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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. As above, so below. Look at the universe in the Grand Scale, and you will see the Microcosmos. Very metaphysical. Very logical.
  2. I always thought of the mind as more of a filter, and not a generator. It merely interprets the signals coming in and again passes them through to the reflexive center, just as sense organs do - they are part of a chain of causation. It is not so much an organ of action, as an organ of function. The difference is that it is a programmed function vs. a doer. At times, it seems as if the mind has 'a mind of its own,' but I think that this is not the case. The programming is so subtle and complex, that it has the appearance of self-will, but it is just composed of various negative/positive feedback loops and chains of programs that it appears to have life. Mind is dead....but certainly hard to kill even so.
  3. Is talking about spirituality and practices useful?

    Research Sufism and you will find it extremely similar to Taoism. Sufism is unorthodox Islam. When the translation is made, they are nearly twinned. See sites like: etc. if you wish to counteract his arguments and trump him, speak his lingo and he will become mute in consternation.
  4. Can you take your mind with you when you die? edit: is this the aim of immortalism?
  5. Buddhists would disagree, considering mind itself as a sensory pathway; i.e. the 'sixth sense.' We experience things through something beyond mind, which is eternal. Mind itself is an aggregate construction and thus composed of buildings blocks which can be torn asunder. Beyond mind lies the realm of Being, which is dependent on Nothing. Self existent and causeless.
  6. Locations are relative to something else. To describe mind is not it, but mind is certainly as mind does. Back to location. Most systems agree on holographic theory, i.e. holos. All things interexist everywhere at once. Therefore mind is absolutely everywhere. At the same time, it is nowhere whatsoever, because in dualistic modality, locations are relative and thus forever in flux. In duality, the nature of being is constant fluxuation ad infinitum. However, we can generalize. Although every electron exists everywhere in the universe at once, according to dominant quantum physics theorists, they have ordered sets of probability locations. Thus there are tendencies for objects to have seemingly semi-fixed locations. These however are more like nodal points, or places of most highest congregation. In generalization, mind is body. Especially the nervous system, but also co-achieved by various processes as described in the variety of sciences extant today. So mind is all these things, and none. In superficial terms, I would say that mind is for the most part located in the areas of highest 'energetic' activity. This would be the nervous system, co-supported by the physiological structure. Not so simple however, as there is more than one type of mind. Specifically, there are the separate nodal 'points' that represent what are commonly considered the self, as well as the larger aggregate bodymind of the entire collective, i.e. groupmind. This is in essence a linked series of nodal points, creating a web-like structure which circles the planet.
  7. How to build from the ground up?

    8 hrs a day! hell no! try like 1 maybe 1.5 hours. I am studying Capoeira, African Dance, Preying Mantis gongfu, some spontaneous qigong, yoga, and bodyweight's just real shoddy right now. doing swimming in the winter, and maybe some weight training...Trail jogging, and high incline speed walking. I was just wondering on a progression to gain internal power vs. external. I want to be able to mobilize my chi and stuff through internal expression vs. external means
  8. Also, in non-doing, changes are made, without intending to change. Acting in accord with the Tao is always in a positive direction. Holding no intent, one has no mind fabrications, one simply does as the music demands. Seamlessly integrated with the Tao, there are no seams or lines that divide self/other. Therefore there is no one to change, yet change occurs regardless.
  9. How to build from the ground up?

    Fighting is back burner to self cultivation in my world. Fighting is for fun. The rest is serious.
  10. Is talking about spirituality and practices useful?

    Sounds like hypomania...if he has been feeling suicidal then bipolar. With a person in hypomania state, the action to defuse is a curious one: invite him to expend his energy further until he overcompensates and then swings in the opposite direction. Antagonism will fall short as it can exacerbate the response. To create the desired effect, allow him to overexpress his Yang function by inviting him to stand up and lead the class. He will soon lose his ardor. Once he has run his energy out, he will feel embarrassed and be shy. Short-term sacrifice for long term gain. Put energy lions to work. When they realize they were running on puffed up steam, they will learn to be compliant to group needs.
  11. Is talking about spirituality and practices useful?

    Useful! Refresh memory Counteract misinformation Open up views for constructive destruction and rebuilding Get to the bottom line Refresh practice Delimit viewscapes Destroy egotistic holdups And more
  12. you can...but it is often slow unless they are open to it...Slow matriculation...planted seeds at opportune moments, being at one with the sea of energy, knowing without knowing, sages move in this way
  13. How to build from the ground up?

    some useful points, some not....abstracting good from dross is eating the fresh vegetables out of the salad of mixed bag greens.
  14. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    wishing is not being in the present, it is attachment to form. Acceptance of what is equals equality. Unless of course you are accepting your dis-acceptance and being free flowing...that is fine by me!
  15. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    end the fabrications of the mind so that the mind is empty...yet full (of the present).
  16. Older, wiser to truly appreciate.

    oh I got caught sleeping!
  17. Acceptance of ones own self implies acceptance of ones own intolerance towards others. Acceptance of others negativistic views towards you will build you up if true, or else harmlessly wash off of you if false. Tonglen is good stuff. Accept redress if it is warranted. Remain silent and stay awake when intolerance hits...if it has merit, it will refine you, if it doesn't it will not blind you. If you see a reaction in yourself to a judgement, examine it fiercely and without hesitation. Surrender to change if it is in accord with the true path.
  18. Older, wiser to truly appreciate.

    I've been young and dumb fairly recently, and so I also applaud your piercing of the transgressions against the Self stage. Those who die can never truly be killed. We rise again and again like lions. Welcome, brother.
  19. The Sage not acting for reward

    Nothing is lost if nothing is gained...if possession is an illusion, as there is no one there to hold on to anything, then there is also no one to lose or let go of anything...
  20. How to build from the ground up?

    I have delved deeply into Vedanta, Buddhism, Sufism, Shamanism, and others pathways of Eastern slant. I haven't practiced much shamatha or fact practice is the weak point of my spiritual behaviors. I am focusing on physical practices to strengthen my meridian systems and wish to also incorporate breathwork.
  21. How to build from the ground up?

    Doesn't wu wei involve not controlling anything?
  22. The Sage not acting for reward

    It would seem that by simply being a sage, one would effect change by ones mere presence, without ever having the thought to do or say anything. Thus one could simply be present, and let ones actions speak for themselves without holding worry or intent to change anything. By being true to ones word, in form and action, one would spread virtue without seeming to do anything on purpose.
  23. How to build from the ground up?

    Great advice...I think I should focus on physicalism and spiritualism...Psychic development I leave for later...I am not into real fighting, just soft spar and related drills.