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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. Board Wishlist

    Still - I would personally like if I could set my PPD to show up in google and be open to there a way to toggle? if its too hard, I understand....
  2. What is humble?

    a person who has defeated pride on the inside, who appears to others to be prideful and vain on the outside - is still humble! yes!
  3. Haiku Chain

    protoplasmic lore strange amoebic mutations lots of bubbly goo!
  4. What is humble?

    Even masters will be humble when it is time. Other times, they will become fierce and dominant over their students, because is time for that!
  5. I would say that if the kriyas seem to be of an intelligent agent besides yourself, then it is kundalini, if not - if it is merely subtle unconscious stuff arising, then it is pranotthana. If you start hearing voices, chanting, your lips start making words, singing, your fingers start making traditional mudras or complex movements, etc. your kundalini is awake and alive. At this point you are on cloud nine! Even if you are in the Dark Night of the Soul, you are golden, because you now have an intelligent guide who will be with you until the end. Congratulations, my are now a person of interest.
  6. Board Wishlist

    Here is a big thing I would wish: I have friends who I would like to be able to come view my PPD, but you can't because you have to be a member to do so...I see some advantages to this, as it would encourage people to join, but at the same time, coming here and viewing everything is enough of a stimulus to join so I think it would be nice to open those to the public...or at least give individual members the right to open their own PPDs to the public... I say this because recently I created a situation in which I possibly destroyed a friendship with someone I know - its really complex to describe, but essentially I told her go check out my PPD here, she said she wasn't interested in joining some online thing...I didn't know that it was blocked because I had only had it open for a a couple of days, and didn't realize that it did that...she had been being a little insincere with me, so I accused her of not even going to check it out and lying to me that she did and well bottom line is that she told me never to contact her again. I accept the full responsibility for my assumptions that it would be open, and not having researched it first. You guys know how I am - I can be extreme and blow up at anything for any reason. My friend is like that too..So we blew each other up! I am going to try to put the pieces together eventually, but it may take some time...
  7. Board Wishlist

    there it goes - I was going to the wrong tab...think I did it...
  8. Kundalini awakening IS valuable...but most people are expecting immediate results. Understand that the amount of impurities in most people's energy bodies is vast. So it is going to take years and years of cleansing. The Kundalini process remains ever intense until the last bitter dregs. It will take you as far and as quickly as you can go, whether you like it or not. It almost never slows down as long as you can handle it. The process is intelligent, so it will not take you harder than you can handle. Remember the basics: exercise, nutrition, breath work, meditation, energy work, etc. The healthier you become, the less worry there will be, as you grow strong and confident and most importantly, non-attached to either suffering or pleasure. Watch all the effects and experiences pass like clouds. Soon you will begin to seek out the intensity of the clearing process. At the point you are 'on the move,' and the state of constantly being on the move will become your passion. You will not be satisfied with status quo, but instead will require that you are in a constant state of significant change. Nothing else will suffice. You are now firmly addicted to the enlightening process. Of course always be patient and happy to wait. It is a balance between over aggressiveness, i.e. overextending, and entropy. This is my experience at least.
  9. What is humble?

    humble is neither false modesty nor hidden immodesty. Humbleness is in some way pure honesty, but certainly if one is being honestly immodest, that is not necesarily being humble either. So humblessness is honesty for certain. The form of immodesty is very important however. If one is being arrogantly confident, that is not humble. If one is simply confident, but not arrogant, but is coming from a place of wisdom awareness and extreme refinement, one can be immodest yet humble at the same time. It would not be humble to be purely confident, yet fake modesty as as to appear humble.
  10. spells that always work

    How bouts these spells - Tell yourself: "Whenever I see a bus drive by, I will remember who I am, and stop thinking incessantly" Tell yourself this all the time until any time you see a bus drive by, you remember this, and then you become firm in your intention to strengthen your soul. This can be applied in 10,000 ways.
  11. Taoist-Tantrika Native American Ninja in training

