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Truth is as Reality does...
Affirmation that reality and self are all one and the same: Examples - "All is mind" "Reject nothing" Hong Sau mantra ("I am that." "I am it." "I am he." "I am God.") http://samadhi-insights.com/hongsau.htm This view 'recognizes that everything we experience is 'us' and that 'we' are everything we experience.' It takes that which one is aware of and labels it is as 'self.' This includes everything external to the ultimately spotless mirror of awareness itself - including names/forms, faces/egos, minds, self/others, and anything else that can be perceived. This is the path of constantly reminding oneself that the ego is composed of an aggregate of the 10,000 things which include all that can be observed and experienced. Identifying the created self with all that is in existence negates the habitual dualistic self-reifying psychological mind which subcategorizes its identity as an object within a system of the whole. This can lead to transcendence of the small ego as one loses sense of separateness. Negation of all that is reality/negation of the self: Examples - "No self." Anatta. "Reject everything." "Neti neti." ("Not this." "Not that.") http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neti_neti All aggregates are illusions. Self is composed of aggregates so self is an illusion. The only reality is that of awareness and the spotless mirror of this awareness- everything else is form/emptiness patterns endlessly mutating. Dis-identifying with all form/illusion we slowly peel away the false ego - ending up with no labeling whatsoever. This should eventually end in empty-mind. Direct perception of reality without any mind fabrications whatsoever: Examples - "Direct seeing" "Non-fabrication." "No-mind.: This is the direct route - which does not depend on mind fabrications such as the above two techniques whatsoever. Perception of reality occurs directly without the superimposition of views over reality. This is the most accurate method to see true reality whereas the other methods are intermediate stepping stones which can lead to this silence. Essential practice is to observe without commenting, holding self/other ideations, creating ideas of internal/external, or separating 'oneself' from reality in any way. On superimposition and its effects: Read this first: http://books.google.com/books?id=a1ExDf09xSIC&pg=PA194&lpg=PA194&dq=superimposition+buddhism&source=bl&ots=F6BJ9upTq-&sig=eiYoMxMNOExwhARMVRrnMZqgvBo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zrPmUrSgCNO02wW5iIGwDQ&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=superimposition%20buddhism&f=false then this: http://books.google.com/books?id=a1ExDf09xSIC&pg=PA194&lpg=PA194&dq=superimposition+buddhism&source=bl&ots=F6BJ9upTq-&sig=eiYoMxMNOExwhARMVRrnMZqgvBo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zrPmUrSgCNO02wW5iIGwDQ&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=superimposition%20buddhism&f=false Superimposition is a false projection of the mind onto reality containing definitions, labels, judgments, mind fabrications, implied meanings etc. etc. All mind fabrications, thought constructs, ideations, etc. are superimpositions. Understanding that (for the purposes of this post) all activities of the 'not-spotless' or 'dirty mind' are superimpositions helps us to understand how internal/external Maya works. The illusionary nature of Maya is two-fold. So called 'external' objects are illusions as they have no permanent nature and are constantly flowing without true demarcations. So called internal objects (i.e. 'mind-stuff') are also doing the same thing but they are also projected outwards towards 'external' reality and superimposed over the objects 'out there.' We therefore have a double-illusion. Illusions which have been placed on top of illusions. This is the act of superimposition. It is as if a screen of demarcations has been placed over a field of objects. Things then have their original nature (which is un-originated and endless/beginingless and forever changing)- and these things have had superimpositions (that are essentially labels or views) placed upon them by the mind which attempts to trap 'things' into ordered systems whereby reality can be 'understood' by the 'common mind.' This mind is quite limited and asleep compared to the transcendent 'mind of enlightenment,' which is direct seeing, direct awareness, fully open wisdom-eye, silent-mind, etc. without perturbations or fluctuations besides that direct reflection of reality. The three systems of achieving this state are some of the more common ones employed by practitioners. All three work well if approached with disciplined intent and true grit. One can even interchangeably use all three in order to 'stretch' the lower mind in its ability to comprehend the conceptual reality of "all is mind," "there is no self," and "true seeing." The highest route is of course to enter no-mind. The ending of mind-fabrications infers union with reality - AKA 'absorption,' 'samadhi,' 'enlightenment,' etc. Which methods do you find yourself using most often or what other methods do you use besides these? Holding intent on a regular basis is one of the main requirements to practice. The intent can be as simple as remembering to 'See no differences, see no internal no external - everything is part of one reality,' etc. or vice versa or as simple as 'Just see,' with the intent to negate all mind fabrications and approach a 'direct view that is viewless.' I have been using the All is Mind method myself for quite sometime but I am switching over to the direct method. What I am really aiming at is some kind of juxtaposition of the three methods that is the most efficient when compared to any particular one by itself. I have some ideas but would like to see what people think. So far I am guessing that one over the other is useful depending on situation, speediness of thinking, attitudinal shifts, and so on. Also depending on what 'one' is trying to observe - for example: if one is trying to observe so-called external reality, i.e. everything as external then the 'All is Mind' may be the ticket if one is having trouble ending fabrications. If one is trying to 'turn the light around,' bring attentional focus inwards towards attention itself etc. it may be useful to use the negation method to selectively slice away 'inputs' that are 'everything but awareness.' This may help serve to see awareness as the 'only thing that matters,' or that is 'worth focusing on.' The third one is useful when one is in a very relaxed state with relatively little stuckedness in fabrication-mentality. Assume that one has achieved a good ground state and that one has gone beyond the use of thought-constructs to remind oneself to get rid of thought-constructs. This is the goal in any event - so the other methods should be taking you there. If one cannot properly let go of the mind to 'get here,' then one might temporarily make use of other methods. Any other methods or insight someone may contribute please do as I am trying to refine a 24/7 meditation method that uses 'levels and levels.'
