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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Everyone needs a hobby :)

    Though the stuffed versions of each one from the science stores are really cute .
  3. The Power of "Ignore"

    Some members get pretty riled up about another member's posts, so it is a reminder that instead of keeping a thread going by a huge back and forth because someone got offended, to maybe just put the member on ignore, if they are bothering you that much.
  4. That Dark Side stuff

    I had noticed the article didn't say "black magic" and "white magic", but "white magicians" and "black magicians" making it more about the person, this was smarter than most I thought. Money magic is grey.
  5. That Dark Side stuff

    I think many are quite aware of what they are doing, yet don't see the implications of it really, and just view it as natural. LOL awesome darkside blessings hehe. Though I'll admit I was mostly replying for fun, I have many arguments why people should not practice black magic, but they are quite different (at least to me) than dude's article. That article seemed, just really odd, to me. Sort of like MY religion says this so it must be true sort of feel to it (not many actual reasons listed as to why not to practice it). :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: 100 Exponential blessings for Chegg for returned karma for all his blessings, or some such .
  6. I'm still all for one big super long MP thread, sort of like the ... was it Flying Phoenix?.... thread. Moving MP related posts over to it. I even say this knowing full well who'd be the one doing the moving of said posts.
  7. Urgent serious complaint

    At the same time? Sorry, spent too much time in Egypt I think lol.
  8. I mean a teacher for energetic/qi stuff . You had mentioned that your teacher doesn't exactly go for that sort o thing (many don't). I mean did you used to have more energy way back before you ever started the MCO and related practices? Not saying for sure, just something to check into is all (sort of like the allergy thing, possible, but who knows). I have seen a few people get messed up doing the MCO without instruction, so just checking just in case...
  9. You did the MCO for years, did that by any chance mess with your energy levels at all? Sometimes that can really mess folks up energetically, especially if without a teacher. I am most definitely not going to recommend anything online, as I feel that is an extremely bad idea, in general. I feel each person needs a proper in person teacher, not random strangers with questionable experience, on the internet giving advice on really important practices. Though Zhang Zhuan is good, and safe, and energizes .
  10. TTBs Facebook group :)

    We have one, yes we do
  11. Sounds like food allergies to me. Prob get that double checked. Btw, I have never found meditation to help energy levels (unless it's specific qigong meditation, or connect with the divine meditation), though some meditations can actually drain one's energy.
  12. Urgent serious complaint

    The way you worded this makes it sound like you had all 3 at the same time . Not that I haven't met some folks who do have 3 wives...
  13. Urgent serious complaint

    I'm curious though, it makes it sound like rebirth is a really bad thing? How come? I guess getting to choose would be kinda neat though too . Though it looks like if we didn't get everything done we need to, we can still hanging out on immortal island .
  14. Urgent serious complaint

    There's several old texts which would disagree with you guys .
  15. That Dark Side stuff

  16. That Dark Side stuff

    Oh I don't know, the lady in that video would feel them sufficiently "evil" .
  17. That Dark Side stuff

    LOL, the day I was reading this LHP book utilizing Demon worship, by a very well known (in those circles) author... and realized that it was the newage books I'd read as a teenager repackaged!!!!! Same methods, nearly the same wording, some of the same ideals even! Yeah the modern LHP books suck (IMO). I'd get more out of Blavatsky or Steiner for that sort of stuff, as they are more traditional than the authors that guy stole from....
  18. That Dark Side stuff

    LOL just found it Nungali LOL. I don't read all of the reports, just some. Fortunately I'm not a moderator, so only have to read ones that look tech related, or sometimes I will read some that look amusing . I'd somehow missed that particular one though. The mods *did* leave it as an unresolved issue though, guess they were getting to it (or waiting until I saw it lolol).
  19. New Year resolutions anyone?

    For me: more practice (Bagua, qigong, neigong), less grains, less internet.
  20. What's wrong with circle walking short posts?
  21. ROFL I had not seen this one before ROFL. Though very glad I haven't met any of them . PS, newagers everywhere in this town...