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Everything posted by Adia

  1. 8 fold path

    Just been thinking about the 8 fold path. Read some stuff about Siddha and how peace in the groves was created through the 8 fold path. In my new opinion this has to do with apeasing your people that are a big part of your life and making things happy for your them. The people that surround you are influenced the same way. Be peacefull, dealing with your life is very difficult. The other people that are around are very peacefull no matter where you are. And talk very little. And I say to you Amitabha! Adia
  2. Pure Land Buddhism

    Hello this is Adia, I commented earlier that i was having trouble with things. This has been resolved. No need for worry or prayer. I have something to add about Pure Land Buddhism. First you have to realize that there is life after life. Some call this reincarnation. But this is not true. You are the same individual nothing changes except form. Habbits and personality remain the same. We can go anywhere. Not just earth or terra firma or this third planet from the sun. We can actually go to any planet in the solar system or moon, asteroid, etcetera. When this happens you can go to a pure land. There are many pure lands. Were everything lives a fine and full life with much friendly converstation. These lands are important to us people with interesting experiences here. Amitabha which means man of life is important for this reason. Who Amitabha is is unknown. The compassion of Amitabha is the best way for man to live life. All people both great and small feel pain in our land of the earth. This pain is hard to deal with. With compassion all things can be remedied and all people can heal this planet. Everything is alive. All have a vast history with you involved. They express pain because they do! If you love and hurt anything there is great pain involved. To be Amitabha is to be love of life and everything is alive. If you eat be kind to your meal. Be kind to rocks and plastics. Nothing is without life and the pain of life will lessen. When one changes to your next form you may go to one of these pure lands and live for a while. I have been to all of them for my life is infinite in the past. You have to be nice to get there they are nice people. Be on your best behavior and you too may go to a pure land and be happy. So I say to you Amitabha Adia
  3. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    From my experiences...there are a wide range of possibilities for rebirth. These all depend on how you are. Some people are constantly reborn the same. Some gravitate towards what they feel. Others do something different. And others do something else entirely. It depends on who you are. And it goes on and on... It varies with the person. Meditation or not life will be interesting. From what I know it is hard to get to the point of not going anywhere other than what I call "home". There is such a thing as "fate". And other people will be mad at you for cheating "fate." But you can't really cheat "fate". And yet you can always change who you are. Or can you?
  4. I'm having problems with things and I need some input. Lately I have been going to sleep and I feel that my health is being drained. I am told that I have mental health problems but I shaved my head and my attachment to my past is decreased and don't have to take my medication. I try meditation and I'm somewhat good at it. It is as if my spirit is taken from me but can't really leave. I just collect it after I wake up. I have to be strong in my life and I am starting to be wary of my parents. It is getting harder to do things. My spirit is out and about. Lately I heard my spirit say I was a slave to my dad. I'm thinking spirit possession of my parents or something. Sometimes I feel possessed too. Any solutions to my problem? I try talking to gods and such. I'm always pushing the envelope as they say. The problem is I can't trust anyone things are dark. I sat next to a young woman yesterday and had to reclaim my mind essence soul what have you. It seems delusional but it really hurts. Things are starting to seem surreal. The professionals would say this is mental illness, but this has something to do with the delusion of others. It is if I am on their roller coaster ride and I'm just along for the ride. How do I stop the influence of others and some sort of spirit magic. It might be tantric in origin. It as if my life has been influence by certain people to lead down a dark path and I said no and a great battle has ensued. That's how I feel. Amitabha
  5. Problems with practicing alone

    I've been working on my problems. I've discoved that it is due to hyptnotism done at childhood. It was done for bed wetting and an agreement was done with respect to honour and if I'm not perfect I'm not honourable. This is driving my life out of control. How do I get rid of this. I need help. Adia
  6. moon

    Adia point at moon
  7. Problems with practicing alone

    Modern lifestyle seems to lead to impurity. In a pure state all things are impure. One can purify oneself into a corner and starve to death. Acceptance and trying to be pure, sincerity is the best idea. As for intoxicants smoking cigarettes is my choice and acceptance seems the best way to quit. I overall think those kits and natural detox kits can't compare to pure water. Water pure and simple bathing and drinking water is the best system. Smoking is a problem when past trauma seems to come to life and I start again. Compassion to all things is who we are. Even impurities in us. Which is who we are. Take care. Adia
  8. There is great disturbance in the force -- Obi Wan Kenobi
  9. moon

    Moon is moon
  10. Curse and you are cursed Bless and you are blessed
  11. Favorite Quotes from Buddha.

