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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. The JAJ folks say that a lot of our emotions and past trauma stuff is stored in our fat cells, so when we lose weight a lot of stuff comes up. Interesting . Wondering how the OP might relate to anorexia or bulimia... (much more obvious and easier to figure out with the second one).
  2. Selfless acts ?

    Now you guys have gotten me all contemplating... is it right or good to do selfless acts if there is not joy while you are doing them? That would have much better energy than disliking the experience (working on this). Hmmm also by definition, it would be acts where there is no sense of self, as in the divine working through us, or our ego not running the show. (Divine must have a lot of free time lately). OK back to telling my eggs to cook faster .
  3. Selfless acts ?

    I'm hoping to get back to the joy of doing it stage, since I'm pretty sure people can feel when you are not happy to be doing something.... I guess though I usually do stuff without thinking about it, and tend to get surprised when someone might say something was nice of me... I don't really put much thought into it. Funny thing, no one mentions when I"m an ass .
  4. Selfless acts ?

    Not really. But I think that is just because I have been overdoing it lately and am a little burned out. I seem to recall a time that I did enjoy it. My HGA is a slavedriver some months, heh.
  5. Man's Destiny - Fixed of Fiddley ?

    I think it starts out when (or before) we were born . Though I'm still going with fiddly...
  6. Sonnet of Death

    Yeah I offered a FREE reading, and you required my photo first... I'm really lazy when doing free work, maybe next month .
  7. Well it started out sorta like this: Then it progressed over to this:
  8. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    I'm curious how come this man for example has not gained siddhis, nor seen any visions? I figure there is some important aspect of the practice which just goes beyond said sitting. (though this guy didn't sit on any corpses but you get the idea).
  9. I don't feel this thread is challenging enough at all, please come join us over at: for a full out ego challenge .
  10. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    One of those things that you'd want to find a teacher for I figure, the few important things are always left out of books, as well as most teachings.
  11. Name request change

    Done .
  12. This is going to take a bit to split, so posts will show up bit by bit over at:
  13. It's been nearly a year, not just this one thread...
  14. The mods and admin are not ascended masters? What?!
  15. I've met some folks who most definitely came in with some stuff! Though they are also most definitely not the ones who are famous "psychics" either . Well maybe about the athiest etc. funk, but on the otherhand those born with such things just have other difficulties to overcome. There might also just be even more to take for granted...
  16. Hell yeah, a lot more interesting than "powers" . Speaking of which, are they essentially the same thing, or no? *Wanders off to go look up the Aghora*.... OK perhaps not, I'm sooo not there yet. My ego really loves electricity, clothing, food . I doubt I started in a state of non-attachment when I started my workings . (not saying I am there yet, just saying I was a lot less there back then lol). Though fortunately my teacher (and the spirits) felt it was time for me to go for them anyways. I think that the process of getting them (the workings/rituals surrounding this) most definitely do help to wipe out a lot of that grasping and ego-centeredness. Otherwise, you don't make it, go insane, stop the working partway through (which is pretty dangerous apparently) and so forth. I think they'd have that ego crap torn right out of them to make room for said siddhis. I'm curious what you are imagining (or have seen and/or experienced). How come years? Aren't you sort of thrown in, then sink or swim? I have found that there are many workings/rituals that entice with promises of powers and so forth, yet the process of getting there changes the person and said powers are sort of thought of as irrelevant (accept for the super awesome union/connection gained) after the working... Good point about us already possessing many . PS, I achieved the Siddhi of debating on the internet ages back .
  17. If so, some people are born with siddhis (I mean aside from we all already have awesome powers that we just view as normal :>).
  18. Heh, I'd tell them "be careful what you wish for" . They'd enjoy it right up until the board lynch mobbed them for the way they were running things... They really think a board of free thinkers would just sit down and say "oh things have changed drastically, and the insulting and trolls are 10x worse now, oh well that's OK, I'll just not notice"
  19. Since we are talking about MPG anyways (and have already gone a bit off topic)... I've noticed something odd about More_Pie_Guy... he has somehow led to many realizations about myself and my path, through no deliberate action on his part (that I know of) whatsoever. Not like he's ever said to me "hey think about this", more like his mere existence, or the words he uses, or who he is, or the cultivation he's done, or something, seems to bring this out over and over. He has no idea I think... Much appreciated though, even the more difficult stuff, heh. I've noticed this with others as well, but more strongly with MPG, for myself anyways. Perhaps it's the MP aura or something (I'm only half joking).
  20. I can see that, thank you .
  21. This happens a lot, long-term issue with a flame war (or mini flame war) against a couple of parties.... then suddenly some "new" member comes and joins in!!! While sometimes said "new" members, really *are* new members, it is always wondered (at least by me) whether they are not just a sock puppet, or friends of the dissenters, or from the same school, or whatever. Why would a member new to the board even care? Even worse is when it's their 2nd post... I'm (obviously) talking about far more than just this instance, but it is possible that this sort of thing has a bearing on this situation as well.