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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss


    There is an entire section in those books about the development of the fetus. I'll re-read and quote a few relevant sections over the next few days. (this really helps with my studies :>). Also, there must be some of the TCM manuals which are still used today, which actually cover the more ancient knowledge on this?
  2. Sonnet of Death

    Martial arts is extremely grounding in more ways than one . Did you get to talk with your teacher and your spiritual psychologist friend? Definitely not stuff you want to go through on your own, pretty heavy stuff....
  3. Yidams in Vajrayana

    This: is where off topic and insults stuff go for this thread, thanks.
  4. Neoadvaita has its flaws

    OK sooo, I split this thread. Please find the insult each other, swear a lot while putting down teachers and paths, or just plain talk about random other stuff thread here:
  5. That is extremely interesting that they were able to study it that closely. In the medical qigong books JAJ explains how this occurs going from the parents to the offspring on a cellular level. The vibrations from the various events as well as the parent's reactions to them. I'm still very new to all this, so unfortunately am not explaining it in any depth. Perhaps one day researchers will get past the whole everything is 100% purely physical aspect. I don't remember well enough from the reading what he says about the DNA aspect of all of this. Funny how not too long ago scientists were saying that DNA could not be changed .
  6. What Daring Animals/Foods Have You Eaten While Travelling?

    Soft shell crab is so awesome!!! I have had sea cucumber, and abalone, and some others here locally.
  7. Living off grid

    Just make a fake name fb account, those folks post all sorts of ideas, and I think some of them actually live off grid. Use if you are uncomfy with facebook having you ip address.
  8. Living off grid

    I just lived without electricity. Did I mention I only did it for 2 years? Going into the nearest town's coffee shop for wifi, charge laptop. Streams and filter. Waterfalls if you are so lucky. We just had a few rustic shelters setup, cookstove, and proper outhouse. Now that I think about it, prob doesn't count as off grid, as we had nothing fancy, like those awesome proper houses do. Heat? Got used fur coats from the thrift store to stay warm at night . And Nungali, you will probably know what I'm talking about when I say, most awesome evocations etc. ever! If I were to do it again though, would at least need to run my Foredom tool and laptop for my jewelry making, and jewelry selling. Oh and hot water (I was younger then ROFL)
  9. Sonnet of Death

    Glad you are feeling a bit better T.S. Hey look at the good side, you aren't stuffing all this stuff until you are 50, then have to work it all out!
  10. What Daring Animals/Foods Have You Eaten While Travelling?

    I have never been able to get close enough to a durian fruit to try any.... LOL. They are at all the chinese markets here, and you can smell them half a block away!! That's awesome that mangosteens are so plentiful! Now that I think about it, I got to try one twice. Some chinese markets here sell them when they are in season. At least now I know that when I smell the durians around, I can go look for mangosteens too...
  11. Parallel Worlds exist and will soon be testable, expert says

    They are detectable just fine, if you meditate and such . I read some stuff on timelines and time travel lately which talked about different worlds, universes and realities. Was quite interesting.
  12. Living off grid

    I did live off grid for a couple of years, not long, but it was quite enjoyable . Didn't have a cel phone either time, used a landline nearby in one instance, and the library computers in the other. I'd personally have a cel phone if I did it again though. I just wouldn't leave it turned on accept when I made a call, that is my personal preference as I don't like the interference and feel of them being on. Or perhaps a landline. Though living in a regular house in the middle of the forest was pretty awesome too I have to say.
  13. Parallel Worlds exist and will soon be testable, expert says

    Took them long enough.
  14. What are you listening to?
  15. What Daring Animals/Foods Have You Eaten While Travelling?

    I'm suddenly "vegan", thanks .
  16. Living off grid

  17. ROFL ROFL ROFL *Still laughing*
  18. Is taking an entire bottle of melatonin safe?

    Thank you. I'd found a few solutions quite a bit ago, but have been perfecting it over time. Also though sometimes I will go through period where I really enjoy being up for 4 hours in the middle of the night, so will let that happen naturally . I use the time to meditate and get various cultivation practices done. The nice part is that I can decide on one or the other now. I found this article really interesting:
  19. Is taking an entire bottle of melatonin safe?

    Oh btw, I found a cure. Listen to Lorena McKennet at bedtime. AND No qigong in the evening AND If I do retention for too long, just forget the sleep and enjoy all those extra hours I have for more practice! AND Stop effing stressing out before travel . Still working on this one, might have to combine the methods suggested above for next time. Hmm, turkey and a box of wine eh? That would likely do it, though the hangover the next day...
  20. I don't do anything special, just practice Bagua. I have noticed more muscle growth than when I did weight lift, and also I've noticed that my strength has increased a lot, even though I do not do any sort of lifting or arm exercises. It's kinda neat. My student who does still lift weights regularly has noticed that he gets sudden jumps in the amount he can lift, more so than a regular weightlifting year. Though I really don't think it's going to do you the same as say this: