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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Which internal art should I practice

    Hmmmmm.... Bagua of course! Actually I would agree that the teacher and lineage/teachings they had are more important than the very specific art you choose. Find someone you resonate well with and teaches the sort of things you wish to get out of your practice.
  2. Meditation Class Dilemma

    Due to back injuried, before I started up Bagua, I could not sit in a chair for more than five minutes without pain level 8. I'm not sure if I had any reservations about alternate seating to everyone else in qigong classes, but believe me any I may have had did not last more than a few seconds lol.
  3. Laozi and the magic square

    To me it made much more sense when I went out and picked a whole bunch of yarrow, dried it, cut it into sticks, blessed it, then did the iching with it. Those 3 coins, never made as much sense to me. Of course, to make the most sense of it, circle walking in octagons around the Bagua helps too! (is there any post where I don't recommend someone go practice Bagua?)
  4. Meditation Class Dilemma

    Chairs are for when people come over to visit . When we meditate or do ritual though it is downstairs and we all sit on the floor. Hey there are puzzle mats down. The chairs I do like are the big comfy ones you can sit cross legged on.
  5. Multiple Posting - Rules ?

    They can edit all they want, but new posts get added to the bottom of their old post if they keep posting. Sort of like this It tidies it up with the folks who do 10 posts in a row Won't mention any names... LOL It has nothing to do with the 30 minute edit thing all together, not sure why they would think that?
  6. Apologies if my reply confused anyone (keep in mind it was from when I was sleeping in an airport overnight ok lolol). I was just sort of ranting on the general pattern of multiple reports in a row just from someone going off topic on a thread.
  7. For Jerry Alan Johnson books I'd more recommend the medical qigong vol 1 and 4 over the other ones... unless you are a martial artist of course. The medical qigong ones have an amazing amount of advanced qigong exercises. However I must have been half asleep when I posted earlier and forgot to mention: Steve is right, most definitely get a teacher for the advanced qigong stuff, qi deviations are more possible with the advanced stuff, but also there are so many things which just can't be taught with books. That is if you can find any in your area.
  8. Meditation Class Dilemma

    It's a meditation group where everyone is internally (or wuji) focusing, not a "a thinking with the monkey mind hey look at what he is sitting on" group . As long as you aren't making noise, doesn't matter I figure. PS I can't stand chairs.
  9. What sort of qigong? What are your goals with the qigong? This might help to narrow down which type/system. When you say intermediate or advanced, do you mean that recommending zhan zhuang the best qigong ever, is out? That's a good one that even the most experienced folks keep at throughout their decades of practice.
  10. I had no idea you made one like that turtle shell, and I can fully see why people do, and thank you for not sending in 10 reports . I do sort of wish that the specific topic areas would stay on topic only, but seems so very difficult. At least the mods can split topics when it derails too badly.
  11. and 10 reports into the report center when it goes off topic....
  12. what do they mean by natural ?

    Basically don't act certain ways for others. Dress a certain way, work in a certain field, try to talk a certain way to impress others, that sort of thing. The self confidence thing, one might try to change that for themselves instead of for others. We can make changes we choose, it we feel is leads to more happiness for ourselves. IMO anyways.
  13. Livening up da bums! :)
  14. Siddhis in Taoism

    I wonder about the signposts thing... it makes sense, and I have seen it happen. Yet I have also seen some folks brand to new a practice who can just naturally do quite a few things which are considered talents or powers. Then you get some folks who can do one or two who don't even have a spiritual practice and just wish they would stop. When I asked my teacher about such things, he said something about past lives and folks acquiring them before.
  15. Livening up da bums! :)

    oh it doesn't? Just go straight to gizoogle then with the link location of the thread. I should use it to write my PFF. This *might* be committing blasphemy, but: Ooops, edited out gizoogle's rendition of the Tao Te Ching, it was far more rude than I realized!
  16. Hello, everyone.

    I had just woken up when I first read the post to check the account and I miss-read it as "I just stumbled across this forum today after doing a Google search for Ted Nugent, who I Googled because I had just watched a couple of lectures he did on the Tao Te Ching" I was thinking don't tell me Ted is now studying the TTC?!
  17. Hello, everyone.

    There is a post around here somewhere on the forums with links to most of Andrew Nugent-Head's videos .
  18. Natural Law and Self-Preservation

    This thread..... made it to page 2!?
  19. I find that writing them down really helps. Not at first, but after a couple of weeks of it the recall gets a lot better, then after a few months the dreams get good enough you start to get teaching dreams, as well as more and more lucid dreams. I have found this to be the case with many many people. Also I have noticed that taking 1000mg of GABA really helps makes the dreams more vivid and eventually lucid. This also worked with 4/5th of my sample group (well OK my sample group was only 5 people, but anyways lol).
  20. Siddhis in Taoism

    The ability to become light, levitate, and Soul Project The ability to become heavy The ability to energetically shrink to the size of an energetic particle The ability to energetically expand to an infinite size The ability to create matter through the power of thought, and to control nature The ability to realize, experience, and enjoy one's desires The power to take any energetic form at will or to bring anything within one's reach The power to control both animate and inanimate objects According to Jerry Alan Johnson (CMQT vol 2, page 176) anyways. I was just on page 177 when I saw this. He also lists some others, in a different category, but I don't feel like searching for them. I guess some stuff has to remain hidden :>. Yes, yes I know I really should expand and read other authors too . I think this is the case in all spiritual and metaphysical paths, various "powers". However I have found through previous experience once you train for some specific power or group of powers/abilities, then get to the point they start working, you no longer want or need them . I hope that makes sense, some things are difficult to put into words. Also could just be me.
  21. Go here: 15% of you will just see a blank page for some unknown (yet) reason. So anyone that gets a blank page, could you please clear your cache and cookies, then try again and let me know if it works after that? Thanks .
  22. Could you guys test something for me?

    There's gotta be someone who can't see them the first time around?
  23. Greetings & Goals

    Welcome to TTBs Gazzer .
  24. Hey to everyone!

    Welcome to TTBs XiaoZi . Be sure to read the pinned posts in the lobby for the forum rules, such as not having multiple accounts and such. There is most definitely Dao information to be had here.
  25. probably a bot

    Welcome to TTBs Probably a bot . Be sure to read the pinned posts in the lobby for the forum rules and such.