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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. When I've been in love the most in life, it has not usually been a person .
  2. Generally one never feels romantic love for another until they have known then and been with them some time. So that would be having sex with the SAME person for several months at least I would think. Are there any you have been seeing for quite some time? I think forcing ourselves to do something which feels unnatural isn't right, even if it is something like love. Though letting your barriers and fears around love down would likely help quite a bit .
  3. Debunking a Creator

    Testing the quote function.
  4. I Bagua! Bagua is all about spirals and spirals within spirals. It is also about the twisting and turn of the body as well as the energy. Needless to say I found this quite interesting . (thanks to Wong Yuen-Ming for finding this)
  5. Thread is over by Protector

    ??? Did I miss something?
  6. If so please PM me. I could really use a ride to or from there and Seattle this weekend (fri) so I can actually get there from here (Vancouver, BC), and then back to Seattle all in the same day.
  7. Any TaoBums living near Vancouver, WA? :)

    I'm in Seattle now, free mon during day... aberdeen isn't all that class to Seattle though... I have no car. If it's not too far let me know. I'm too tired to think directions now, got up at 5am. PS see the TTBs meetup thread!
  8. Minerals and Mo Pai, and other kinds of nei gong

    I'm in starbucks, my wifi is working perfectly and they used whole milk in my matcha latte... forgot to ask for almond milk . I think I vote this place as the place least likely to get yin qi, or yang qi, or anything qi...
  9. Minerals and Mo Pai, and other kinds of nei gong

    Maybe like 2% yin or something... at least it's one of the only places in the world without anyone's bluetooth, wifi and cel phones on (supposedly)
  10. Best Neigong Teachers

    Teachers one can FIND .
  11. Pitting/Splitting

    There is not a copy function for the posts, nor the thread, nor pretty much anything on here. There are also not any addons to add a copy function for anything, I checked.... Would be handy if we could do that though!
  12. Best Neigong Teachers

    I'm assuming by the teachers you listed that you are fine with traveling quite a distance regularly for many years for your training? Each of the teachers you have listed live quite a ways from one another. What are you looking for in particular in your training?
  13. Best Neigong Teachers

    It's vote for your teacher day here at the Bums .
  14. How awesome is this? Full article here: (and thanks to Allan Pittman for finding this article).
  15. I can't find the quote right now, but reminds me of JAJ saying that the healing qi is comprised of light and sound. I was hoping that mainstream folks were starting to get towards accepting such things finally .
  16. Pitting/Splitting

    I'm thinking he meant have a full copy in the dungeon, which wouldn't be a problem necessarily (well if the mods and admin liked the idea anyways).... however yeah the software doesn't like that idea so much.
  17. Pitting/Splitting

    Not even with addons (I checked last night). Move, hide, split, merge, those are the only options.
  18. Living off grid
  19. Pitting/Splitting

    Gatito, I'm not quite sure what you mean, could you please elaborate? It sounds like you are talking about copying posts over? (that would be quite awesome, but not actually possible). So say we have a thread with 20 posts, and posts 4, 5, 13-18 are the ones being split and moved... in your suggestion how would the 2 threads look? How it works now is posts 1-3, 6-13, 19-20 stay put and posts 4, 5, 13-18 are in the pit thread...
  20. I actually see less trolling on other forums I look at (aside from RSF that is lolol), go figure .
  21. Amazon drones
  22. I prefer the Grimoirum Verum and Gran Grimoire approach myself .
  23. Living off grid

    I've seen people do that in warmer climates, to avoid flooding. No idea in a cold climate though. Perhaps a set of tourist cabins?
  24. Rules for winning an internet argument

    :wub: +100 :wub: