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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. Befriending Money

    There is this guy: then this guy:
  2. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    I know that many western doctors are brainwashed into 'tracks' of belief which support commercial/domination enterprises. It is a simple fact that there are entrenched interests behind powerful groups such as the AMA, ADA, FDA, and so forth. The desire is for hegemony, pure and simple. However, it is a long ways away and the fight of truth will always prevail, because those who seek control through perpetrating ignorance and misinformation cannot stand the might and power of mankind's inherent search for truth. With all of the media's attempts to sway opinion and belief, it is clear that a significant proportion of Americans see through the bullshit and take what comes in now with extreme distrust. The attempts of the 'idiot cabals' of wannabe dominators like the Illuminati are only acting as catalysts for evolution, for nature finds a way around any obstacle. They are simply breeding a race of superior intelligentsia who will easily see through their feeble attempts to play smoke and mirror games. One World Order is a farce, and while it may appear to work in a limited time sphere, in the end will fall like a house of cards.
  3. Do ticklish areas indicate anything special?

    It's more than that though...there is no reason for a person's feet to be ticklish if its sexual. At least I have never sexualized my feet.... I think it could indicate areas of excessive energy, which could be due to energy blockages - energy getting trapped in that area - so stagnant flow, energy builds up, and when titillated, it feels even more over-stimulated.... I am going to research this some more at some point... I'll google it first of right back! There is this stuff: that's enough info for me to further believe that it does indicate something about the energy body.... what an interesting subject to study
  4. Stance Competition!

    Using this format, I clocked in 45 seconds
  5. Stance Competition!

    I never let my knees go over the toes....but I will try wider...I have almost perfect squat technique and lunge technique, but I can't say I have been shown perfect horse stance up close...I'll google the exact specifications
  6. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    I agree - I was in a negative mind state...ridiculous...I am having Illuminati paranoias lately....
  7. Stance Competition!

    I did a session of wall sit using a slightly wider than shoulder width (~3 feet).. made 1:54 - about as predicted... Every day! From now on. I will put this in my PPF of course, but I do think that competition could help some who don't have the intrinsic motivation, but could rely on other ego-based motivations.... My goal in this thread was to both create a competitive focused challenge to encourage those, like me, who are suffering from depression, lack of motivation, etc. and don't have the natural inclination or willpower to do these things on their own. If I even find one other person to compete with, then I will have a virtual work-out partner. I am also working on self-sourcing too. This is a two-pronged approach. Engage group-mind encouragement, plus engage own self encouragement. Also, accept encouragment from above of course.
  8. If you are here and you know me well enough to see my potential, and you have the time and inclination to teach, and you think yourself way more 'refined,' 'elevated,' 'experienced,' 'realized,' etc. than me and you think you can handle me, I would like to be led. I am tired, at this time, of thinking I know what's best for me, and would like someone to shape me. I am starting to feel very malleable. I post this here so it can be easily seen, but I don't really think this thread needs much reply...I imagine that the person I seek would have a strong and overwhelming confidence and willingness to extend their energy, knowing that I am good on paying it forwards or backwards.. PMs welcome
  9. I am looking for a Teacher

    So I am basically lacking self-sufficiency - I want someone to motivate me....thing is that I am currently trying to motivate and teach like 3-4 other individuals - so my energy is spread thin. We learn by teaching however. I am of middlin' rank. I want an adept to pull me onwards. When I become an adept, in intend to pull herds of folks onwards....this is coming from someone, who in this life, had half-ass help at best and learned to half-ass help himself to compensate. Half-assedness! It's what's for dinner. At least right now.
  10. Stance Competition!

    I don't what to say, except that yeah - that's da troof! EDIT: OK: Horse stance....feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, legs slightly higher than parallel to the ground (for me because I have herniated discs) about 2-4 degrees... arms held at shoulder height, holding a beach ball.... I will do this later today...and last about 2 minutes if that.. Then I will do Wall-sits, which are more supported for my bad back...and time that....
  11. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    Conspiracy theorists would say that the scientific community does not care - that they are there to make money and support the big pharma - that is why CAM therapy does not get the attention it deserves. Conspiracy theorists are right in my book.
  12. Befriending Money

    there is also this idea: ignore money, and do everything on trade basis - trade skill for skill, item for item....some people operate from this stance...there is this guy on youtube who does this...I will try to find out his name...he absolutely refuses to use or accept money, and yet thrives... I like to think of the money thing as a World of Warcraft or something.. ultimately, I trust that the universe will provide me the basics, it just so happens that my ego does not trust this...when I say ultimately, I mean that more awesome part of myself which I have yet to directly contact, but can feel underneath, watching everything as if it's a divine play.
  13. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    I haven't read the whole thread (as usual), but I have heard of plenty of studies where yogic abilities were medically verified, usually in places like China or India. I suggest looking into the scientific journal articles from these places. What I remember is extended bigu states being researched - people being buried for months to years and coming out alive - stuff like that. It's out there - its been done...just not so much in western science
  14. Befriending Money

    True non-attachment does not mean disregard or fear of having possessions, which would represent aversion (negative attachment) - simply an attitude of being non attached to the possessions one owns, so that if they are lost or broken, one does not create suffering. Furthermore, if one has no money, and is lacking something one thinks one needs, one should still not stress, but seek to remedy the situation in a comfortable, unattached manner. Stressing over money, or lack thereof, is a major cause of insecurity - which leads to loss of balance. I usually have less than $10 in my wallet at most times, and I am over $110,000 in debt. I work scattered hours when I can find under the table work. I am very dependent on help from friends at this time. When I compare myself to others with money - using relativistic 'I should try to keep up with these guys - I feel inferior because they are more independent than I am' thoughts, I create stress in myself. I don't try to say, 'fuck it - I don't care that I am this way' and relax, I simply adopt a relaxed non-attached attitude, while still pursuing financial gain in a calm, collected way, as if it was my duty - and holding the intention to be useful to my friends. I even offer to work for free sometimes, as Karma yoga. I think however that I do hold some of that attitude that it is unhealthy to own lots of possessions, and that attachment to money causes grief. Plus I visualize myself one day being a homeless vagabond - of a wandering sadhu type. I think that I have some deep down issues which prevent money from flowing to me except in trickles. There is another part of me that would love to have that security that comes with money. I often adopt a view-state in which I choose to believe that I just won the lottery, and that I simply haven't picked up my check from the state lottery office. I notice when I adopt this view-stance, that I immediately feel a sense of deep contentment, as if I have time to take a breather. So in this way, I know that, regardless of my 'spiritual' attitude towards money, deep down I am still hooked on it. Such an interesting quandary.
  15. I am looking for a Teacher

    my modus operandi actually - learn from everyone and everything...keep knowledge in the back pocket, not in the hand...random scattergories
  16. I am looking for a Teacher

    I am a Fool! I already have an incarnate teacher who is within my being....I have often attributed the teachings of this one to being that of either delusions, thought constructs, or astral entities playing games, but it has become apparent to me just now that I am in fact being guided when it is needed or on some type of schedule... Case closed.
  17. I am looking for a Teacher

    I believe in science and that most old descriptions of why things worked were due to limited I think we are already on the same page... I think all religions, metaphysics, science, etc. will tend towards convergence as time goes on. I don't care so much how something is explained, as long as their are results from the practice.
  18. I am looking for a Teacher

    its not obstructed, I am just impatient and disorganized... sometimes formal systems, or formal discipleships are has a sense of comradeship or family, but this has been my whole problem from the get go - being dependent on having others to motivate me.. fuck dat sheeit den
  19. I am looking for a Teacher

    I spose so I always did want to learn the trick of eating hot coals without burning my mouth though...
  20. I am looking for a Teacher

    I wouldn't be giving away power so much as testing an 'other led' method for a period of time - I would be able to sense if it was fruitful I think. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have faith in someone else - which probably means I don't have enough faith in myself. Solitary practice sometimes seems agonizingly slow. I think that having a high level teacher has always been a fantasy of mine, perhaps idealistic. Perhaps I just read too many could just be another Maya-born wish - a projected ideal of being 'saved'....possibly even lower nature derived desire to let go and surrender...It'll probably end in naught, like most of my desires. Maybe I will just take empowerments or initiations or something..It may just be social in nature. I'll put it on the back burner.
  21. I am looking for a Teacher

    I actually lost the vids - couldnt find them when I went to look for them....I am doing a lot of spontaneous stuff - I will film myself so you can see what happens...
  22. I am looking for a Teacher

    Discipline, adherence, subtlety, control, lineage... tired of being a maverick...I would like to belong to a school of something or other that has a tradition....but I want it to be fierce and internal martial arts related. Nothing in my area as far as I can tell...I am checking out a Preying Mantis gongfu group soon, but I would like someone who has developed great compassion, great energy control, and who could teach me through esoteric versus verbal/physical plane means... someone with great Shakti, who could extend theirs into mine and merge subtle bodies so as to teach rapid. A Mahasiddha would be nice...gotta be one somewhere. I probably haven't earned my stripes yet, but the intent will drive me to the brink soon I hope.
  23. I truly wonder whether there is some great Karmic Overseer Management System Thingamabobber which protects those who have never done certain wrongs. I have stolen and been stoled from, yet never mugged or assaulted anyone, and never been done that way. I am close to letting go of my weapons altogether. Empty Hand technique training only - developing Dragon Body and Snake Style , and trusting in my ability to evade and avoid trouble town. I'd rather give up my cell phone than injure my arm in a fight... Scholar Warrior!
  24. I am looking for a Teacher

    I am doing OK by myself, but oh how I wish there was a bad ass motherfucker who I could train with - someone who I naturally respected because the gestalt of their gnosis and attainments was way beyond me and they knew it. I know that there are individuals out there who could peer into my mindself and see where I am at and know what I needed to do. I have great intent to burn...but I have no one who I interact with on a close level who could elevate me with their very presence whether near or far. I don't care about attaining peace and contentment, equanimity and bliss! I want to grow up and do some shit other than feel comfortable with my selvies. I want to use my not so hidden desire to be a MahaSiddha to recreate myself. I must have had many teachers in past lives because I understand everything easily, and I have access to many wicked smart demons and angels who are willing to trade knowledge for a taste of my essence, and so I continue as I am, but a real world teacher in the flesh is a very great motivator. Someone who could cut my ego in half I would bow down to. I think I've scared away half the bums already with my desire to burn. Wrathful deities tend to burn themselves out over the long haul - it takes a lot of energy to wear a jacket of flames! Anyone have a wind-water net to catch and control a Yang Fire dragon who seeks redemption through the easy death of insanity? Who can do dis ting mon? I need a strong Water Adept I am not so humble, yet I am ready to be humbled at the same time. Just putting it out there - here in the noosphere, there is the aesthersphere, astral plane, whatever! Wish I had the money to go train with B.K. Frantzis or somesuch... E-training?
  25. strong/weak forces? polarities? differences....Ai! attraction/repulsion? Ion channels, gated channels? Movement is the actuality - time is the brew! The bottom line is that Everything causes Everything! Looking for rate limiting enzymes? Bottlenecks? Nature can take care of any deficiency... Change one thing, change reality! Life is a tapestry...pull a thread and you can unravel the whole thing. Entropy should be examined in detail for this topic. Find out how things break down and you will see how they build up!