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I, Songtsan TigerFox CrazyFox Ali, any 'ol thing you may call me, such as Kaleb ('the Dog' or 'The Brave One') Lucklaran hereby prophesize that: There are many beings among us now who will become physically Immortal in this lifetime. Mankind will stretch his great hand out into the space of eros and love, and everyone will become Buddhas by the Twenty-Fifth Century. That our eros will support innumerous colonies of space-farers and explorers whose names will go down in history. That I have been known under the name Nostradamus, and various others of which most of you would not recognize, but which I know to be true faces of my past lives. And, that I will in fact be reborn again here on Earth as a Guide for you all. Bodhisattva vow performed and duly registered, on this date 2/13/2014 at 8:48pm Peace, Om, Bliss. ...My friends. EDIT: typos corrected
actually that's one of the best things you can do is give someone some sparring experience. Learn by doing! You should attack your student mercilessly! Then play these games: You attack only, they defend only You defend only, they attack only.. get creative. get sweaty get krump!
What did meditation do to me? Please read...
Songtsan replied to Under's topic in General Discussion
I will state again that what has happened is a Kundalini awakening. Kundalini awakening often occurs through the sensory motor cortex area of the brain that controls the homunculus see sights like this for an explanation: http://transmodernalchemy.iwarp.com/whats_new_18.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortical_homunculus http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/brain/mapcortex.html It starts in the left side, because that is the right side of the brain, i.e. the Yin side. The process is one of unification of right and left hemispheres - the twin seats of the soul. Every person has two minds: right/left Yin/Yang - in childhood these are pretty balanced, but due to life stuff they become separated and usually the left side becomes dominant - especially in our culture. If children were allowed to explore and mature on their own, these things would be balanced. As our society has become more Yang (please research the qualities associated with Yin and Yang), the left hemisphere has superceded the right hemisphere. This is because humans are becoming more and more ordered, more and more categorized, more and more controlled. This is part of a grand cycle in evolutionary design. There will be a phase where we become more Yin soon. This is why stuff such as you are experiencing is happening more frequently. It is for the purposes of evolution. This is nothing to worry about, it is happening everywhere now, more often and more intense than before. It is part of a grand cycle of the cosmos. You will lose attraction to fascinations and fallacies for a while. This is normal. You must expand your being - become more in touch with your feminine side, your Yin function. This site is a good place to come. There are many wise pathworkers here. You are now part of a special club. You have been chosen by the Kundalini Shakti (India), also called the Taomind (Asia), the Good-mind (Native American), the Sheckinah (Hebrew, Kabbalah), Djinni (Islam), Holy Spirit (Christianity), and so on. Don't listen to the hype. This is not a possession or some devil. There is much misinformation about this out there. Here at this site, you will find some of the more knowledgeable people in the world with this experience. What state do you live in, I can try to find a local guide for you who can help you in your path? You may enter freely of any of the worlds religions and be supported by this spirit, for it is one with all paths. This I know for certain.- 127 replies
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What did meditation do to me? Please read...
Songtsan replied to Under's topic in General Discussion
I am here...tell me what is going on currently. I've been there and can give some tips.- 127 replies
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Get yourself used to bright light. Then, turn off the light and start moving around like a ninja, slowly, carefully. Before your eyes even adjust to the dark...extend yourself outwards into other senses besides vision. When vision returns, don't rely on it...instead, attenuate it and use other senses primarily hearing and somatic, but eventually you will want to attenuate even these and learn to move by smell alone. Taste? Well...that one would be interesting. Before you comment, please try it at least once! Then come back and report your findings. I await your descriptions of the memories of your perceptive experiences with excitement! When I think about it that is....
Also try standing on one foot with your eyes closed...or bicycling with your eyes closed with someone else cycling alongside you to make sure you don't crash..
haha...but what about the combo magician-martial artists, such as moi? lol
Ideas are free and can be gotten anywhere. The physical presence of a teacher is a chance for demonstrating those things which cannot be demonstrated in two-dimensional worlds. One of the more important things is to correct form. A youtube video or book cannot see from that perspective of 'other,' which you can. Your knowledge of body mechanics, Kinesiology and posture assessments must be exemplary. This is one of the most important aspects of being a teacher of martial arts. Everything else can be texted, emailed, etc. If you would like advice on how to conduct a thorough posture assessment, gait analysis and more I can be of assistance. I don't mind writing an article on this topic in fact. How soon is your student coming?
