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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. The Killer Instinct

    Teach him necromantic black magick. It is best to start young....
  2. The Killer Instinct

    One thing which is cool about being a 3 year old is that the societal conditioning and negative ego haven't kicked in yet... usually.....
  3. Meditation

    When I have a busy schedule, or at traveling, I sneak in 5 minutes worth of practice here and there . Sure it's not the same as a long session but it's still enjoyable and there are still benefits. Do this enough and you will find you actually get quite a bit in. Standing in zhan zhuang posture instead of just randomly when you have to wait for something, some meditation when you are sitting for a few minutes, 5 minutes of meditation right before you get up in the morning and/or go to bed in the evening, some relevant reading or zhan zhuang during your breaks at work... Well all that or just start teaching your kid Bagua .
  4. ...

  5. ...

    I have folks guessing me for 10 years younger all the time, I'm convinced it is the Bagua . MS, your energy and posting style feels younger than your age, not in a bad way though lol.
  6. ...

    i am - mid 50's; michael - 33.
  7. The Killer Instinct

    A lot of what happens between the ages of 3 and 5 are what sticks with the person their entire life, some very formative years. Think of how many people are still stuck with things they learned then, or still traumatized (internally) by things that happened during this time. Definitely a lot of thought should be put into whatever path you take with him. Role playing is one thing which is often used with kids to help lessen being bullied. To learn some skills to change t he situation. Also, the school should be taking a much more pro-active role if this is happening repeatedly, considering how young he is. Also though, I know I'm not going to be popular for this, but is he doing something to annoy the other kids a lot that lead them to pushing him over? Since it has happened in more than one place is why I ask. I mean more than just acting like an easy target. Also kids tend to learn their coping skills from home.
  8. ...

    4 years off . I noticed we are all guessing younger for each other...
  9. Daoist Diet - Meal Suggestions?

    This was 10x as funny back in the 80's here in Vancouver....
  10. Is celibacy for 10 years realistic?

    I think step 1 might be to first talk it over with your girlfriend and see what she thinks of the idea. Since you said she's probably your soulmate, I'm also guessing best friend, so you can get her perspective on things, and also get a feel about whether sex is something necessary to her or not.
  11. ...

    I'm 44, so only off by 15 years or 1/3rd . If it makes you feel any better people in person who see me usually think I'm 35.
  12. ...

    I'm guessing C T at 50. Nungali has already told me his age, so someone else can guess him.
  13. Noah Levine - Amazing Buddhist Punk!

    Oh. OK. I will just have to invite them all out to Bagua class in that case .
  14. Focusing on that area as an opening up the "heart" sort of thing I mean. Dangerous because it closes the person off even more; many people who work with energy completely avoid heart centered work. Some paths even focus on the diaphragm instead of heart center. I have noticed that folks who avoid it tend to have liver problems. I have never had problems focusing on that area, and it is actually required during my moontime for certain things. I've found focusing higher up than that is very bad, but not the heart center. At the very least women can do it just fine as a regular practice (as mentioned by a few teachers). So at the very least half of the population is just fine with it .
  15. Tarot Set for Advanced

    I was going to start with ace of discs and work through the discs, then over to cups and so forth. However the spirits I work with suggested that this order would bring our lives a bit more into chaos than we would like and instead suggested ace of pentacles, ace of cups, ace of swords, ace of wands, 2 of pentacles.... and so on order to keep the balance all the way through. You can "join" us if you like... week one spread the entire deck out in that order around you in a circle. Ask the divination Deities you like best to consecrate them and help you with the working and learning and transformation and alchemy and understanding the hidden mysteries of the tarot. Then week 2 bring out your ace of discs and get that individually consecrated, merge with it, and ask said Deity for help in bringing it strongly into your life for 1 week so you may understand it better. Repeat with the rest of the deck .
  16. Daoist Diet - Meal Suggestions?

    Can't get those legally in north america though, would have to go to thailand or etc.... PS the puns, ow lol.
  17. Regenerating knee ligaments & cartilage

    Take buttloads of calcium and use dit da jao (or however it's spelled) in the meantime while you are looking...
  18. What would you tell your 20 year old self?

    Get in person teachers . Just trust me on this one...
  19. What would you tell your 20 year old self?

    Hmmm, perhaps hand myself a few floppy discs full of info, no wait, they at least CD roms by then...
  20. What would you tell your 20 year old self?

    There's this awesome thing, it's called Bagua, start now so you don't have to stumble through it starting at 40. Here's a list of good teachers and ones to avoid and which years you can find them teaching. For magic, your current teacher will try to curse you, get a link object. Oh and here's the email of the one with a legit path you will meet 15 years from now. Aside from that, life is going to rock overall, don't worry about the crappy bits, they will end up being some pretty amazing learning experiences. PS invest in gold, it's going to go up way faster than regular inflation in the next 25 years . Don't invest in US $$, they are going to crash for a bit lol!
  21. I personally think it's more dangerous to *not* focus on the chest area. However martial arts and neigong folks are talking about something different than the open up the heart center and compassion folks... I'm not talking about storing energy there.
  22. Folks in some rural areas of some 3rd world countries have been doing this for years... Anyways, I think the whole don't harm others or yourself and compassionate towards others and yourself and don't do stupid shit (this has got to be in the teachings somewhere) would keep one from going this far. Also, even if one were to do (this particular) stupid shit, they would have to drink raw sewage one day, fresh clean water another, and juice another .
  23. Tarot Set for Advanced

    So we are doing a 78 week long working, through the entire deck! Should be interesting . I'm not letting complete newbies join us since, well from previous experience, such workings can get pretty intense about halfway through. I bought a couple of new decks for the occasion. I have used the Rider Waite forever, used the Crowley Thoth deck for a few years, no idea where it is now, have a couple of the GD decks, have Lon's deck... but have always wanted to try the even more traditional decks. So I got one Mersaille deck and a Visconti deck. They are awesome! I would say perhaps these 2 for an advanced practitioner, especially one who isn't as adventurous (or perhaps crazy lol) as working with the Nightside tarot.
  24. Seeking books on Chow Gar, Pencak Silat.

    There are some good in person Silat teachers around .
  25. notes from a recent Daoism seminar

    RSF, uhm, you have no idea how glad I am that it is not like that here!