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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. In memory of a friend

    I wrote a stupid post while I was myself feeling suicidal, but erased it....I am sorry for your loss. Suicide is an issue I hold deep.
  2. Maybe I should rephrase the question to say, 'what is your overarching goal this lifetime...' - focus in on this one small blip of time.
  3. On turning the light of awareness around

    You are my hero. I'm curious why the energy pouring out of the eyes takes center stage in the method, whereas there are other awarenesses that seem of equal intensity. Should one not focus on contracting the energies of all awareness paths backwards at once? Why the focus on eyes?
  4. I don't trust any of those online anyone here able to translate this: Songtsan CrazyFox Tiger Ali
  5. Haiku Chain

    fun, profit, life, death games of Animal Planet choose your character
  6. Is TTB a safe place to post?

    Fight Club! Thunderdome! Buddha Battles! The Agony and the Ecstasy! Don't belittle the interesting process of it all by sending whole threads to the pit...instead, send the perpetrators to a new sub forum, that is still a respected one, where the perps can work it out... When mods note excessive back n forth 'tough talk' between two or more individuals, those individuals and their posts get moved to a thread in a subforum titled somesuch as 'Kumite,' or 'Rumble in the Bronx.' Threads will be titled , 'MemberA vs. MemberB on 'such and such topic' Then we can all take bets on the winner, which could be decided by votes!
  7. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    I agree, yet think that to stack empirical science on top of this attitude is good for beginners...I don't track trends anymore in this way, but it was useful for me a few years ago....more as a mind exercise - it proves points mainly, if doubt is an issue..
  8. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    I agree with that. I was conjecturing in terms of permanence, I.e. not permanently rejecting, which I always associated with the 'throwing out' process- as in, the garbage man takes the baby away forever..but also what I was infering was that some of the practices, when separated from the dross of the Osho archetype, could be useful on their own, when approached skillfully. However, I agree completely with your premise. I also recommend the OP track daily variables such as nutrition, sleep quality, levels of: anxiety, anhedonia, lethargy, irritability, and so forth...keep a short-term spreadsheet and correlate it with: amount of exercise, meditative practices, workload, etc. This is an empirical technique which is about observing trends and trying to identify correlations. If one keeps track of things, usually rating them on a scale, such as 1-10... If Nazuna be interested, I can expand my explanation, no prob...
  9. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    Osho certainly isn't the purest of souls, I agree...his methods are based on trying to create 'spiritual fireworks' in people through a variety of questionable methods that lack a real solid, well studied base. The 'lineage,' so-to-speak, is a slap dash, ego filled crazy train. I don't say this to scare you off, just to alert you to the fact that the methodology you follow is led by one who has not fully removed the veils of ignorance...any system whose teacher is held by fetters of lust and greed should be carefully observed. I would never throw the baby out with the bathwater, selective.
  10. I have flat arches and there are a number of exercises that are prescribed for fixing that issue, such as picking up pennies with the toes, or rolling up a towel, etc. Just recently, the thong between the 1st and 2nd toe broke on one of my flip flops...I kept using it anyways... I noticed that the foot was naturally using the exact muscle contraction sequence used in arch strengthening I broke the other flip flops thong and now I walk around all day strengthening my arches... Nice.
  11. neat trick to solve flat arches

    I have been considering bare foot running....I am going to enter it slowly...I believe in keeping contact with the earth directly to keep the 'energetics' smooth!
  12. Haiku Chain

    potentially real... Life's like a box of choc'lates So sayeth the Gump...
  13. Women & TTB

    It's true and I flew off the handle....what I have been suffering from is the perception (not stating that it is the truth of all things in any way), that men are often vilified as being somehow screwed up in general....I think I have been feeling 'the heat' all my life in being a guy, as if I am part of a group that has caused damage, similar to feeling the heat for being white and living in a country that was stolen from colored people, and then made use of slave labor from other colored is pretty much just like that. What I found, upon reflection was that I did it to myself for grouping myself as being 'one of the guys.' This is the root of the issue (for me)....that by labeling myself as being of a certain group, whether it be the group of 'men,' or the group of 'white people,' I have taken on the 'group fight.' Therefore, I have decided no longer to label myself as a 'man,' or 'white,' for these are just arbitrary distinctions which I have decided to let go of. Therefore, I have nothing more to say in this thread! It isn't about me any more.... HAHAHA - I have freed myself - good luck to you guys!
  14. Women & TTB

    This is true of both genders....there are a lot of 'old' women walking around with chips on their shoulders towards men, and 'old' men walking around with similar chips towards women. I would hesitantly conjecture that if one at all holds a view that judges, stereotypes one whole half of the population, then one has work to do. If one notes that one holds strong views towards any specific subset of the human population at all, be it race related, gender related, religion related, then this indicates an illness of the mind. These stereotypical conformist views have been past like meme-viruses around the planet since who knows when....The mind that thinks it knows....does not! The empty answer is 'Know Nothing' - here lies some great health and well being The full answers are endless. If anyone here thinks that they know something special about someone else here, simply because that person has identified their gender to the board, then feel free to live in delusional thought constructs. Me myself: I intend to winnow away at those damned imputed reifying fabrications....
  15. Women & TTB

