. That's how it is.... I don't know if you are married or have kids... So, whatever you do, try to avoid creating more karma to those who are close to you. Don't run off and to abandon your wife and kids and etc....