Separating yourself is not so good...think in circle-isms! When Love is an act of sharing energy in a continuous orbit, such as in the microcosmic orbit, beautiful things happen. Sending the loving energy down and around avoids the painful expériences that occur if you focus on one spot for too long. If you were to focus too much energy into an area, it might overheat! Don't fry your heart wheels peoples!
It's a good thing to plant seeds in fertile ground. If the student's mind isn't fertile, then no harm done, seeds (knowledge seeds that is), are a dime a dozen. When that 'fertile ground' student takes the class, it will merely be a jumping off point for them to continue down the road of growth and maturity. I think it would be really cool if a truly enlightened Taoist master decided to simply go and teach in a college setting. Too often, those, 'almost enlightened, but not quite ripe' ones get all greedy and want to make their name big and start some kind of dynasty. Imagine how many more students, minds ripe for shaping, one could contact in a college setting! Those are the years of positive outlook and curiosity max! When I start teaching, I am definitely going to teach in a community college. I will turn out future Buddhas in droves... All people are future Buddhas of course! What I really, really mean is that I plan on jump starting those Buddhas... wait and see!
I would give them the skeleton and let them add the flesh. What this means is you give them the plans and they build the temple. What that means is that you teach them how to captain their own ship, by describing the duties of every sailor. What that means is that if one were to build a pyramid, one would need a chief architect (that's you BGKA - the teacher), the student is the Pharaoh - they are the person who sees what they want done, but doesn't know how to build it. The slaves are the days of work they must put in.
All paths are superior paths...some just take longer. Are you in a rush? Do you run from your suffering? Take the fast path. Is everything fine enough? Just take the scenic route then. Quit squabbling over how fast a path is...no one misses out in the long run. You are short run focused.
They are such cute little things...they live behind the stove and they run around the kitchen as if they don't care. No cat in the house and the dog isn't capable...I honestly like them, yet they are very adamantly into eating our stuff. Hmmm... I don't mind feeding them - maybe it's time to breed a domesticated mouse that cleans up the crumbs? I can hear them eating stuff right now in the stove as they go about their business....a mouse has gotta do what a mouse has gotta do...what should a human do? I am perplexed...should I become a trapper? A peanut-butter predator of those little doods? I watch myself as I nonchalantly consider killing them with mouse traps and I think "This sucks...."
to Saraevo those lucky ones go traipsing Fearing yet yearning
agreed! tendencies stay on earth, the awareness is what reincarnates...we are in accord my hamstery friend Chegg!
you are! we are! we are the sayers...lol Also - karma is the mind's way of righting itself...if one half knows that the other half did something wrong....its going to tell its other self that it was a meanie.. This is right/left brain stuff: The right brain is the center of compassionate thinking, group-mind dynamics, appreciation of culture and beauty, and things related to inclusion and love. Right mind = acceptance. Right brain is compassionate inclusion, the family oriented, bringing everything together side - creation! Yin - the place of nurturing. Left brain is the center of divisive thinking - Shiva the destroyer! Who breaks things apart and analyzes them to determine how they work, and how they might work better. It is the non-empathetic, selfish center which can logically, coldly analyze a situation and do what needs to be done without being attached - for the better of the organism. These two together, when in union, form the mini-Taomind...the mind that is the source of true genius! for you empiricists, see this for some support: http://thetaobums.com/topic/33505--/page-2 post #32 Right=Yin, Left = Yang when completely in balance, with the wisdom eye open, and no-doing doingness, there will be no karma! simply wu wei! Thanks Deci Belle!