    Whatever the longings or delights Attached-- always-- To various levels of being, Or yearnings born From the root of unknowing: I've destroyed them all, Down to the root. I -- Without longing, Unattached, Uninvolved, With purified vision With regard to all things, Having reached self-awakening, Sublime, unexcelled --- Practice jhana hidden from Brahma, Matured.
  12. The merit of a life of the right livelyhood let's enlightenment become your truth. As you live in this truth it becomes your reality. Amitabha
  13. ---

    Don't be so egotistical. Life is simple.
  14. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Hopefully there is a complete recovery.
  15. That which is impure shall be pure.
  16. Problems with practicing alone

    Delusions of this world wear down the practice. Keeping to ones self is not really an option. You have to emerse your self in the life of others to be brave and strong in the dharma. If I am to exist here this is what I have to do. As for magic as the cause of my problem. It seems to be more than superstition. There is more to life than just this realm that is the earth. This gives me hope that life is not sinister and there is more to this than meets the eye. Hope is a great tool in life. Not hope in the past, future or the present, but the hope in the moment. That life is truly like the freedom one can possibly ever have in the moment. That healing and health are ours for being. That compassion felt in the moment is true for all time and that even after suffering it is true. Death is but an illusion caused by suffering and that after death compassion lives on. Amitabha
  17. Thich Nhat Hanh

    I hope he gets well.
  18. Problems with practicing alone

    Update: Went to my cabin up in the hills for about a week. Cold nights, no electricity and a wood stove. I faced my self and realized how much of my problems were caused by my past opinions and not the people involved. I've realized how my addiction to cigarettes enraged the situation and now I plan to go cold turkey. Experience a lot of healing and feel better...sort wishes Adia
  19. Problems with practicing alone

    Being in the moment helps in many ways. Your thoughts lead your mind. Was Ill with the flu yesterday. Making a quick recovery. Still troubled by certain people. Need time to my self. Smoking is a get concern of mine. Need to stop it is hard to understand that my intuition is true and yet live calmly. At times all I have is my intuition and denial of delusion. Smoking seems to be an emotional situation about love and my life. Peace be with you Adia
  20. Problems with practicing alone

    I Feel better in some ways. I'm a very sensetive person. To answer the last question. I live in Metropolis, illinois. USA. I realize that "mental illness" is a term used to describe a problem no one can fix. Only the individual can. I am finding new confidence due to your support. I feel like an island in the ocean sometimes. But the island is never alone it always has the sea. I do feel that the taboos of tantric magic are involved. I have experience in such matters. It involves taboo women. I have reacted too drasticly in dealing with this due to the fact I feel unable to get away and worry about heath concerns when I should be facing these problems. Amitabha shows me the path of kindness in myself and the knowledge and healing I need. Paducah seems far from the truth I know and love. Filled with taboo and trouble. People talk about Satan openly and do not believe in absolute evil. I believe that taboos govern my situation and denial of taboos will help me heal. Faith in the indescribable truth. Adia
  21. Metaphorical Qi

    Look into the new God particle they found in CERN in Europe it looks promising. It's a quark. I think it's called Higgs Boise quark or something. Cutting edge physics. Adia
  22. Metaphorical Qi

    I think you are over thinking the subject. See for yourself that it is real. Try the meditations and you will see for yourself. It doesn't matter that science doesn't have an explanation for it. Maybe it will have an answer for it in the future. Will it really change anything?
  23. Greeting and Salutations, Hope you and yours are doing well and all is quiet on your fronts... It's a pleasure to post here on this cold March morn' so close to the first day of spring. Thank you, Adia
  24. Can there be such a thing as a Nazi Dao?

    There is no "Nazi Tao". There is a "Nazi Way". The Nazi are apart of the Tao. They just are not in harmony with the Tao. The Tao that I know is a way of freedom, compassion, acceptance, sincerity and respect. None of these qualities are expressed in the ideas of Nazism. A Taoist is one with the Tao and accepts it. A Nazi is a part of the tao and hates it. Those who use "black magic" wish to control it. Control and hate rarely work.