    This one has been verified by me personally. If you don't like this one, you don't like yourself. Come here to be realized my saint. You have been awarded a medal of honor. Nuff said
  12. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    I havent read the other posts - no time...was thinking this: thymus gland here: then see this page: see how there are these important centers in both places? a nerve plexus and an endocrine gland? Its possible that there was some confusion...I don't know - still kicking this idea around... In the end, while names are useful, knowing without names is more useful - knowing through direct awareness is the most useful. Maps of territories are good for exploring, but when there are so many maps showing different things and calling them the same place, eventually one must throw ones hands up in exasperation and say to hell with these stupid maps - I am just going to go there! So - start exploring your self (bodymindheart) and see what is there. THEN - come back and look at the maps again later - see who is right by saying - Oh yes, this guy is most likely more right! But never be sure - keep researching, keep looking, keep finding. To look for absolute - "this is definitely right" knowledge when one hasn't even been there is futile....go explore, come back, make your own map, go explore, come back - improve your map - compare with others maps - endless refining, neverending...until the seeking stops - when does that happen? When you have thrown away all maps because you have complete access to the territory all the time, and you go there everyday. I am thinking that it is interesting that the Sufis label what appears to be the thymus gland as the source of life...and that the yogis say that the self is bout the size of a thumb and is located in the heart, right where the thymus gland is located....interesting interesting interesting! Please see the functions of the thymus gland here: Now - if one is a person seeking longevity through Taoist means - would not focusing on this gland that shrinks in old age make it grow again and boost the immune system? hmmm...that's a thought, and also - what about this - this gland is more active in childhood - although kids get sicker more often because they haven't been exposed as much to stuff - they also heal quicker and are bundles of energy! What does this mean? It means that regardless of whether or not the thymus gland is the MDT, it is very important to send it some love. The solar plexus is a nerve plexus, i.e. like a bunch of nerves converging and stuff - it is important to send it some love too! Who cares about names anyways? Send love to everyplace in your body - so no place feels left out!
  13. Board Wishlist

    This might be a long shot - but what if you could choose your own colors for the board that each user sees - some places have this, so I know it can be done...Probably cost some money'd be neat though.
  14. Haiku Chain

    must be fought over these little rice balls of joy Who wants sticky rice?
  15. see post #9 and a little onwards in this thread: some good discussion on excess head energy - probably in auditory centers, etc. causing random firing of certain neurons...its one possibility.
  16. Kundalini Thread

    The more I think of it, the more I believe that any personal theories should be kept in the individual personal practice threads, and the only thing that should be on the main board as an official is a bare bones list of sign/symptoms, etc. - with disclaimers all over the place that one should not assume one is having a Kundalini, etc. occurrence....same for qigong illness. and even schizophrenia, perhaps even chronic fatigue syndrome and other things. This way, people could see that there are many similarities between these things and that only a professional should be diagnosing and so on. In fact there should also be a disclaimer that even the pros are often wrong and misidentify this stuff. I don't believe there are too many people in the whole world who would be right 100% of the time in regards to this stuff. If someone wants to give personal advice - that's their business...I am willing to give personal advice within my own PPD area if someone feels drawn to it, but I am not interested in doing so in main boards any more as I am not omniscient. Even if something sounds 100% like what I went through - it could be something different. Perhaps if certain people had their own sections in their PPDs and admins thought that they were of an acceptable level of experience/knowledge, there could be a list of individuals on the board who one might be directed to for possible education- with a strict disclaimer that none of these people are professionals, and that in fact there really aren't any professionals for this kind of thing (in my opinion)...
  17. Kundalini Thread

