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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. bad energy , negative attacks, what to do ?

    will you guys please just kiss and make up!? we are all good people here - nobody wants things to get worse - we all want things to get better! Can't we all just get along! hehe
  2. Superimposition of views on reality

    I know of this, but it's not my whole system by any means - although I use a few of their techniques A few- mostly Hare Krishna temples. Spent time with the Shaivas...
  3. Superimposition of views on reality

    well..what am I supposed to think? Here I am started off in the direction of yoga and worship of Shakti, and then I get into Buddhism and as far as I can tell from the actions of the Kundalini, it's Buddhist equivalent is described just like that of Mara - or Maya - I have my theories about that - Kundalini is the coyote trickster! yep! sent to entice you with your own subconscious - in a formative way
  4. Superimposition of views on reality

    I am interested in Aghora Tantra...but I don't know much about it - read this book years ago: are you into it?
  5. Superimposition of views on reality

    All I am saying is that they don't discuss it as much as they do in really have to search for it!
  6. Superimposition of views on reality

    I am a book!
  7. Superimposition of views on reality

    I am! My lover is interested in Tantra and I have been teaching her some I will be doing the internal yab-yum with my Chandralini...
  8. Superimposition of views on reality

    I don't know that I intend to be some "great teacher" or anything - that sounds too stressful - it's mainly for me and anyone else who is interested...mainly I will just be doing the shit everyone else does basically being aware and whatnot.... there is a concept called 'hybrid vigor' - usually used in genetics and breeding of plants...basically it states that hybridizing produces stronger progeny if you marry the right genetics. Genetics are basically like programs or codes, as are mental cultivation systems. Therefore I am aiming to create a 'best of the best' type of system - through study of what has been most effective in correlation with what I find will work best for me in my specific circumstances. A big issue is that I have this other 'presence' who has access to my consciousness, which I will call Shakti or a Djinn or possibly multiple Djinni. So, although I am heavily influenced by Buddhism, due to the fact that they don't talk much about Kundalini and whatnot (I believe they would call it 'Mara'), and because of the significance of the 'presence,' I have to look within various systems. Also, Shamanism has dealt extensively with spirits and inter-dimensional beings... and, since I am a user of entheogens as spiritual aids as Shamans are wont to do, I must also incorporate this. This is why I am so attracted to Tibetan Buddhism, which evolved from the shamanistic-like Bon religion in that region as you likely know. So my explorations will be complete with an in-depth study of the various Taoist systems, followed by Vajrayana (very interested in Vajrasattva as well as the practice which views the world as a mandala and all beings enlightened deities/demons) The Djinn/shakti will be my dakini/consort for internal tantric practices, until I achieve union with self.. I have a sort of "5-year" plan actually.. A 'fuzzy' style view of it is: -Practice bagua/zhan zhuang/spontaneous qigong/MCO -explore various Taoist schools, especially Deci Belle's style of Complete Reality Taoism -after appr. 2 years of this I will seek initiation into Vajrasattva, etc. I am moving to the country in appr. 1 month - living on 40 acres of woods and wetlands...there will be farming, possibly a business forming around certain ideas which could be patented. I will not have to work a normal job - my work will be my own self-cultivation - exercise, nutrition, preventative health, meditation, martial arts, etc. I will be writing a book over that time - the book of me and what I 'know' I will be teaching my girlfriend and her 10 year old son my systems as well, so I will get some more experience as a teacher. I was a personal trainer, I taught yoga, did massage and stuff - I aim to combine my experiences into a system of living that works for me. If it can benefit other people that would be cool too, but I am not attached to that...whatever evolves will be what it is...
  9. Should I kill the mice?

    You had me ROFLing there! haha
  10. Should I kill the mice?

    thing is, we are moving somewhere else in a month.... as far as trapping humanely - it is the winter time...but I am sure they would at least have a chance at that. This is kind of like the "Does a dog have Buddha nature?" question...what if I kill a little Buddha-mouse? He might just have been about to teach the other mice great things Is it bad karma? they are little awareness beings...maybe their mind doesn't have the complexity of ours, but still it must be pretty interesting to be a mouse... I contemplated the issue and felt bad for them as I visualized killing them - this even after I have often had killing thoughts about evil humans like psycho-rapist-killers, corporate world destroyers, and world-dominator groups like the Illumanati or whatnot.. Perhaps I shall just wait until I am in a killing mood! A mouse killing frenzy! Those little micies don't even know what is coming for them! <wicked laugh> gonna make me some mouse-kabobs...or maybe some mousey-pot pie!
  11. Creative writing thread

    Hooom Huuuum why do we disrespect our computers so? are they not also our mindtools? should they not be elevated to the status of enlightenment tools? they link minds like never before Afrikaans used to and still do communicate with drums A wink of an eye says a thousand things Everything likes every thing.
  12. Creative writing thread