I'm not in Portland now - that was then - I am in Rochester and they have this place: http://www.hindutempleofrochester.com/ ...maybe some others - who knows? Yeah, Portland is more Asian style than Hindu, though they do have a Bhangra night at the university, as well as at one of the clubs downtown...
yes, yes....I know - but that's as close as I have gotten....what's a guy gonna do?
I have spent a lot of time at the Nityananda Institute in Portland, OR, which is headed by Swami Chetanananda, who was a disciple of Rudi and who spent some time with Muktananda...so I have some connection with the Shaiva and Siddha Yoga lineages. Add that in with my connection to the Kriya Yoga path and it obvious that I am a 'fool for Shakti.' I don't really know what the relationship between Shakti and Taoism is though....Deci Belle suggests that as part of the Complete Reality School, one should not hold ideas about such things and just practice Direct Seeing. This makes sense to me. Holding an idea that there is 'someone else watching through my eyes' is still holding onto a mental perturbation, and so regardless of whether or not Kundalini is there, without the idea of 'me' and 'her,' there exists only suchness, and so this would seem to dissolve the difference. It would seem that this would be the union of Shiva-Shakti, but I cannot be sure. It has come to my mind that wu wei and spontaneous kriyas may be one and the same - especially if the mind gets dropped. The non-action actions would simply be part and parcel of Taomind, which may be none other than Shakti... What do you think?
I'd never go to a Sai Baba except for fun...I do like HareKrishna though - they always serve such tasty food. Dev-Shakti has shown me Krishna-consciousness-like states before for fun and they are lovely, so I know that she works in their circles too - although a Krishna devotee once told me that kundalini awakening opens you up to possession. I think they just don't understand her ways well - but I can't blame them, for I have often feared possession myself. It's obvious that she is in fact all of the deities, so if I was to say I am a devotee, it would be to her...So I am fully down with Kali, Durga, although she never once has presented me with a name to worship her under and she only assumes the guises of those names that I sincerely choose to venerate.
yep I know where there is at least one temple in my town
I am really trying to syncretize all the belief systems I come across - or more to the point, examine, experience, etc. them and take what I find useful and go from there. As stated, I trust in the Kundalini to keep me on my toes....she won't let me get lost too much in Maya and delusion.
There is one in town, but I haven't been yet...I definitely am down though.. my girlfriend is a natural born Aghora Tantrika by the way..Shakti is working on her as we speak and has been before we met - she is starting to have more and more kriyas every day. And she is starting to hear the nada...she is very visual and is already way set on inner-visual kriyas.
I should mention that since I was born in New York state and grew up there, the explanation is somewhat obvious Swami Muktananda, regardless of whether or not he was a dirty saint (lots of controversy surrounding him), had an extreme level of Shakti...he spent much time in New York - South Fallsburg I think - that's where his ashram is. Add to that that Rochester, NY was the birthplace of the Spiritualist movement in America, and also add to that the whole 'Toronto Blessings' thing - Toronto being right across the lake, it is no surprise that there is a lot of activity of that nature here. I went to the Spiritualist church in Rochester a few times - my aunt was a minister there and she does spirit channeling and psychic readings - it's in my family line...all this together, combined with my sincere interest in the occult since the age of 5-7 years old, and it's no wonder that what happened to me did. Also, Barbara Brennans School of Light is here...there is a lot of spiritual/psychic energy running around this state... add to that my history of using entheogens for the last 20 years and it is easy to see how I might have gotten caught in the currents of Ma-Shakti. I am simply another node in a huge web of shakti-hosts! I asked her whether or not I slow things down by going into the stream and enjoying the fantasies of the karmic plays that occur and she says that I am 'slowing us both down.' I think half my problem is that I am too much of an 'adventurer' and a 'pirate' (she inserted these words into my head) and so I tend to engage the false realities she brings me (which are based upon my own ignorance, fears, life history, false beliefs, etc.)...so basically I play around too much...I probably could have been realized long ago, except I am too much of a kid at heart (relatively) - a lot of this is due to my lack of a real childhood, which I spent most of depressed and disassociated from reality - so in some ways I had to make up for missed experiences - I came late to everything in life. So I am behind...yet ahead at the same time - it's relative - comparisons, etc. If I was surrounded by serious practitioners it would help, but I often times end up surrounded by crazy sight-seers who are taking the scenic route and I join in the fun... At the same time, I sure would love to live in an ashram or school and train with others - what I would like is some direction in real life - from people who are visible role models...it helps some to have virtual role models like you guys, but real world is way stronger. I have two years of parole I have to finish, and some karma to burn through...but I should be done with it all within the next two years and then I will be full on scholar warrior monk mode....watch for me - maybe I migt come visit some of you guys - I hope to be able to travel around the country at that time - maybe even find a teacher! So excited about that, but I am trying to stay in the moment...