    That's probably the best idea - have a section like the other sites do for Kundalini awakening experiences... Each person tells their own story - that's really about how it should be. Kundalini is so wild and varied and complex that there is no one group of data to present as fact - it is probably as mysterious as the Tao! [hint hint]
  18. It is everyting and no-ting....silence is the sound of 30,000 "tiny hair cells in the inner ear (cochlea nerve). These inner ear hair cells move from sound wave activity. The movement of these hair cells causes a transmission of an electrical signal from the auditory nerve to your brain. Sound is processed and hearing takes place. If these inner ear hair cells are broken or damaged they can "leak" random electrical impulses to your brain causing tinnitus." - Northwest Professional Hearing... Now there is this, but there is also the Shakti making entrance through the auditory canal, straight into the brain. When she comes in you can hear many fun things - beyond crickets, chirping, etc. She also makes loud whistles when she leaves too! How do I know this? I am Shakti (sometimes)... this is a miracle of one knows dees stuff but you.. so many possibilities, so little time to expand the probabilities
  19. I get this too - its mainly the exit of the shakti - she says this to me - she is like a whirling dervish - flitting to and fro, bouncing from person to person as she does...she is on the move! She goes from one friend to the next, bringing them enlightenment in small doses...there are many of them - spirits that have attained go into our brains and stir the pot, stay for a while, then leave. It goes on and on and on...Maybe every fortnight or so you will hear this extreme whistle as the holy ghost enters your brain stuff and hangs out with you and then leafs away on the wind like a leaf! They go hither and thither...they like us all...but they spend more time in some of us than others....they see what we are capable of and try their hardest to make amends. Spirits exist, yes!
  20. Ambition - Be a Mountain Sage

    be aware of parasites, bacteria, etc. in the local water systems and how to treat any of that stuff. Do the Lonely planet guides for the regions you go to...Research it well before you go. Don't get sick!
  21. A knife made out of synthetic diamond that has a synthetic ruby laser (or whatever gem that creates the most intense heat with charge + electronics) in the handle with a huge burst of power that can be activated when needed to shoot the laser from the knife. lol This is no teen dream the technology exists nowadays to create such a weapon. You may ask why i want to create new weapons - I want to destroy old weapons. No guns! We should become sword/knife/staff/etc. masters! Outlaw guns, only use hand weapons.. Crazy stuff. Not talking about killing people, but instead re-shape military to become less explosive and more ninja-like. Less people will die in wars if everyone adopts my philosophy. Also, people will become healthier and more skilled in ninjitsu/gongfu/etc. and we will all be cooler people.... It will never happen unless I am elected as the World President.. Vote for me!
  22. Please go here: and do your best if you like to do this stuff. If you are someone here who has had issues with me please come attack me. I am trying to evolve rapid-style. If you honestly help me, I will reward you somehow or other with an energy return.
  23. Board Wishlist

    It would be neat if the most active ones ranked first in descending order...then people could know which ones were being added to.
  24. I was looking into is mainly involved with the external hip rotators - glutes, piriformis, etc. Stretching the glutes is worth a shot - do the seated spinal twist move, etc. Look up all the glute stretches and see what happens...also do a wall sit with one leg crossed on the knee and then sink down....perhaps the IT-band became adhered to something and is causing a pull. Since the position that bothers you involves an externally rotated hip, its possible that this could be it. Perhaps the IT-band is so tight that it is pulling on some other myofascia which affects something else down the line. Does King Pigeon pose do anything for you?
  25. So its definitely during extreme flexion of the knee, with a little rotation. I assume that if you simply flex the knee all the way, as if you are doing a quad stretch, that nothing happens? If so, its that little bit of rotation when flexing, with the external rotation of the hip that may be doing it. Hmmm... I dont know, but it seems that if its only when in extreme knee flexion that this occurs, that it may be a muscle that originates above the knee? These are the muscles that would be getting of the ones involved in rotation of the knee, external rotation of the hip, as well as extension of the knee. I am thinking that since your knee is being rotated a little externally, that it may be a muscle that is involved in these motions getting super stretched? What a puzzle. At least if you keep researching it you will become really knowledgeable about leg anatomy. I will see if I can find out what muscle does this. I know that the sartorius muscle pretty much does this motion (it brings your leg into what is called the tailors position) but why it would hurt when you are in the contracted position like that is beyond me. Perhaps its an opposing muscle - something involved in internal rotation of the hip....I'll keep looking around. Have you tried ice/heat/ice yet? Its the old standby