    I tend to have this energy to some significant degree, but I keep it in the silly realms...I feel like letting it sit until I deem it worthy of expression. I could start a damn cult if I wanted to. I have in fact extended my Shakti outwards and infiltrated others energy bodies and shared my self with them, affecting a shaktipat of mild degree over the internet and in person, without even intending it, as far back as 2000. I withdrew my energy body when I saw this happening, because I knew that I was still polluted with ego dross and would spread my bad form selves with others. This effect is strongest when I am sexually sublimating for over 3 weeks or radiates maybe out of my chest or throat area? I haven't researched it. I keep it under wraps. It has led to karmic drama in the past. Hitler had this charisma, but he maybe shouldn't have used it? Swami Muktananda had it, and Osho, and countless others. What comes once will come again a thousand times. I feel there is no need to be in a rush. I've got many years of cultivation before I decide to energetically come out of the closet and expand my energy bodies outwards into others' spheres in that way...obviously it's nothing special in that it is available to many.. The trick in containing it for future use in knowing how to continually engender it and store it.... I am not saying this to you really as you know these things already, just for the internet record. If I ever feel I have something worthwhile to contribute, I may extend my shakti field outwards...
  16. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    It is simply that training the base layers produces a sustainable fount for spiritual practice work. I generally go by Iyengar methods, who bases his system of what is essentially Raja + Hatha Yoga.. "He who has conquered his mind is a Raja Yogi. . . . .It is generally believed that Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga are entirely distinct, different and opposed to each other, that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali deal with Spiritual discipline and that the Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Swatmaramadeals solely with physical discipline. It is not so, for Hathy Yoga and Raja Yoga complement each other and form a single approach towards Liberation. As a mountaineer needs ladders, ropes and crampons as well as physical fitness and discipline to climb the icy peaks of the Himalayas, so does the Yoga aspirant need the knowledge and discipline of the Hatha Yoga of Swatmarama to reach the heights of Raja Yoga dealt with by Patanjali." ~B.K.S. Iyengar -Light on Yoga, p. 23. The more easily demonstrated and perceivable disciplines of the physical lead to a better ability to see and generate the higher level disciplines that rely on subtle awareness. They also build and maintain said power base. Think of a pyramid - the physical as the base, followed by emotional, mental, spiritual...lack of discipline in one area will reflect in all levels. Can you maintain calm within one storm, you should be able to maintain calm within another. The different areas are not so separate, but weaknesses in one area will detract from others....those who cannot control their mind, often cannot control their body, and vice versa. With Kundalini, of course, it is not necesarily an issue of control, as Ma Shakti provides structure through spontaneity, yet 'God helps those who help themselves.' The meeting of control + surrender is the mergence of the Shiv-Shakti aspects.
  17. Women & TTB

    but what if you aren't prepared to lead? Not invested with the energy that will produce proper leadership?
  18. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    You came here seeking teaching I assume? Be careful what you wish for...there are many zealots here who practice stuff that makes them fantasize themselves magicians (like me? you don't know who I am), and they would tell you things that would certainly work to create great shifts in your life, but you could end up going into interesting places. First of all: Calm down, center yourself Identify your over-arching goal Break it down into sub-objectives.. Proceed slowly, carefully, increment changes a little bit here, a little bit there.. If you rush in too fast, you will end up in a crazy carnival ride of an experience, and even send yourself into a Dark Night of the Soul... Build your discipline from the ground wouldn't want to have shaky legs as you attempt to climb Mount Everest. Body First...attain a solid base. Fix all imbalances firstly! Don't attempt to awaken Kundalini through perseverance without having established a solid center. Make sure that your physical, mental, emotional, causal bodies are in balance. Start with the architecture: In shape? Muscles balanced? Any physical issues getting in your way? This is the area to start with... Next: Clear meridian channels first...if you awaken kundalini without having cleared them, you will have a hell-ride as she clears them for you. If this happens you will have to learn to enjoy suffering (not so hard). Are you disciplined? Have you practiced Asana, Pranayama yet? How are your Savasana skills? If you can't relax your being entirely, then don't awaken the kundalini until you have learned to completely limit all efferent signals to the nervous system. If you awaken her and you get in her way, you will experience some backlash... P.S. The reason I am posting so 'interestingly' is because I suffer from what is known as Qigong Illness to some...I post here as a warning to you, to be careful, because you could end up like me - a little twerked! Kundalini does interesting things to her masses of forms, yes she does! There are many outliers like me, we are cast adrift in her net (but she will always take care of us - so don't worry!)
  19. Women & TTB

    whether topping from the bottom, or bottoming from the top, we are all equals EDIT: It is a matter of curiosity, need/want, exploration, and agreements...but this happens underneath for most people, not in the fore-brain....those who wish to see it directly though, live in paradise and knowing how it is, they aren't scared to wait and sit and allow the powers to house themselves within them.
  20. Women & TTB

    What I was saying was that I enjoy having women on top, and men on top and me on top and me down below, and all places...I would find it exhausting to forever be required to dominate, and it is antithetical to my nature to allow myself to be dominated for too long....I don't do much other then let the vitality flow as it will, I kind of relaxing, I at times dominate, for that is the Nature's push. I don't fight nature - no no! That would be like fighting Man/Women! Man/Women = Nature...Fools think that Nature is not Heaven, and that Heaven is not Nature...It takes two to Tango. Heaven and Earth are the same as is Samsara and Nirvana. I exist in the flames of push/pull, riding the currents....My only job is to NOT create blockages through fooly means, whether feminized or masculinized hopes and dreams....Never over express functions through gusto...nope.
  21. Women & TTB

    This is helping me so greatly...I bow in deference to the Mother.
  22. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    Try taking some adaptogens, as well as some 5-HTP, L-DOPA, L-Tyrosine, B-vitamins, and other nutritional support. Those who play hard should be prepared.