Also, Kundalini-shakti drives me to extremes - she is training me hardcore..We go through cycles...she can make me believe anything - that she is a demon, or an alien..I am becoming better and better at seeing through delusional mindscapes though, because of her teachings.
...and why the teachers are always fighting each other, why the students fight the teachers, why the teachers fight the students, and you know - all that stuff! Let's examine the psychology: 1) We hold views 2) Someone asks a question or makes a statement 3) We share our views with them 4) Other people share their views with them 5) The view-sharers start arguiing amongst themselves about their views 6) People start taking things personally - making personal attributions about the view holder based on that view-holders views 7) Now people have 'colored' opinions (views) about other members and are more likely to see them through those 'view-colored' glasses every time they view them - based on past experiences 8) People get deeper and deeper into 'the shit' with other peoples 9) Now we have frenemies, enemies, friends, whoseknowswhatsnots 10) BIG TIME WASTE OF ENERGY 11) you coulda built a house with all the energy you wasted doing this shit in your lifetime! 12) time to come up with a better way! 13)let's do this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14)people stop fucking around. 15)It's time to get buck-wild! yee-haw (dont mess wid me- I'm manic! I'll take you out ese - take you down to the river and shank you 'cause I'm a crazy loco vato!) *I cannot promise you that I was not on drugs when I wrote this btw
but if pain is there, do not wall it off, because that creates stagnation...do not deny reality!
we always were! lots of trouble! be careful!
I know all the right ways to do stuff - I have been in the health and wellness field all of my life - see post #47 here: http://thetaobums.com/topic/30168-just-so-everybody-knows/page-3 I am choosing to do drugs because I am often suicidal and I have found a cocktail that keeps me out of there quite well...I have been dealing with major depression longer than you have been alive.... my whole life is one big search for wellness - common wisdoms don't always work with me - although they are still important. I do what I do oh - I should also add that I like the punk rock lifestyle - the vida loca...I am addicted to insanity - its due to my psychological build...even when I was young, when someone asked me if I would rather have a comfortable, easy going life that was stable and predictable and long lived, or a fascinating, adventurous, crazy life that was short lived, I chose the latter. I don't feel like changing... maybe someday! For now - I am wild and free! and crazy! just think of me as the mad hatter
too much responsibility
when I have time! So much on my plate..... I am not in a rush to become enlightened...I am enjoying the experience of diving into possibility
you guys are my selves! We are! We are!
it seems that trying to change someone and trying to teach someone are quite similar sometimes....teach = train...train = shape...shape = change
Sometimes I feel like I am stumble-running down a rocky hill full of pits and trip-wires and I have so much momentum that I can't slow down...my only choice is to embrace the chaos sometimes and let it ride me - be me.
Sorry - I cycle through manic phases...plus my life is super stressful - like SUPER stressful! Like I have been considering getting myself thrown back in jail to make it less stressful...no joke
....as if y'all didn't already know it! ...by the spirit of a powerful and beautiful..... ....can you believe this shit.... Dragon. Notice the lack of belief in yourself first....taste this flavorful dish you mere mortals who dare to pretend!!! hahahaha!!! I will be telling you your own stories of how you became your selves before this days end..... <wicked laugh>x10
What's funny is that this thread started off as a public announcement that I was demon possessed, and ended up me having an 'enlightenment experience' Now...the story is what needs to be fleshed out of course... Good thing I recorded a bunch of stuff....I think I will tie it in with my whole explanation of the djinn and whatnot... in promising all this I am setting myself up for a lot of work! Disclaimer: The forthcoming writings, as well as all past writings, as well as all identities perceived, proclaimed, and so on by the one labeled as Songtsan Ali are works of fiction. These are illusions. The illusions in the stories are always delusional. "I am a delusional illusion"
you yourself are quite the realized being! I think that being enlightened is just another type of story... "All that can be known is a story" I have a PPF actually...but they seem like boring, lonely places...I like to hang out where everyone else is at generally...such as the 'general forum!'