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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. My purpose is to find my purpose

    Is it merely attachment to pleasure or negative attachment to suffering to want to end the fabrications? Is there anywhere to go? Anything to attain (besides bliss)? serious question... what is the goal? What if one just lets go and doesn't care where one ends up? Delusional sleep dream with one eye open/one closed?
  2. My purpose is to find my purpose

    Every spoken word suggests the belief in existence of self It is not possible to say a single thing without saying ten thousand things No-thing can be understood as it was meant. Intentions are never met as intended. Action-Reactions multiply infinitely. Seeking is grasping. Actions are attempts to change. Change occurs endlessly regardless. Attachment to specific outcomes creates suffering and will never result in the desired event. Mind fabrications are suffering and bliss and everything else To end mind fabrications is extinction of thought constructs
  3. My purpose is to find my purpose

    No one makes a move without making others move Sameness does not exist Commands of mice can control the minds of men
  4. Did you miss me?

    Yes, I am insane and happily at that...I wish I could have talked to you while I was in jail, but inmates aren't worthy enough to have internet access. Oh, the suffering you could have vicariously experienced through me so you could have learned your lessons for free, was not to be.....sadly, I am not sad, and in fact I am actually glad that we had what we had....let's all be friends in the bottomless pit of fast moving flower petals and neon forests.
  5. Did you miss me?

    In Spain, the rain may fall in the plain, but while I am insane it is definitely true that the rain falls mainly on the Spaniards. Next: when the rain has 'solidified,' as it does, and that is because we are human, compromised of 70% water..or maybe electrical water...well I forgot what i was supposed to be.
  6. Did you miss me?

    Oh, by the way....soon I will become current big dream me!itely edit: I LOVE being crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy people are on the fast-track to framing artwork in a temple, performing absolutions before Buddha and then eating the string cheese leftovers. 1)Dont waste 2)Take the time to do it right 3)Its an animal planet 4)People should respect the insane, because we are all definitely insane 5)There are people here who like you just as much as I do! Be happy.
  7. Haiku Chain

    feet-tappingly good! feet do the things that they should except when they smell
  8. What are you listening to?

    this one is older, but the video is fun to watch...
  9.'s true, what you think of me. I am definitely that. No excuses.
  10. Please recommend a good, comprehensive, detailed book on Qigong meant for intermediate to advanced practitioners.
  11. What are you listening to?

    This is Master Bad
  12. What are you listening to?

  13. What are you listening to?

    Sample bripple lample on da mikrofone a skample!
  14. Haiku Chain

    nothing need be said Unless it is no-thing we are discussing
  15. spells that always work

    Anything can become a Dharma bell - that is - a signal to remember to awaken. If one successfully programs oneself to awaken at all subtle incoming stimuli, one will become a Buddha in mere weeks. Start with one thing and expand. Wear a ring around your finger, that whenever you become aware of - you remind yourself to be more firmly present. Be creative! You can use this technique in many places...everytime you put on your shoes, make a point to become extremely aware of the act of putting on your shoes....this is basically mindful meditation, but instead of trying to eat the whole cake in one bite, you take little bites here and there. Pick one thing, pick two things, then pick three - keep adding until suddenly - BAM! explosion of eternal awareness!!!!!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. No matter what you have, bump its value up in your mind: -That rickety old chair you have on the porch used to belong to Ghandi! -That rug you walk on in the living room was hand woven by Abigail Adams! -Those dumbbells you have in your workout room are made with meteorite steel! -The food you are eating was made from scratch by God/dess him/herself! -The glass in your window panes is made from expensive crystal! -Behind the wall in your room is a secret safe full of gold, platinum, and diamonds! Be creative! Play! See how much you can actually convince yourself of these things and watch how your reality changes Realize that reality is based on your own projections of the value of things... Start improving your projections of reality. Visualize everything that you see as having been manifested by God/dess just for you Change your superimpositions! Change your mind fabrications! Realize that you have only a few choices if you want to live the Divine Realized life: -Stop mind fabrications altogether -Create the best mind fabrications that you can, if you must fabricate mind stuff Do not settle for shitty mind fabrications Be the master of your thought constructs!
  17. Visualize everything as golden

    Yes - it is seeing through ones own lower projections. One can either end up seeing through all projections - i.e. have an empty mind and be full of the one true Tao, or else create the best projections possible, and be in quite a blissful state. Both of these are of immense value.
  18. Working on a difficult koan is a great way to exhaust the mind and put yourself to sleep. If you happen to break through the koan though, watch out! It will wake you up!
  19. Kundalini?

    top down, bottom up...all the same. Nothing new, except each frame. Mine was top down (seemingly)...what really happens is that each person is different. It is the Microcosmic orbit. Somewhere within that orbit, you will start.
  20. Kundalini?

    It is the higher self.
  21. Haiku Chain

    there are many more more than five thousand plus six seven eight nine ten six
  22. Use koans to put your self to sleep

    ...also, even though two hands clap together, in fact, one hand claps against one hand all the time. We just don't see it.
  23. Visualize everything as golden

    I also like electric blue - like lightning!
  24. Visualize everything as golden

    visualize your questioning of my post as a 'golden why!'