    ? not sure what you mean exactly but, just in case...I was not being satirical at all hundred percent honest nothing hidden...The Deci Belle I see is a damned genius and a super wise, highly realized force of nature and I will always have a little space for her in the temple of my heart no matter what...I may seem like a jokey joker but I try to be honest in a 'satya' sort of way, the beauty of honesty stole my heart long ago and I am a happy slave to its purity and bliss. this really isn't a creative writing thread - it is simply whatever it is! so mote it be so I sayeth unto thee the one becomes the two which turns into three [add something about a tree]
  13. Beloved Group Taobum-mind

    Extreme love for my peeps! We share our bliss as we shape each other to make better Immortals. The whole point is about refinement. We will all eventually end up beautiful and powerful anyways as we walk the fact, seeing as we are talking the talk I think the talk is a part of the walk. We walk with our mind-mouths and talk with our hands - as we type that is... Eternity is one moment. Everything has already been done. Forward, backwards, frontwards, inside, outside, left side, right side, you decide your own fate in each moment..
  14. People are karma-dharma

    We don't really exist. The whole sum of the persona we wear like a mask is an action/reaction process. 'I' couldn't think an original thought if I'd wanted to. Everything comes from something else; nothing simply arises by itself. There is no self-created being..we are all just ripples in water interacting with the water in the ripples. Time to step back...who steps back? No one. No one just standing back and watching this play sees the fabrications at play in the garden of the mind - the fabrications amuse themselves while the all-seeing eye watches on impersonally in equanimous bliss. This is Shiva riding the great Snake of creation. Shiva = watcher. Snake = garden. I have simply stated the obvious as I am wont to do... 'I' love being a not-being! I are you we should trust each other more...infinite games, endless chances for existence, no sweat off my back. Fear is an exciting dish to inhale as if it were of no matter - who fears death? There is no fear when there is no death - and this is true - nothing ever dies, because nothing is ever run forward or backwards is going no where...we are always still in our motion. 'I' will forever be not 'I,' but still there will be some 'thing' at play if you want to see it in that way. Buddha pops his head up and laughs then disintegrates back into formless bliss. Eye eye eye! 8x8 eyes! All hands have eyes and all eyes can become tools which we can use to tunnel through the reality matrix.. Thanks to the ever-present witness for this beautiful illusion. Thanks to the one who is training me to be an Immortal. 'Him/her' is my Ishta devata; my beautiful transformer of my own nature I am glad that there really is no past There is only one thing constantly revolving...
  15. People are karma-dharma

    I do not. In fact, I desist.
  16. People are karma-dharma

    please extrapolate!
  17. People are karma-dharma

    and ignorance is bliss...endless bliss in a sea of ignorance moving towards endless bliss in a sea of gnosis
  18. People are karma-dharma

    self-same-self is always the same as it changes its name to pursue its refrain
  19. Am I a Taoist or a Zen Buddhist?

    You guys would love me in person! I'm just straight up fucking nonsensical here, but in real life I am simply crazy in a way that makes sense!
  20. Superimposition of views on reality

    All is Mind = radical acceptance of all things without prejudice - merging with the movie - understanding the relationship between mind and all 'things' - all percepts occur in and are of the mind, merged with the 3-D screen of awareness Neti neti = radical letting go of all labels, views, and concepts of self - detaching from the movie to see its illusionary nature - dropping falsifications, avoiding unconscious patterning, avoiding identification the marriage is an ever inflowing/ever outflowing pf reality without grasping at or denial of attributes... same shit, different moment
  21. Superimposition of views on reality

    All attempts to find truth, when earnestly pursued and without selfish goals, will eventually converge into the great view....all systems will merge into one - throwing off their false skins - this will happen in a few thousand years or so - mark my words! 3 blind men looking at an elephant
  22. Superimposition of views on reality

    Mind is part of reality too. Mind is not illusion. Mind is real. Real is illusion Illusions are following me I am the illusion that follows my self there is no one else here but me-self My self takes the form of the container It is a shape shifty thing The love exists in the marriage between universe and self self thought it was separate from universe until it knew itself as the universe then it began again to love in a circle looking back at itself it saw all itselves wherever it looked Inhaling itself it felt at one, then got lonely and split into a few for fun and sport to make more love
  23. Superimposition of views on reality

    You can call it that, but it is something else We were discussing this a while back.. see the links in post #29 I don't consider it physicalism so much as the way reality works...physicalism suggests a mechanistic view - but reality is really composed of force, energy, movement, etc. - so it is certainly not crystallized... I like to conceptually separate the reality of perception-experience (Mind & awareness) from its root - 'being,' 'nature,' for illustration purposes.. sat-chit-ananda being bliss awareness being = 'physical reality' which is energy/force, time and space bliss = perception...the living energetic act of experience, the 'taste' of suchness awareness = the experiencer of the suchness these three, all intertwined, create each moment...I am that I = perceiver am = being that = suchness
  24. What are you listening to? this stuff is so sweet!