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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. I am a narcissist, to a significant degree

    I think a good test of the person you are underneath is to get really high or drunk on various substances and film it, and then you can refer back to it later. I might do this at some point. A new type of psychological assessment tool! Day 1: alcohol.... Day 2: mushrooms, day 3: crack/cocaine..Etc....(not necessarily consecutive days). I will call this the 'Crazyfox multiple substance-induced personality assessment indicator' or some such....
  2. Free Invention Ideas for the World to Share

    I was always interested in becoming a recombinant DNA scientist and creating new plants that could produce THC....THC Tomatoes!
  3. I know, I know. But I am just being a rabble rouser. Feels kinda dead here lately. Without some kind of controversy, there isn't much to talk about! We all know what to do with ourselves pretty much by now, energetically/spiritually speaking...I'm on the hunt for something ta do..maybe I really should paint myself green oi oi!
  4. I'm actually ashamed to have even posted this thread, as material attachments should be left in the dust. However, it was more the principle of it that irked me...but it is all ego attachment based, blah blah blah...I would almost consider this thread a rant.
  5. The meaning of Tao?

    If something amuses me, entertains me, informs me, etc. I will click the button...perhaps even too freely
  6. here we are talking about like/not like buttons when children are starving in Africa! We are all insane in the membrane! woo-hoo....
  7. I think a selection of buttons would be neat, some possibilities: 'Cool' 'Agreed' 'Nope' 'Hell yeah' 'Forget about it' (see movie 'Donnie Brasco') 'For realsies' 'So-so' ... know wadda mean? '
  8. I am a narcissist, to a significant degree

    I should state that I am not 'that,' but have tendencies to express from that schema often enough to label myself as being 'that' for conversational purposes. I am, in fact, anything I want to be, at anytime, anywhere, yet not even that....its so fun and free to be me...
  9. I am a narcissist, to a significant degree

    Its deeply related to perfectionism. The function is useful, but when over expressed leads to self/other enmity.
  10. Free Invention Ideas for the World to Share

    I thought of that too...bras, etc. But it seemed like a limited surface area (straps, etc.)...
  11. You may have seen this announcement here or there. Fluoride levels to be lowered nationwide to .7 ppm. Can't wait to see what effect this has on levels of depression, and other illnesses. In 10-15 years we should see some interesting before/after data all across the board.
  12. I never said that quality or quantity of life was higher in Africa, I was merely pointing out how sugary, processed foods have increased dental carries here in US, and how to combat what is surely an industry created problem, they introduce a neurotoxin into our water supply- to benefit another industry, the aluminum mining cartel. Its all about creating problems where there were none...
  13. Magick is Psychology

    Some individuals are too susceptible to synchronicities though, and will find correlation between their castings and events when there are none. Word power and its ability to alter reality is significant. NLP is a good example of 'magic' - any action taken with an intent behind it could be likened to magic if it is mysterious enough in its form. There is 'form' and there is 'function.' The outer form, or ritual, disguises the intent behind the act - its function. If I alter my body temperature through visualizing a sun in my abdomen, and practicing vase breathing, is that magic? Probably not...if I do a summoning ritual and it apparently causes an effect, is that magic? I suppose, but it could all be psychosomatic...honestly, everything that can be explained shouldn't be called magic. I don't know...just my disorganized ponderings...
  14. I know. I agree. I tend to hyperpolarize due to frustration. It is what it is. I should stop complaining and producing negativity on top of injury...I did pretty well this past year, health-wise, as far as eating well, and limiting toxic influences...perfectionism is a blessing and a curse.
  15. Guess I will have to start taking sponge baths with reverse-osmosis water then...I'll do what I have to. I think of African people with their near perfect teeth, due to low sugar/refined foods consumption, who have little in the way of dental care....America seems like a circle of manipulation sometimes...designed to kill people off early...yes, I am one of those conspiracy peoples...[sigh]
  16. I'm just going to trust my gut. Avoid bathing in fluoridated water- get a shower filter, eventually buy a reverse-osmosis filter and add my own minerals..brush my teeth with coconut oil and calcium/magnesium know, avoid that shit like the plague...
  17. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Treating a whole half of the population one way, and the other half another, is discrimination...
  18. Yeah, I would like to believe that its safe, but I lived in Portland, OR for over ten years, one of the only major municipalities which does not fluoridate their water supply, and people there just seemed less depressed and maladjusted..I felt less depressed while living there...anecdotal maybe, but.......
  19. Actually, better to do a search, use 'us lowers fluoride levels' - there are better articles...
  20. I meant to, but I still haven't figured out how to copy/paste on this tablet...ok- I'll do it the hard way and actually type it in by hand- you see what you made me do!? -
  21. What does it mean to be transgender?

    I call guys and girls 'dudes'
  22. Infinite Paradoxes

    If there is one, it could be split into two. We are the size of a house and a mouse at the same time...a single grain of sand will contain......well every ting!
  23. What does it mean to be transgender?

    'Deviant' means that which diverges from that which is the norm. Norm in this case is male or female. 'Trans' means across. Transgender doesn't necessarily imply an attempt to go from A to B, from black to white, it can also mean somewhere in between stations. I think we are entering a new more enlightened age where male/female dualities are transcended. Hyperpolarized individuals are often the most imbalanced. Ultra-feminine and ultra-masculine have always seemed like weak links in the chain to me. I have always admired Padmapani for this reason.
  24. Free Invention Ideas for the World to Share

    Gel flip-flops that leave Mehndi inspired tan lines on the feet when worn during sunny months...actually you could have various designs, not limited to Mehndi, such as animal shapes, religious icons, or anything else.
  25. Free Invention Ideas for the World to Share

    I've tried those goggles before. Not what I'm talking about. If the lumen therapy lamps are able to abate depression through effects on the pineal gland, then why not shrink the device so it can be taken anywhere? Is the light hitting the skin necessary? As long as one takes vitamin-D, etc...I don't mean for these to replace natural sunlight or anything...just to augment the light therapy seems to me that if goggles were used, energy would be saved vs. Big bulky lumen therapy lamps that aren't so portable...