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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Directed Discussion

    Hey I've never deleted one of your posts in MY PPF . Feel free to stop by anytime.
  2. Directed Discussion

    Hmmm, I sort of liked the idea. See I have these couple of threads I want to start, and I know a few members want to join in on them as well, but we all know we will get trolled and/or trashed on big time for such threads, so I have never started them. Guess I could do it in my PPF, but no one reads though. Though you do have some good points.... Thunder.... thunder... THUNDER GOOCH!
  3. Directed Discussion

    Yeah well anytime I have to split one of your threads, there will be a fee, 15 mins of the blue qi thing we discussed... ROFL Now other members..... yeah 1 post split per day maybe?
  4. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I was more teasing about the Enochian as I figured that wasn't your main path (well that and the various occult orders only use a part of it). I have found that for whatever reason most people don't get along with it, or at least not past the calls and a couple of rituals.. it's sort of odd that way. I find it very awesome that the teachers we need, and often very high quality ones come to us! It has happened a few times in my life and I am very grateful. Though on the otherhand, I did run into a couple of uhm, not so great ones along the way too lolol. Btw the Enochian teachers I ran into had both been doing it for 20 years already!! Obtaining the manuscripts back in the 70's when they started was MUCH more difficult! PS we have a nice Hermetic section here, in case you haven't happened across it yet . (haven't read your posts yet).
  5. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I go by the original MS, and have been teaching it for quite some time. I was fortunate enough to find a couple of very good teachers in it when I started. Actually the scholars just go by how the Enochian Angels originally told Dee and Kelly how to pronounce it. It is them newfangled occult orders that went and changed it . Fortunately Dee kept every word of the skrying sessions. Yes sure some were lost, but the pronunciation bit is at least clear... PS ever noticed the EE's just love qigong and TCM? .
  6. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Misspronounced Enochian at that . (sorry couldn't resist) What you have said holds true with my experiences as well.
  7. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    I have unfortunately seen that amendment ignored far too often . It's getting better over time though. PS I did live in the US for 8 years (it was horrible lol). Actually there are a few awesome Pagan Deity statues around the US now that I think about it, they are pretty awesome looking . One religion's Devil, is another religion's Deity.
  8. I'd like that too . I also have some ideas about which section I'd like to put it in... Though just the MP aspects of said thread.
  9. I have noticed that when no one replies to him that he posts about 1/10th as often, yes. I have noticed that with other members who have similar posting styles as well... Though until he finally realizes that Bagua is the one and only true path, he is likely to keep making sure we know that MoPai is....
  10. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Simple fact, Christians, there are more of them, and they have a larger budget, thus better lawyers. That is all law is about for the most part. I don't see it getting approved / lasting.
  11. Cool places members live

  12. Cool places members live

    I'm moving here!
  13. What has been your most humbling experience?

    I have found with this, that for some it is helpful long-term and something they needed, but for others it was more negative and damaging.
  14. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    It's the my teacher is better than yours thread!
  15. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    So you're the one who revived this old and dead thread!!!! Hey wait a minute, weren't you complaining about every thread being about MP? I think you are starting it more often than you realize .
  16. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    Ah Red Dragon Hai Gong, thank you. I'm cheap, will borrow from a friend of mine .
  17. hey all wu wei for life

    Another Vancouverite here, hey .
  18. tells me that address is available for purchase...
  19. Baby its cold outside

    Now those temperatures are fine for training, but... anything lower, nuh uh!
  20. I highly recommend the "BKA's how to pickup women..... and lizard people" thread, as well as that whole dating elfs thread that Dorian started, for some pointers before the first date... . "At least 2" ROFL ROFL ROFL
  21. Cool places members live

    There's another thread around here somewhere where a few of us posted photos of the town we lived in, very cool!
  22. ROFL I was resisting making such jokes, really I was...
  23. I just looked at Putin's photo, that is some nasty energy! Wow. Aliens on TTBs? Well some of those IP addresses do look a little fishy .
  24. They come here for the poutine.
  25. Baby its cold outside

    So for outdoor training you guys just wear 5 layers? Up to zero.... Anyone notice how I only "liked" the posts talking of warm weather? lol