There is no way I am going to read through this whole thread, so if I repeat already stated opinions in stating my own, so be it. Karma is simply the law of action/reaction chains, nothing more. Too many people view it as if there is some supernatural judge that is designing your punishments in the next life or down the line in this one. In a way it is like that, but it really isn't. That judge is simply your own self. You reap what you sow - you are the reaper, the sower, the judge and the judged. and the group mind is your mind! Here is how I am thinking it's like right now, subject to change in the next moment as ever: You are your own judge and executioner. If you do something that you know/feel/believe is bad, you will suffer from it. If you do something out of innocence and learn a lesson, you will suffer, but not so bad. The right brain is the seat of the group-mind stuff....the left-brain makes calculated, unemotional decisions. People with anti-social personality can seemingly go around doing whatever they choose, and seemingly suffer nothing from it as far as feelings of remorse, etc. These things will eventually come back at them though when they go through their process of integrity, which all beings must eventually face - this is the way. Karmic backlash is simply reactions to actions, which are basically just further actions - so it's a non-originated causal chain which extends back into non-beginning. In this sense no one is fully responsible for any action, which is why things do not arise, they only co-originate. The Awareness which experienced the action reactions chains in their causal manifestations will take the brunt of the emergence of the stored/hidden dross which lies as potential in the mind. Karma is of the mind and not of the seat of awareness. It is mind constructs which will eventually pass through the mirror of awareness as they are expressed. Therefore Karma is quite real and quite imaginary. What you think about it is false. What it really is is true. You can only experience Karma, but never know it. The end summary is stop worrying about it. Start staying aware in the moment. Maintain 360 degree awareness in the moment. Don't do! This means don't think as well, since thinking is doing. Allow nonaction action to be your guide. You watch, without acting, you will incur no more karmic bullshit. The karma will pass through your 360 degree mirror of awareness, like bad weather. You weather the storm in equanimity, and you are all set! Very simple and needs not much more than to remember the way.
And its true - they have families and they love and they feel...I will never kill mice again! I told this story before, but it's important: when I was a little kid, there was a mouse that lived on the outside of our house, it would come out from under the porch - it wasn't in our house, just under the porch...I put some food out there and waited sneakily where it couldn't see. I hit it with a piece of wood and it shrieked in pain. I immediately felt sorry and remorse and guilt and shame. Another time later, me and my brother were trying to trap sparrows...we had a box tilted up and held by a stick, with bread spread out underneath, with a long rope attached to the stick...when the sparrows went under the box, we pulled the rope to trap them. The shakti later gave me a nightmare where I was on a beach...there was a bird cage on the beach with a sparrow in it. I tried to reach my hand in to grab the sparrow so I could play with it, the sparrow pecked my hand and jumped up to my face and pecked my face bloody and said, "Stop trying to catch us! We will eat your face!" I woke up scared for my life. The Tao was protecting its own from its cruel children (me). All beings are important. I will not knowingly kill another being.... I guess maybe I should trap the mice? Or not? Let them be...I don't know what to do with them if I catch them...it's winter out... I take everything as a spiritual lesson nowadays - its all right in front of our face - learning wherever/whenever we want...the true guru, the Tao, ever present, ever knowing, ever us...
will vanish with time all that's of the minds playground and we find ourselves
"Yet everyone likes to judge..." Let's explore this topic!
see edit
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69WYUZTncbM&feature=kp edit: whoops! wrong paste
Knew that I would get your attentions for this one! lol Have you seen the movie The White Dawn? It has a scene in it where two Inuit females are doing a very sensual breath ritual called the Wind Witches Kiss. Seeing is better than me describing, but allow me to describe it for you anyways, because you are going to like this stuff... The Two Partners, whosoever they may be, are in yab yum, maithuna or whatever position you can imagine where the two can lock lips and exchange breaths. Orient the lips approximately sideways, not touching, but not not-touching... Here, lovers entwine in a back and forth pranayama, with one being Yang (Team Leader!/Motivator through excess Yang Chi Giveaway/Desirer), and other Yin (Follower/Motivated by Endless Yin Chi Expression/Desired) Speed variable It is like this but not. Increase CO2 causes vasodilation of capillary, etc. system. CO2 level increases. Fight or Flight System Activated Yang lover. Keeps one in Hyperarousal State let's experiment y'all if y'arent already with partner pranayama! (JB I summon you! )
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maybe not so necessary at all - perhaps we just breathe when we need to and leave it at that.
they are not-self, yet they are also all-selves...this is the nondualistic view. The combination of all is mind and neti, neti. This is saying that mind is also self, but that self is not mind. This seamlessly combines the Being Bliss Consciousness of Satchitananda with the motion of time. These four things, plus the whatever extra dimensions there are form the All Self. I believe Being is nature, energy, prakriti, the physiological processes of perception. The body (i.e. process) outside of the perciever...as in 'the act of perception' Bliss is the permutations of the perceptions, the internal energy of the percieved, and is thus 'the perceived' Consciousness is of course the perceiver. Mind is time itself...this part I am the least sure about. I could be wrong, but its a neat model