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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. NLP/Hypnosis and energy work?

    Helps a tiny bit, along with a buttload of practice. People do this naturally, even thought who don't train NLP at all. Also if you are experienced in energetics, you can "model" them on many levels to help your training a lot; I feel this is how it is supposed to be done at first when one is new, and not some trick or shortcut at all.
  2. Do same TTB restrictions apply on PPFs?

    Oh feel free to post taboo subjects, that has never been against the rules! (unless it is racist or whatever).
  3. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson
  4. Do same TTB restrictions apply on PPFs?

    Uh oh LOL. Well at the very worst, the mods do tend to give warnings before anything else lololol.
  5. Orgone energy/pyramids

    If the plastic and/or epoxy pyramids seem neat to you guys, if you do a LOT more research, you would come upon things which work even better . Or even the epoxy versions can be made better than what is generally shown online...
  6. Orgone energy/pyramids

    Speaking of lodestone; put a bunch of those around your pyramids .
  7. Different religions

  8. Do same TTB restrictions apply on PPFs?

    More leniency yes. Though you using it to insult others won't go over well at all, them insulting you gets overlooked though unless it's really bad, since it is your forum. Still no violent talk though... (but martial arts should be fine). That's the gist of it I have gotten from how the mods have always tended to handle PPFs. PS your banner is getting fancier .
  9. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    I miss Teknix....
  10. Mixed internal arts - MIA

    GrandmasterP knows a bunch of IA slackers .
  11. That Dark Side stuff

    Yeah just paste the youtube url right into the post and voila the vid shows up after you hit "post" (but you don't see it while you are still composing the message).
  12. How they do it in China

    I think this would work much better than how they do it in the Western world! I hope we switch over one day. Jerry Alan Johnson CMQT Volume 3; page 218
  13. How they do it in China

    I find that Andrew Nugent-Head discusses acupuncture quite well, and he most definitely doesn't go into woo woo (as most mundanes call it) discussion, but he does most definitely cover past the purely physical approach .
  14. How they do it in China

    The physical location of the points, it's all about the physical. Beyond that I'm not so sure. They do talk about channels...
  15. How they do it in China

    Friend of mine took TCM and acupuncture school here (in Canada). They referred to anything energetic at all as "old men's superstitions". Of course my friend was smart enough to take special note of these and do more research into them . Also any talk of energetic stuff was not allowed in the school. If something came up that needed an energetic solution, the student was taken aside out of the room and only the bare minimum was given in hushed whispers. They had one teacher who actually went into great detail about qigong and the energetic practices, but was fired due to student's complaints . (my friend of course stayed in contact with this guy lol). Also many important acupuncture techniques which make a world of difference were glossed over and no detail given. It is unfortunate. Though he did mention that there is still decent information in Japan and Taiwan.
  16. Ching Sung interview answers

    Added some more answers . Including further elaboration on #4.
  17. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Growing up, I didn't even hear of the concept of God or Satan, until I was 11 years old. I had asked my parents what this halloween mask was that I had found on the ground. It was one of Satan apparently. So I asked who that was, then the whole God thing came up. Didn't hear about that concept again for quite some time. Apparently this is sort of rare. Though we don't really talk about religion here in Canada, and if we do, well there are quite a few religions, with the cultural diversity and all.
  18. A year of Agrippa :)

    Thank you for updating my years . So apparently it did come first. I still don't like the modern interpretation of the works being related to Agrippa. Oh feel free to keep posting about important works which can be read prior to, or alongside Agrippa. All discussion is good I think. Though you may have to go with the cliffnotes version of your thesis . Interesting would be your thoughts on which aspects of the two works/authors you mentioned, go well prior to Agrippa...
  19. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Have those folks actually worked with the ancestors though? I find many magicians poo pooing practices which they have not tried (or tried once or twice).
  20. A year of Agrippa :)

    Now Trithemius on the otherhand... Next up, a note from Trithemius to Agrippa, and Agrippa to Trithemius: Just scroll down past Agrippa's intro.
  21. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Hoodoo, conjure, rootwork.
  22. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Likely the same way that living parents and grandparents can have brought about some problems early in life, but still do help us out, as they are family . I'm not sure of any culture where they are not spirit helpers, accept perhaps a couple of religions.
  23. A year of Agrippa :)

    I don't think so. Hermes work was written in 1650, whereas the Agrippa work was in 1510. I feel that there were differing viewpoints and ways of going about things between that time. Well that and the whole as above so below bit that magicians interpret to mean just visualize everything and go wander around on the astral a lot, I don't feel is in line with the types of magic Agrippa was working with/borrowed from.
  24. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    They say we are "genetically predisposed" to certain ailments if our family has had it. Seems like there is also more to it than that.