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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    I have not repented, and my quote function works just fine . I can even do fancy multiquote stuff! Muwhahahahahaha
  2. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    Did you try logging out then back in?
  3. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    Only Bill Gates can repent and offer himself for the sins of all IE users...
  4. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    Did you try the logout then log back in thing?
  5. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    IE obviously serves Satan (it's microsoft afterall), so switching to a more enlightened web browser perhaps?
  6. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    While I personally feel many of his posts are trolling, I'm pretty sure that the ones in this thread are him joking . (he just forgets to use smileys with his humor).
  7. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    I highly recommend firefox btw . I will see if I can find any other IE users and see if they can use the quote function or not.
  8. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    Once IE stops serving Satan you will be able to quote posts...
  9. My quote function is not working all of a sudden?

    I would say first try to logout, then back in and see if that helps. Also make sure your browser stuff is all up to date. Btw, can you quote this?
  10. Spirit Science

    Most newagers unfortunately . Go to any psychic fair in north america... PS yep read that book (hungry ghosts) years back. I'd say it's true 99% of the time, but not an absolute truth. I hope the mention of the book was in this thread and I'm not mixing them up now....
  11. "The NSA has asked Linus Torvalds to inject covert backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux. This was revealed in this week’s hearing on mass surveillance in the European Parliament. Chalk another one up of the United States NSA trying to make information technology less secure for everyone."
  12. Need Help and Advice

    Any girl worth actually marrying would not judge you for your past (most especially considering it is no fault of your own!) Starting off as friends, then when you get to the point of intimacy, being able to share your worries with them could work. If you are up to it that is. There is one way that is used, it is difficult but it does work. I have seen this in residential treatment, as well as with medical qigong. It is to write a very detailed story about the past occurrence, your feelings about it and so forth. I know we all want to forget these things in our past, but it really does help in the long run. Though I would highly recommend working with a therapist as you are doing this, since sometimes it can get really intense as stuff comes up!
  13. Need Help and Advice

    First of all I have to say, you are being way to hard on yourself. Everyone has stuff they have to deal with, just we all have different stuff. Less beating yourself up over it would be good . I would say that you could mention it lightly to the ladies you are interested in taking things further with. Something along the lines of "yeah I'm really shy, and I have a few things I'm working on with women/sex stuff, so if you are patient with me that would be cool". No reason to go into details unless you are getting pretty serious with someone. Also, anyone who is nasty to you just because you don't respond to them flirting, you wouldn't want to be with anyways! I used to work with folks who were sexually abused as kids; it's really hard on people. I definitely recommend some therapy (free for this sort of thing in most cities if you don't have the extra funds), as it really does help to get past stuff. It is something that definitely takes a lot of work to work through, but definitely can be done. Being patient with yourself and loving yourself no matter what helps too . Best of luck on your path/endeavors.
  14. State of the Board - Nov 19, 2013

    Have fun enjoying that blue sky and green grass kinda stuff . Think of all that free Bagua time now!
  15. Cooking up a storm

    I'll be over in half an hour .
  16. World Travel for 23 years! :)

    You guys are making me want to go on a Bagua tour!
  17. Spirit Science

    Y'uh huh, just believe some spirit when it tells you it's name is some famous Deity or person...
  18. PPD Creation - TAXICAT

    Done . Just let me know if you run into any trouble with it.
  19. World Travel for 23 years! :)

    Now words by people with no respect for women, or self respect... well I did travel through Egypt, so that isn't too much of a concern, more of an annoyance. However I was warned by someone who lived in china for about 5 years that going out of town, especially alone can be quite dangerous as you can be killed for the cash on you and etc. He felt it would be even worse for women. He warned me that even hiring a car and a driver wasn't safe, and that you need to phone someone local before you leave and have them call the police if you do not phone back within the alloted time. So I'm curious now if this was perhaps him being over cautious, or? Also attempted rape is a concern, as I wouldn't want to have to spend time in a Chinese prison . I have not yet traveled anywhere where I felt my life was in immediate danger. He definitely made china sound way worse than anywhere else in the world! This surprised me considering the prevalence of every single person in Haiti (it seemed) wearing a machete!
  20. TTBs meetup! :)

    Oh, we got a 2nd vote for "screw y'all I'm sleeping on the beach for free". K I'm curious now who picked that one? If it was summer, I might be tempted! So many good sleeping on a beach for free memories! Though there usually was a bonfire involved as well...
  21. would this strange grounding technique work ?

    Going for a jog, or horse stance would serve you MUCH better. Definitely not a good idea to go messing with that sort of stuff above, especially if changing it up. Also good to have a teacher to watch your progress and make sure things don't get worse... which is possible with that sort of thing.
  22. World Travel for 23 years! :)

    And I haven't been to Asia yet, any advice? Unfortunately most likely I will be traveling alone; I hear that Asia is not good for traveling alone for women if going outside the large cities? I'm curious your thoughts from being there. There aren't many find a co-travel person sites where they are martial arts fanatics lololol
  23. World Travel for 23 years! :)

    I hired reputable guides to get into some places women normally wouldn't safely be able to go (and some others which "tourists" aren't supposed to go, heh). I also probably pushed it on the where safe to go areas a bit by myself, but did take obvious precautions such as not after dark in small towns. Also I talked a guy friend into going with me to Haiti. I had not been before and wasn't sure how well that would go over. Poor guy, he was terrified . He paid for a car and driver back so we wouldn't have to take the bus again LOL. I was warned that if I went to small town n the middle of nowhere markets alone that I might vanish. Also the people there I knew checked up on us once or twice per day. Actually part of the Haiti trip was staying with some folks via . It was pretty cool . Egypt was more than a bit annoying traveling alone as a woman, even with a fake wedding ring on and telling them all I was married . I only had to ever slap one though. What makes them think that alone in an ancient tomb is the ideal place to try to pick up a woman I'm not so sure..... ROFL.