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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Mo Pai Discussion, anyone?

    There's a little empty room in the pit...
  2. Mo Pai Discussion, anyone?

    And a couple of folks who are using sock puppets to try to get $300 per level (and they just send the PDF that is floating around the net) out of folks....
  3. Mo Pai Discussion, anyone?

  4. So WP is friendly with docx? Hmmmmm I'll try that. I am trying to get the original file off of the person who created it, probably illustrator or some crap... I am also trying to see if they can figure out "save as html"...
  5. wang liping retreat 2014

    People who are healers and/or can fix things like this, tend to get many people asking all day everyday for help. The ones who they feel they are meant to help they do, and the others they do not. Only so many hours in the day...
  6. wang liping retreat 2014

    Some reason we aren't interviewing him?
  7. Dantein

    ldt isn't physical (most figure), but it sure can do some really physical stuff sometimes that you can feel...
  9. Thanks for explaining a lot of the medical qigong and neigong I practice .
  10. Anyone want to translate it?
  11. Welcome Dawei! You didn't need all that free time, right?
  12. HELP!

    Or maybe accessing TTBs via his smartphone?? Hmmm, locked up, you have 2 mins on a computer no one is watching, what do you do?? TaoBums!
  13. Trouble with TTB notification device?

    To resolve this issue (hopefully) add [email protected] to your address book. (just posting this in every thread about notifications so when other users search they can find the fix for it).
  14. add [email protected] to your address book to (hopefully) resolve this issue...
  15. Repairing damage to energy field

    Generally by that they mean the innocent, uncorrupted mind without the various societal crap and issues that clog our bodies and mind up as life goes on. We tend to clutter our minds quite fervently as we go through life. Also most children don't have the myriad of distractions and daily stresses we do. But it would depend on the child. I have seen some very resentful and angry 5 year olds! Depends how their life had gone so far I guess; still though, much much less shut down than adults. Children tend to be natural at all this sort of stuff up until about teenagehood when it fades. Interestingly though, I was teaching extremely troubled children (they went there instead of jail) at a treatment center. They could pull off metaphysical stuff first or second class that it would take adults years to get . The mind of a child is pure love in once sense, but will sit there and tear apart insects or frogs or whatever for fun, on the otherhand...
  16. Repairing damage to energy field

    Personally I don't go for the representation of the divine or dao thing, more like the physical object is what helps with the magic... though I tend towards herbs, roots, natural materials, rocks and such to work with. They help me out . If I'm healing on the more subtle levels then sure I can wander off into the astral and also use representations, but for physical healing I tend to stick more on the physical and use more physical objects. Or course all levels are worked with, so it is a combination thereof. That is pretty awesome . It seems obvious why she was staying ill; I'm also guessing she started asserting her personal boundaries after that as well. Hopefully the buried family was OK afterwards...burying with Jesus definitely sounds better than just burying... His statue gave me a dirty look the other day when I was in the catholic store buying supplies LOL. Yes definitely a magician I think.
  17. HELP!

    His profile says last active May 28th...
  18. Repairing damage to energy field

    I just thought of something else, there are certain baths one can make out of herbs to repair the weiqi fields . (aka energy fields)
  19. Repairing damage to energy field

    I find it amazing how much physical objects can help with many things. That is an amazing story, thank you for sharing it. It definitely shows the power of healing and the power of love . With physical objects you can also "name" them, after the person, or part of the person whether good or bad. Say the arm you wish to have work again, such as in the above case, or perhaps something they wish to get rid of such as say alcoholism (then burn it). Though don't forget that you named it after and just store it in some dusty attic forever lol, un-name it after it is no longer needed.
  20. Damo Mitchell Interview for TBS May 2014

    I like him .
  21. Lee Holden

    I recommend posting a link to this thread in general discussion, that is what helped get more questions for the 2 interviews that I led .
  22. Repairing damage to energy field

    And here I was going to suggest he take up Baguazhang practice . Like the folks above said, cleansings; but make sure to burn frankincense or something afterwards to bring about the new and good energies. Also cord cutting is good, dagger, scissors or whatever to cut any cords you feel between them and you, daily. Also putting their namepaper in a jar of vinegar can help to dissolve the links between you two.
  23. The greate and mightie secrete eternal order of thee sacred comma.....
  24. From what I have seen, guilt by far, is what attracts / draws negative entities (and hell living humans for that matter too!), more than anything else.