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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. How to build from the ground up?

    But if I ride the biggest wave, and die young, won't I come back for more of the same fun? Is it so sad really? Can one not dance in the flames of passion like Shiva, forever content that one is forever involved in the dance? It's a real dilemma. What to choose. What if I have no preferences?
  2. How to build from the ground up?

    You are awesome Manitou. We have much in common. I too am recently quitting several drugs, including alcohol and marijuana. I think that the discipline of martial arts will tear down a lot of those walls that prevent me from being a mature individual. Sometimes though I see that my love of becoming a gongfu master is ego based, thus dross heavy, yet it is also so obviously formative enough to make the ego-driven means justifiable. Thank you.
  3. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    escape to the inside place that is presently available?
  4. Greetings

    Hello all, I have been browsing these forums for a while and I am interested in getting some tips on how to develop and expand my practice. Currently I am doing mostly western body weight exercises...but I would like to add some type of internal martial arts or chi kung work.
  5. Guten tag

    A friend told me about this site. I thought I would come look around. I currently sit zazen and practice some spontaneous movement. I also practice mindfulness during the day. I am looking to expand my practice in some way.
  6. ...or can I aim for nonpsychological awareness, moment-to-moment being, no-self, stilling of the mind, etc. Mostly I am wondering if understanding hexagrams and what not is necessary or more efficacious...
  7. When deciding where to put your post, from Tech

    I am so sorry guys! Really - I will try to shape up... <hangs head in shame>
  8. Haiku Chain

    keep preaching to frogs so they can become Princes You set this one up!
  9. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    I think he just needs a break - he was probably over expressing his Yang function...he is simply not in balance. Like me!
  10. Nice try, Harvard

    I love you TaoMeow!
  11. Nice try, Harvard

    I think I truly will try to teach a class at my community college - I have connections! yes I do! hee hee!
  12. Right Mind/Left Mind

    Know the masculine, but keep to the feminine Right mind is the right mind to use. The left mind is better left behind.
  13. Right Mind/Left Mind

    my brain is tired...I will have to get back to you.... you might then ask, why post now? because of the wonderful things we does! Lucky Charms are magically delicious!
  14. Right Mind/Left Mind

    Please describe your methodology! (so we can compare!)
  15. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Will you guys please stop mentally masturbating and hating on each other! This is not some kind of psychological dick measuring contest. Agree to disagree and get over your shallow selves. Get on with your work my friends. Become enlightened, stop pretending to be. 'Nuff said.
  16. Right Mind/Left Mind

    It is an interesting model however. Using this as a conceptual vessel, one can visualize things and apply them in analysis when undertaking enlightenment activities.
  17. How to find a Vajrayana teacher

    no time - in moving process...very rapid manifesto!
  18. An Ocean of Masks

    We (mind-selves) are just masks of form-illusion bliss. What many people don't know is that the Kundalini is the Mask-maker. Shakti is a two-way mirror which reflects your own mind-self, exaggerates its' form illusions, then reflects them back to you embellished to make you believe your own delusions even more. This is a process known as Mara or Maya. Kundalini is more than Maya/Mara, yet it includes these things as well. Kundalini joining with mind in it's empty state is Shiva-Shakti Union. This process protects fools from treading too far into lands they haven't earned. When the seeker breaks through these super-imposed fabrications (via mind and Shakti conjoined processes), they will see closer and closer to the true seeing state of reality, which has always been right here, where we are. True seeing is no-mind seeing. Trust the Kundalini to show you your mind-self. Do not trust the mind-self that the Kundalini shows you. Trust the Kundalini, yet trust not. Trust the Kundalini to show you why you should not trust yourself. Your assumed self is a Mask. Kundalini is the co-originator of mask-selves. Seek No-mask Attain no-mask, you attain no-face. You can then wear all masks, yet be attached to none. This is non-attachment to views. Views and masks are the same thing.
  19. An Ocean of Masks

    I am happy to break it down if you tell which parts you want to know more about...
  20. An Ocean of Masks

    drink water, use ice compress, get a neck/scalp massage.
  21. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    These are beautiful arguments however! I am sorry I butted in. I myself think that my own path is superior quite often. Then I realize it's superior for me, but not everyone else. It reminds me of this principle: "The best path is the one that you are willing and able to take, that meets your wants/needs most efficiently." - me. It is as simple as that. If you are unable, or not inclined to a path, it is not the best path for you at that time. That is why there are best paths, yet not best paths. In duality, there is self and other. This is the Tao. Yin/Yang, Good/Bad, etc. etc. Silver linings reside in all clouds.
  22. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    'Superior' for whom? Some would not be able to handle the Tantric path, and so thus it's not superior for them. They would do fine using Sutras, learning at a more gradual rate...think 'best fit' model. If you are more inclined towards Tantra, and it and you gel together like peas in a pod, don't get arrogant. You should be happy! So do your work and quit trying to say that you are cooler than everyone else because you can handle Tantra and others can't. From one arrogant brother to another, let people be! What did they ever do to you? chillax peeps - all paths lead 'up there' or 'whereever' - if yours is faster than most (and I know that mine is), who cares? You aren't special! It's all been done before...Maybe some people are in the rush that we are....